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Approx 520 B.C. - Ancient Cambodian's Bhudda Prophesies A Better Way Coming

There is an excerpt of a conversation had between Bhudda and a Brahmin who was asking him advice and wisdom. Bhuddists believe in doing 'merits' to rid themselves of sin, but their faith also recognizes that they are too imperfect to achieve this state of true purity.  It was apparently believed that only the 'merits' of a perfect person could actually suffice. So while you did your best, it was futile.

  In this excerpt, Bhudda reveals to the Brahmin his knowledge of this futility, and those qualities and characteristics that he has been given to see of a coming teacher who will be able to provide a new way to rid people of sin. This conversation took place about 500 years before Jesus, by report.  

Asked what this leader would be like, Bhudda revealed that he could be known by discs that he would have on his hands, and discs on his feet, that he would have scars on his forehead, and that he would have a wound on his side.  And he could take you to Nirvana (like heaven) without rebirths.

So, if nail heads look like discs, it could be a prophesy of Jesus, right?  Kind of a neat little account.