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D-Day:  June 6, 1944.  God gives a victory sign? 






The D-Day Victory Promise From God?  On June 6, 1944 the largest known wartime beach invasion occurred.  The Allied Forces commanded by Eisenhower made for the beaches of France in astounding numbers in what was supposed to be a terrible slaughter, yet to gain what had to be gained:  an Allied foothold in France, so that France could be retaken and then Germany defeated.  The Allied troops had become a prayerful bunch of soldiers, asking God for protection and victory at many junctures as they fought a formidable foe.  But on this day, the day that the majority of the forces made their way through the scant morning light aboard various military watercraft towards the well defended beaches, it is likely that almost every man counted it a strong possibility that this day would be his last.  There were probably many tens of thousands of prayers said to God that day.  Back home there had been national days of prayer, but back home they were not allowed to know that this morning, June 6, would be the morning of the invasion.

  All along the stretches of beach targeted for the morning invasion aircraft had been busy pounding the crud out of the various German beach defense positions, and paratroopers had been jumped in during the night to do what damage they could.  All that could be done to make the day a success for the Allies had been done, and yet it still sat squarely in the lap of God Almighty to determine how the day would go...the commanders knew it, the soldiers knew it.  The commanders and the military priests and pastors and ministers had been emphasizing the importance of being as right before God as possible so that He could grant them victory.  Chances are that they were not fully right before God, but many had prayed a great deal, and many had tried to modify their character and behavior, hoping for victory and hoping to be spared by God.  Perhaps many of the men remained grateful to God all of their lives, but sadly we forget our gratitude towards our helper in times of danger once the danger has passed.

  So, though it is seldom even mentioned, it must have come as the greatest of comforts and assurances when those approaching the beach in the early morning hours of the day, wondering if they would succeed or fail, saw a great rainbow stretched in glorious colorful display and fashion in parallel to the landing beach.   The plane pilots saw it and thousands of the troops saw it for a portion of the morning as they landed on the beach.  Not only could you take courage from it because it was unexpected and beautiful, and because its timing was so suspect, but also because many Allied Forces Headquarters men wore a patch on their uniform displaying that very thing - the rainbow - above a flaming crusader's sword.  The soldiers saw it often on the uniforms of their commanders.  It was 'their' sign, not the enemy's.  If it was a sign to anyone, they had to suspect it was a sign to them.  A sign of hope, from God.  At least that is how many soldiers on that morning perceived it.  One source that speaks about this D-Day rainbow is the book "We Have A Guardian" by W. B. Grant first published in 1944.

  Thousands died on the beach that day, on both sides.  Certain beaches were not very well defended and Allied soldiers had fairly easy going.  Other beaches were gained by fierce and bloody trial. Thousands of the Allied Forces died, but not nearly so many as had been predicted.  The needed toe hold of land was gained, and the war effort moved on to eventual victory for the Allies.  It was such a pivotal day for humanity, more that just for the warring interests.  God and Christianity remained in charge of the English-speaking peoples and Europe as a whole, and that would go on to shape history in uncountable ways.

  And when God saves His people from the 'Jaws of Disaster', all through the Bible and sometimes outside of it as well, the number 66 is often found associated with the event.  This victory on D-Day certainly ended up being a salvation of sorts for the Jews in the concentration camps.  And it occurred - began at least - on June 6 (6-6) of 1944.  Yet another prominent 66 in a place where God takes action.  I don't understand why 66 seems to so often show up at these sorts of critical times, but I have taken notice that it does.  

  This victory was an amazing deed of God!  So we must remember to speak about it to our children sometimes, and to thank God for our extended Christian chance to be a force on Earth for our Lord.




  Here are two examples of this war time patch that most troops would have been familiar with.  A rainbow could hardly be seen as a bad sign, I suspect, though it is true that 'signs' can be confusing.  Sometimes God only shares enough to let you know that, whatever it is that is coming, He is in charge of it!  And it will play out to the suiting of His great unseen purpose. 



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