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2017 A.D.:  The First Appearance of the Number 27 In the Bible!


  The Bible seems to hold many instances where numbers are of great or prophetic importance.  One number that is important is the number 27.  Our New Testament holds 27 books, and it holds the New Covenant, the agreement that Jesus brought from His Father to present to mankind.  It was a 'last chance' agreement.  Through the life, teachings, and brutal death of Jesus the Church was formed.  It is composed of the body of believers in Jesus wherever they exist throughout the Earth.  It is the 'Bride of Christ'.  Our job as the Church is to present a chance at life to men and women who are dead in their sins or ignorance.  We present the New Covenant to new people, as well as helping to keep it alive in the hearts of those who already believe.  

  Through the New Covenant, the 27 books of the New Covenant, men and women, who are but dust, are brought to life.  They are brought to everlasting life.

  So, it is not surprising, though it is wonderful, that the first place in the Bible where the number 27 is to be found is in Genesis 2:7.  And what it says there is very appropriate when you consider the work of the Church, which was still 4,000 years in the future:



7 Then the Lord God formed a man[c] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

  End Quote

  It is interesting that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are called 'the Trinity' by some, the '3' Most High.  They seem intertwined though the Holy Father is greatest.  Jesus was the Son of God made flesh.  He had the same substance as the Father, scripture tells us.  One in being with the Father, as some say.  And Jesus was baptized, and it was seen that the Holy Spirit then came down and rested upon him.  Jesus was a being comprised of all three elements of the Trinity, therefore.  And Jesus said that the Father gave Him power and authority to lay down His life and then pick it back up again.  And so, when Jesus, the Word, picked His own life back up again, it was a case of 3 being raised by 3.  The number 3 raised to the 3rd power is 27.

   Also, in a Protestant King James Bible, the words in the Old Testament are 76% of the words of the Bible...then comes Jesus (the New Testament) and the Freedom it brought through Jesus more merciful new Covenant.  And ironically the number '76 has come to be elsewise associated with FREEDOM.  The American Revolutionary Soldiers, for one instance, were part of the American 'Spirit of 76', wherein people were willing to fight for their FREEDOM.


  But back to the first point: the first place where a 27 of some kind appears in the Bible's pages involves men being brought from lifeless dust to being a living being by the breath (spirit?) of God.  It must at least be admitted that this is somewhat prophetic of the coming work of Jesus and His Church, right?  Praise God, Who knows the end from the beginning.


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