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Physics:  The Sun and Moon Have Very Similar Rotation Times and the Sun Has Characteristics That You Could Liken To the Father Almighty, and the Moon Has Characteristics That You Could Liken To the Son, Jesus!





     It is true that Jesus said that He and the Father were one.  And he also said that if His listeners had seen Him that they had seen the Father.  Jesus is called the WORD, but Jesus also said that he only spoke the words that the Father gave him to speak.  So Jesus referred to a one-ness between himself and the father.  Jesus is held to be 'one in being' with the father by many Christians.

     The solar system is part of the functional system that makes life on Earth possible, but it also is for signs and to show certain times, etc.  It has symbolism, and it works to display the glory of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit.  The MOON has many aspects that point to Jesus. (Circles the Earth like a shepherd watches over its flock.  Battered looking, like Jesus from his crucifixion.  Reflects the sun's light and is the light that dispels the darkness like Jesus said He reflected His Father's light, among many other things.)  The Sun has many aspects which point to the Father Almighty.  (The true source of light.  One source of life.  The center of our whole solar system, among many other things.)  The Earth has many aspects which point to 'the Bride of Jesus' and humanity and the Christian Church.  (It is beautiful and abundantly supplied with life and miracles more than any other planet.  It is vigilantly looked up on by the sun and or the moon at all times just as the Father and the Son always watch over those that belong to them.  Humanity is designed to be a suitable companion/helper/servant to Jesus just as a bride dedicates her love and efforts and wisdom to the concerns and welfare of her husband and family in Proverbs 31, among many other things.)

     So it is interesting then that the rotation of the moon around its axis takes 27.3 days.

     The rotation of the sun around its axis, by comparison, also takes about 24 days at its equator and about 30 days at the poles.  And it doesn't change uniformly in between.  It's a gas ball.  All parts of the surface do not turn in lock-step.  It takes about 27 days overall for the sun to rotate on its axis, according to an excerpt from this article from,The%20Sun%20rotates%20on%20its%20axis%20once%20in%20about%2027,its%20south%20pole%20in%20March.   Here is a quote from the article:

     The Sun rotates on its axis once in about 27 days. This rotation was first detected by observing the motion of sunspots. The Sun’s rotational axis is tilted by about 7.25 degrees from the axis of the Earth’s orbit so we see more of the Sun’s north pole in September of each year and more of its south pole in March.  Since the Sun is a ball of gas/plasma, it does not have to rotate rigidly like the solid planets and moons do. In fact, the Sun’s equatorial regions rotate faster (taking only about 24 days) than the polar regions (which rotate once in more than 30 days). The source of this “differential rotation” is an area of current research in solar astronomy.

End quote. 

     So the Sun and Moon (which have characteristics calling to mind the Father and the Son respectively) have similar rotation times.  In fact, the rotation time of the sun is a little subjective so they might even be the same if you measured the sun some certain way...who knows?  And this is in a solar system where rotation times vary widely!  Venus for instance is the slowest rotating planet in our solar system at 243.0 Earth days for one Venusian day.  Oddly, its orbit around the sun happens much quicker than that at 224.7 Earth days, so Venus' year is shorter than its day.  Would you rather be marooned on Venus for a year or a day?  Trick question.

     Anyway, the WORD, the New Covenant portion found in the New Testament, also employs that number 27; it has 27 books.  So, the New Testament is the rule for living for the Christian.  Its 27 books are relatable in certain ways to a sun and moon which have 27 day rotations.  For emphasis of the fact that there seem to be many odd connections, connections which are mathematical combined with contextual, between created things and the Bible, the human hand, which passes out the New Testament with its 27 books, is held out to people by a Christian hand which has 27 bones and 27 joints in each hand.  I think that we are a Christian creature and we are living in a Christian universe, made for Jesus the Christ who is God's son to care for and rule over.

     There is evidence, growing evidence, that something is at work here!  God is mighty and the maker of all things, the scriptures say.  I believe.  Jesus is His Son and our only possible Lord and Savior the scripture says.  I do believe this also.  And the more I learn, though my learning is very unimpressive, the more I believe it. 

     It would be so exciting to program a super computer or an AI system to learn the Bible and then have it look for correlations in the Universe.  Or maybe just have a room full of scientists who also happen to be Christians just spend a year or two looking for such proofs that the Almighty God of Abraham, the Father of Jesus, was truly the author of the Creation as well as the author of the Holy Bible.  They would produce astounding results I conjecture.  I only poke away at it with a mind that has never performed impressively.  What could a room full of honest and motivated genuine intellectuals achieve if they met each day, prayed to God for discernment, and then went at it for the glory of Almighty God in the eyes of His human children?       




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