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2024 A.D.:  6th Day Series:  The construction of our human hands seems so Biblical!!





     Our whole bodies, the entirety of our human bodies from top to bottom and front and back, are built with so many Biblical parallels that it seems just insane to imagine that it happened by chance.  And it's not just that the numbers suggest it.  The function of the body parts also seem to so often be in context with the suggested Biblical connection.  That is the topic of all of the 6th Day Series articles on the Deeds of God website.  Jesus is the 'Image of God' it tells us in the Book of Colossians, and we are made in God's 'image' it tells us in several places in scripture, and Jesus is the Word it tells us in scripture, and our entire human body seems to have numerous nods to and reflections of the Holy Word of God.  Our entire human body is like one giant nod to the one complex and amazing piece of evidence that we are a living walking tribute to the author of our being, as well as a 3-D prophecy of sorts of what His plans have been for us since the very beginning.  Again, you can read the 6th Day Series accounts on the Deeds of God website to learn more.  But hands are particularly amazing and Biblical, and it would be great if more pastors mentioned this in their sermons.  It would reinforce that we are made in the image of God. (and Godly things!)  


     Our job as Christians is to reach out, to extend word of the New Covenant...the Gospels of Jesus which tell of the new path to salvation for all who would enter heaven for all of the people who will listen.  This New Testament has 27 books.  Our hands, the part of our body that we reach out with, by God's design, each have 27 bones.  We have 8 carpals, 5 metacarpals, and another 14 bones in our digits for this total of 27 bones in this part of our body, our hands, with which we reach out.  Is that not amazing enough?  Well, each hand also has 27 joints.  So we are designed to reach out with the Gospel, which has 27 books, and we do it with hands that have 27 bones and 27 joints.  If this was the only part of our body that exhibited such a 'coincidence' between its design and the Word of God it would be somewhat interesting...but our entire body is like this.  If you are intrigued, go through the '6th Day Series' accounts on the Deeds of God website, of which there are many, and you will see that it is outlandish how many connections there are between our human bodies and the Word of God.  Our whole body 'cries out' that the God of the Bible is the author of our design.  


     Our hands have palms.  That is the name that has come down through history for the inside facing portion of the main part of our hands...palms.  The work of our hands is supposed to pave the way for the coming of our Lord Jesus and the beginning of His reign.  When Jesus was in the world performing His earthly teaching ministry he once came to Jerusalem to the acclaim of a large adoring crowd, who laid 'palm' leafs and branches on the road, paving the way before him, and garments.  His way was paved with 'palms' in this sense, and we pave his way with the work of our hands on His behalf even today.  We pave His way with our 'palms'.  


     Hold your hand out in front of you as if you are going to catch a ball being dropped from above.  Do you see how your four fingers are leaning in toward your strong, stout but not so long thumb?  The thumb is humble in length, but powerful.  Jesus was made humble upon the Earth, but He was powerful.  As the fingers 'bow towards' and 'regard' the thumb, yet oppose it also, so also the Christian Church to the North, and the South, and the East and the West of Jerusalem bows to Jesus like 4 brides bowing to their husband, working with Him yet opposing Him sometimes if the truth be told.  But just as our hand makes it all work, so also Jesus makes it work with His faulty but committed church of Christian believers...His Earthly bride.

     Does that seem fanciful and contrived?  Maybe it is, but it is a repeated Biblical pattern: 

     There were 4 brides on Noah's Ark with Noah as the patriarch.  From them came all of the humans that repeopled the Earth. 

     There were 4 brides who were married to and followed their husband the patriarch Jacob/Israel, sometimes giving him headaches because of their rivalries, but providing him with love, service, comfort and many children. 

     The Israelites escaped Egypt and then wandered the Sinai Desert for 40 years, marching in the formation specified by God with the Levites and the items of the Holy Tabernacle in the center of their marching formation.  Three tribes marched to the east, three to the west, three to the north, and three to the south with the resting place of the presence of God (the Ark of the Covenant) being carried along in the center by the Levite tribe, held up by poles of wood just as Jesus (the Earthly resting place of the presence of God) would one day be held up by wooden 'poles'...the wood of the cross.  And even their marching formation formed a sort of cross were it seen from the air. 

     And then came Jesus, the actual Son of God formed into the flesh of a man, to walk among us, to teach us and atone for us because nothing else was sufficient to atone for us.  And he left behind His 4 great Gospels...Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  They, like brides in a way, helped produce children for him.  They, like fingers, helped do the work of bringing men and women to salvation.  It could also be viewed a little bit differently:  the Gospels, Acts, the Letters, and Revelation...those four.  They served Jesus and produced children for him with the help of His servants the Christian Church.   Jesus' followers, the Christian believers, went out in the four great directions of the compass to find ever more believers for their Lord Jesus, like fingers serving a thumb, and working together, Jesus allowing us faulty sinners to gather 'sheaves of grain' (new believers) as Boaz once allowed Ruth to in the Book of Ruth, and some new believers have been found in every generation. 

     The human hand is indeed very Biblical.  But again, our whole body seems that way.  We truly are made in the image of God.  It would be so beautiful and faith affirming if pastors told their flock about it sometimes. 



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