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2013 A.D.:  Can any educated person swallow this?

   We still haven't decided to trash the farce that we call the Theory of Evolution, and educated people are the worst offenders in embracing it, which honestly does fly in the face of reason.  Please consider that for any creature made of cells to evolve then there needed to be cells, and one of the clear (very clear) problems with life just beginning on its own and then evolving into all the life forms that we see is that a cell could not have formed on its own.  Not even one.  Not even once. 

 But please engage in this following simplistic mental exercise in order to next use the same mental approach for considering whether any cell could have formed itself.  Consider the problems that would be faced by a house, a house such as most of us may live in, in order for it to form itself.  And then consider how many of these same sorts of challenges a cell, the original cell, would have faced while trying to form itself.  You'll probably see the impossibility right away, because though few of us are cell experts, many of us know a few things about our houses. 

  A house is built of materials.  There is lumber. There are nails.  There are saws, hammers, and tape measurers.  There is gypsum board/dry wall board.  There are shingles.  There is paint.  There is concrete and rebar.  There is wiring.  There is carpet.  There are light bulbs.  Let's just stop there.  Let's keep it simple and say that those are the only materials that a house requires.  Now how shall a house build itself?

  Well, shall we have the materials show up at the home construction site, or shall the home go, one material at a time, to the place where the materials are?  Let's consider each:

  There is no home to start with, right?  So, the home cannot travel to the location of the 'concrete' that its foundation shall be formed of simply because there is no home yet, and so the 'home' cannot travel.  But we need a foundation, so let's begin our home by having the foundation form itself out of concrete.

  Problem:  Concrete has several ingredients.  They must be gathered and mixed.  The individual ingredients do not normally reside in exactly the same location as each other.  We must have something like a wheelbarrow to gather and bring the ingredients together.  I do not have such a thing in a primitive pristine world.  There has never been a man or any living creature in my assumption.  ***Just as there was no living creature to build the first cell or to gather its construction materials according to our evolution espousing scientists***

  How can we coax the ingredients of concrete to arrive at a construction site and mix themselves with each other in the proper ratio?  I can think of no way.  But let's pretend it happened, just as Evolution has to pretend that so very very many utterly impossible things happened.  So now our concrete is mixed and ready to pour, let's say.

  So, we need forms to pour it into.  The concrete forms have to be arranged in the pattern appropriate for the floor plan of the house, which does not happen on its own.  And the foundation has to be strong enough to support the house.  Is it a one-story house, a two-story house, or three?  Three story houses are much heavier and need a stronger foundation.  So, we need concrete forms, and not only do we not have them, but we have no way to fabricate them, and we have no way to transport them to the place where the first house will be Constructed.  Were they to arrive at the construction site, there would need to be a floor plan, and that's a problem.  Who will draw up the plans in an empty world that lacks life forms and lacks houses and lacks house plans and lacks paper to draw on or pens to draw with or someone to draw the plans?  A world that has never known a house?  Or a carpenter?  Or a foundation mason/ concrete specialist?  Who laid the foundation for the first cell, prepared its first materials, and arranged for the remaining materials to be transported to the chosen construction site for that first primordial cell?  These are legitimate logistical needs, are they not?  Don't constructed things require construction materials?  Of course, they do.  And they cannot be just the raw unformed basics.  They must be formed materials. 

  Men do not deliver tree trunks to a home construction site; they deliver 2" x 4" and 2" x 6" eight foot long or twelve-foot-long kiln dried boards.  They deliver those to the construction site.  And they deliver them from lumber mills because they have to be specially formed.  And they truck them to the site, because you cannot expect the boards to get to the house on their own, and you have to deliver the proper number of them, because it will take some certain number to complete any particular house.  And you can't just throw the boards anywhere, on top of work that is in progress for instance.  They have to be staged in a properly convenient place.  And when you nail them together, you better know how closely to space them.  Too far apart, and your structure will collapse! 

  But what if you did have boards.... don't you have to cut them to length, and shape their ends sometimes?  Don't you have to cut them according to a plan, which takes a planner? 

  What's this driving up?  Oh, a flatbed truck, and now they are offloading a lump of iron ore it looks like!  Well, that will be needed for the nails and the staples.  But wait...we can't just have a lump of iron!  We need a forge and high heat so that we can shape our nails and our staples and our hinges, etc., and wait, there are two lumps there on the ground.... oh, the other one is copper ore.  That must be for the wiring.... for the electrical wiring.  Well, it is good that it is here.  Our first house will need wiring.  But....again.... we will have to form it.  It is actually a miracle that it even arrived at the construction site at all though, isn't it? 

  Who drove the truck, or who manufactured the truck?  And who even quarried out these two lumps of metallic ore from the rock mass that they once were embedded in?  And who will form them into the nails, the staples, the wires, the hinges?  Who will make the hammer and the anvil?  None of those things have been invented yet (no inventors exist on the earth yet!) and where would the inventors have resided if they did exist?  Don't inventors live in houses?  Perhaps these lived in caves!  But wait, there are no thinking beings in this house construction, just as there were supposedly no sentient beings involved with forming that first fully functional, all parts included, 'able to reproduce itself' initial biologically viable cell. 

  I won't belabor this whole idea any further.  You should see what I'm saying by now, whether you agree with it or not.  If a non-living thing like a house could not begin to construct itself by coincidence, then how is a living cell going to do any of that?  Cells are composed of parts.  The cell parts are formed of specialized materials.  The specialized materials must certainly have been fashioned from raw materials, with tools, using plans, by skilled manufacturers, right?  And a cell, all things considered, is a heck of a lot more complex than a house by a factor that is hard to even calculate but which must ultimately be immense!  Cells eat, take in raw materials constantly to rebuild themselves constantly.  Cells excrete wastes.  Cells have multiple organelles which must function as a team for the good of a cell.  Cells can reproduce into viable new cells.  To make a long story short, building a cell would be so very much harder than building a house.  We would never expect a house to build itself, even if a million years went into the making.  We can easily see that the idea is ridiculous.... ludicrous!  Building materials showing up fully formed at a building site?  Those materials forming themselves into a house?  For what?  Who would live in it?  It's an otherwise empty world, right?  Isn't that the presumption for the first cell?  That it formed itself in an otherwise lifeless world?  So, what purpose would it serve?  Whose purpose would it serve? 

  When will we quit teaching this idiocy that educated people call Evolution?  It is not a sign of intelligence to espouse a theory that is refuted by evidence and reason at every level, is it?  It is an open and calculated show of disrespect towards truth and towards the belief in the one true God Who formed us, with His Son Jesus at His side.  I do not say that this mental exercise proves it was Yahweh, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (though other evidence shows that quite strongly!)  But can't we all see that no house would independently just form itself?  So how gullible are we to imagine that something so much more complex - the first living cell - just formed itself, whole, complete, and battle ready to survive by being the fittest?  To evolve by imagining a higher path for itself?  How can it not pain our minds to be force fed such swill by the enemies of our Maker.  And how can we allow our children to be falsely programmed at our public schools to be misled by such easily exposed lies?  We are all part of the public.  So those who think Evolution is hogwash are tolerating an offense against their reasoning power and, in truth, tolerating an open attack upon our Maker. 

  But don't be told by the enemies of God that you are brainwashed or narrow minded.  The evidence for the God that the Bible speaks of is overwhelming.  The evidence for evolution is non-existent.  The only variability inside of life forms is that amount placed there by our common Maker, for reasons that He foresaw were important.  But shall that discrete amount of variability that He placed inside of us, and all other life forms be used as a tool to discredit the idea of our Maker's existence?  That is as crazy as the idea of a house building itself!       



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