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2024 A.D.:  An Ongoing and Undeniable New World Order Attempt At The US Southern Border To Destroy the United States As It Currently Exists !




     It is no sign of generosity or large mindedness to wave people into our nation in violation of our laws.  It is a sinister underhanded plot by  those American leaders entrusted by voters with the welfare of our nation and its people.  Invader immigrants from our neighbor nations to the south, and other nations, understand that they are being ushered across the border illegally with a knowing wink and nod largely from our US Democrat politicians.  We have a genuine treasonous activity underway on the part of the New World Order, choreographed by those American politicians who secretly belong to their wicked organization and/or those politicians that the New World Order hooligans can bribe and/or black mail.  It is truly time for mandatory public repudiation of the New World Order by anyone who wishes to run for office or hold an assigned government position in the USA.      


     Regular Joe and Jane United States Democrat voters are quite largely not against a secure border.  The Democrat Party actually loses votes, many votes to their Republican opponents by this seeming insanity of making sure our US border is ridiculously difficult to patrol and secure and by encouraging millions of border busters to invade in defiance of our US laws.  Some Democrat voters feel strongly patriotic and do not want their nation destroyed by unregulated, unmonitored immigration.  Some "otherwise would have been Democrats" are choosing to vote Republican because of this one single issue.  So the Democrats seem crazy to let their party be known as the border destroying party.  But are top Democrats crazy...or treasonously working a secret plan that has nothing much to do with the Democrat Party platform?  Why are many top Democrats making sure this horrible breach of our border happens, then?  Because...they are not just top Democrats, but also New World Order blackmail slaves, insiders and groupies who believe that the US as it currently exists has got to go, must be eliminated or else almost totally remade in order for the New World Order and One World Government movement to succeed.  They secretly work to destroy the intended version of the USA.  They don't dare to say it out loud yet but their actions speak with a loud and unmistakable voice. 


      Americans will not knowingly vote to further the actual aims of the New World Order.  No sane people ever would.  New World Order aims are nearly entirely evil and stem from a presently-still-concealed thrust to usher a World Government into existence, but in plainer truth to invite Satan into open world rule.  The Democrat politicians in the US government place tribal loyalty to their political party far above providing their present and future children with a decent and God serving nation to live in.  Patriotic Democrat leaders will not battle within their party to obtain a sensible border policy, and they will not leave their party for the sake of this nation's survival.  It therefore appears that the Democrat Party is now fatally polluted and irreparably corrupted against American survival.  They have become Uncle Sam's gangrenous leg.    


     The United States has about the same situation as Israel if you think about it:  a deadly enemy opposed to our nation's survival is dwelling close at hand within our borders.  Israel's deadly enemy is the New World Order working through Hamas and like type terrorist organizations.  The United States' deadly and committed enemy is the New World Order working through a compromised and corrupted Democrat Party and the Liberal movement in all its guises.  The grave situation at our border isn't from a mere policy difference between Republicans and Democrats.  This is a difference of opinion on whether America should be purposely destroyed from within so its position and assets can become the uncontested property and a useful resource for the New World Order.  Again, this isn't a policy difference between two political parties that both love America.  This is straight up subversion of a attempt to do permanent, purposeful, unrecoverable damage...which is presently being inflicted on our nation.


     So, top New World Order Democrats and the fortunately much fewer New World Order Republicans are destroying the US as they've apparently been ordered to.  The idea is to dilute the American population with people in a precarious position who must depend on handouts from the US government for quite a while and who will be grateful to have them.  This will drain the US resources, cause great civil unrest, create a serious language barrier, and create a pervasive dissatisfaction among United States citizens.  It will artificially create the impression that the US form of government just doesn't work for the people, that it has failed.  And at that point, otherwise unthinkable alternatives can be ushered in, probably under a state of actual or partial martial law. 


