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Reproductive Rights!  (or should the thing that the Democrats want be called 'Reaper'-ductive rights?  Do they ache to play the part of the the Grim Reaper for their own unborn babies, those darn Nuisance Babies they hadn't planned on?



      It is estimated that over 60,000,000 children have been surgically aborted...purposely killed off in the body of their very mothers, very, very often with their biological father's approval...since 1973.  Democrats in the USA hold it up proudly as a victory for free choice.  Not one of those unborn babies had a choice.  Nor was it free for a single one of cost them greatly.  It cost them their lives.  Not one single state in the United States has a population of 60,000,000.  You could totally erase the listed population of our 25 lowest population states and still not have erased 60,000,000 American lives.  In that sense, and it is a fair and genuine accusation, American Democrats have cheered on one of the greatest human slaughters in the history of the planet.  It is unknown how many Christians vote Democrat, but Democrats could never win elections if there were not many Christians who vote Democrat because over 70% of the US population claims to be Christian.  Yet many people would agree that if you cheer-on a killing then you have taken a hand in the killing.

***We live in a nation where you can be charged and convicted of a double homicide...a double murder...when a pregnant woman is killed by someone, because both her life and the baby's life were ended.  This plainly acknowledges that a baby inside its mother is a living person and a person who has the right not to be murdered.  Yet through the insane twistings of reason and logic employed by American Democrats and Liberals it is also just jolly fine to slaughter your own developing child for any compelling or casual reason (either is acceptable) that you might choose because they are only cells, not a meaningful human.  These same mighty Democrat and Liberal intellects will often be heard explaining how if God even is real at all (a thought which they routinely reject) then He certainly is an awful and an evil God because He lets bad and unfair things happen to innocent people.  The same skull can hold both opinions without any apparent discomfort to their sense of logic...without any internal struggle with cognitive dissonance.  They will accept a dollar with the words "In God We Trust" printed on it in a heart beat, but they will end a small vulnerable human heart beat without the slightest qualm of conscience concerning how that same God might view their callous, self centered cruelty.  I understand that some people have had an abortion when they weren't thinking clearly, when they hadn't considered the matter fully yet, or were influenced by the wrong people at the wrong place and time in their life.  That would be a case of committing a serious and regrettable sin that you would no longer commit if you had a chance to do it over again.  We all have those for certain in our lives and are sorry an out it and repent of it.  God can choose to offer forgiveness to a genuinely repentant sinner.  But there is a giant segment of our American nation that cheers on the thought that if you want to kill your baby then go ahead, kill your baby, it's no big deal.  And yet they will assure you that they are mature and mentally evolved humans who see 'social issues' more clearly than people who fear God and feel subject to His teachings.  We are in true danger of becoming a nation of de facto Satanics.  Why should God tolerate such a nation?  Why do people keep voting in groups that support this brain sewage?  Aren't you cheering it on if you make it out to be some wonderful variety of personal freedom and vote for it and lend it your vocal support to it even if you don't do it yourself?***        


     There is a 'wise saying' from someone, somewhere, sometime (my default guess is Benjamin Franklin, but if so, then perhaps even he plagiarized!) and I like the saying because it does a great job of describing a certain human reaction. I have seen a thing in my life, kind of a sad thing and in my opinion this 'wise saying' seems to describe it well.  I think almost everyone will remember having seen it somewhere at some time, once it's mentioned.  The 'thing' I am thinking of is this:  sometimes you will watch or be engaged in an argument or debate, and one of the involved parties genuinely is WRONG.  Not all debates or arguments are of this nature.  Sometimes there are merely two different viewpoints, and neither person is really wrong, they only differ, both positions having merit.  But sometimes things are else wise and one of the parties in the argument is just plain mistaken, they are wrong, they took a strong, strong stand upon a weak, weak premise...they come to a point in the debate or argument where even they inwardly know that they've been shown to be mistaken or wrong minded.  Perhaps they concede it, but perhaps they turn quickly and walk away as if it is they who are dealing with a hopelessly wrong-headed individual, or maybe they look downward and shake their head as if they feel just as justified in their viewpoint as ever.  They might get angry and start going 'ad hominem' on their opponent, just hurling slurs and insults at them, or they might swiftly try to change topics to one offering more solid ground to stand upon, or perhaps they fold their arms and stare back defiantly at their opponent in the debate or argument with their arguemental position shattered but their pridefulness not just intact and undiminished but even incensed.  Though they see that they were WRONG, and know in their minds and hearts that they no longer have a good leg to stand on, they still hold on to their opinion because they had a preferred position going into the argument and they still prefer that position even if it has now proven itself somewhat indefensible.  We've pretty much all witnessed this, or perhaps we've even been the defeated debater with the folded arms and the defiant feelings and facial expression. 

