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2024 A.D.: The USA always gets smitten by God when we play 'false friend'or 'frenemy' to our ally Israel in their time of need! 


     It is smart and wise for all US citizens to understand that since the nation of Israel was reformed in 1948 A.D. the USA has been Israel's ally.  But with the rise of the New World Order and their infiltration into the US government the USA has sometimes been more of a frenemy (combination friend/enemy) than an ally to Israel, even in her most dire times when she really needed the USA to be a strong ally.  Little Israel has almost no other ally.  We have been a good ally in both word and deed at times, but yes, we have played coy, or even colluded with or sort of taken the side of Israel's enemies at times.  The Arab Muslim nations around Israel are often her openly declared enemies.  The United Nations is honestly no particular friend of Israel, and sometimes an outright enemy to her.  The Palestinian enclaves within Israel's borders have called for Israel to be destroyed, even wiped off the map.  So they are very short of friends, though they are fairly good to all other nations.  They therefore need for us to be a genuine ally, not a frenemy.  And the self declared 'Christian USA' needs to do that.  It shows God the Father that we understand His power and would not at all wish to offend Him.  It shows God the Father that we fear Him, and will look after Israel like Joseph would look after his little Benjamin, his younger brother by the same mother.  We in the USA must lend our Christian good will to every nation whenever it's possible, but always 'five times more' to Israel than to anyone else, as Joseph gave to Benjamin in front of his other brothers.  Joseph was both a son of Jacob/Israel and also a son of Egypt.  And America...the USA...seems to be that very same thing also.  Egypt was a real nation but also representative of the pagan world outside of Israel.  Joseph was the favored son of Israel who was prophesied to end up with almost obscenely over-abundant amounts of blessing and wealth from God.  And the USA currently fits that bill better than any other nation in the world does or ever has I believe.  I also believe that we in the USA are Joseph, part of 'Joseph' anyway, along with the British and their former colonies probably (we are not the entirety of Joseph's descendants, but a great portion) and that Israel is associated with Benjamin (though part of Japan is also, I think.)  

     But whether that is right or wrong, there is no denying this:  if the USA wants to avoid being punished and maybe even destroyed by God, we absolutely need to quit being a frenemy to little little Israel.  Because, the track record of us being smashed by a natural disaster or a political disaster whenever we do Israel a dirty turn...whenever we behave as a frenemy and not an just about the exact time that we commit such offenses against just crazy!  And it's not just a case of hunting around for some little storm or earthquake to try to link with incidents of us doing wrong to Israel.  We're talking about some of the greatest national disasters in our nation's history.  And not just once or twice, but time after time after time.  Consider the following events.  Maybe you will agree that it is quite a lot - too much by far, really - to ask of random chance!: 


     On Oct 7, 2023 Israel was attacked by Hamas forces striking from Palestine and the assault was bloody and effective, taking many lives, more lives proportionally than the USA lost in Pearl Harbor or the 9-11-2001 attacks.  As I write this in Oct 2024 the fighting continues.  Israel has been fully capable for decades of ridding itself of the organization called Hamas that partially dwells among the Palestinians who dwell within Israel's borders like a deadly attached twin.  But the USA and other nations have been working strenuously to force Israel to keep its hands off this openly declared enemy people who have literally said that the nation of Israel with its Jews should be wiped off the map. 

      The USA under President Biden has certainly sent military and other support to Israel, and publicly announced America's support.  This is good!  But the USA under Biden has also been playing politics, trying to use the military aid that congress approved as a carrot and a stick to get Israel to accept terms of compromise with the Hamas operatives that would leave Israel vulnerable to future attacks of the same sort and which would grant stronger international blessings to the frequently enemy-like Palestinians living within Israel.  Also, in a double blow to Israel by the USA, the USA has been tacitly allowing Iran to get in the game even deeper such that they can use Iranian resources to wage a proxy war of intended full scale destruction upon Israel, something Iran has long wished for.  So as of September and October the USA has been kind of playing coy with our support of Israel, smiling benevolently upon the notion that Palestine should have ever greater rights within a separate nation, really...trying to get Israel to bend to our (the nations) wishes that she become two states instead of one, despite that God Himself has returned Israel's Jews back to the land He long ago gave them.  Is America so wise that we can override God's judgement on such matters?  And we are allowing Israel's enemies to increase their rain of destruction upon Israel. 

     Just as this is taking place the USA in September and October of 2024 is reeling from a terrible double blow of Hurricanes Helene and Hurricane Milton striking with great force and destruction within days of each other from our Caribbean Gulf Coast, slamming deep inland, taking many lives and producing enormous destruction of property.  Also, the Democrats have been waving in an entirely separate flood of foreign peoples through our southern border, verbally pretending that they had not, while the Democrats are also working surreptitiously but steadily to drive God out of our Christian national consciousness in so very many other ways.  Top Democrat politicians can be seen going to church, which is good, but it seems for show only in many ways as they repeatedly take actions against Christianity's influence, the acknowledgement and practice of Christ teachings, within our nation.  And also, just for emphasis, try to find film or video of today's top Democrats making any unrestrained recent public profession of the depth of their Christian faith, of their devotion to and gratitude towards Jesus.  Democrats need Christian voters, but seem to have little devotion to the teachings of Christ in this committedly Christian nation.  So, Christian America has a committed and deadly enemy within its borders in the form of the Democrat Party, just as the Israeli's are saddled with the powerful hatred of the Palestinians and Hamas.  And we in the USA had our land struck and damaged in waves just as we sat back and allowed Israel to be struck and deeply damaged by Hamas and now Iran's proxies.  The USA took action, but it was purposely somewhat weak, politically polluted action, and was given in many instances with manipulative strings attached by the Biden Administration.      


     On August 23, 2005, Israel force-evacuated its own citizens from their farms and houses in Gaza and the West Bank as part of a deal brokered through the US and through pressure from then President George Bush, who felt he saw the need for Israel to trade away Israeli land to the Palestinians in exchange for promised peace from those Palestinians.  Ultimately it did not succeed in obtaining this peace.  It did succeed in carving away at land that God had given Israel and transferring it to the Palestinians, who had sworn to annihilate Israel. 

     On August 23, 2005 a tropical depression called Tropical Depression 12 formed out in the ocean and within about a week it would become category 4 Hurricane Katrina and strike in the area of New Orleans.  Perhaps the worst natural disaster in modern US history, hurricane Katrina smashed into the U.S. Gulf Coast in late August of 2005 destroying on a level not previously seen in recent times.  Many Gulf residents were force evacuated.  Texas, President Bush' home state, received about 250,000 of those evacuated by/fleeing from Katrina.  The USA's 'punishment' is oddly reflective of the situation we helped pressure Israel into.  The timing, as you can see, is almost exact.           

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