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       Joining the New World Order is Like Going Back In Time To Buy A Ticket On the Titanic, Purchasing The Nicest House In Jerusalem in A.D. 65 Just Before Rome Surrounded the City And Destroyed It, Like Buying A Villa In Sodom and Gomorrah Just Before Lot And His Family Fled, Or Then Traveling To Nimrod's Kingdom To Reserve-Purchase A Penthouse Suite On the Top of the Tower of Babel.  You Ought To Already Know It's Not Going To Turn Out Too Well!  History Should Have Shown You That Much Clearly.  After All, the Claim Has Long Been Made That No One Can Show An Example of a Bible Prophecy That Did Not Come True In Its Intended Time, Without Any One Stepping Up With An Example Of Such A Biblical Failure.  And There Are Multiple Bible Prophesies Which Say That the Anti-Jesus World Powers and Organizations Will Be Crushed and Pulverized To Nothing When Jesus Returns For His Kingdom.  The Nations Opposing God's Agenda Are Prophesied To Be Destroyed and Put To Scorn.  So Should Nations Hand Over Power To A Centralized World Government Which May At Best Acknowledge A Higher Power But Which Will By No Means Be Acknowledging Yahweh, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit As That Power?  Isn't That An Impudent Taunting Of An All Powerful God?




     There is no need to trick people into wanting to become a part of a truly good thing.  Well, you might be able to think of an exception, I suppose.  We sometimes trick babies into taking their medicine.   We sometimes say things to our growing children to lead them into new experiences we know to be valuable but which they don't like the sound of.   But, it's a generality that you can depend on to say that if political types and groups are trying to TRICK you into things that they could never successfully CALL you and into it is because they want you to go where you would not and should not want to go if you care about what is best for you.  They are trying to maneuver you into a predicament that they suspect would quite rightly arouse your suspicions were you to give it your sober consideration.  


     They may make it seem enticing...but there is cheese on every mouse trap.  It does not mean that people with cheese are in love with mice.


     There is this New World Order idea that the 'secret society' crowd wants you to go nuts for.  A Single World Government manned by wealthy, wise, well meaning types who will serve your best interests (and those of our oh-so-desperately-struggling planet) because of some huge altruistic desire to serve their brother and sister that burns in their heart.  Theft and corruption shall never cross their mind.  Colluding among themselves to put their own interests and desires ahead of those of you, the governed, will never cross their mind.  And since you can trust them to do what is best for you there won't need to be elections...only appointments or successions.  But if there are elections you can be certain they will be fair and honest elections because the New World Order would never allow sneaky corrupt underhanded wrongdoings to stain their honor. 


     Are you buying this non-sense?  Is this how the proud and haughty act...with righteous public mindedness?  It has been tried before, this notion of 'trust us to put your needs above our own' though we've never shown ourselves to act in the interests of others prior to this.  Power seekers do not do much of anything for the welfare of others, and power seekers who act in secretive ways are even more unlikely to be doing so.  


     Nimrod tried to unite the whole world by force and cunning misleadings in the opposing of their God and the following of him, Nimrod, only about three to four centuries after the Great Flood.   And the easily tricked people embraced his efforts.  And take note:  God so despised the idea of that early post-flood One World Order which Nimrod tried to form that He caused us all to suddenly speak in different languages, by clan, so that large group cooperation was rendered nearly impossible.  The Tower of Babel could not be finished.  God does not seem to endorse the thought of evil-hearted, puny brained, easily misled mankind.  We will too gullibly and easily unite under a single human leader whose soul and mind Satan can then easily enough lure into pridefulness and then take captive.  Governments with separated branches of power, mutually able to check or curb the power of any one particular branch when the need is perceived, are slightly unwieldy at times.  They are a lot of work.  But they are worth it.  Too much power in too few hands is a complete recipe for disaster if the hands are human.  Even it you have a very good 'dictator or king' to start with, it will not be long before a very bad one will find their way to that alluring position of power.  A human - speaking of any single human - is simply not fit to wield too much power.  Jesus will one day come and make the finest of kings, but humans are simply too susceptible to pride, corruption, collusion for gain, and to a lust for importance.  You want to set up a government with the least needed amount of power, and you want it spread out over at least as many good and well meaning hands as it takes to keep a dictatorship from ever forming.  And you want all people involved in government to be as wise, informed, discerning, and 'other centered' as can be attained.  And for that, you need to make your whole nation as good and as wise as possible, so that they produce many sons and daughters capable of taking on such positions of governance.  In other words, you want a God fearing nation filled to the brim with very capable and good-hearted people.  It's an ideal sounding sort of government and nation that can certainly be pursued with some success, and should be.   Because, there are many examples of dictatorial type persons or governments getting the strange and disastrous notion that they ought to oppose their Almighty Creator.  Satan works his wiles on the human mind all too easily.  Human history is rife with proof of this.              


