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     Call Dan Curry at 812-564-9421 to discuss things that interest you.


     Hello from the Deeds of God website, celebrating God's work, ancient and recent.  

        Features include:  In the column at left are around 175 historical accounts of great Christian miracles and events from each century.  Below that are other sorts of amazing material.  Are we made in God's image?  See the 6th Day articles.  Are some land features 'custom designed'?  See the Geo Prophecy articles.  And there's more!  And directly below are 30+ Christian drawings allowing a quick look at these topics.  Please enjoy.  Phone 812-564-9421 or write This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to talk about how we might host an art show, a speaking engagement, an evangelism week, or to book a broadcast guest.  Suggest it to your church.  I look forward to hearing from you. 



       Sir Isaac Newton was a seminal gravity researcher.  But his famous Gravitational Constant, as lately quantified, may as well have been signed by God personally.  If you look at the numbers closely they are the same as the numbers of books in the 2 most commonly used types of Bible (Catholic and Protestant) read by more than 2 billion Christians.  And since Jesus is called the Word, and the Bible is also called the Word, and since the Bible says that Jesus literally holds all things together, yet Science says that GRAVITY holds all things together, this makes for an interesting 'coincidence' indeed! Is GRAVITY a physical manifestation of Jesus? Spoiler alert:  6.674 is just lately preferred to 6.673, but it has gone back and forth between those 2 numbers several times over the centuries.





       Isn't it odd and unlikely that the animal upon which Jesus sat as He entered Jerusalem had a cross upon its back.  He rode one and led another one beside Him (per Matthew chapter 21), as if He was coming to get someone.  So how amazing that the 'Bride' that He ended up obtaining was the Christian Church, which has as their most recognizable symbol the cross, which represents that horrible cross upon which Jesus painfully suffered and died to allow the souls of sinful mankind a way to return home.