     This is, at its core, Satan v.s. Jesus.  While the USA is sadly far from where Jesus wants us, the world is none the less very far from where Satan wants it to be because of the various majority-Christian nations with populations that have the right to vote.  And the US is one example of these.  We have been infiltrated deeply and pervasively by the New World Order Satanics, but they do not yet have complete control and they want it.  They probably even need it.  Complete control of the USA or complete destruction of the current USA government.  One or the other needs to happen for the Satanic plans to be openly enacted, because no one who hears what those plans are will ever vote for them.  Among other plans, one reportedly involves almost all of the present 'voters' unwillingly surrendering their lives to 'save the Earth'!  The Christians will be 'voted off the island' so to speak.  Some purported New World Order estimates of 'the overpopulation problem' say that the Earth's population needs to be decreased by 80%.  In a human population of 8 billion that would require 6.4 billion people to 'not be there anymore'!  And here is the awful part...the Earth is not dying and it can support a very much greater population than it currently does.  We can optimize things a great deal also.  The 'humanity is killing the Earth' charade is just a New World Order ploy.  They need planet-wide dread and panic so that they can form a powerful planetary government to save the day...a government with authority and military might, because darn it! the situation is dire and strong actions have to be taken.  The New World Order is a murderous Satanic movement. 


     One World Government is not something that humans are capable of.  The most evil people ALWAYS eventually fight their way to the top of any government and corrupt it as fully as they are able to suit their purposes.  That is an ALWAYS!  Only honest elections and the ability to vote people out of every office of importance can offer some protections.  In just and Christian nations it offers enough protections.  The USA currently has a shadow government idea of people that run agencies and bureaus, etc., which do not face elections and can't be removed by voters.  That is a deadly tumor in our midst.  Also, there ARE efforts to cheat elections and some have succeeded.  We, make that 'desperately'...need to go back to rudimentary paper ballot voting, and even that type of voting needs to be made more transparent and foolproof.  This is something very easily done, and the fact that it is not being done is complete proof that there are efforts afoot to cheat our US elections.  After all, if a fair portion of our voters don't trust electronic voting then why would you ever hesitate to ease their minds?  It is painless to ease their minds.  Simply go back to paper voting and increase the security and surveillance on the ballots boxes at every voting location to ensure the people can get to the polls and vote and that the votes are all properly tendered and counted.  It involves work and planning, of course, but it is easily enough done!   It is de facto proof of past, present, and intended future voter fraud that so many people are concerned that there is voter fraud yet no strong actions are being taken nation wide at every level to address and dispel those concerns.  


     Running for office in this country needs to start involving a pledge, one that passes a polygraph test, to knowingly have nothing what so ever to do with the New World Order or One World Government.  That would honestly be a sensible nation-wide bill to require all present and future US politicians to pass such a test!


    At the bottom of this article are two links to sites which show how, when the United States has tried to put pressure on Israel to give up land to the Palestinians in exchange for peace, it has backfired and epic national disasters happened in the United States within hours of our attempts to politically tamper with the borders of Israel...a people that are off course pertaining to Jesus, yet still the apple of God's eye and destined according to scriptural prophecy to be restored...grafted back into the Tree of Life who is Jesus their unrecognized Messiah and Savior.  No matter how powerful a nation you dream that you are you simply must not ever mess with Israel in a malicious or manipulative way.  You must only interact with them as if an All Powerful God was watching every single move you made pertaining to His deeply loved and very favored child that He presently has in a state of slightly eased PARENTAL time out.  Israel is God Almighty's to lead and discipline and the only sane stance any nation can take towards them is to give them good and genuine friendship and don't dream that they are there for you to play games with.  Scripture makes it clear that they will be restored to God's Christ believing fold.  And it makes it clear that they are the Holy Father's once greatly errant Chosen People.  Still a Chosen People.  So will the Almighty Father ever let it be said or shown that He was unable to manage and guide the affairs of His specifically chosen Jewish people...a people purposefully chosen long ago when they were only a weak and lowly slave people from Egypt to display His power and splendor and sternness, yet grace, provision and faithfulness to the watching nations? 


     Truly, anyone who looks at modern Israel's unlikely history, even just since their restoration to NATION STATUS in 1948, will quickly perceive that the hand of the Almighty is on them and the eyes of the Almighty watch the actions and thoughts of all nations interacting with them.  He can and often has crushed proud human Empires in His anger as the centuries have rolled by, yet the Jews remain intact, though chastened, no matter what befalls them or the peoples within which they have lived and sojourned.  The Jews are a testimony to the everlasting faithfulness of our God to His chosen, and that is despite that the Father's authorized and mandated path now is through Jesus only.  But according to our Biblical scriptures the Jews will be shown that they erred concerning Jesus, and they will mourn and sincerely repent, and their repentance will be accepted.  To tamper with them is to challenge God the Father's leadership of the one people on Earth that became His chosen people over three thousand years ago, and who for a time were taken from the fold and disciplined with almost unprecedented severity because of their rejection of their Messiah Jesus of Nazareth, and who are a continually besieged people even today, surrounded by enemies with the USA as a frenemy of sorts. 