     God's prevailing order for people in King Nimrod's time, after the Great Flood and around the 2,000 B.C. time frame, was for people to go out and recolonize the world, repopulate the planet with people who would hopefully act better, after the desolation of the Great Flood.  But Nimrod, by ordering people to stay near to him instead and work on the Tower of Babel together under his direction, schemed to thwart God's plan.  It was a sort of 'Don't go fill the land with God fearing people' counter order.  Satan had taken up residence in Nimrod's mind.  Maybe Nimrod was thinking something like 'How can I have a powerful kingdom if everyone is departing for far flung places to start new colonies?  What if I threw a dictator party and no one came?' 


      It took intervention by God in the form of producing multiple languages among humans to free the people from this wicked situation Nimrod created, from this power crazed and misled human king.


     It was by no means the only occurrence of such thinking by early Biblical 'leaders'.  Centuries later, even Jacob's son Joseph is a type of example of a human head of the world (not all of the world...but much.)  And Joseph was used by God, big picture, to facilitate a great salvation for the Israelites by God's hand and planning, and Joseph was highly favored by God and he is also thought of in various ways as being a typological presaging of the coming Jesus.  But Joseph, while very good for the Israelites, had a hand in relieving just about everyone else in Egypt of their wealth and their freedom.  On behalf of Pharaoh, and given the number two position in all of ancient Egypt, Joseph ordered food to be stockpiled ahead of a prophesied famine of seven years that would effect Egypt and many nations around it.  During the great drought and famine (which did come exactly as predicted) people, both Egyptian and foreigners,  surrendered their wealth, then their belongings, then finally even their sovereignty just to have enough of the stockpiled grain to survive.  'Take us on as Pharoah's servants in exchange for food', they pleaded, and Joseph did.  People become desperate without food. 


     Benjamin Franklin sometimes gets credit for the quote "Necessity never made a good bargain."  When you're desperate and out of options you can easily be enticed into striking a horrible bargain. 


     So, what happened there in Joseph's day?  This grain Joseph stored up was actually Egyptian grain...the Egyptian people's harvested grain.  Yet when it was desperately needed by the Egyptian people who had put in the work to grow and farm it, the state charged them money for it as if they were doing the people of Egypt a great favor to let them have some of it  They used the Egyptian people's condition of great need to fleece them of first their money, then their flocks and belongings and then even their freedom by selling them back their very own grain at a precious cost, grain that the Egyptian people had farmed.  On the one hand it was God's plan, so we know it was for the best.  But on the other hand, did the Egyptian government believe it was in the people's best interest to essentially turn them into slaves?  Or was the human Egyptian government thinking of its own interests ahead of those of the people it pretended to serve?  A One World Government, any government, good or treacherous, will eventually work to the fulfillment of God's plan because God the Father is all powerful and all knowing and completely, totally sovereign.  Yet, the motivation of the Earthly human instrumentalities that He orchestrates to bring about His plans may at certain times be quite reprehensible concerning their intentions and plans.  And it is wise on the part of any people to avoid and oppose being enslaved by any bad form of government.  We nations and peoples are all given a certain amount of understanding and discernment.  If, using those sensory allotments from our Creator, we can identify a thing as being a bad thing, we should act accordingly.  We should not seek an abusive or self serving form of Earthly government...that is simply foolish.  Yet, we Christians are counseled to be obedient to our governments because God has placed them over us.  So, we presently have many democracies in this world.  God has 'placed that form of government' over many of us in the world, and happily so in many respects.  So as long as we retain the good sense to do so, we can strive from the voting booths of our lands to ensure that it is a good and Godly Christian government which prevails in our lands.  If we are vigilant and active we can do much good for our Earthly human affairs while we live out our days.  We can avoid dictators and emperors and despots with pretty good hopes for success beneath the eyes of God who watches and ultimately determines the outcome of all things.  We can be Christian, we can teach the upcoming generations of our own peoples to remain Christian, and we can reach out to others all over the world who do not yet know of Jesus or follow Him.  We live in a wonderful time in many respects, though Satan still works with force and fury to ruin it all.  Yet God looks down and laughs at Satan's desperate efforts to work among us faulted humans to derail God's mighty plans.    