      Does a Lion's nose and mouth look like a cup or chalice?  And about 1 in 30 or 40 males have a 'forehead cross'.... a cross above a chalice.  Does our subconscious notice it?  Does it evoke Jesus' atoning blood, shed once for many?  Our almighty Father created the lion's face.  Did He embed proof that He foresaw His Son Jesus' sacrifice, or is this a coincidental resemblance? 
  Jesus is 'the King'.  This creature has been called 'the King of Beasts' since ancient times.  Did our Creator purposely design the visual connection?
         God created the serpent, no doubt foreseeing the serpent (some sort of serpent) would entice Eve to sin.  So, did He purposefully place these symbols of sin and/or evil and/or captivity upon the serpent (these two sorts of serpent, anyway) to remind us that the serpent likes to entice the bride, perhaps?  Eve was the first bride, taken from the man's side while he slept.  And Jesus the Christ's bride, the Christian church, was formed through what came from His side when the centurion speared Him as He hung on the cross (from atoning blood and living water / the Holy Spirit.)  The Devil, that old serpent, has worked to seduce them both.   ***Have you ever heard the legend that the centurion was an old nearly retired soldier named Longinus that was almost blind from cataracts.  That apocryphal account says that so much blood and water came out of Jesus when the old soldier speared Jesus' dead body that it caught him off guard and splashed into his face and eyes, and he regained his sight.  So, per that story, which may very well not be true, that, and the earthquake, etc., that then occurred, is why Longinus said that 'Jesus surely must have been the Son of God'.  See Mark 15:39***
        In 1492 there were massive expulsions of God's original people, the Jews, from Spain and Crete.  They were homeless.  In 1492 Columbus discovered the Americas, where so many Jews would eventually find a long-term home.  Did God possibly construct these two islands in the picture to point at the home of his agent Columbus?  Probably not.  It's just a thought.  But the 2 islands do almost form a pointing hand.  If intentional on God's part, what might they point at?  Most of the world's 'pointing hands' that I have identified seem to 'point' to a place where a momentous occurrence in the history of God's people (Christians or Jews) occurred.  I think that He uses and has used His people as object lessons for the world's other lost children that He also hopes to restore to His fold.  I think that the pointing hands, if intentional, may just be showing us that He is in control of history, and foresaw it all.  
       The discovery of these big lizards brought up a great deal of discussion about whether dinosaurs really did die out millions of years ago.  Maybe the Earth really wasn't all that old....? 
     Dreaded goat head thorns, puncture weed thorns, etc., the bane of bicyclists in many lands.  This is one type of goad, and a little like Sicily in shape. 
            Paul was converted to Jesus by Jesus' manifestation as a 'powerful, speaking being of light' when Paul was knocked off his donkey on his way to persecute Christians in Damascus.  Jesus asked him (in some of the Bible translations) 'Paul, why do you kick against the goads (thorns)?'.   So, isn't it crazy that Paul was eventually beheaded, likely in A.D. 62 by Nero, in a nation that looks something like a boot kicking something that looks a little like a large goat-head thorn.  We used to call them 'puncture weed thorns'.  They were terrors to our bicycle tires as kids. 
         Another meaning for the word goad was the sharp pointed stick that a herder would use to move a cow or other animal along in the desired direction.  When cows kicked back against the stick's prods it was seen as contrary to the cow's best interests since the herder was going to make it go where he wanted anyway when it was all said and done, so why should the animal bring extra pain upon yourself?  Some sources say that the foolishness of kicking against a goad was commonly enough used as a metaphor in ancient literature.  
          Is this our planet's most bizarre geographical feature?  It is 100's of miles long, on the seafloor south of Japan, it looks like a clenched left fist with an extended thumb, and there is nothing else I can find anywhere on the Earth's sea floor which resembles it much at all.  To my eye, it looks like God formed a very detailed and unique hand image on the sea floor, though I have no answer as to why.  It is the unseen heritage of the very unique Japanese people, I suppose.  (I personally believe they may have some of their roots in the Israelite Tribe of Benjamin, but it's nothing I've proven even to my own satisfaction.)  And strangely, the island of Papua / Papua New Guinea that is beneath it almost seems to be connected with the 'thumb' of 'the hand' by lines of force or power perhaps, which go from the thumb to a part of the island that looks a little like the head of a swimming creature.  And that island does look just a bit like a swimming Plesiosaur or dragon, or something.  So anyway, I only mention that because there are a couple of odd and mysterious references in the Bible to God striking the head of a 'Leviathan' out in the sea somewhere as if it were at one time known to be a mighty action that God had once taken.  But I don't know and never could find out what event that scripture refers to.  
          Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord; awake, as in days of old, the generations of long ago. Was it not you who cut Rahab in pieces, who pierced the dragon?   Isaiah 51:9
       Yet God my King is from of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth. You divided the sea by your might; you broke the heads of the sea monsters on the waters. You crushed the heads of Leviathan; you gave him as food for the creatures of the wilderness.   Psalm 74: 12 - 14
       In that day the Lord with his hard and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the twisting serpent, and he will slay the dragon that is in the sea.   Isaiah 27:1
         And way out here in the ocean, near Japan, is this strange and unexplainable scene, which is composed using both visible and submerged imagery.  You couldn't have seen this prior to the satellite age!  Who but God could do such things if it is a purposeful construct?  And what does it mean, if it is from Him?
       Not always the most tender of relationships (though much better now!) Britain and Ireland inadvertently functioned as a team which had a gigantic impact on the Christianization of various regions, particularly in Europe.  They still can and do today!
         The Sea of Azov looks quite a lot like a pointing hand, but what makes it doubly rare is the very straight line where the 'cuff' of a shirt sleeve would be on the 'wrist'.  Some say that portions of the 'Lost 10 tribes of Israel' lived around this body of water, referred to as the Aes by other peoples, for centuries, but with their own tribe names within the Aes group.  Then they were reportedly driven north/west up the big rivers to Scandinavia by stronger peoples during a time of drought and/or famine about 20 centuries ago.  True?  Maybe.  Maybe Aes was a shortened form of the word Israelites?  That account claims that their main fortress city was made of logs, and was referred to as a 'gaard', hence the word 'Aesgaard'.  Much of this could be legend though.  Yet if true it could be yet another case of a 'pointing hand' shape relating to major events in the history of God's chosen peoples.   
       Israel was/is prophesied to be 'a cup of trembling to the whole world'.  Zechariah 12:2 God uses this politically buffeted land to show the rest of the world that the people and land which has Him for its God has all of the protection it could ever need no matter what is thrown against it.  And it shows the bounty of His provision.  And it shows the prosperity of His peace to those who trust in Him.'s not so easy to be God's object lesson to humanity, as Israel could testify! 
       One day Israel will see and believe in Jesus, see that He is the one whom they have pierced, and they'll mourn, according to Christian scripture.  Zechariah 12:10
        How interesting the shape of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA is.  It looks almost like the letter 'L' in the English language.  God, as we know, is the absolute master of languages as the tower of Babel illustrated.  And so, He is the master of alphabets as well you could assume.  What more powerful use does that letter 'L' have than to begin the word "Lord', which is one of the titles of our God and Maker.  So, that makes it sort of neat that the Pilgrims sailed across the Atlantic to take sheltered harbor in the enfolding embrace of this well-known cape of land.  It wasn't their originally intended destination.  Supposedly the mouth of the Hudson River was their original destination, and the northern Virginia area.  The Hudson's mouth is essentially present-day New York City's harbor.  That would probably have lent a decidedly different character to the Big Apple.  Maybe we'd be calling it the Big Turkey, who knows?  But they landed at Cape Cod and liked it there, so they stayed.  Perhaps God always intended it that way, right?   
        This one, showing the far north regions of America and Russia in a 'not quite fully trusting' posture of readiness for trouble, one from the other, is meant in a 'tongue in cheek' manner...but still, it kind of fits our relationship thus far.  Yet each land has many Christians, so we should work ever harder to become good friends and neighbors.  All Christian nations should seek especially good companionship with each other.  Wouldn't it make our Maker happier if He heard the non-Christian nations taking note that Christian nations got along better with each other than any others on Earth?  But, to our shame, Christian nations certainly have warred against each other.      
