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The Rule of 40 After Certain Major Biblical Events Suggests 2041 A.D. Could Be A Huge Year!!




      The Jewish year 5800 will occupy parts of our year 2039 A.D. and 2040 A.D.  This number could associate with "forsaking" and  "blasphemy" per Strong's Concordance and other sources.  If you search the number 5800 in Bible Gateway's Dictionary of the Bible, you find the following:

"5800 blasphemy

The profaning, desecration and taking in vain of the name of God, or the reviling of any of his works or deeds. It is strongly forbidden by God as dishonoring to his name." End Quote

     As chance would have it, Bible Gateway just happened to catalog it that way I guess.  So in the year preceding this suspect year, 2041 A.D., there is that association.  And in the Bible's scriptures we are warned that an important political figure (the Anti-Christ figure) will make a 7 year agreement or covenant with Israel sometime in the end times, but then he will break it halfway through.  Then the Israelites will no longer be able, be allowed, to make their sacrifices to God in their temple, if I understand it correctly.  There will be issues involving the Anti-Christ's placing of 'the abomination of desolation' in their Jewish temple...which is a great blasphemy.  (I know that this was done even before Jesus' time by Antiochus Epiphanies, but some prophecies seem to apply to more than one single time.)  The anti-Christ, deluded in his mind and indwelt by Satan himself, will believe himself to be a God.  So...if 2041 A.D. is anything different, if it is really and actually being pointed to by certain prophetic indicators, then there would likely need to be a Jewish Temple built, finished, and in use at that time in Israel.  And the anti-Christ will be a powerful figure in that day.  But it also could be true that 2041 A.D. will be an important Biblical year but because of other great events other than the ones I am speculating about.  Also...I am probably wrong.  Most people who try to understand the future times, even using the always reliable Bible, are wrong!  I have not heard God's voice in my ear about this.  Nor am I a holy man.  I do not ever try to mislead, though.  I'm just discussing and thinking about what the Bible says.  Someone with better discernment or (better yet) an appointed prophet of God would be a better or even a true source.  But I do presently think that the year 2040 A.D. and 2041 A.D. are pretty rich with the possibilities of something really big happening.         



     The Bible has patterns written into it.  I don't think many frequent Bible readers would argue that.  One pattern is having a huge, seminal sort of event happen 40 years after a certain specific other sort of event which kills or changes the lives of almost exactly 3,000 persons.  And some events in more more recent times...our times... seem to continue this pattern, such as the 9-11 attacks on the Twin Towers in the USA.   So, yes, there have been major catastrophic events in the Bible, and in more recent times, that had the same very strange and very similar pattern preceding them.  Here are the constants in some of those instances: 

1.)  2 paired, hard, breakable things are destroyed by or near a central figure.  Examples:

     A.)  Moses came down the mountain carrying the two stone tablets that had the 10 commandments written on them by the finger of God, (One in the crook of each arm?) and he saw the Israelites worshiping the golden calf they had made while he had been up on the mountain for weeks, and in anger Moses threw down the two stone tablets he carried, breaking them. Exodus 32:19  

     B.)  A blinded and captive Samson, a vanquished enemy who had been brought out to be jeered at, stood between the stone roof support pillars in the Philistine temple of Dagon in the city of Gaza with his hands on those pillars as if resting...and then, asking God for one last moment of super-strength, Samson pushed outward, buckling them, bringing the roof crashing down on all within.  Judges 16: 25-30 

C.)  Jesus was crucified and died on the cross, and on either side of him the fibula and tibia leg bones (presumably those leg bones) of those two men crucified beside Jesus were forcefully broken by a Roman soldier.  John 19:31 thru 35

     D.)  Airplanes, which seen from above have something of a 'crucified person' shape, crashed into the Twin Towers and destroyed them on 9-11-2001, when George Bush Jr. was President.  Largest ever terrorist act on US soil. 

     (9-11 Oddity:  Precisely 40 years earlier to the day, on 9-11-1961, Hurricane Carla struck the coast of Texas as a Category 4 or 5 storm near Houston and Port O'Conner where George Bush Sr. worked.  It was at that time the largest hurricane ever recorded in Texas.  It also caused the largest ever evacuation of people in America at that time.  Around 200,000 - 300,000 people evacuated that coastal area of Texas.  Oddly, some sources claim that the majority of injuries reported from that storm were from poisonous Cotton Mouth snakes being washed far inland from the coastal swamps.)          


