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Is It Meaningful That In Modern Times the Nation of Turkey Holds All Of the 7 Churches That Jesus Addressed Through John In The Book Of Revelation from Chapter 1:11 Through To Chapters 2 & 3?


  You can put your finger on the pictures below on your phone screen (or the cursor arrow on your home computer with a right click will do the same) until 'open file' or some similar wording comes up, then select that, to view the picture below in its entirety.  Just saying...for any other technically challenged people like myself who may be visiting. 


  To my eye the nation of Turkey doesn't resemble the shape of a Thanksgiving turkey bird, cooked or still living, but there is an interesting connection between the nation of Turkey, the bird we call a turkey, and the 'giving of thanks.'  Churches (their Christian members) are supposed to remember to always give be aware and remember that the giving of thanks is valuable and approved of by the Lord Who made us and cares for us.  And in a separate but connected thread of thought, in the Book of Revelation Jesus appears to John and speaks of 7 particular churches that John is to deliver a personalized message to.  Each message is tailored to that particular city's church's spiritual state at that time. But in our day the ancient location of those 7 cities and their churches are all within the border of the nation of Turkey...the extremely Muslim nation of Turkey.  

  Churches, as mentioned, bear a relation to the act of thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving, the holiday called Thanksgiving that several nations celebrate, bears a link to the bird we call a turkey.  We roast and eat the bird called a turkey for our Thanksgiving Holiday in certain nations, such as the USA.  For those who don't know, nearly all American families eat a Turkey for their Thanksgiving Holiday, when the whole family tends to regather and touch base with each other to reignite old family contentions and enjoy a pretty great meal.  During the entire rest of the year I believe that most families don't even buy another turkey bird.  They are a very big bird, after all!   


  And the '7' connection?  Well, certain beautiful but uncommon turkey breeds have just about all 7 colors of the rainbow in their feathers, legs, etc., when it's all added up.  At least some of the breeds are quite colorful, as shown in the pictures below.  Could that be a connection of sort?  Could the nation of Turkey perhaps be a nation that we all should be thankful for now, or may perhaps become grateful to in the future in some way we cannot fully foresee at this moment?  Or perhaps the whole relationship is my human invention.  

   But one thing is certain:  God foresees the future easily and clearly, and He knew that all the 7 Christian churches spoken of and to in the Book of Revelation would one day be located within the borders of the modern-day nation of Turkey, which is listed as 98% Muslim, and 0.2% Christian in the year 2019 when I am writing this.  It's a mystery of sorts.  What should be inferred from this, if anything?








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