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9-11-2001:  The 9-11 Attack On the World Trade Center Towers.  Was It Biblical?






  Yes, or maybe!  The 9-11 attack on the United States was suspiciously relatable to the least I think so!  See if you agree.  Here are some interesting parallels to consider.  


  Let me suggest that there seem to be strangely similar events to the 9-11 terrorism occurrence in several particular places in the Bible:

  1.)  Moses threw and broke two stone tablets that had the Ten Commandments written upon them by the finger of God.  (These commandments and the story of Moses throwing them down are to be found written in the 5 books of the Jewish PENTA-teuch.)  Moses came down the mountain after 40 days and saw the Israelites that he led worshiping a false god (a golden bull) they had made during his absence when he was up on Mount Sinai speaking directly with the Father for many days.  He had that golden bull destroyed, ground to dry powder then thrown into a creek.  He then had the Levite priests walk out among their own brother tribesman and slay with the sword as punishment.  They killed 'about 3000.'   

  2.)  The powerfully strong Israelite judge named Samson, though blinded and put on display by his enemies so that he could be mocked at one of their religious festivals, called for God to give him strength one last time and, standing in a crucified looking posture between two pillars of the temple, with one hand on each of the two stone pillars, he pushed outwards and broke the two pillars.  This happened in Gaza, one of the 5 cities of the PENTA-polis of the Philistines, in the temple of a false god...Dagon... and the temple roof collapsed killing 'about 3,000' Philistines as well as Samson.  So a sinful and fallen Samson cried out to God for one last moment of strength and then he died in the midst of his mocking enemies. 

  3.) Jesus was crucified, and died as he was mocked in the midst of his enemies.  He cried out one last time as He died, as Samson had.  There were crucified men on each side of Him, just as Samson had the two pillars and Moses had the two stone plates of the commandments.  And as He died, the very moment Jesus died, the barrier curtain between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place at the Jewish Holy Temple of Yahweh tore in two from top to bottom.   Similarly, the 'fabric' of Jesus' fleshly body was torn on the cross.  (Jesus said that no man could come to the Holy Father except through Him.  And no person could enter the Holy of Holies except through that curtain.  That curtain was a little like Jesus in that respect.). And a Roman soldier was sent out to break the lower leg bones (tibia and fibula) of Jesus and the two men crucified right next to Jesus, one to the right and one to the left of Jesus.  But finding Jesus already passed away the soldier broke the leg bones of the men on the left and right but not the leg bones of Jesus.  This way men died faster because they could not stand up on their legs to get a decent breath whenever they were about to succumb.  A holy Jewish holiday was about to start at sundown and the Jews felt that crucified men should not be struggling in agony towards their deaths when such days started.  So, there were 'broken pillars' to the right and left of Jesus if you care to consider leg bones within the human body to be pillars of a sort for our bodies.    

  And there was also an earthquake when Jesus died and the rock was rent apart scripture says, just after Jesus died.  And at that curtain at the Holy Temple that tore in two from top to bottom there were quite possibly pillars named Boaz and Joachin (to replace those taken by the Babylonians hundreds of years earlier, though they may not have looked the same as the originals) just as Samson was between two pillars when he died.  And the PENTA-teuch was replaced by the New Covenant that day, or at least Christians believe that the replacement began.  It was a process.   And 50 days later the Holy Spirit fell upon the discouraged and confused followers or Jesus, an event that Christians call PENTA-cost, at which time 'about 3,000' people decided to die to this world and give their lives to Jesus.

  4.)  On 9-11 two stone items were destroyed:  the two tall stone towers, the World Trade Center buildings.      

  The two towers are listed as having 110 stories.  Each.  Total of 220.  Go to Exodus (Book #2) Chapter 20 (note the 2 20) and you read about the 10 commandments there.  That is the first place they are listed in the Bible.  So, the 220 and 2 & 20 might be clues that we could  compare these events. 

  The two stone towers in New York City City were destroyed.  Like Samson's 2 Philistine pillars were broken and destroyed.  Like the two stone tablets that God wrote the original 10 commandments on were destroyed.  (Moses threw them down in anger when he came off the mountain with them only to see the people had forgotten their God and were worshiping a metal bull they  had formed themselves from their gold jewelry and such while he was gone up on the mountain.) Like the leg bones of the men crucified beside Jesus were purposely shattered by the Roman soldier sent to speed up the men's death.  