     And what is the old wise saying I referred to?  Maybe you've heard it also.  Someone once said something like, "One convinced against their will stands unpersuaded still."  Someone has challenged the basis on which their opinion rests, and in the face of challenging party's logic and facts they've been forced to inwardly concede their defeat, or to admit the inferiority of their viewpoint.  They realize they have run out of ways to defend whatever it is that's being discussed, but concerning their preferred view point, they still feel the same.  They stick with the view points that supports and complements their feelings instead of switching to a view points which has proved more valid and was shown to hold greater truth.  Here is the rub:  while this may not always be such a serious matter, at other times it can be.  Great amounts of 'wrong doing' can hide in plain sight if hidden behind convenient lies and purposely untruthful characterizations.  People or groups who intend to do 'what everyone knows is wrong' can get away with it and still save face if they are allowed to falsely characterize the bad thing they are doing as being not so bad, or better yet, even sort of good in its way.  It not only behooves a society, but may be vital to its very survival, to press and challenge people who are using such deceptions to perpetuate and legitimize their wrong doings;  they have to be spooked out of the bushes they're hiding behind by the people around them if people want to live in a good and wholesome society where great wrongdoings are not  tolerated often or for long.  But the people who rely on such deceptions to hide their harmful habits have another strategy as well:  they try to make it seem a point of bad manners to challenge them in their ill conceived affairs.  They try to portray the people who object to their evil as being somehow evil for objecting.  Is it called 'projection' these days?  Here's another way to see it:  Jesus often commanded demons to leave the bodies of their host victim, and even though He was Jesus, the Son of the Living God, the demons would still throw the body of their victim down to the dirt and make them thrash around and scream as the resentful demon or demons departed.        

     There is a spiritual war ongoing and often times the people involved in a bad or evil thing are also under temptation and delusion or even inner compulsion by dark spiritual forces trying to drive them to do or think or say that which is wrong in God's eyes.  Even when Jesus commanded it, demons made as big of a stink as they could before they would depart as ordered.  And we are not Jesus though we Christians pledge that we will follow Him and He has promised to be with us.  So we are going to have to deal with a lot more shenanigans and lies and deceptions and false statements and hollow, pretty much baseless philosophical objections than Jesus would have had to in person, because we who follow Him are only each granted a small measure of his authority and a much smaller measure of His spiritual power.  And that's good!  We humans cannot handle power or authority that well.  We are a lesser creature than angels, and even they had incidents where they missed their high and trusted station's intended service.

      Jesus gives us what He knows is adequate, so we ought to really contemplate if our motives and our beliefs and our opinions and positions are commendable in Jesus' eyes, and if so, we need to have some spine...take some courage...and press forward against wrongness when we encounter it so that our lives and our culture can be pleasing to God such that He might bless it and us.  Look, if there is no God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit then it is narrow minded bigotry and religious aggression, even oppression, to defend and promote Jesus and His Father's teachings in this world, wrong to press our views upon others.  But, if God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are real and every single thing everywhere belongs to them and was made by them then it is hardly a crime to follow their teachings and to confront 'those and that' which purposely tries to oppose their will and wishes.  You may save the soul of someone that you turn away from wrong doing and you may save the lives of their victims so that those saved victims in their turn can go on to choose salvation in Heaven over a never ending consignment to Hell.  To become a Christian that uses their voice as the Lord would have them use it will definitely cause you to be at odds with how the Devil would have the world work.  And you'll be a mockable figure in many respects; in all of the ways your personal faults and sins cause you to deserve, for one thing!  But also because the darkness has always feared and disliked the light, and once you ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life, and are sincere, then you carry at least some measure of His light inside of your otherwise pretty dark being.  And so, though you know yourself to be a pretty shabby instrument for your Lord Jesus to work with, try to act right and think right, and speak right, and press forward to straighten out what is wrong and take those actions that seem very clearly needed to the very best of your ability and understanding, praying a lot for Jesus' guidance as you do.  And never use the Devil's methods to do the Lord's work.  But be bold in the Lord when the times call for it.                      

