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2019 A.D.:  How Does Harm To Humans From 'Climate Change Anxiety' Compare To Actual Physical Harm To Humans From the Allegedly 'Altered' Climate?


  Here in happy 2019 A.D. we have far more people dwelling upon the Earth than ever before.  There are so-called population clocks which estimate our planetary population at around 7.7 billion persons.  So, allowing that as a number that can be used and worked with to kick some thoughts and ideas around, consider the following:


  If this notion of and discussion of a calamitous Global Climate Change threat caused by humans is put into perspective, is its alleged actual physical existence causing as much damage as worrying about it is causing?

  Why not call it a fair question for at least a minute or so and kick the thought around a little?  Because we all know that stress and despair take a toll on human lifespan and human lives.  We are told that, aren't we?  Don't most peoples of the Earth hold it to be a truth that great amounts of stress and despair and worry and hopelessness about the future are unhealthy and physically damaging?  So what if we assign this worry a value and try to gauge its effects on humanity?  It won't be too scientific, of course.  Just a bit of conjecturing.  

  I remember that at one point in time it was a school yard truth that every cigarette smoked took 7 minutes off of your life.  Surely there is a corollary number of minutes removed by Climate Anxiety from the lives of those who worry about Clima-geddon.  So let's assign it some values and see what comes up.  Here's what I will attempt:  I will assume that the human lifespan is 80 years.  Every time that 'Anxiety About Global Warming' reduces human lifespans by an aggregate 80 years I will say that this Anxiety claimed the life of one person.  So, to start with, how many minutes is 80 years time?  60 min/hr x 24 hrs/day x 365.25 days per year x 80 years = 42,076,800 minutes.   So, let's say that is how many minutes are in a human life....42,076,800 minutes.

  Now let's guess how many people...what percent of the truly and deeply concerned about the advertised impending Clima-geddon.  I will just say that most of the very old are not too worried.  It may be coming, but probably not in their lifetime, right?  And the extremely young...say those below 6 years old...have not yet joined the pool of potential worriers.  So let's say that 85% of humanity is in the potential worriers pool in so far as their age is concerned.  7.7 billion people x 85% = 6.54 billion people.  

  Let's say that 15% of the remaining people are in nations, or in economic groups within their nation, such that Clima-geddon is not something they are presented with or think about.  They don't know about it or don't have an opinion about it.  They live pretty low to the ground, hand to mouth let us say, and have more pressing problems to concern themselves with.  Let's also include those with especially low IQ's or learning disabilities in this 15%, because quite a number of people are in that group also.  So that gets rid of 15% of the remaining people from being potential worriers, leaving 85% of the remaining 6.54 billion people in the worriers pool.  That number would then come to be:  6.54 billion x 85% = 5.56 billion people.  So let's stop there and say that 5.56 billion people are in a position to be potential worriers; they are in a position to be both informed of the alleged coming disaster, and free enough and well off enough to possibly let it be a worry in their life.  

  So now let's make it super easy and say that 1/2 of the possible worriers (50% of 5.56 billion people) have been convinced through whichever channel of persuasion that Clima-geddon is a genuine and legitimate threat, and they darn well ought to be entertaining at least some level of worry.  So, for this example, 5.56 billion people x 50% = 2.78 billion people are Clima-geddon worriers.  They have some level of anxiety about the alleged threat of Clima-geddon.

  Now to assign a level of average damage to each person:  again, since this is just for conjecture, I will make it easy for us.  Let's admit that some worriers will be deeply, passionately, perhaps almost hysterically worried.  But some worriers will only be mildly and occasionally worried.  So, this climate change agenda has been pushed with ever more vigor and funded with an ever growing army of scientists since around the year 2,000 A.D.  I will say that for 20 years the worriers have been worrying.  And I will say that some of them - but only a very few - worry so much that it is like smoking 40 cigarettes a day (2 packs a day.)  And some of them worry so little that it is like smoking 1 cigarette a day.  But I will take a totally research-devoid, fact-free guess and say that Clima-geddon has caused the average Climate-geddon worrier to lose as much lifespan as is caused by 1 cigarette per day.  That would be, according to school yard lore, 7 minutes lost each day that they spent in Climate-geddon despair or slight concern, the individual case depending. 

  And so I will say that 2.78 billion people have lost 7 minutes of their lives each day for 20 years of their lives, just so we have some discussion worthy data points to work with.  So, the total number of minutes lost to this worry-prone slice of humanity would be: 2.78 billion people x 7 minutes/day x 365.25 days/year x 20 years = 142.155 trillion minutes of humanity lost to worry.