          So, this beautiful peninsula just happens to 'point' at the first landing site of the English Jamestown colonists who came to settle in what turned out to eventually become an English-speaking USA?  Of course, it is not beyond possible that it happened by chance.  Many things happen in this world, and they do not all necessarily carry great spiritual import.  But it is also possible God was showing us all that it all works in accordance with His plan.  There tends to so often be some important Jewish or Christian events at (or a short way off from) the tip of these 'pointing finger' sort of geographical features.  A new colony is planted in what will soon be a Christian nation.  A giant finger shape seems to point.  Who can say if that means anything.  God is an immeasurable genius, so I feel that you have to consider it as a possibility that He has built these structures purposefully.  Still, it's only speculation.
         Puget Sound in beautiful Washington State is shaped a little like a dragon's head, I think.  And that might be a good fit!  
       The Puget Sound area of Washington State is consistently rated as being about the most politically Liberal and majority Democrat areas of the USA.  Those groups have some good leanings in their thoughts and agenda, but more importantly, many anti-God viewpoints as well.  The most strident voices among them are truly at enmity with the thought of people answering to God and Jesus.  In fact, they are major proponents of the idea that there is no God, and that the will of the enlightened segment of humanity is the only authority mankind really needs.  
       Some would disagree with this assessment of the majority mind set of the populace of that region, of course, but for those who agree or can at least see the basis for the viewpoint, isn't it odd that Washington's capitol, Olympia, is positioned as if it were part and parcel of the speech of the dragon.  It's at the tip of the flame, if a picture was ever actually intended, and if the picture was intended to be a fire breathing serpent or dragon.  (And admittedly, it's only speculation.)
      The name Olympia is also associated with the mythologically false Greek gods.  The worship of those false gods misled so many people away from the true God, so it must be especially offensive to God that people chose to celebrate and perpetuate that name, Olympia, when they named the capitol of Washington after the nearby mountains which had already been given that name in commemoration of the ancient mountain abode of the false gods of Greece on that far away Mt. Olympus.           
         Cyprus, to my American eye, looks a little like a stretched-out USA.  And it seems to 'point', doesn't it?  I mean that you could choose to see it that way.  So it's awesome that one of the places in line with where it is 'pointing' is Antioch, which is the first place, the Bible tells us, where Jesus' followers began to be referred to as Christians.  And the USA eventually formed as one of the final Christian nations.  Prophetic?
           When Denmark first became officially Christian it was under King Harald Bluetooth in the 800's A.D.  Harald witnessed a Christian missionary priest named Poppo, challenged to show the power of Jesus, carry around a lump of white-hot iron without his hands being burned.  But as Denmark became Christian (and gentler) their neighbors, the dragon boat raiders from Norway and Sweden, were pretty rough on the Danes until they too eventually found their way to Jesus.  Yes, for a time the dragon went out of its way, bent over backwards so to speak, to be rough on Denmark, as the Swedes and Norwegians continued to worship Woden and Thor, etc., the old Asgardian crowd of false gods.  Of course, as with nearly all countries and individual people, none of their conversions were immediate and were never fully complete.  Still, they became fine Christian nations.
    This one is just an interesting numerical correlation that I noticed.  I can't think what it might mean, if anything.  
       In the USA we have the north central state called Michigan.  It is unusual in that it has an upper and a lower portion, separated from each other by the water of the Great Lakes.  Michigan school children are told that the lower part is shaped like a mitten, or a turtle's head.  And the top looks a little like a leaping rabbit.  Connecting the two parts is the Mackinac bridge; nearby is Mackinac Island.  How odd that you can read that the Ojibway/Chippewa believed that the island was a turtle, and was created by a musk rat or in some versions a rabbit.  And they thought it the island where a surviving ship touched down after a huge flood.  And they held that the Great Spirit dwelled there.  Michigan has a turtle and rabbit look from a satellite.  But what are the odds that just between those two Michigan shapes is a Michigan island connected by legend to the same two animals in some cases, and testifying to a great flood of some sort as well?     
         America is a Christian nation, founded in that faith with regard to the great majority of the European immigrants.  And God the Father cares greatly about all things pertaining to Jesus, His Son.  So, could it be that Lake Superior, which has a somewhat 'pointing hand' aspect to its shape, is pointing at the site of an early land claim by a band of exploring Scandinavians.  The Kensington stones are considered a fake by some, genuine by others.  But the stones claim to be written by men who also make reference to Mary the virgin mother of Jesus, and so they must have been Christian men to some degree.  Of course God may not have meant the lake to be perceived as a pointing hand.  And if it was supposed to point, there are a lot of other things in that general direction, so this is pure speculation.  But if those stones are real, and truly are the earliest Christian 'land claim' on America, it might be a location that God would care for us to take note of.  But, the truth is that all lands on Earth belong to Jesus and His Father.  So, just speculation!     