      Our Christian population largely understands that the Jews are special to our Father and that we can show respect to our Father by being their loyal Earthly supporter.  But our leadership in the USA has been maliciously infiltrated by the secret loyalists of the New World Order and they do what harm they think they can to Israel (and their own nation) but with some apprehension that Christian voters will remove them from power if they go too far too early.  And that is the precarious seeming situation that both the United States and Israel are currently in:  indwelt by a people that Satan tries to misguide and use as a cancerous and wicked enemy to the plans of God.  Yet some of those misled people might be rescued, called out and away from being minions in such a plan through the redemptive power of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit who loves them and desires their souls.  And this is the battle that Christians are allowed - no obliged - to fight. 


     We Christians are not carnivorous sheep, but we can be brave and persistent about getting the message of the Gospel to all souls so that all souls can have a chance to see their fallen state,  turn, and receive the salvation of Jesus through repentance, confession, baptism in water and the Holy Spirit, and taking up the work of the Lord which is to love God with all of our strength, our heart, our soul, and our mind and to love our neighbor as ourselves by sharing their burdens, giving them aid and compassion, and sharing the message of the Gospel with them.  And that Message is that the teachings of Jesus and the suffering Jesus did on the cross are our only sufficient atonement, and loyal allegiance to His marching orders for His followers is our proper show of gratitude but one which can never earn or repay what we were freely given...our atonement and salvation. 


     Salvation is out of our price range!  That's why it could only come to us if freely given by the one single being that had the stature in the Father's eyes to pay the price on our behalf, and to purchase the souls of those willing to gratefully accept His covenant and become bond slaves to our Savior, the Holy One of God as even the demons called Him.  People...we must not miss this boat!!  There is no second boat, and it sounds like there is no chance to change your mind and claim it once you had your chance, ignored it, and then died.  Not for those who have lived in the time during which Jesus and His offered New Covenant had been revealed.  And for those who died without hearing about it scripture speaks of Jesus preaching to those in the place where their souls reside, and scripture speaks of some people whose native internal love of righteousness can be counted as a law unto themselves.  There is some mystery in how these souls will be given their fair chance but God is the author of righteousness so they will be treated with what he knows to be fairness and righteousness.  But for most of us, we know about Jesus and who He said He was and the Covenant He offered.  So we will be without excuse if we ignore or reject it, will we not?   


      But now to the main aim of this article.  Here are some quick, easy and widely held human, or at least Christian, truths:


     It is important - a true obligation - to provide for 'your own':  Your God, your family, your friends, your community, your state, your nation, and the strangers in need that you come across, and to provide enough for yourself that you can function to do these things.   


     It is good to look for ways to help others in need with such extra help and provision as you can spare and still take care of 'your own'.  It is wrong to turn your eyes away from those needy people in your field of vision who need help by dismissively claiming that you can't help because you have 'your own' to look after.  You need to take a sincere look at what you might be able to spare and how you might be able to help and yet still fulfill your obligations to 'your own' who depend on you.  Our neighbors are made in the image of God, as we are told in scripture that we all are.  You owe good will and an active loving concern to your neighbor.


     It is desirable to contribute to all good things to the extent you are able.  Some of us are lax and lazy, but too bad...we're obligated to rally ourselves and try to get our minds and hearts right if that is the case.  We are told in scripture as Christians that the 'one who will not work shall not eat'.  It is identified as evil to be especially lazy or a busybody or a gad fly going about gossiping and stirring up trouble and wanting the work of others to pay for your needs because it is easier and requires little or no effort.  Be a worthwhile and willing contributor.  Put in some extra work beyond just enough to care for yourself (if you are able!)  Do some extra work to improve things or help people in your vicinity.   Be a good citizen, a good neighbor, a good friend, a good family member, above all a good servant to Christ if you are a convinced Christian. 