      OK, back now to discussing when we or other people are caught in hollow and contrived opinions or positions but won't admit it and won't change  our/their ways even when shown that they are wrong or bad or harmful:  I've seen these postures taken when 'Reproductive Rights' are discussed.  Lot's of slippery and misleading wording to hide how you really feel in order to save face.  You never seem to hear anyone say, "I feel that killing our own baby is just fine if the baby's birth and existence might inconvenience us."  Yet most aborted babies are killed only for parental convenience by a mom and dad who do not wish there to be a little human on its way into their lives, which is the impending case when you are pregnant.  And that is what the little developing baby is:  a small vulnerable developing human on its way into their lives.  But it makes a person sound just horrible to call it a baby and then profess that it's just fine to kill it because you feel no love or empathy for it and do not wish its company or the inconvenience of its many needs to be introduced into your life.  If you proclaimed such an opinion out loud there are many people who know you that will never view you the same way again.  You may both, as parents, genuinely want to kill that developing baby so that you don't have to deal with it.  But you can't really say it that way out loud around the various people in your sphere of life.  You almost dare not!  Some who heard you state your honest opinion and intentions using candid and unvarnished, accurate and detailed language might actually feel the same as you do towards unwanted developing babies, but because you were too truthful and transparent in your description of what you think it ought to be OK to do to such a baby, they feel best advised to agree in the silence of their mind only.  Why?  They understand that they also might be regarded as some heartless killer by certain of the people who heard you speak were they to support you aloud right then and there.  You have described your intentions and thoughts far too graphically, though your thoughts might mirror their own.  You might have portrayed yourself in a truly villainous light in the court of public opinion.  From then on some people might openly rebuke you, some might speak ill of you to others, and some might secretly despise you as an evil person that would do harm to an innocent human...your very own innocent human, in fact.  Speaking truthfully could end up harming your stature and reputation forever.  In some people's eyes what you intend for your baby is evil and murderous behavior, thus defining you as a despicable person in their view, perhaps forever.  A certain type of person might give deeper consideration to their plans to end their developing baby's life.  But another type of person might inwardly acknowledge that killing their own baby might be a vicious choice, but it's still what they prefer to do because of the advantages they see in not having the responsibility of that baby.  They do not understand that the developing baby is already an entire fully designed person, unfolding and growing exactly like all persons do.  The person you want to kill, the developing baby in the womb, is doing exactly what it is supposed to do at that point in its life, just as you did at that very same stage of your own life.

     Why do Democrats and Liberals not greet a pregnant female acquaintance in the aisle at the grocery store and say, "Hey, Karen...look at you!  You're laboring along under the burden of a big, heavy, sloshy bag of unimportant and meaningless human cells there in your uterus.  Why are you putting yourself through all that?  You know you can go to the hospital and get it chopped out of you, right?  And the organs have commercial value!  Don't left them keep them without compensating you!  I'm just telling you because I care about others."  So...why would that be something only a monster would say?  If the cells really are meaningless, then you're just sharing some advice with Karen that might lead to her improved physical comfort.  It's only if you are advising her to kill a developing child, her own precious and meaningful child that you are a monster.  So, is that Democrat or Liberal a monster for addressing their friend Karen like that?  Perhaps they wish for a world where Karen's uterus is a bag of garbage if they decide that is best, but a wonderful biological incubator for a precious child whenever they find it more advantageous to view it that way.  Or, maybe...just maybe...the person who greeted Karen is a foul monster.          