2.)  3000 people were killed or 'killed as in changed in form', as with born again Christians.

     A.)  Moses told the Levites (members of the Israelite tribe descended from Levi who were a tribe set aside out of all the Israelite tribes to belong to the Lord and provide various religious services to the Lord) to wade out into the crowd of their hugely disloyal Israelite cousin tribes that had been worshiping the golden calf while Moses was up on the mountain, and to slay away with their swords.  The scripture says the Levites pulled their swords and killed 3,000 gold calf worshiping cousin Israelites, proving they were loyal to God even more than to their fellow tribesmen.

     B.)  Samson pushed outward on the stone pillars holding up the roof of the crowded Philistine temple in Gaza.  They buckled and the roof came down.  The scripture says that 3,000 Philistines and Samson himself were killed.

     C.)  After Jesus was crucified (50 days later) the Holy Spirit came down on the gathered disciples, and about 3,000 people that happened to be gathered in Jerusalem for a Jewish feast day were converted to Christianity...their old man died, and a new man was born in each of the 3,000 who became believers.  Acts 2: 41-47     

     D.)  About 3,000 people died on 9-11-2001 from the Twin Towers collapsing.  You often read 'about 3,000 died' concerning that day. 


3.)  The word 'PENTA' was involved.  Or perhaps a person should say that the number 5 was involved.

     A.)  Moses wrote the PENTAteuch in those days.  The first 5 books in the Jewish Torah or the first 5 books in the Christian Bible, essentially, but for the's called the Torah.

     B.)  Samson destroyed the worship temple for one of the Philistine's false gods in Gaza, one of the 5 major cities of the Philistines (Gaza, Gath, Ekron, Ashdod, and Ashkelon) known as the PENTApolis cities.

     C.)  After Jesus was crucified the Holy Spirit came on what we have since called the day of PENTAcost, 50 days later.  Acts 2 

     D.)  Not just the twin towers were struck on 9-11, but also the Pentagon.  PENTAgon.  

     So, Pentateuch, Pentapolis, Pentacost, Pentagon.  And there aren't that many words in this world that have 'penta' within them. 


4.)  A period involving 40 years immediately followed or was immediately involved.

     A.)  The Israelites wandered the Sinai under Moses' leadership for exactly 40 years, to the exact day, scripture says.

     B.)  When Samson, the famous and physically strong Israelite Judge from the tribe of Dan was killed, along with 3,000 Philistines, when he pushed outward and broke the columns holding up the ceiling of the Philistine temple, the Judge Eli was his successors  (according to some Bible scholars) and Eli was a judge in Israel for 40 years and then fell off of a bench and broke his neck on the day the Ark of the Covenant was captured by the Philistines in a battle against the Israelites.  And Eli's two bad sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were killed also on that day out on the battlefield where they had delivered the Ark.  (Many think the ancestral Danish are part of the wandered tribe of Dan) 

     C.)  Close to, or perhaps exactly, 40 years after Jesus was crucified the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

     D.)  It remains to be seen if a great event will happen 40 years after 9-11-2001.  That is still 17 years away as I write this in 2024 A.D..  Who knows but God?  We will see I suppose, but I will be almost 80 years old then, so...doubt I'll be there to see!


5.)  A monumentally important event in God's plan followed right after the period of 40 years ended.

     A.)  The Israelites wandered the Sinai for 40 years then miraculously entered the promised land.  (the Jordan River parted for them to cross over into the promised land on dry land.)  And they very soon shattered the walls and destroyed the city and residents of Jericho.

     B.)  When Eli died after his 40 years of being a Judge in Israel the Philistines thought to celebrate their victory over the Israelites and their stealing of the Ark of the Covenant that day.  They hauled the Ark back to their land near the East Mediterranean, even giving it a 'place of honor' in the temple of one of their false gods named Dagon because all local peoples knew the power of the Israelite God and His Ark.  But they celebrated too early...the Ark caused Dagon's statue to topple over... twice!   The second time it had parts break off, and then the Ark caused some unknown plague to break out and it almost destroyed every Philistine city they took it to, so in terror and dread, fearing the God who dwelled in the Ark, fearing the plague that spread and began to kill them all, but also dreading the loss of face they had to endure to go hat in hand and give it back to Israel out of obvious fear, they gave it back to the Israelites in an odd sort of way.  They placed the Ark in a wagon.  They surrounded it as it sat in this wagon with a valuable tribute of gold trespass offerings, apparently shaped like the tumors that the plague was giving them.  They hooked the wagon to two oxen that had calves still drinking their milk, oxen who obviously would be unlikely to want to leave their own penned up calves, oxen that had not towed a wagon before and had not been to Israel before.  Then the Philistine royalty just waited to see what would happen.  Their wise men had said that if the oxen took the Ark back to Israel, then all of the Philistine misfortunes really were from angering this Israelite God and so it was only reasonable that they should suffer loss of face (something like that, I guess.)  And if the oxen just stood there, then the plague may have been of normal and natural origin, and so why lose face to the watching world by letting the Israelites have their Ark of the Covenant back? 

