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2013 A.D.:  Do Uncle Sam, Europa, and Broken Columns Relate To Modern History?



  Sometimes I think that there are hints about the events of our own times hidden - but rather blatantly hidden - in the scriptures.  Many have thought that over the years.  Of course, it's not rare for 'many' to be absolutely wrong.  And it's not rare for me to be wrong either.  But what if we assume - we English speakers - that God foresaw the development of the English language, and He left some pretty obvious hints for us, banking on the English language being able to help us make the necessary connections?  This may hold true (if it is true at all) in other languages also, but I do not speak other languages and so could not speak in their case.  But what if English is supposed to help English speakers 'see' things in the scriptures.

  So, what about Samson, for instance.  He was from the tribe of Dan.  He was set aside for God's use from his birth.  He had 7 braids on his head, and he never cut his hair.... that was part of the particulars of his dedication to God.  Samson had inordinate strength. He once was attacked by a young lion from a vineyard in Judah, and he bested it with only his bare hands.  He wanted affiliations with women from other peoples.... he was not content to marry (to choose his bride) from within the daughters of his own people.  This caused him terrible problems all of his life.  The Philistines became his blood enemy, but they could never get the better of him for most of Samson's life because Samson's dedication to his God was such that God always gave the faulted Samson the strength to defeat the Philistines, even when he fell into their hands, even when the odds were overwhelmingly against him. 

  In his later life he became involved with a woman named Delilah.  She pretended to be true to him, to love him, but in reality, she had taken money from his enemies the Philistines to find out the source of his strength, so that they could defeat him, take him captive, and have him as their slave.

  She would put his head in her lap.  She would complain that he did not love her, or else he would tell her the source of his strength.  Samson would lay there all lazy and dull minded in her lap and tell her various lies about the source of his strength.  Then, when he fell asleep, she would stealthily tie his hands with some type of rope or cord or band, do whatever thing that he had told her would rob him of his strength, then she would yell out a warning that the Philistines were coming.  Samson would jump up, think that the Philistines were really upon him, and he would break the ropes that bound his hands like they were nothing.  Time and again Delilah attempted to get him to reveal the source of his strength.  Time and again he told her a lie.  But he kept going back to Delilah and she kept trying to outwit him so that she could sell him out. 

  Finally, one day, Samson gave in to Delilah's importuning that he did not trust her as she deserved, and so Samson told her the truth:  if his hair was cut, his strength would be gone.  So, she lulled him to sleep, tied his hands, and cut his hair.  This time when he jumped up, his strength really was gone.  He was captured, he was blinded permanently, and he was taken away to the land of the Philistines to grind grain.  But his hair - remember, this was his connection to God, his seven braids - began to grow back.

  In the end, blind Samson was brought to a temple in one of the five Philistine cities, and he was made to stumble around while all chained up on stage in front of a large crowd of his enemies - he was made to do tricks.  But he asked a stage servant to place his hands against two columns, saying that it was so that he could rest.  Then he called on God to give him one last moment of strength, and he pushed outwards upon the two stone columns, and they crumbled outwards and then fell.  So did the roof, and about 3,000 people and Samson were all crushed beneath the falling stone.  Samson killed more of his enemy on that day than in all of his days before that.  And then, later, his Israelite people came and claimed his remains, his 'remnant', so to speak, and took them away to the Israelite lands for burial.

  Now understand that this is all completely and totally conjectural discussion, but braids are hairs wound together, for additional strength.  Samson had seven.  Sometimes in scripture, hairs are likened to people.  People in a group could be like hairs in a braid.  When I hear about seven braids, and think about seven people groups, I think of the seven churches that Jesus spoke to in Revelation.  After all, churches do consist of groups of people, and they do represent a connection to God. 

  So, what about Samson?  What if Uncle Sam represented Samson.  What if the United States represented Samson?  What sort of rope has tried over and over to bind us?  Europe.  What sort of 'cords' have been used to bind us?  Political accords.  Ac'cords'.  Europe's old world financial interests have worked to bind us via treaties, business agreements, infiltrations of our government with people who agree with their plans for us, etc.  Rope.  Eu-Rope.  Cords.  Ac'cords'. 

  Do you know how Samson won one of his early great battles against the Philistines?  With the Jawbone of an Ass. 

  Do you know which President is known as 'the Ass'?  Well, plenty may have been called that, but it was Andrew Jackson.  Our 7th U.S. President.  In fact, he is the reason that the Democratic Party in the United States had the Jackass for its symbol.  His political enemies began calling him that to insult him, but the Democrats decided to just adopt it as their symbol.  Back then the Democrats were not a party wholly devoted to evil as they essentially are today. 

  During Jackson's time there was a great move by the foreign banks to take control of the US economy, but Jackson spoke and railed and campaigned against it, leading those of like mind to himself in finding a way to shut the banks down, to turn back the tide, and to defeat the European banking interests. 

  So, in that day, the 'Jawbone of an Ass' defeated those 'Philistines'.  The words of Andrew Jackson turned back this attempt to seize control of Uncle Sam and defeat him, enslave him, and make him do their bidding.  The 'jawbone' of an ass.      (Still in progress)





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