  Proverbs 19:21: “Many plans are in a man's heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand.”   


  Proverbs 21:30: "There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord." 

  And finally, the great Psalm 2:

Psalm 2

Why do the nations conspire[a]
    and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth rise up
    and the rulers band together
    against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,
“Let us break their chains
    and throw off their shackles.”

The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
    the Lord scoffs at them.
He rebukes them in his anger
    and terrifies them in his wrath, saying,
“I have installed my king
    on Zion, my holy mountain.”

I will proclaim the Lord’s decree:

He said to me, “You are my son;
    today I have become your father.
Ask me,
    and I will make the nations your inheritance,
    the ends of the earth your possession.
You will break them with a rod of iron[b];
    you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”

10 Therefore, you kings, be wise;
    be warned, you rulers of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with fear
    and celebrate his rule with trembling.
12 Kiss his son, or he will be angry
    and your way will lead to your destruction,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
    Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

End Quote


      In some ways it was all from God Almighty, those long ago Egyptian happenings, despite what the intentions of the involved human players were.  God was skillfully working His purpose and one of the outcomes is that Joseph's own family members were able to come to the Goshen region in Egypt and have food, and survive.  (These people would soon enough become God's chosen people , the Israelites, chosen as God's peculiar nation for the display of His splendor before the watching eyes of this misled world.  But as it turned out, that wasn't going to happen for a couple of more centuries.)  Yet ultimately, after Joseph's eventual death about 65 years after the famine,  the Israelites became slaves in that land...hated slaves...used ruthlessly by Egyptians.  In fact, in time the Egyptians even ordered that the male babies born to the Israelites be left out in the open to die so that Israelites did not become too numerous for the land.  It was a sort of 'Don't fill the land with God fearing people' policy or order, much like Nimrod's plans effectively were.  It took intervention by God through His servants Moses and Aaron and God's terrible 10 plagues to free the Israelites from this wicked situation.

     Government always, always, always gets too big for its britches.  They can't help it.  No matter how well intended things start out the ruthless, greedy, self centered and evil personality types feel drawn to all positions of power, to all sources of wealth and influence...along with the more noble and meritorious types who want to provide good service to their people.  But the good types are pretty strongly bound by principals and morals.  The evil types are not.  The evil types very quickly discover ways to break the rules, ways to rig the game to their advantage.  Colluding together to do unrighteous things to gain advantage or ascendancy seems like an obvious 'no brainer' to them.  Why would you not if there's no one to stop you, they reason, with a mind trained to think in terms of 'how can I best serve myself?'  Harm and damage to others?  They see such things as the unavoidable cost of obtaining their objectives. 


     And so, unless the corrupt are ousted from power on a very regular basis your government becomes irredeemably corrupt.  They cleverly institute safeguards to ensure their power is as secure as possible.  And so, as the bad ones come along they recognize each other, they sniff each other out, they secretly work together, they tear down such legal statutory guard rails as might limit their power, and left unchecked they will always destroy anything good before too many generations go by.  Sometimes faster!  To them, an evil and corrupt situation which they are in charge of is preferable to a situation of justice, fair play, righteousness and decency where they are but a replaceable servant.  That's why it is said that a governmental structure such as our American forefathers prayerfully built for us is only suitable to a just and moral people, and no other.  It has its checks and balances but if the positions serving to provide those checks and balances are filled by corrupted evil doers then they cannot function as protections of the American populace any longer. 


     Liberty must be constantly maintained by a fundamentally good and vigilant electorate, and the elections must be fair and uncheatable.   There must be nearly iron-clad election integrity!  Take note of which political powers try to downplay the importance of fair elections.  They will certainly be the ones that want elections that can be tampered with.  If there are loud cries that elections are being tampered with and swift and powerful efforts are not taken by all involved political entities to ensure that is not true and reach agreements on how to prevent even the false impression that it is true...then you can be fairly certain that cheating is indeed going on.  And the politicians pretending to pooh-pooh the thought of election cheating can be reliably pegged as beneficiaries of said cheating.  In other words, if there is a fair portion of the electorate that suspects there is election cheating then there should be an 'all hands on deck' type effort to disprove the notion that cheating did occur and furthermore to improve the election process to the point that such an allegation is far less likely to ever be made again.   Again, you simply must have a fundamentally good and fair minded electorate, and elections with iron clad integrity.  Once either of those two conditions are lost, so is the nation.  It becomes just another corrupt evil government that secretly looks upon its citizens as prey or fools to be manipulated, but certainly not as their bosses. 


