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2024 A.D.: An Isolated Rural 7th Day Adventist Church In Angola, Africa Says That Manna Has Fallen There In the Countryside Around Their Church For Decades Now, On Wednesdays and Fridays, Since A Long Ago 1939 Drought!  If Manna Truly Does Fall There, And Only Close To the Church, How Is That Not Proof of Jesus and the Mighty Father? 




     The Namba 7th Day Adventist Church. The Mission was Founded In 1928, But There Were Structures Other Than A Church At First.  The Church Building Was Inaugurated In 1961 The 10,000 Acre Plot of Land Around Them Was Granted To Them and Meant To Raise Cattle Upon.  The Church was Destroyed and Rebuilt in the Late 1970's During An Angolan Civil War.  Around This Church, For Hundreds of Yards, the Reported Manna Falls Each Wednesday and Friday (Unless It Rains Hard, The Locals Report.) 




 Local church goer discussing the reported phenomena.



 A Recent picture of the Angolan Manna.




A Picture Labeled As 1939 Angolan Manna.  Not sure, as that's almost the beginning of color photography if true.



     Synopsis:  By report, there is a Seventh-Day Baptist Church in Namba, in Angola, Africa, which has had manna falling from the sky since the 1930's in the vicinity around their church building.   They gather it, they eat it sometimes, they show it to visitors who travel there.  There are quite a number of YouTube videos showing this that can be viewed by searching Manna and Angola, for instance.     


     I have been watching videos on You Tube about a lonesome little 7th Day Adventist church near Namba in Angola, Africa where Manna falls from the sky on Wednesdays and Fridays and has for decades, since a terrible drought in 1939.  The report goes that the Mission Director was gone traveling to other mission areas and his wife gathered church goers to pray at the church for a solution to their drought.  Her daughter went outside for a while and came back in eating a white substance that looked like popcorn.  She said that men in white outside told her that it was Manna from the Lord and she should eat it.  Her mother told her not to eat it, it might be something bad, but the girl told her it was good and she had eaten some already.  They stepped outside and found it on the ground all over, but no trace of the men that the girl spoke of.  That is when it began to regularly fall. 

     I want to be skeptical, since you'd think such a thing would be world famous by now.  But...when I watch the videos of the local people proudly showing what God still does for them I just can't spot the face of a liar among them.  I could be easily enough  fooled, I know.  They show the Manna flakes, they eat them in front of the camera.  They describe the taste as like dry white cake with a sweet taste, and some of them talk about how the taste is hard to describe except that it tastes really nice and is sweet and good to eat.  Some was sent to a laboratory according to an article found at the Encyclopedia of Seventh-Day Adventists, taken from


The story of the presence of manna at this mission has an interesting history. According to Signs of the Times, the Namba area experienced a severe drought in 1939, and the inhabitants of that area began to suffer from famine. The native mission director was away for some weeks visiting distant mission schools. The director’s wife called the community to join her in prayer for a solution. The community accepted the invitation. She began by reading the promises of God, and told them of the manna which God sent to His people in the time of Moses.16

At the end of their prayer session, her five-year-old daughter went outside the house and saw a carpet of white stuff which looked like popcorn. When she returned into the house, her mother asked what she was eating. She replied, “Out there I saw six European [white] men, and they said: ‘The Lord has answered your prayer and has sent you manna; take it up and eat it.”17 When the mother and the community members went out, the six men had disappeared. The community residents began to gather large quantities of this food. When the director of the mission returned and found the people eating manna, he packed a quantity in a small box and sent it to Cape Town, where the founder of the mission was by then residing.

Carlos Sekeseke, the native mission director, wrote a letter that accompanied the package, stating: “It was on the 19th of March 1939, even on the same day, that our God performed a miracle at Namba, for God caused to rain from heaven the bread of heaven which is called ‘manna’. The people of Namba ate and filled plates with it. There ate of it many men and women and young children.”18

Laboratory tests were carried out on the product sample at Unicamp. A report says that “a sample was sent to the mass spectrometry laboratory at unicampos for analysis. The result is that the sample consists mostly of sugars (oily cerides), as well as small amounts of nitrogen compounds and oxides of metallic elements suitable for food. The study also concludes that the food can be a source of nutrients for the human diet, thus favoring expectations for a true sample of manna”.19 To this day, it is reported that manna continues to fall on Wednesdays and Fridays, and people gather it and eat it.20

End Quote


     Locals report that when the church was destroyed during a civil war the manna quit falling, but then when the church was rebuilt it started falling again.  They said that when they reconsecrated the church after rebuilding it there was one historically heavy fall of Manna that actually whitened the ground around the church, frightening some people so much that they wouldn't come out of their house to gather it, though some of their children did.  They said that once, when one of their church leaders had taken up with a woman in some sort of wrongful relationship that the Manna then fell with red streaks in it, like blood, and it tasted bitter.  But when that relationship issue was resolved the Manna began to fall as normal again.       

     Again, there are a great many You Tube videos taken in the area of the church, purportedly showing this.  I've watched a few of them.  I'm wanting to say this looks legitimate.  Wish I had money to travel there and confirm!  Maybe some of you can do so. 

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