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Is Central America Intriguingly Designed and Named?






     Is Central America composed of nations that have an interesting shape and particularly interesting names if you are a Bible believer?  I think it is.  The names are oddly religious in certain ways!  I thought I saw, years ago, that the Americas looked in a certain way like a large eagle or bird (North America) flying to deliver a broken off vine (Central America) that a big healthy bunch of grapes were attached to (South America.)  If this image was meant to be, if it was deliberately created by God the Father through Jesus, what would it mean?  First of all, the whole idea is speculation, I admit that.  Second of all, if the image was an intended one on God's part, I might easily misinterpret it.  I won't ask you to buy in to the concept or anything, but if you look at the two images below you'll likely get the gist of see what I was referring to, what I am telling you I think it looks a little like, concerning the Americas looking like a bird delivering a freshly plucked bunch of grapes.  Sort of.  A little bit.











  The 'children' of a vineyard or a vine are the grapes it produces, right?  And are they being delivered on (by) the wings of a powerful eagle...did God by any chance build the suggestion of such a thing when He formed the geography of the Americas?  Does it look like an eagle or large bird is flying East towards Israel bearing a large bunch of grapes?  Because the people of America among others around the world did willingly pay for the repatriation of a very great many Jews to Israel, and even earlier United States President Harry Truman was instrumental in obtaining geographical Israel as a homeland for the Jews in the 1940's after World War II ended.  There is even a group called the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews which has an Aliya Project called On Wings of Eagles which campaigns for donations to repatriate Jews to Israel from all over the world.  Aliya is the Hebrew word for a return trip to the Jewish homeland in order to live there. 

   But now to speculate:  the Word of God tells us that Elijah was fed by ravens (1 Kings 17) so ravens are one example of a bird that has directly and physically fed men before, a bird that has explicitly served God, doing His express bidding in long ago times.  A second example would be that God speaks of how in some future time 'His people' will be returned from their far way location on 'the wings of eagles'.  Therefor the idea of God using birds of certain types to accomplish His purposes is somewhat Biblically supported.  Noah let loose both a dove and a raven from the ark to serve a purpose.  

  The United States is of course closely associated with the eagle in our present day.  Other nations are as well.  I would prefer that we were associated loudly and unequivocally with Jesus, and that our behavior as a nation modeled that, but...  

  So anyway, the bird is possibly meant as a symbol of a creature bent to God's service, or perhaps just willingly serving God, in the pages of the Bible.

  What about 'the Vine'?  Jesus referred to himself as 'the true vine' in at least one instance.  And the vine supports and nourishes the grapes.

  What about the grapes?  God seems to use the imagery of Jerusalem and Israel as being His vineyard fairly often in scripture.  And the Israelites, or the 'people of God' would therefore possibly be His grapes.  The wider world seems to be referred to as 'a field' or 'the field' more often than not, and 'the Vineyard' seems to be the place He has chosen for His personally selected people.  

  So again, what makes Central America interesting then?  It is symbolic of Jesus in some ways if I am on the right track.  Is there evidence for that?  You know, there kind of is!  Let's look at some possibilities:

  Guatemala means: Place of Many Trees (that's one belief concerning the origin of the name.)  Jesus has been called 'the Tree of Life' at times.  And once in scripture a blind man that Jesus was healing of blindness said something like , 'I see men, like trees walking.' (Mark 8:24) So, 'many men' could be symbolized by the phrase 'many trees', perhaps?  But there is possibly more secreted away in the name Guatemala.  I'll mention it further down. 

  Let's look next at 2 countries that touch Guatemala, Belize means Beautiful.  El Salvador means Savior.  So, at the top of the string of seven countries, near to each other, is the phrase 'Beautiful Savior'. That's pretty Christian, and pretty Biblical.  

  Meaning of the names Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica:

  Honduras means:  Depths

  Nicaragua means: there are several slightly disagreeing origins for the name, but part of it means 'by the water'.  And part of the word speaks of or refers to the Nahua people.  Aztecs and Toltecs were both Nahua peoples.  The name Nahua is supposed to mean things like 'someone who speaks clearly, or intelligibly."  So, the entirety of the name could, in that sense, mean 'someone who speaks clearly by the water'.  Jesus was someone who speaks clearly by the water.  He often preached by the freshwater lake called 'the Sea of Galilee', and also by the River Jordan.

  Costa Rica means: Rich Coast.

  So yes, those next three countries as you travel south from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Belize are Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.  The mnemonic I use to remember them easily is 'Hanukkah'.  

  Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday honoring God for giving them the victory over the Greeks long ago, before the time of Jesus on Earth.  (Similar to how Jesus wins His Christian people their victories when they rely upon Him.)  But Hanukkah also commemorates the miraculous way, during those days of battle with the Greeks, that a small vial of holy oil for the temple lamps found in the debris left over from the Temples desecration by the Greek forces, a vial found in the temple of God at Jerusalem, lasted 8 days all by its small self.  They found the vial in the vandalized temple while the priests cleaned up, and they needed to light the holy temple candles, but only a certain recipe of oil could be used.  Following the recipe to produce a sufficient quantity of oil for going forward wasn't a quick matter.  It took a few days to produce the oil.  But they used the vial of oil in faith and prayed they would not see it extinguish before they could produce new oil.  And the small vial lasted much longer than a vial that size possibly could have.  It lasted long enough.  God made it suffice until new oil was produced.  