     So if you concentrate power in too few hands and then it goes corrupt,  woe is the people!  And in America one of the first things the New World Order worked to do is begin destroying the goodness and the knowledge level of the children coming up through the schools.  It worked to deprive them of knowledge and appreciation of their Maker, of His call to excellence and goodness, and of their citizens rights and responsibilities.  And it has been terribly effective.  A couple of generations of young Americans now have little idea of the specialness, of the rarity of the freedoms they enjoy through their Constitution and their governmental laws and its balance-the-powers structure, so long as that government is staffed by people who see government as a way to serve their fellow citizen's needs. 


     America's government is one of the best on Earth, we do have SOME REALLY GOOD PEOPLE in government still.  Patriotic and service minded, many of them very smart and capable.  But the termites have found their way to the timbers anyway, and only a vigilant and motivated populace can oust them.  The bad ones, and this includes all of the New World Order types because they work in secret to rot out the foundations of the powerful centers they make their way to, would  rather destroy the place than give up their power and position.  It's a slow slithering comprehensive multi-faceted attack on Christian decency in the world, as if Christians didn't already have enough problems living up to the standards they are supposed to aspire to!  Only a genuine effort by all Christians to have a Godly nation pleasing to Jesus will prolong our effort, but here's the daunting but genuine truth:  the Bible clearly tells us that in the end Jesus has to come as a warrior King, take His people out of the way, then come back and destroy all Earthly powers and start afresh.  Humans end up losing the fight to the forces of Satan and only Jesus can save the situation.  Yet...there is nothing much more important than to be found fighting the good fight anyway.  We must fail, eventually be defeated, whatever you care to call our unavoidable prophesied fate, with our eyes on Jesus.  And until such time as we lose, life on Earth will be so much better in the nations that have not yet fallen. 


     Perhaps partly because we are prone to this desire to have a strong human leader to look up to, despite that it always ends up poorly, God had His Son Jesus be born into human flesh and God assigned Jesus as our fitting and rightful leader.  But for now Jesus has not risen to take His kingdom.  The time may be very soon, but we are not informed of the exact coming time.  Remember though, only 8 days before the Great Flood no one knew it was imminent.  But when it arrived they sure knew!   By then it was too late for nearly all of mankind to be saved except one smallest sliver, the family of one righteous servant of God named Noah, and his wife.


     Satan knows his time is short, and he would ruin as much of what belongs wholly to Jesus as he possibly can.  And he can use humans, those that will follow him, as his servants.  And he can do harm to all other humans, the ones that will turn towards him enough to become his prey, so effectively that he will do great damage to many, no...most, of the humans upon the Earth.  Satan has been doing what he does for a long time, and he's learned some things about humans.  Also, he's an angel.  Jesus himself said that John the Baptist was the greatest of those born among women but the least of those in Heaven was greater than him.  In any sort of head to head contest a human will not fare well against an angel.  You do not dare turn any of your attention towards Satan or those that work for him.  You keep your eyes forward, you keep looking towards the prize, which is your salvation and an eternity with Jesus as your king in a genuinely good kingdom under the Father Almighty.  You don't engage with bad angels.  They know our weaknesses in general as humans and they know our specific weaknesses in particular, as individuals.  And they are smarter than us.  And they are very experienced compared to us.  So you don't do sin with your words or hands, you don't let sinful thoughts dwell in your mind, and you pray when you feel temptations, and you don't allow yourselves to stay isolated.  You meet and socialize with other Christians.  There is great power against wickedness when Christians socialize, congregate and pray together.


     Some feel trapped inside of the New World Order.  Every one of its prisoners has the key to their own cuffs though.  It's natural to have fears about what you will lose or what will be exposed about you.  But consider:  in the course of time and events many of the powerful have lost their power but ended up living fair quality lives.  Many of the rich lost their money and were admittedly happier for it.  Many of the famous outlived their fame.  Many of the proud have had their sins exposed and went through shamings, really tough highly exposed periods of well deserved embarrassment and humiliation...but in humility they turned to Jesus to beg forgiveness and were forgiven and reformed into a person useful to the kingdom of heaven. 