        Now, concerning the US southern border:  we have largely healthy and capable people from the 21 nations to our south swarming our border in gigantic hordes.  They have the excited expectation that their illegal penetration of our border will be possible, tacitly allowed, and ultimately beneficial, and that they will in fact be aided by NWO Democrats in high places.  They hope these Democrat helpers will work surreptitiously to do an end around of the American voters/tax payers to provide funds and other aid to cushion the landing and feather the nest and aid in the launch of the illegal foreign nationals attempting to enter US society in violation of our immigration laws.  They feel that they were tacitly promised that they could begin new lives here in the US whether American voters predominantly want it or not. 


     New World Order Democrats as well as the much smaller percentage of New World Order Republicans are working furiously to overload all US ability to provide extra to the needy by flooding this nation with 'the needy', by literally recruiting in their home countries to come North some charge...and many would like to know who is up to that if it is true...but certainly these illegal immigrants are allured to take on the journey by news sources advertising the high success rate of those who make the attempt.  In truth, this is a purposeful effort to destroy the originally conceived and officially still existent model of government and society in the United States, and it's a very orchestrated effort that is succeeding, as the estimates for the number of illegal residents presently in the nation are absolutely staggering.  How staggering?  Consider the following: 


1.)  A Wikipedia article on 'illegal immigration' lists an estimate of 11.7 million illegal aliens living in the United States.  Now, to provide scale, compare that to other groups and categories of actual citizens dwelling in the USA the various groups of citizens as shown below.   You can easily search the figures of the various groups yourself but these are numbers which immediately popped up when I searched the question of how many people were in each group:


     a.) 11.7 million illegals v.s. the USA has 3.2 million Full Time Equivalent US public school teachers

     b.) 11.7 million illegals v.s. 708,001 thousand US policemen and policewomen 

     c.) 11.7 million illegals v.s. 455,608 US clergy (priests, pastors, ministers, etc.)

     d.) 11.7 million illegals v.s. 3.54 million truckers in the United States

     e.) 11.7 million illegals v.s. 1.3 million active duty US military personnel, all the main branches added together.

     f.) 11.7 million illegals v.s. 2.87 million US Federal Employees

     g.) 11.7 million illegals v.s. 1,210,700 US Firemen, professional and volunteer 

     * Note that all the people/groups/occupations listed in "a" thru "g" above only add up to 13.284 million actual US citizen workers v.s. 11.7 million illegals.  By sometime this coming Summer 2024 the population of illegal immigrants should have increased to above 13.3 million if they keep arriving at around a 300,000 per month as is being reported now in January 2024.

     h.) 11.7 million illegals v.s. 9.8 million US health care technicians and professionals.


     These are mind blowing numbers...they honestly are.  So how can Democrats, one of only two numerically substantial political parties in the US,  act as if "there's nothing going on at the border that you need to worry about, folks!"  They grease the gears of it all surreptitiously, yet officially do not advocate it, hint that you're xenophobic if you are vocally opposed to it, and our Democratic President and his cronies in office avert their eyes with the intensity of a thousand suns until the tendons stand out in their necks and sweat breaks out on their brows.   They do all of this while proclaiming that of course they are giving the border the attention that it deserves, far as problems go it's being vastly overblown by their political adversaries, the Republicans.  The top Democrat posture on the subject reeks of purposeful deception.  


     Here's one way that you can know for certain who to believe:  there is lots of video evidence that the border problem is historic in its can't actually be hidden.  And the Democrats could keep just about all the votes they presently command, and yet gain a bunch more if they would acknowledge that the southern border is a huge problem, and work to seal it off with a vengeance and a fury.  There are mostly only votes to be gained by really doing something about the problem...yet they are stubbornly focused on doing as close to nothing as humanly possible.  It's plain.  They are working an anti-American agenda at the behest of whoever pulls their strings, and in order to please their puppet masters they are forced into the ludicrous position of having to claim they are doing as much as is necessary (to please their Democrat voting base enough to keep many of them) while doing as close to nothing at all to mend our purposely compromised border as they feel they can get away with without it leading to the mass abandonment of their now-gone-evil, God despising political party. 