Here below are some pictures about the holiness of the human form, which definitely seems designed to me.
         Nuclear pores...those holes in the double layered membrane of cells.  Guess what....they are extremely complex in their design and function.  Perform an internet search using the words 'Nuclear pore' and look at the Wikipedia article on the subject, for instance.  There are different types of pores.  The types perform different roles.  When a cell divides...undergoes mitosis...there has to be a de-construct then re-construct plan for the membrane, including its pores.  Even the 'first cell' needed pores, these sorts of really complex pores, to let in the good stuff, keep out the bad stuff, and let out the cells waste products.  You know...take out the trash.  So how did any accidentally produced first cell manage to have the sort of unfathomable engineering complexity that even the first most primitive (yet functional) cell required in order to survive and start the ball rolling, if EVOLUTION is correct and simple life forms formed by accident and then through time increased in complexity?
     The main point is this:  even the first cell had to have been mind jarringly complex yet completely functional.  That took an equally astounding engineer.  Chance had...well, no chance I guess, of being the mechanism that constructed the first cell.  The theory of Evolution needs to be abandoned for so many reasons and on so many levels.  Yet with no Godless PLAN B to turn to, our intellectual elites cling desperately to the claim, but refuse to discuss the nuts and bolts details of how it could ever be true in light of all that has been learned about the complexity of even the simplest building blocks of living creations.    
         Again, as mentioned just above, the complexity honestly does rule out any slightest possibility that any chance circumstances ever invented a functional version of some 'first primordial cell'.  Scientists, you have done certain amazing things, and may your methods be applauded and your efforts praised a little for those.  But what business do any of you scientists have in claiming that no God was required for all of the life that we see around us to have come bursting into existence?  You have done such a remarkable job of burrowing in and ferreting out the nature and innards of tiny cells that you have inadvertently destroyed the notion that chance could be the author of the first functional cell.  At least be ethical and honest enough to force your group...let's just label the group as 'men and women of science' least force your group to begin openly admitting that it took not only an engineer, but an immeasurably brilliant engineer, an engineer the likes of which a human mind cannot really even come to grips with.  
         Our hands...our God given tools for reaching out to help our neighbor and serve our God.  So it's pretty interesting that you can cup them together in such a way as to for a semblance of the upper half of the body of our crucified Lord.   So, is it a 'picture' built into us purposely?  Or is it a stretch...a 'contrived' connection that God never intended when He designed us?  That really is a conjecture that everyone has to use their own discernment to decide upon.  But in the English it is interesting that some of the words associated with hands certainly do relate to Christ as well.  And the Tower of Babel incident from the book of Genesis proves that God takes a hand in the formation of human lexicons.  We have palms.  Jesus once rode into Jerusalem on a donkey over palm leaves spread upon the road by His admirers.  Prints....we have finger 'prints'.  Jesus was a PRINCE.  A homonym in English. 
        Fingers have nails.  Jesus was crucified to the cross using nails.  There is the term 'hang nail'.  Jesus was 'hung' to the cross using nails.  We have a supposed 'life line' on our hands.  These lines form part of the image that I think looks like Jesus, and Jesus brought LIFE to mankind.  So, as much as that all may sound like craziness to some people (the mentioning of related words that tenuously connect 'hands' to 'Jesus') it is also true that certain words have connotations and that God knows that quite well.  So perhaps He uses that fact, at times, to get us to notice connections.....who knows?  But it also really could be craziness!  
       Ribs are foundations of human physical structure.  Sons of Jacob were foundations of Israelite tribal, familial and genetic structure.  Apostles were foundations of Christian church spiritual structure.  And all three have a 'normally 12, but sometimes 11 and sometimes 13' historical or anatomical pattern.  
The lower right corner says "Human teeth and covenants.  Did God intend that we notice a link?"  It's written a little too small!  Bad artwork again!

