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Did God Build the Solar System To Tell A Prophetic Story Of Human History?





  OK, this one may be reaching a little, and even if 'the premise' is true I am certain to get some of it wrong.  But I am a Christian believer, and I believe that God knew the end from the beginning, and I believe He is the master of all languages (having shown that at the Tower of Babel, for instance.)  And I think that if He so chose He could use a combination of math, history, and properties of planetary bodies to tell a story of the future He knew would unfold.  

  And the thing is, I have basically concluded in my own opinion that there is a good chance that He did that very thing when He built our solar system.  I believe that starting at its outermost reaches and working inward you can see a sort of story being told.  I have thought I saw glimpses that it might be possible for quite while, but I'm going to share the idea now and let others conclude what they will.  Again...just conjecture!  But interesting, I think.  


Pluto, orbiting with designer precision in the darkness at the outer edge of our solar system.



  Let's start with Pluto, and say it does not orbit the Sun in the same way that the other planets do.  It orbits it at a completely different angle, or orbital plane.  It is a nonconformist.  Satan was the first nonconformist mentioned in the Bible.  Satan not only led Adam and Eve to commit the first human sin, but he was involved in leading 1/3 of the angels in heaven in revolt against God.  So, with that '1/3' number in mind, it is interesting to note that the planet Pluto itself has an extreme amount of axial tilt.  120 degrees of axial tilt!  120 degrees is exactly 1/3 of a full circle...that is to say 1/3 of 360 degrees.  Also, God, Who controls 'History' and 'Language' caused the outermost body to be called Pluto.  And Pluto in mythology was a 'Lord of the Underworld'.  I am going to say that the planet Pluto may denote the rebellion of Satan, who worked his own plan out, defied Yahweh's plan, and was basically at odds with the orderly plan of God the Father.  And Satan is depicted as the ruler of Hell, which is somewhat like being consigned to outer darkness; outer darkness is a sort of 'underworld' in a way also, just like Pluto's domain. 




  Neptune is a dark blue beauty spinning away quietly in the far reaches of the solar system.


  Next is Neptune, another false god name, but...sometimes real history can be warped by the passing of the centuries, right.  And myth develops.  I think Neptune, denoting a 'god of the Sea' may represent Noah before the flood and up to the time of the flood.  For starters, it is a 'blue colored' world, just as water is blue as seen from space.  Just after the rain quit, following the great flood of Noah's time, our world may well have appeared as a giant blue marble, though that would depend on the thickness and uniformity of the cloud cover.    

  More about Neptune.  Before the Great Flood Noah is listed as one of the last righteous people still faithful to God.  (Genesis 6:9)  The world had become wicked both because men themselves are so often wicked, but also because of fallen angels from heaven who came to Earth and acted despotically.  They were too powerful for men to oppose apparently.  It is one of the reasons God sent the Great Flood:  to cleanse the Earth of all this wickedness, including that of the fallen angels and their progeny referred to in scripture as the Nephilim.  So, it is interesting that Neptune's inclination angle (the tilt of its axis) compared to its orbit around the Sun is 6.4 degrees.  Here is Genesis 6: v.4  :

  "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days - and also afterwards - when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them.  They were the heroes of old, men of renown."  End quote.

    Another inclination angle is the planet's angle to the ecliptic.  For Neptune, that number is 1.76 degrees.  If you use that number in a slightly different manner than in the previous uses, you could ask, since this type of inclination is 1.76 degrees, what the number 1 book (Genesis), number 7 chapter, 6th verse of the Bible says.  Here it is:  

  "Noah was 600 years old when the flood waters came on the Earth.  (now v.7) And Noah and his wife and his son's wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood."  End quote.

  So, there are data points associated with the planet Neptune that can be numerically related to the activities of Noah BEFORE the flood.  Did God intend that this relationship should exist?  Well, the Gospel of John's first chapter assures us that 'the Word'....meaning Jesus, but also meaning Biblical scripture....existed from earliest times, even before the Creation was formed.  It existed 'in the beginning'.  So the idea that the Creation might point to the Word of God, and vice versa, isn't some non-Biblical notion. 




Uranus, a light blue beauty with a fair set of rings to show off.


  Uranus, the next planet as you go toward the sun, is almost like Neptune in many ways such as size and composition.  It may be meant in part to denote Noah's life AFTER the flood.  Noah did live 600 years before the flood and 350 years after the flood the Bible tells us.  And he was an important ancestor of us all.  He is also a 'bridge 'ancestor; he knew the history of the world before the great scrubbing erasure of the flood, and he lived for several hundreds of years afterward.  So, why couldn't there be two planets that relate to him?  Still, it's all just speculation...could be all wrong!