     Look, Democrats have people smart enough to know that when there's a lot more votes to be gained than lost by sealing the border, then you should seal the border and make lots of noise about how you're the party that's doing it.  Yet they don't.  The obvious conclusion?  They have a definite nefarious motive they can't publicize, a motive that would obviously, even to loyal Democrat voters, not bode well for the future of America, therefore it would displease their voters and lose them many voters which would cost them power...power they need to reach the goals of their New World Order puppet masters.  Israel has the Palestinians dwelling within its borders (with the average Palestinian probably somewhat anti-Jewish but largely just wanting to live their best life) yet those Palestinians are governed by Hamas who openly hates Israel and wants Israel wiped off the map and destroyed.  Well, in the same general manner the United States has the Democrats (most of whom are anti-Republican and have ideas that are ungodly, but yet in the bigger picture they just want to live their best life as a liberal) yet the New World Order is secretly calling the Democrat Party's shots and pulling its strings, living within our border and wanting America as it currently exists to be destroyed so that the New World Order can rise to world dominance with as little resistance as possible and as soon as possible. 


     With our military strength and our economic strength the US is the nation that they absolutely must kidnap and co-opt or else destroy.  But our real strength has always been our God.  Samson's hair had to be cut to render him weak.  Samson's 7 braids represented  his connection to God.  We in America will fall one day as I infer from the scriptures.  And we will fall easily indeed once we are no longer in the grace of our Almighty Father and our undeserved but gratefully received King and Savior Jesus.  And we MIGHT already have reached that point, I am not entirely certain.  But until then, until we turn away from our Christianity, until our embracing of evil causes our '7 braids' to be cut off by whomever God chooses to use for the task, there is hope even for a sinful nation like us if we are repentant. 


     But we in the United States are slipping very, very quickly it seems.  We once disputed about how best to worship Jesus.  Now a large portion of Americans cheer it as progress when our schools teach that Jesus is probably either a myth or a misled ancient figure that the well educated ought rightly to pooh-pooh.  Or we argue about whether our young children are actually boys or rather perhaps mislabeled girls in need of the medical intervention that can set things right with their gender confused psyche.  Or we cheer on the courage of pregnant women who have to go to the abortion clinic so that they can get back to living their best life, their possibilities not limited by the burden of parenthood.  (And quite often with the men who got them pregnant in full agreement to this killing of the innocent for no reason but convenience and the avoidance of adult responsibility for the needs of their children, which is statistically the general case.  Most cases are not abortions because of rape or medical risk, but abortions performed merely because it was 'just supposed to be 'sport sex', darn it!  Not procreation!')      



     But back to numbers.  Another way to consider this 11.7 million illegal immigrants' scope and potential impact is to compare them to the populations of entire US states:


     Only seven (7) US states have a higher population than the claimed population of 11.7 million illegal immigrants in the United States.  Every other single US state cannot individually equal this 11.7 million people, people who have needs and political opinions and who presently dwell here in the USA and will eventually want to vote and become citizens.  And whoever is sneakily incentivizing them to come here illegally is likely to eventually cry out about the unfairness of not letting them become full citizens.  But yes, only 7 states can boast a higher population of US citizens than this gigantic group of illegal foreign nationals.  Below is a chart from Wikipedia from a search titled List of US states and Territories By Population.



     The 11.7 million illegal aliens constitute more people than the COMBINED population of our 10 lowest population US states...again, more than all of those lowest 10 states COMBINED!, plus the population Washington D.C. included on top of those 10 states!  It is very nearly more than the population of our lowest 11 US states plus D.C.  (you can almost throw in #11,  Hawaii, as well.  At 300,000 illegal immigrants a month flooding in as of 01/10/2024, we are only a couple of weeks away from being able to throw in Hawaii.)  These illegal immigrants require as much food, shelter, medical care, etc., as the people in our 10 most populous states, plus Washington D.C.



     It is easy to see that this illegal immigrant group is huge, gargantuan, nation changing in size.  Why are top Democrats making out that it's not so big a deal?  Why are they trying to portray people, American citizens, as haters or racists if they are upset that this mass influx is being cheered on and encouraged by top Democrats in defiance of the laws of their nation?  Maybe this is why:  Hispanics vote Democrat!  Historically they are big time Democrat voters.  Illegals can't legally vote...yet...not presently...but lawless sneaky Dems in several places across the US have been trying to introduce the precedent in certain cities, etc.