      Other people displayed this amazing molecule long before me, but every Christian might find it of interest.  And it can give non-believers something to think about that might allow them to come closer to faith.  A man named Louis Giglio does a traveling speaker presentation that you can find on You Tube still as I write this.  The whole film is worth watching I feel.  But this molecule was a truly amazing secret that lay within us until advancing biological imaging technology allowed it to be seen and appreciated.  God is great.      
      What do Cherubim actually look like?  Probably not like this!  But if you draw a vaguely Cherub-like figure flanking either side of a crucified Christ sort of shape, wings touching above the mercy seat on the lid of the Ark of the Covenant, you really can form a shape resembling a human face.  Sort of a 'middle aged man who is a little overweight' sort of face.  And there are a lot of us middle aged men that qualify!  And in that respect, Jesus being of the substance of God and His Son as well, humans really are made in the image of God in this particular way and a few other respects also.  It says in several different places in scripture that this is true of humans.  See Genesis 1:27, Genesis 9:6, 1 Cor. 11:7 for confirming scriptures. 
        Our 'Adam's apple', or thyroid cartilage.  We speak God's word with this crucial structure.  And the front looks somewhat like a king's head (Jesus?) with the clavicles like arms raised up in victory.  The rear of our human thyroid looks somewhat like the ancient Ark of the Covenant where the cloud the Israelites followed for 40 years (Yahweh) would sometimes choose to take His rest between the two cherubim, in Moses' day.  Coincidence?  I personally doubt it, but only God knows for sure.
       It is amazing how good of a face can be formed using Christian symbols.  It's almost as if God had done that very thing when He formed us.  I think of the philtrum beneath our nose as resembling the base of the cross.  The upper lip can be the pile of dirt that is left around the cross when its base went into the hole they had dug for it (did they dig a hole for the base?  Maybe, maybe not!) and then they filled the dirt in around it.  It happens when you bury a fence post, anyway. 
      The lower lip can be the pool of Jesus' blood at the base of the cross.  Lips are colored more towards red than the rest of the face, right? 
      The eyes in this picture are fish, the symbol for Christians.  Aren't they witnesses?
       A cleft chin reminds me about the earthquake that followed Jesus final breaths on the cross.  Were there cracks in the rock leading up to the cross that day?  
       Once all of this came to me I began to see more and more people that brought it back to mind, though only a few people exhibit the majority of the particulars.  Few noses, for instance, look like this.  Yet...some do!
        The prophet Daniel said Nebuchadnezzar's colossus dream showed successive empires as successive areas of the body of the colossus. The pelvic area turned out to be Rome, a future empire in Daniel's time.  Yet Rome was an extremely important empire.  Jesus was born in and was crucified in that empire's time of dominance.  And communion became our ritual remembrance of Him during that empire's time of dominance.  And something which might be seen as evocative of that ritual - the taking of Christian communion - is built into man's anatomy there in the pelvis, the area of Nebuchadnezzar's colossus that corresponded to Rome.
       The liver can be seen to look like a blood covered mountain, with the ligament suspending it looking almost like city walls up on the mountain, such as Jerusalem sat upon Mt. Zion during the time of Moses' law, when constant bloodletting from animal sacrifices was required.  A medical/anatomical artistic rendering of it all can bear this resemblance, at least, though the real organs may do so less. 
       The Israelites were sometimes likened to figs in several places in fact...and they were covered and protected by this blood covered mountain.  The gall bladder, nestled beneath and protected by the liver, looks much like a fig.  A fig protected by the blood that is shed on the mountain that covers it.  An Israelite people protected by the blood shed on their holy mountain.  Is there a parallel?  But that was all replaced by a Jesus, who spoke the sweet Word, the bread of life (pancreas means sweet bread) with His tongue, telling of new wine for new wineskins (the spleen looks like a red wine bag in a way) a new covenant to replace the old.  It was a new covenant that allowed that the blood of God's very Son, shed for man, would be a once and final sufficient atonement for the sin of those who would be wise enough to choose it.  Note how the pancreas 'points' to the spleen, just as Jesus' words pointed to a new covenant.  And this whole story of the New Covenant replacing the Old Covenant is perhaps written with living tissue inside the anatomy of mankind.  If so, how amazing!  And our heart, with its life giving blood (like Jesus?) is more or less in the center of all of this, between the two, as if marking the transition point.        
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The accounts in the list at left are numbered.  Topics you might enjoy are:
Is history filled with amazing Christian miracles?  Yes!!  See items 1 - 179 
Does our human anatomy display 'Christian Design'? See Items 254 - 296   
Do some landmasses seem 'custom designed'?  See items 300 - 318 
Do some animals display Biblical design features?  See items 297 - 298 
Does God employ numbers in amazing ways? See items 183 & 191 
.  .  . 
12 Especially Popular Accounts In the List At Left Are:
1620 A.D.:  Pilgrims Come To America
332 B.C.:  Alexander the Great Meets The High Priest Of Israel
1280's A.D.:  Marco Polo Describes Dinosaur
968 A.D.:  Viking King Olaf Trygvasson
679 A.D.:  Enter In, These Holy Bones!
1951 A.D.:  Ronnie Coyne's Plastic Eye
1864 A.D.:  God Visits Andersonville Prison
70 A.D.:  The Signs That Jerusalem Saw
1180 A.D.:  Waldensians Preserve The Faith In The Alps
496 A.D.:  King Clovis Believes His Wife
Item 257) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series:  Our Human Teeth
320 A.D.:  The 40 Martyrs Of Sebaste
.  .  .  .  .  .  . 
 .  .  .  .  .  .   

      Churches and Christians, this site is copyrighted to legally protect it from any with hostile intentions towards Christian sites or this site.  But Christian churches may freely make use of its content in those God serving ways that will help your church, your community, or your missions.  I've used photos from the internet and excerpts from various published writings in some accounts, and obviously can't personally authorize your use of those.  Also, do your own 'due diligence' research - catch any mistakes that have been made! 



     We believe the accounts in the Bible. Yet we believe that there are accounts of great deeds done by God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit which are true, yet not in the Bible. History is replete with them!

      Shall we let God's enemies bury the past and present greatness of our Father or our Lord?  Wouldn't those angels that rebelled against God and oppose Him even today love it if we did?  Nothing damages their cause so much as a people well versed in scripture and the truth of history.  So read, do your own backup research, and enjoy.

     May Yahweh, Yehoshua, and the Holy Spirit Bless You.  And please tell others about the site if you enjoy it.

     Learn about some of the deeds of God and teach them to your children.  Make sure you have done your part to create a generation which knows why we fear and love our maker Yahweh, and his Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Give your children many ways to answer when people say to them "Why should I believe in your God?"

©2017 Daniel Curry & 'Deeds of God' Website