  Uranus is the 7th planet.  The number 7 in the Bible is first associated with the 7th day, or Sabbath Day.  That is the day that God devoted entirely to 'RESTING' after His unparalleled work of forming the Creation during the first 6 days.  The 7th day is a day of PEACE and REST.  The name Noah is said to mean 'REST' or 'HOPE".  The man named Noah received REST and HOPE when the Ark came to rest on the cleansed Earth after the flood.  So this is also a manner in which Uranus relates to 'post-flood Noah'.  

  Uranus has 27 moons apparently.  So it is interesting that if you count Noah's descendants through the line of Shem as it is given in Genesis chapter 10 you have 27 if you count Shem.  Shem is the son of Noah through which Jesus was to be born, concerning Jesus' Earthly parentage through Joseph and Mary.  Genesis chapter 10: v. 21-26:

21 Sons were also born to Shem, whose older brother was[h] Japheth; Shem was the ancestor of all the sons of Eber.

22 The sons of Shem:

Elam, Ashur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram.

23 The sons of Aram:

Uz, Hul, Gether and Meshek.[i]

24 Arphaxad was the father of[j] Shelah,

and Shelah the father of Eber.

25 Two sons were born to Eber:

One was named Peleg,[k] because in his time the earth was divided; his brother was named Joktan.

26 Joktan was the father of

Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, 27 Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, 28 Obal, Abimael, Sheba, 29 Ophir, Havilah and Jobab. All these were sons of Joktan.

End Quote


Uranus is categorized as having 5 major moons.  Shem had 5 direct sons who are named, as you see in Gen. 10, verse 22 above:  Elam, Ashur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram.

Uranus is categorized as having 13 'inner moons'.  If you look at Gen 10: v. 26 above you'll see that Joktan had 13 sons.

That leaves 9 moons, and by default (since 27 - 5 = 22 and 22 - 13 = 9) 9 more descendants through Shem from Genesis 10.

  So, there are ways in which Uranus is relatable to post-flood Noah.  Again, all of this is just conjecture, and may not be intended by God.  But I personally find it pretty unusual that there is this much relatable information.

  Uranus is a planet which has rings around it.  To me, rings suggest being bound, or being confined within a covenant, or being married perhaps.  Noah was quickly placed into a binding covenant with God when he disembarked from the Ark, so that might be a relatable feature.


  Additionally, the false god Ouranos in his myth had trouble with his youngest son, Kronos, and was eventually conquered and neutered by him.  So, isn't this a possible faint echo of the story of Noah and his troubles with his son Ham?  So if Ouranos really is a distorted remembrance of Noah, how much the more intriguing, right?


Saturn is probably the most easily recognized planet after Earth.  Distinctively shaped!


  The next planet is Saturn...bound by a ring of stones.... the famous 'Rings of Saturn'.  Hemmed in by a ring of stone.  Confined by stone?  This sounds somewhat like the Jews, God's peculiar people, as they lived their lives for a time (around 1400 years) within the confines of the stone tablets of the Mosaic law.  Saturn was very large, but not as large as Jupiter, just as the Old Covenant was very important, but not as important as the New Covenant, because the Old Covenant was unable to save anyone's soul.  There were Jews who admitted that no one seemed able to follow the Old Covenant.  It was very strict and prescriptive.  


Jupiter, the behemoth with the large red spot!


  Next comes the giant:  Jupiter.  Who is Jupiter?  Someone somewhere noted that it sounds almost like Jew-Father?  A big red wound (the famous red spot) in its side.  Jesus, while on the cross, was speared in the side.  Jesus, in the flesh on Earth, was sent as a representative of the Holy Father to the Jews, but was rejected.  Jupiter is the largest (pre-eminent?) planet.  Jesus was given pre-eminence in all things.  Jupiter creates some of its own heat and reflects a great amount of light.  

  Jupiter has many moons...17 and counting.... but its largest by far are the 4 Galilean moons, so called because they could be seen using a telescope by Galileo.  What does Galileo...the name Galileo...mean?  It means 'from Galilee.'  Jesus was from Galilee.  But as for those 4 moons:  Just as Jacob had the 4 wives through whom came his many children, Jupiter has these 4 moons.   And Jacob was born through Isaac, who was made to be part of a 'sacrifice of an only son' enactment.  Just as Jesus was crucified (the sacrifice of God's only Son) there came from Him 4 early branches of the Church:  Antioch, Alexandria, Rome, and Constantinople after Jerusalem was destroyed.  From these came many spiritual sons and daughters.      

