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It would take almost exactly 13 days for sound to hypothetically reach Earth from the Moon If Traveling Under Standard Condition Speeds On Earth!  Hmmmm!!


  This Bible nugget takes notice of an interesting data point.  A curious fact, that's all.  The Moon has very many properties that make it reminiscent of Jesus.  It's not Jesus.  It's a created thing and not to be worshiped.  But I long ago saw so many things about the Moon that brought Jesus to mind that I decided the Moon most probably was created to bring Jesus to our minds, and would become even more like that as data about the Moon accumulated.

  Likewise I believe that the Earth was created in such a way as to bring the bride of Christ, the Church, perhaps Mankind as a whole to our minds when we thought about it.  And it becomes even more like that as data accumulates.

  So, with that in mind, let's remember that Jesus sent His message of salvation out to the Earth, to mankind, using 13 Apostles.  Judas was subtracted from the 12, leaving 11.  But Matthias and later Paul were added, bringing it to 13 Apostles to bring the Word that Jesus gave us to all the Earth, so as many as possible might have faith.

  Faith comes by HEARING the scripture says.  And hearing by sound waves, right? 

  So if the Moon 'spoke' to all the Earth, how long, at the speed of sound most often used (767 Miles per Hour), would it take for sound to cross the average distance from the Moon to the Earth?  

  One number given for the average distance from the Earth to the Moon is 238,900 miles.  A commonly used speed for sound is 767 miles per hour.  Divide the distance by the speed of travel and you get 311.47 hours for sound to travel the distance from the Earth to the Moon.  If you divide 311.47 hours by 24 hours in a day you get 12.978 days.  That is very close indeed to 13 days.  So the Word, in a hypothetical standard Earth atmosphere, would arrive by 13 days.  The Word actually arrived to the people on the face of the Earth by 13 chosen men instead.  It was carried out to the peoples of the Earth by those 13 Apostles in the beginning. 

  So, it's not a dramatic data point, but it certainly is analogous, right!  It fits in with the Bible like so many things seem to, as if whoever dictated the Bible and engineered human history knew unknowable things. it coincidence?  I say that if it's one thing it might be coincidence, but if there are way too many coincidences then maybe you just prefer to call things coincidences!  It's something to consider, anyway:  at what point does a fair minded person decide that they are looking at evidence, not coincidence?



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