  But in the mnemonic that I use to remember the next three Central American nations below Guatemala, Belize, and El Salvador, Ha is for Ho-nduras, nuk is for Nic-aragua, and kah is for Co-sta Rica.  It works for me.  I remember the order of those three nations, from north to south, pretty easily that way, and my mnemonic is pretty Biblical I think, though you have to go to the Catholic Bible to get this history, not the Protestant.  You can go to the Book of Maccabees in a Catholic Bible to read about this time period from a Bible.

  And at the bottom of Central America is Panama, which means 'place of many fish'.  Christians are symbolized by the fish.  The first Christians often carved fishes above the doors into their churches, etc.  Some of Jesus' miracles during His ministry involved His Apostles - some of whom had been fishermen and still fished at times - catching ridiculous numbers of actual fish when following His guidance and instruction, when they had caught none at all using only their own powers and know how.  

  So Central America has much about it that can be related to Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, and Jesus will one day present His father with many saved Christians and many Jews converted to Christ.  That's what the Bible tells us, and it has always proven accurate and reliable.  And why wouldn't it?  It is the Word of God!  But that doesn't matter much unless we follow its teachings and obey its author, right Christians?  

  What about the other little treasures that may be hidden in the name Guatemala?  Well, this is totally just me noticing things, and it's almost silly, but since I'm proposing that Jesus and His church are the link between Heaven and God's people on Earth, think of this:  There are 3 nations in North America (Canada, the USA, and Mexico.)  There are 3 great ones in Heaven (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.)  Maybe North America is symbolic of Heaven in some ways? 

  The church was symbolized using the number 7. Jesus spoke to 7 churches in Revelation.  7 were chosen, appointed by the Apostles, to distribute necessities to the needy believers in the book of Acts.  This is somewhat symbolic of the church's duties on Earth.  Well, there are also 7 Central American nations.  Maybe Central America is symbolic of Jesus and His bride, the church, in some ways.  

  And there were eventually 13 Apostles (12 minus Judas was 11.  11 plus Matthias was 12.  12 plus the latecomer Paul of Tarsus was 13.)  And there are 13 South American Countries (Columbia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guyana, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, and Argentina.)  So maybe South America is symbolic of God's chosen and selected people (the followers of His Son Jesus)? 

  So, if you take the name Guatemala and look at it from an English-speaking perspective it has so many Jesus connotations scrambled inside of it...especially if you read it mostly backwards, as Hebrew is read:  the last 4 letters are alam.  a...lam.  Jesus was a lamb (I concede that the letter 'B' is missing!)  He was known as the lamb of God, right?  The Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world!  Then there are the letters needed to spell 'male' there in the word Guatemala.  Back in Moses' day, it was a male lamb, without defect, that was sacrificed to God.  That was the acceptable sacrifice.  There is the word 'meat' and Jesus said that His flesh was meat indeed.  There are the letters for the word 'eat'.  You 'ate' the lamb you sacrificed on Passover.  You ate it all!  Jesus instituted the ritual of communion for His church, in which you ate bread that He said symbolized eating His flesh.  Then there are the letters needed to spell the Greek letter Tau, which was their letter 't'.  A 't' looks like a cross.  Jesus was crucified on a cross on a tree.  We followers are all asked to crucify our old man on a tree and give our life to Jesus.  And there are many of us who try...requiring many trees!  And the word Gate can be created with the letters in Guatemala.   Jesus called Himself 'the Gate' in certain scriptures.  He said that you should enter the sheep pen only through the gate, for instance.  So, you have a lamb of God reference.  Then you have a 'cross' reference.  Then there is the capital letter 'G'.  And the name we have for the Holy Father...God...obviously starts with a capital G.  And what more worthy name could the capital letter 'G' represent?

  So, the name Guatemala, this one country all by itself, is bursting with letters and potential hidden meanings that can be connotative of Jesus or His church...if you wish to see it that way.  It is all subjective...but Central America is loaded with hints of Jesus in my opinion.  Yet it is just my speculation.  You should always do your own discerning about things you read from other people, even if they think they mean it well and for the good, as I think I do!     


     The idea of Geo Prophecy is that since God the Father through Jesus built all of the Creation that man dwells in while knowing completely the future of mankind, could He have given it meaningful shapes, features, and names.  I say names because God invented languages, divided them at the Tower of Babel, foresaw the rise and fall of human empires as we learn in the book of Daniel when God tells Daniel the meaning of the different metals used in the colossus, and He can cause a thing to be named exactly as He wishes.  And God guides humans, both good and bad humans in such ways and at such times and to such places as He chooses.  And as the Creator of the Earth, he could determine locations of cities, land mass orientations, and their histories.  And so perhaps some parts of our world and universe are built by God as displays of His ability to foresee the unfolding of the history of ever disobedient mankind.  And to let us know that He always had known that the teachings and then violent outrageous death of His Son Jesus would be required if we were ever to be redeemed.  So perhaps the shape and form of Creation is a sort of a love letter from Yahweh the Holy Father to us.  

     Geo Prophecy is a theory and may or may not be a tool God used.  I think I see it at times and in places on our planet Earth and in the Heavens.  But a crazy person is always the last one to know that they are crazy.  God has not audibly spoken to me about this as I write this particular account in August 2020.  I have just come to personally believe it.  And so, I have shared a few examples of these personal thoughts that I see as possibilities here on the Deeds of God website.  Let the Holy Spirit be your guide concerning what to think of them.  

©2017 Daniel Curry & 'Deeds of God' Website