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2011 A.D.:  God Bless Stacie Crimm

  For a while I want to post this short piece about Stacie Crimm who decided to pass on a chemotherapy program to fight her head and neck cancer because she preferred not to have it possibly kill the baby she was pregnant with.  It was a news story today.

  There are still a lot of women in this world that have courage of that type - the type of women that would give their own lives for their children.  I think that this sort of a decision may have to take into account many variables, and it's certainly a decision that is in a woman's court to make.  There are a lot of ways women can be courageous.  But I think that this is one of them, and one that stirs some men's admiration.

  I pray that God will rest her soul, forgive whatever sins she goes to the Lord with, and bless her brother and his wife who will raise this baby.  And I hope that the Lord includes her among those that so loved their fellow man that they gave up their life for them.  The Lord said that no man has greater love than the one who will do that.  Maybe it counts for parents who give the ultimate sacrifice for their children.