     As these Philistine Lord's watched, the oxen, mooing as they went, began to pull the wagon towards the Israelites region of the land, quite far away, and they just kept going until they had pulled the wagon clear to Israel.  The chief leaders of the Philistines followed behind at a distance and watched the Ark be returned the whole way, and watched curious Israelite country dwellers approach it and realize what they were looking at.  After all, the Ark was so very holy that it had been kept in a room in their tabernacle that was only entered on one day a year and even then only by the High Priest of all Israel to make atonement for all of Israel for the coming year.  God, our Almighty God, used the Philistine oxen and chose to simply bring His own self back in a wagon provided willingly by Israel's enemies.  It is one of the most beautiful and amazing stories in the Bible.  Sadly, some of the curious Israelites who found the wagon lifted the lid on the holy Ark to look inside, as if the Ark of God's Presence was some common thing you could fool with.  They knew better.  Those Israelites who did so died.    

     C.)  When Jerusalem was destroyed 40 years after Jesus' crucifixion the Jews began wandering for about 1,878 years.  During this 'diaspora' of the Jews great gains in souls were made by Christianity all over the face of the globe as the Christian church became a widespread gentile religion...a religion open to all men and women.

     D.)  Again, it remains to be seen what great and wonderful events may occur to God's people at the end of the 40 years that follow 9-11-2001, if indeed the continuation of this pattern turns out to be more than baseless or poorly conceived speculation.  Only God knows.  



     So, to sum it up, this is all just speculation, but 9-11 does hold elements of this major Biblical pattern:  

     The destruction of the 'twin towers' in New York City on 9-11-2001 involved 2 paired things being destroyed - the two towers.

     About 3,000 people were killed on 9-11-2001

     The 'PENTAgon' was also hit that day, so it includes the word PENTA.

     40 years after 9-11-2001 would be 9-11-2041.

     We are awaiting major (and ultimately wonderful) coming events prophesied to occur to God's people.  Could they come in 2041?  What event or events might it be?

     We Christians are expecting an anti-Christ figure, we are eagerly awaiting the return of Jesus our Savior and the Jews think their Messiah is still coming, but Christians believe the Jew's Messiah is/was Jesus.  Jesus' return is possibly the monumentally important event that might occur in 2041.  But at any rate, since 40 hours have passed since 9-11-2001, and 40 weeks have passed since 9-11-2001, and 40 months have passed since 9-11-2001, all without a truly huge transformative event occurring (that I am aware of) it is now likely to be the passage of 40 years that fulfills this pattern if the 9-11-2001 events are a continuation of this ancient prophetic Biblical pattern at all.  They certainly may not be.


     So, in 2041 A.D., possibly on 9-11 or possibly on Oct 31 (which is a nice round 50 days after 9-11 and also is All Saints Day and Halloween both) or possibly on December 7 (the last time a disaster happened for the USA in a '41...1941 A.D. to be precise...the Pearl Harbor attack) or possibly on some completely different date, the pattern might exhibit itself for one final time if God so desires.  Only the Father knows the day and the hour but perhaps He left hints about the year and maybe even the day.  Who knows?  It could all happen or begin happening tomorrow instead, not years from now in 2041 A.D., for all I know.   But our job is to live as Christians, avoid and oppose sin, tell the world about the Gospel of Jesus and to be ready for whenever it is that Jesus really does return.  It's certainly not just pastors and priests and ministers and monks and nuns and missionaries that are to do the work of Jesus while we wait.  It is every Christian believer's job to do good work for our Lord while we personally, regarding the final residence of our own soul, count on taking faith in Jesus, the One the Father Sent, for our Salvation.  The performance of good works does not buy salvation, it is faith in Jesus which does.  But work is owed and rightfully expected for so great a gift as the forgiveness of our sins and the granting of our salvation.  Let's hope we can all take that to heart, starting with me, but perhaps including you?     




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