     So for everyone that has been lured into being a member of the New World Order...repent!  Admit this terrible error, renounce your 'membership', and seek a place among the forgiven of the Lord Jesus, who can forgive whoever He chooses to forgive.  There is an afterlife which lasts forever.  Isn't it a form of pride to stick with a terrible mistake you have made because, darn it, you have made some deal with the Evil One, with the Accuser?  You are to be ashamed for that without question, but while you breathe you can earnestly repent and call out to the Lord to save you.  He is faithful, and imbued with power from the very most high!  Let your Book of Life say that you hated your choice to follow God's enemy, to make some sort of a pact with God's enemy, and you ran back to the Good One who made you and loves you.  Become the servant of Jesus in full and without reservation and keep nothing that you were given by God's enemy.  Satan offered great things to Jesus if only Jesus would worship him.  Jesus declined.  Follow the Lord's example.  People can and should renounce the New World Order even if they are guilty as can be and took vows to the evil one and they are shamefully vulnerable to blackmail evidence being revealed...all of that.  When you repent and return to the Lord it puts the decision in the Lord's hands.  Who will condemn the one the Lord forgives?  And if we are sincere in our repentance the Lord might decide to forgive us.  We have heard that His mercy is great!  In truth there is no Christian that has earned their place in Heaven.  Any of us that make it make it through the Lord's grace and mercy alone, because only Jesus was given the power to forgive sin. 


     Our world has reached a point where the New World Order with all of its corrupt wicked tentacles feels almost unafraid now.  Even when exposed in recent news releases they have reached a point where they just shrug and put on a smug grin.  They have corrupted so many organizations, so many branches of so many governments, and so extensively misled such a great fraction of humanity's thought processes.  They barely bother to hide these days.   They speak of lowering the world's know, limiting God's people from spreading out over the land, like Nimrod wanted, like Egypt under the Pharaoh who feared the Israelites becoming too numerous.  The ability of people to recognize the New World Order's true intent, unite against them, and effectively rid the world of their wicked plans has been almost nullified they imagine.  But it is not true.  And ending the New World Order might actually allow some of the people who are part of the New World Order to repent and save their avoid eternity in Hell.  Souls restored to their God...a very good thing! 


     These New World Order people wish to run the planet.  None of them have run a planet before.  That is a problem.  They actually only need love and work and human relation and God and a full tummy and a roof over their head.  Yet there is no end to the wealth, power, and material possessions  that they think that they need.  It is their 'footprint' that needs to be downsized, not really that of poor God fearing people.  Jesus expressed good feelings towards the poor in many passages of scripture.  But he never congratulates the wealthy for their wealth or assures them of a glowing future in the afterlife.  Quite the opposite.  How then can New World Order people escape and save their soul?  How can the New World Order be dissolved?  It needs to be.  It can only fill the Earth with evil.  It is the Glove of Satan. do not need to hide a good thing or a wholesome thing.  Yet whatever is at the heart of the New World Order is hidden with great effort.  It can only be that they realize that people would immediately recognize it as a thing so foul as to be shameful, and dangerous to human welfare.  


     How can we stop this New World Order?


     Confession nullifies black mail.  Maybe you will be known as you actually are, and maybe it won't be pretty, but the threat to expose your 'secret sins' can no longer be used to leverage your obedience.  Do not cooperate with their ideas.  Do not join their cause.  If you know someone stuck in the New World Order, afraid and not sure how to extricate themselves, help them!  Help them escape.  They probably will face consequences from the law and/or public opinion, and the New World Order will try to punish them also for leaving their evil club...but that's still better than staying in the New World Order.  Better by far!


     Teaching the Wisdom Books of the Bible from the pulpit and in the home, (and at our schools themselves is it too much to ask?) teaching about God's great deeds from the pulpit and at home instills both Godly discernment about what constitutes evil and a desire to please God by living rightly in His eyes.  We all are lost on our own, but we all have to strive to please God.  Reading the Bible!  That is one of the big foundations for improving any people.


     Families teaching their children to hate cheating and corruption and bullying of any type quickly enough leads to young people that are hard to mislead and strongly opposed to cheating, evil, and corruption.