  So, if 142.155 trillion minutes of human lifetime are lost, how many human lifetimes were lost?  Let's calculate it:  142,155,000,000,000 lost minutes of humanity in total / 42,076,800 minutes per human lifetime, as calculated about 6 paragraphs previously.  This comes out to 3,378,465 lives lost solely over 'Clima-geddon worry' for every 2.78 billion people who do 1 cigarette worth of worrying every day, and keep that up for 20 years.

  So, here is a question:  How many people actually died from the real world impacts, the extra tornadoes and hurricanes, the added severity of tornadoes and hurricanes, the droughts, etc., etc., caused by 'Man Made Global Climate Change'.  (If that is even a real thing!  Thousands of climate scientists scientists protest the notion, saying that the human impact on the climate is VASTLY overstated)?  How many people have actually died from these sorts of weather manifestations that would not have materialized were it not for the effects of humanity upon the planet's climate?   Some people have always died from storms and droughts.  But how many extra deaths are attributable to the extra weather problems caused just by humanity's activities in the last 20 years?  Because let's be it anywhere near to the 3,378,465 theoretical human lifetimes that were entirely erased by worrying about it?  

  Well, there are sites claiming that Man Made Climate Change is claiming 300,000 people year.  There are some sites claiming lower, such as 250,000 deaths a year.  There are some claiming that there are about 400,000 human deaths a year currently caused by Clima-geddon.  So, if I use the 300,000 lost lives / year figure that some sites offer then worrying about climate change causes about half as many deaths per year as the scientifically estimated deaths from the actual climate change.  And that is if the worriers lose about 7 minutes of their life each day from their worry (i.e. - the once believed biological cost of smoking 1 cigarette per day.)  Now if we decided to increase our estimate of the daily impact of Clima-gate worry, let's say we raised our estimate of the impact of their daily worries to being equal to that of 2 cigarettes per day, then the cost of worrying would calculate in this hypothetical and unresearched example to more than the human cost and impact of the weather changes themselves.  

  So given this to consider, just as a starting point for discussion, are we doing well to let the forces pushing this Clima-geddon notion have free access to our children's thoughts, minds, or school books?  Or to ours, as adults, for that matter?  If it was claimed that any other emerging danger was theoretically extrapolated to be equivalent to having far less than 50% of the human population smoke one cigarette a day for 20 years, the sounds of the yawns would be deafening.  No one would even remember the story the next week, right?

  God really does have it handled.  It is excellent, even crucial, for all of us humans to want to be good care takers of this amazing planet...our God-given home...and to take actions that will assure its good maintenance.  That is respect for our home, respect for our fellow, respect for our neighbor and future generations, and respect for the other amazing creatures that dwell on this world along with us.  But God really does have the big things handled.  

  The children are charged with picking up the toys after they play, but the parents take care of the structural maintenance of the home.  Perhaps God uses about the same model when assigning responsibility for the well being of the planet.  Maybe that example sort of reflects our own level of responsibility concerning our planet compared to those that fall under the invariably well-handled group of tasks that God has decided to maintain under His own direct cognizance.  

  The Earth and all that is in it is ultimately in God's hands because, in truth, we also are in God's hands.  We have been given some leeway to be self governing, but God can end that freedom and reel us back in at any time He chooses.  So again, let's be responsible, but it's ridiculous to think that there is a giant man-caused coming calamity that only man can prevent.  Let's look and watch, and adjust our activities as needed to steer a good course concerning planetary stewardship.  

   This push to make it seem like a giant deadly calamity is barreling its way towards us with disastrous intent, requiring the most drastic of actions on humanity's part if it is to be avoided...that is just a political ploy to help create a 'One World Order' founded through skillfully created planet-wide panic.  It is a scam being taught (force fed, really) to both children and adults, and some very well intended people genuinely believe it of course.  But while working hard to be good stewards of the Earth is good, politically motivated scams are bad.  Isn't it far more sensible to ignore the dooms-day scenarios and calmly work towards ever more responsible stewardship of our planet, each working within our own nations!  Once a 'WORLD GOVERNMENT' is established, they are not going to be leaving any mechanisms in place for dissolving that 'WORLD GOVERNMENT' should it become an enemy to humanity rather than its oh so enlightened guide.  The sort of people most attracted to the role of 'ultimate world authority' are the very sort that most fully know how to secure their kingdom and their power against all threats against it.  Woe to humanity when such a government gains control of human freedoms.  Any form of natural disaster is preferable to the oppression and slavery that will certainly ensue if a central world government seizes the reigns.  The heart of man is far too wicked to hold such unchecked power.  Any legislative restrictions seeking to confine the actions and reach of a One World Government would be quickly and skillfully nullified.  That is simply the nature of such people as are drawn to positions of ultimate power and authority.  It's only a matter of time before they see their way clear to going rogue against the group they had pretended to wish to serve.  Read Rummel's law - it's only about 2 pages long!  It doesn't exactly say things in this way, but I believe the inference is plainly there.  



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