  Then there is an asteroid belt...the remains of some great destruction perhaps.  Jerusalem was like that.  It was destroyed in 70 A.D. by Rome for rejecting Christ in about 30 A.D., Christians believe.   Many stones, none left upon another.  That was the fate that Jesus, still in His ministry on Earth, said would befall the unfaithful and unbelieving city of Jerusalem.  And in 70 A.D. Romans did take the conquered city apart, stone by stone.


Red and dry, it is still like Earth in many ways!


  Mars comes next.  Mars is a dead planet.  It seems to harbor no life.  Not much, anyway.  Is blood colored Mars the aftermath of what happened to the Jews after their rejection of Jesus?  Were the Jews, those 'covered' by the red blood of rams, bulls, pigeons, doves, etc., left spiritually dead if Jesus really was their Messiah and they had mistakenly killed Him?  And Mars (same letters as 'rams') really is a blood-colored planet that is essentially a dead planet.  It does not have life to any great degree at least, yet still.... there may be a vestige, a remnant of life left on Mars.  And there is hope for the Jews, as well.  From a Christian standpoint we know that God still hopes for their conversion to belief in Jesus as their Messiah.  



The Earth, adorned with beauty and vibrant color, supporting life of all types, is the true wonder of the solar system.



  The Earth?  Unlike Mars, the Earth is adorned like a beautiful bride with many wonderful colors that can be seen from space.   Earth is bursting with life.  The marred and savaged Moon (and wasn't the Lord beaten badly on the day of His crucifixion?) circles the Earth like an attentive shepherd, always showing the same never changing face to the Earth, as a groom might to his well loved bride.  The Moon is a shepherd to the Earth somewhat as Jesus is a shepherd to His bride, the Christian Church.  At least in some ways.  And the waters of the Earth feel a tug towards this faithful moon as the spirit within Jesus' bride yearns to be with Him.   Yet the Earth, for all of its beauty, has much pollution, and there is much evil done upon it.



Venus looks like it grew up in a pretty rough neighborhood.  


  Venus is next.  It is a woman (well, Venus is a female name, anyway) covered, enshrouded by a cloud.   It is a planet encased in cloud.  There is much mystery concerning what is going on upon the surface of Venus.  But one day in the future the bride - the Church, the acceptable followers of Christ - will be taken up into the clouds, so there is a possible 'cloud' connection.  The Bible speaks of this 'rapture' as people sometimes call it in 1 Thessalonians 4:


16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.  



  And Jesus will return to Earth to destroy His enemies, and then He will receive His kingship for a 1,000 year reign as our King and High Priest in the Order of Melchizedek (as well as having other duties and other names.)  And Jesus will one day hand it all to the Holy Father so that the Father will be all in all.  (1 Cor. 15:20) And if you look up Venus' angle of inclination with respect to the Sun's equator it is 3.86 degrees.  3.86?  If you go to the Bible's book number 3 (Leviticus), chapter number 8, and read the part where verse 6 is located, it is speaking of Aaron, the great High Priest of Israel (and brother of Moses) being dressed up in the clothing of the High Priest and being anointed.  And also Aaron's sons are being honored in similar fashion.  This is like a fore shadowing of what will one day happen with Jesus and certain of His followers.  He shall choose various ones for Holy service.



  It takes a pretty interesting picture, but it's not a place you'd want to retire to.  Its temperature swings from about -280 F to 800 F. 


  Mercury, last of the planets and just about least!  It is cooked for all time, baked by that which is central to all in the solar system:  the Sun!  Mercury is not a pleasant place.  This may be a symbolic reference to how those not taken up into the clouds to be with the Lord will be on a planet slated to be 'destroyed by fire'. 


 Our sun is central and indispensable for life, yet nearly perfect positioning is required to keep us nurtured, not frozen or burnt.  It's a miracle of location.


  And as for the Sun?  It is central.  It is the greatest source of light in our solar system.  From it comes the energy and warmth that allows life to exist.  All of the planets rotate around it as if to emphasize its most central importance.  In short, it is comparable, in symbol, to the all-powerful Father, Yahweh, Maker of All Things, the All in All, the great I am.  Of course, the Sun is in no way to be worshiped as God the Father is.  But its role in the solar system can be compared in some ways to God the Father's role in all things.  


  And so, that is a quite questionable description of how the Solar System could be viewed - or could be imagined is a better description - as an illustration of the events leading up to our time and also those events prophesied for the future by some of the Biblical books.  It's just a thought, and certainly should not be given any real credence unless God should ever lend it some.  There is no doubt that the Father could have done it, but that does not mean that He did!   




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