  A metal bull?  New York City has one of those, the Wall Street Bull, and in 2001 God's people were far more interested in stock market money than they were in praising and obeying God.  The metal of Moses' bull was crushed by Moses.  The metal bull of Wall Street took a mighty hit that day in 2001.

  Samson lost his eyes when he wasn't watching - he was betrayed by his concubine Delilah to the Philistines.  America - a 'people of God' as it says on our money - pays the CIA and the FBI to guard us against our enemies.   They are our eyes.  Our 'eyes' were blind to the peril America faced from within on 9-11.  Our watchers weren't watching closely enough, or we were betrayed.

  There are 5 principal boroughs of New York City: Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and Manhattan.  There were 5 principal Philistine cities in Samson's day within Israel: Ekron, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Gath, and Gaza.  They were there during Moses' day, and they were still cities during Jesus' days of ministry on Earth.  Certain leaders of the Philistines were referred to as their 'Princes', though 'rulers' and 'lords' are probably more common terms.  The origin of the name York is from Jar-Vik.  It means Prince and Bay.  New York means 'New Bay of Princes' in that respect.

  Gaza was a city in a region also called Gaza.  New York is a city in a region also called New York.  

  When the Law and Prophets of the Jews (the Old Covenant) was done away with, it was Christianity that emerged and carried forward.  When the Twin Towers fell, an I-beam cross was left standing and became famous.  It was mounted as a memorial.  Search '9-11 Cross' to see it.  The body of Samson, who had stood in a somewhat cross-like stance between two pillars at the Philistine temple, was carried away for burial by Israelites who quietly came for him.  After Moses broke the tablets of stone, the Israelites soon began a 40 year period of marching about in the Sinai Desert at God's command in a carefully specified cross-like formation as they marched.  (See Numbers 2) 

  So, what does it all mean?  That is another matter.  It seems Biblical to me, and I feel sure we will one day learn that it was a warning and a harbinger from God.  But I am not certain what it means.  We might suspect that we were being told to quit focusing on wealth, quit worshiping our money.  We were possibly being told to turn away from idols.  

  After Moses came brave and faithful Joshua (essentially the same name in ancient Hebrew as 'Jesus') who won the promised land with his own hand, as we are told Jesus will have to come to Earth and do one day.  The church that He commanded to win the Earth to Him will have succeeded only in part.  Long after Samson, whose demise marked the beginning of Israel throwing off the yoke of the Philistines, came a sometimes good sometimes bad king Saul, but then a God fearing king named David came and won the land away from the Philistines.  So, perhaps before too long we too will have the bad king prophesied in certain Bible books, and then the good king, Jesus, shall come and free His people at that time.  We will see!  

  We are told to live in obedience to Jesus, the true Son of God, so that when the end comes, or our end comes, we can be covered by His atonement by virtue of being one who chose to follow Him.  He is the only path to the Father He taught us, and He does not lie.  It is not enough to know Jesus' name...even demons know His name, yet they are not His followers.  During His ministry on Earth even demons (demon possessed people) came up and bowed down to Him saying such things as "I know who you are...the Holy One of God!"  They knew Him and feared Him, they obeyed Him, but they did not follow and worship Him.  It is not enough to show Him some deference...even demons came up and bowed to Him.  

  We are commanded to be followers of Jesus in both name and deed and we must tell others so that they can be encouraged to follow also.  We must encourage each other in this because we are all sinners and slackers and unworthy servants.  Some fellow humans around us, ironically made in the image of God as we are, deny that there even is a God of any sort.  We must try to tell them the truth.  And some around us believe in false gods and demons posing as false gods, imagining that they are doing well.  And some in our day openly support Jesus' enemies.  Some from all of these groups might be reached and their souls saved from an eternity spent in hell if approached in the right way at the right time by a witness of Jesus, meaning you or I or the next Christian believer...and that is one of our most important jobs while we are down here on Earth.        








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