     Teaching children to oppose wrong behavior by their peers and their government and to be part of the solution, to maybe get involved in governance and be Christian in their choices once they are in...all of that contributes to a better world for your family and even for the children of the wicked or misled New World Order types.


     Building goodness in the young is so important that for decades it has been the exact thing that the New World Order has tried to prevent.  If each new generation of young people will only tolerate righteous behavior in their communities and by their governments then how difficult it is for a wicked government to flourish.  Hence the Department of Education and such other plagues on the soul of a Christian nation.  You remove all that has to do with Godly Christian goodness and obedience to Jesus, posturing it as a sign of your broad mindedness to jettison such arcane myths.  You remove the Bible, and the Books of Wisdom from your nation's school curriculum.  The Books of Wisdom give young growing minds so much to consider about discerning the motives of other humans and about pleasing God and avoiding sin.  The New World Order wants none of this!  They want all obedience to be to them.  They see all humans that are not them as prey, or as surplus and ripe for extermination.  There is no good to be found in the New World Order and that is why they have to work in secret, always hiding their true intentions.  They are the heart of foul thought and evil living.   Every worthy Christian parent should teach that the New World Order is to be shunned in every possible way, they should be starved of cash and cooperation in every possible way, they should never be joined in with and whoever does join in with them must be regarded as a declared enemy of Jesus and the Holy Father.  It is already prophesied that Jesus will one day return to lead the world's people.  He is the one single allowed New World Order.  His kingship of the world will constitute a One World Order under the Son of God, at least for 1,000 years it will.  He will eventually give all things that are in His hands to the Holy Father so that the Holy Father will be all in all as it should be, as it says in 1 Corinthians 15. 


     This New World Order that is congealing so quickly around us is from the Evil One.  Numerous Christian nations existing with good will towards each other but independently form a much needed system of checks and balances on each other's power and influence as Satan from time to time manages to invade and co-opt the government of first one then another such nation.  No nation can shine alone for long...too tempting a target for the Evil One.  We are better off to live humbly as imperfect Christian nations trying to improve and trying to do well towards our own people and our neighbors around the world until 'He to whom the government rightly belongs' makes His appearance to become ruler of all the world in the flesh!


      To all of the people who feel like they are stuck in the New World Order goo and muck because they have been bribed or blackmailed, filmed or photographed in sin and humiliating acts, remember this admonition we were left with by our God:  Come out of her, my people! 


     Take the pain, take the shame, know that many others are in the same boat but all must leave the New World Order with its many branches and faces if their souls are to be saved.  The New World Order can only trouble you on this side of the grave where time is finite.  They have no authority on the other side of the grave, where time is eternal.  The repentant have a chance at the Lord's mercy.  His blood was not shed for jay-walkers, but for the truly sinful...who earnestly seek His forgiveness.  From the time you turn away from what is sinful you have a chance!  When others see you do it, they may be emboldened to leave the New World Order their own selves, who knows?  You may help save a brother or sister.  Honestly, no one who is part of the New World Order will ultimately benefit from it.  They can swap a kidney with us.  They can donate blood to us.  That means they were created by the same God.  That means they will have a judgement day like anyone else.  It will be in front of a God that they have worked to thwart and whom they have rebelled against.  The only book in the world that hasn't had a single prophecy fail says that Jesus wins and that He judges all souls.  If you are so smart that you aspire to run a planet you should be smart enough to realize that you don't want the Judge of All Souls to be angry with you when you appear before Him.  You have been tricked.  Satan has nothing of lasting value to give anyone.  There is nothing in Hell that can provide any comfort to anyone.  There is no reward to be had there. 


     The Bible says that because of end times devastation the sight of a living man will one day be rare upon this Earth.  That means that New World Order members will not be walking around enjoying the good life.  Where then will they be?  They will be where ever the Judge of Souls has sent them to be.  If that does not sound good then now is definitely the time to 'Come out of her, my people!' as the scripture says.  Use the same misdirected courage you used to rebel against God to depart from Satan and return to God, to Jesus, seeking forgiveness.  God's mercy is great!  Great enough for a great number of us...maybe you, maybe me!  It is His call to make unless you cheat Him out of the opportunity by remaining in what you know to be a state of rebellious sin.















©2017 Daniel Curry & 'Deeds of God' Website