     And so, in the United States at least, we instead hear the language of the evil-embracing Democrat, the camouflaging catch-phrases of the ever more demented Liberal who is always chipping away at the supports of wholesome societal structures and restraints.  That's how we label these evil-supporting groups in the United States, Democrats and Liberals, though other nations have the same approximate division of morals but with their groups sporting other names of course because they are a different and distinct nation. Still, no matter what nation you live in, you need 'cloaking language' if you are set on doing things that most of the people in your nation would agree are evil.  The long standing American Liberal and American Democrat trick of using 'cloaking phrases' intended to disguise odious and evil behaviors and to deceive neighbors, friends, family, co-workers and acquaintances about their heart towards the innocent and their feelings towards their own vulnerable and dependent flesh and blood is gleefully employed and without hesitation by the American Democrat and the American Liberal and some others.  Monster speak is not allowed.  You always make butchering a baby sound more like an exercise in preserving one's liberties (though there is a certain little someone who lose all of their 'human liberties' and all of their 'present and future medical choices' whenever there is an abortion.) 

     "I have my Reproductive Rights, and I defend them!", they may cry out, as if in ever-so-brave righteous indignation.  (But really, you already exercised your reproductive rights when you chose to engage in sex, an activity long known to lead to babies part of the time) so you engaged willingly in sexual activity which has led to you inadvertently reproducing, an eventuality that you knew perfectly well might just occur.  You already CHOSE to risk reproducing, and it so happened that this 'reproducing' happened.  You have reproduced, and that cannot bed honestly cannot!  Now you must decide whether to kill an innocent little person you reproduced or instead to shoulder a responsibility that arrived in your life unexpectedly through your own informed choice and actions.  You have a child on the way, and children deserve parents who are the best parents that they can be.  Your carefree single days are over if you are single.  It's reality.  Face it.  Or did you intend to stop at just three children?  Well, turns out you didn't.  It's no cause for violently ending a helpless human life.  Lots of our plans don't go as planned in this world.  That might be the child you end up loving the most, or the one who actually cares for you in your old and feeble years...who knows?  

     "I have a right to Women's Healthcare, and 'fundamentalist right wing crazies' can't take that away from me!"  Hey, that sounds brave, defiant, and well justified.  But don't bronze yourself as a hero of the Republic just quite yet.  It is just cloaking language.  You are intending to end the life of a developing child...your very own child...and you want a smoke screen to hide the nature of your intended deed behind.  Otherwise, why not just cry out, in the same indignant and defiant tone, "It's my baby, I don't want it, and I'm ending its life so I don't have to give birth to it and raise it!" If what you are doing is ACTUALLY alright and ACTUALLY acceptable, then what need is there for the cloaking language of the Democrat and the Liberal?  Yet people play it off like what they are doing - executing their own child - is nothing to be ashamed of, and the Democrats and Liberals heartily agree with them using the cloaking language that they imagine will grant their dark deeds an air of respectability, egging on the abortion seekers in their tragic intent and supporting that sort of horrifically callous thinking.  Some of these champions of evil want support at the ballot box, and some may want to be able to do the same thing with their own unwanted child if they ever should wish, or in come cases these abortion cheer leaders have some other sort of evil habits or plans in their own lives that they will wish you to support in turn, using properly sanitized cloaking language naturally, whenever it develops that it is they who need a pass on some sort of evil deed they embrace but dare not truthfully describe and graphically admit to endorsing.  You help me get away with my bad stuff and I will help you get away with yours!

      Just how will various people think of you if you decide to abort your own child for merely convenience?  How would your words expressing your desire and intent to, quite frankly, summarily execute your very own developing human descendant in the womb fall upon the ears of the following people?:

     A couple that has been trying desperately for years to get pregnant, but has been unable.

     A couple who just lost their own dearly loved child to an illness or accident.

     Someone who just loves children and always has.

     Someone whose work involves the care of babies or pre-born babies.

     Someone who got pregnant out of wedlock by some irresponsible man who didn't support her and who has moved Heaven and Earth to provide a life for a child that they couldn't easily afford, and who has come to truly treasure their child.

     Some couple that keeps losing their child before it reaches full term and is born.