     A quick web search in 01/10/2024 (today as I write this portion) produced this below, for instance.  I just did a quick grab.  More research will provide some slightly different answer.  But this is in line with every statistic I have personally ever seen before on this question, though opinions and voting tendencies can change with time.  How do US citizens of Hispanic descent that can vote in the US usually decide to vote?  Here is an excerpt from a Wikipedia article.  I didn't cherry-pick.  It's simply what came up when I searched for the answer.:

"Presidential voting pattern Supermajority support for Democratic presidential candidates is a pattern among Latino voters. In a 2021 Gallup poll, 56% of Latinos identified with the Democratic party, and 26% said they were Republicans. This Democratic support has been consistent throughout presidential elections."

Hispanic and Latino Americans in politics - Wikipedia

End of excerpt


      Many speculate that part of the Democrat and New World Order thinking may be that flooding this nation with illegal immigrants and then granting them the vote could become a huge victory for the Democrats (Read that New World Order) in the future.  It could tilt hundreds of voting districts throughout the nation in the Democrats favor and they in turn can shove their Liberal-leftist socialist (and in my view straight up Satanic) agenda down the throats of America.  But if 2/3 of Hispanics expressing a preference apparently vote Democrat then a nation of Democrats we will become.  There would scarcely be any Conservative or even moderate Republican elected officials in the USA.  There might still be Democrats who would proclaim themselves Conservative Democrats just because they were measurably less insane on a few important issues than others in their party, but that's like being the Nazi who opens the Auschwitz gas valve with regret in his heart thinking he's a better sort of Nazi than the Nazi that does it with enthusiasm.  The effect on the involved Nazi prisoners is no different.  It is the same for America if we become overwhelmingly Democrat.  In fact, many argue that the damage is already irreversible, but with Christ...or even US elections of iron clad integrity...there is still a chance. 


     The very, very vast majority of US citizens want elections with integrity.  They want fair and honest elections with trustworthy results.  Whatever result such elections would produce must be accepted, I believe.  Even if we US citizens go so far one day as to vote to dissolve the United States some day I would reluctantly conclude that we have grown so stupid and evil as a people that we should do that very thing.  But right now I believe the majority of US citizens still want a functional Republic under God until Jesus actually comes to take charge of His earthly kingdom.  The New World Order never calls for a 'government under God'.  Their 'god' is a god they dare not mention aloud lest they be despised and rejected...hence the constant secrecy.  You never have to hide your connection to a healthy and desirable thing.  People are not particularly put off if you want power but hold yourself as accountable to a just and righteous God.  People are highly put off if you are seeking power but are devoted to a 'god' that is known throughout the planet as an evil being.  So when you see the New World Order hiding and working their evils through a myriad of slimy tentacles, disguised minions, and veiled organizations it is not because you'd be drawn to their cause if you knew what their cause really was. 


     America has the oddest tendency to almost always suffer the pains...the same sorts of the nation of Israel.  This seems especially true when our heads of government are secretly taking a hand in ensuring Israel suffers those pains, or that the pains are intensified or prolonged.  It sounds strange, but it is demonstrably true.   We are somehow joined at the hip in some unusual spiritual sense, and our United States government is sometimes like some sometimes bullyish or manipulative big brother who gets a severe whipping from the Father when we mistreat our younger brother while imagining we are un-watched.  There is an actual list of linked disasters of various types associated with the United States mistreating Israel, colluding with Israel's enemies in some way, or even planning to sort of sabotage some effort that Israel is making, all in the name of trying to play political puppet master of the world, which the US government has sometimes been guilty of.  We need to just remember that Israel, while still off course concerning Jesus, is definitely the apple of the Holy Father's eye.  Scripture says Israel will one day recognize that Jesus was their intended Messiah and will repent.  Until then it is for the Holy Father to deal with them as He decides, but woe be to the nation that decides to lay a hand on them. 


     Below is a link to sites showing just some of the national disasters the US has experienced ALMOST IMMEDIATELY upon messing misguidedly with the fate of the almost constantly beleaguered yet pretty righteous acting nation of Israel.  They have showed a restraint in the use of their power over the years that I think not many nations, attacked like they so often have been, would emulate:  









©2017 Daniel Curry & 'Deeds of God' Website