     Some man who once had a woman they were involved with unilaterally decide to abort a baby that he had hoped to keep and raise as his or their child.

     Someone who had hoped your developing baby would turn into their grand child or niece or nephew, or brother or sister.

     Someone who has been taught by parents, by their religious faith, or their own feelings that all human life is precious and deserving, perhaps taught that all humans including your little human that is now on its way...the small human soul, spirit, and body that you intend to destroy... are made in the image of God Himself.

     And God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit:  if you believe in them then consider how, on the day of the judgement of your soul, they will evaluate your decision to kill a sinless pre-born that, in the general case, you conceived through fornication, which they have taught all humans is itself yet another wrong and willful sin?  Will they say that you sinned against the temple of your own body, and then you sinned even more permanently against an innocent pre-born that had no hand in your decision to engage in the fornication which launched the child's physical existence? 

      There are a great number of us that are serious sinners, me being one for certain, and what if you, in your sin life, happen to have decided upon and carried out an abortion of your own child, you who are its father and/or mother?  What then?  The past is beyond all of our ability to retrieve.  What's done is done.  But any person can repent of any sin.  King Manasseh was referred to as perhaps the most evil of ancient Judah's kings because he encouraged so much idolatry against the one true God during his reign...a 55 year reign that included a large amount of very serious evil-doing against the true God, evil that Manasseh, as king and leader and example to his people, smiled upon.  He even sacrificed one of his very own living children to the false Philistine god Molech, sources say.  And extra-Biblical sources say that the prophet Isaiah was his grandfather on his mother's side, and that it was king Manasseh who had Isaiah killed, by some reports sawn to death with a saw in a hollowed out tree that Isaiah had tried to hide in when he was being chased for saying that his own people were a 'people of unclean lips'.  Yet the Bible takes great note that Manasseh repented of these actions in his later years and he tore down false alters and idols he had once encouraged once he finally repented, and his repentance was characterized as sincere.  And did Manasseh not become a listed human ancestor of Jesus in Matthew's Gospel?  And in most faiths, but definitely in the Christian faith, we must repent if we are truly sorry for some deed or sin.  But what does repentance mean?  In the boldest and perhaps most sincere of instances we would apologize to those we hurt if possible, then tell others that we did a seriously sinful thing, that we have come to recognize how bad it was and that we are so sorry that we did it.  And if we have an opportunity to testify about the subject later then we would advise others about the many reasons that we recommend they should not take the same action, choose the same path and make the same mistake.  It will always be true that you decided what you decided concerning a child already aborted, but you also might cause anywhere from one single pregnant person (or rather 'couple') up to perhaps hundreds or in rare instances hundreds of thousands or more pregnant couples to reconsider their options and decide not to abort their child.  Mistakes, even grave mistakes, can be forgiven through Jesus if genuinely repented of.  Many truly inspiring Christian people have great sins and mistakes that they have needed to admit to and repent of.  Jesus didn't die just for jaywalkers and litterers and gossipers...He died to provide very serious sinners a way to forgiveness, a way back to grace.   


     There is a world of good that can come from avoiding a grave mistake, deciding not to commit a serious sin in the first place.  But, much good can also come from sincere repentance and from then going on from there and warning others against doing the thing that you have come to so deeply regret.  God takes true repentance into account, the scriptures teach us that.  And being personally guilty of a sin that you now regret is no reason to shut up and not warn others, though Satan wishes that we would see it that way.  Nothing could help Satan's cause much more than if everyone that knows themselves to be a wretched sinner should shut their mouths and not counsel others to avoid sinning in the manner that we did, or warning them against some other type of grave sin that we may not have personally committed our own selves, for that matter.  Humans who speak from personal experience, warning other humans to avoid making the same mistake, that is not something Satan wants. It's probably one of the last things he wants, but it is certainly something Jesus would want, isn't it?  Jesus summarized His followers job as 'loving God with all of your heart, your mind, your strength, and your soul.  And loving your neighbor as yourself'.  Repenting of our own sins that we were too foolish to avoid committing, and compassionately warning our fellow humans concerning their sins, are actual Christian duties.   






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