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Here Comes the Next US Presidential Election, and the Masks Are Coming Off!



      With what has functionally been a two party political system, you could make the analogy that the two major parties in the USA have just been taking turns milking the family cow over the course of the successive elections.  One party gets voted in to milk the cow for a few years, then at some point the other party gets voted in to take care of the milking for a while. And hey, everyone depends on the welfare of the cow...the milk and the cheese and the butter and the ice-cream, all that good stuff comes from the cow for the benefit of Republicans and Democrats and all folks in between who are citizens of our particular farm.  (By 'milking the cow' I mean taking over the concerned and caring stewardship of American people and their interests...which is the government's servant-like intended function. They are to be our Servants, not out Rulers, even though some of the nation's most capable people might end up in the American government.   Here's the problem.  Democrats have been warped and corrupted into a farm hand that sneakily cuts steaks off the family cow while he's milking it.  And somehow the farm family that are the rightful and most deeply effected owners have not caught him and fire him and stopped it, but they've noticed the milk production has been waning away for some reason.  And they seem not to notice the gangs of hoodlums from other farms, and various relatives of the depraved milker currently on duty hanging out outside the barn waiting for big juicy steaks to be handed through cracks in the barn wall to  them so they can race away back to their own farms with those.  How long can any cow survive that?  How long can any farm stay in business with a farmhand that performs their milking duties like that on the payroll?  The Democrat Party, absolutely and unquestionably, is a committed and determined enemy of the constitutionally based ideal of the USA.  They have become that, they are that, but they can't openly admit it so they say one thing and do another.  They aren't confused...they know what they are doing.  They want 'old America' dead...destroyed.  This wouldn't destroy the home of both Democrat voters and Republican voters and other voters and non-voters.  They have New World Order socialist plans for America (But actually, they are Satanic plans.  The top Democrat Party officials and their handlers want an America where Satan and his ideals are free to rule and operate, using the wealth, power and military force of the USA.  Based on the lessons of history, God will not stand for this.  Based on the lessons of history he will destroy the USA with ease and finality at any time He so wishes.  All world empires are prophesied to be destoyed and crumbled to dust upon the coming of Jesus to rule the Earth.  Voting in Democrats, electing Democrats with their declared party planks, today's Democrat Party, is effectively the same as screaming out that it's time for Satan to rule...and Jesus has excellent hearing.  The Democrat indulgence of anti-Israel hate and their always faint and ever fading support for Israel will also not please God.  For His reasons He declared them to be His chosen people, not because they were mighty, but in fact because they were a fairly small group of recently escaped slaves...a lowly people at that time.  They are also the people out of whom the flesh of Jesus arose.  Strange as it sounds to non-believers, you dare not be an enemy to Israel.  The Father's power is insanely overwhelmingly unimaginably unopposable when unleashed.  Planets are nothing to Him, galaxies are in His hands.  If He acted frequently in His anger mankind would be sensible enough to live in constant terror of His wrath.  Respecting and advocating for Israel, the people group He chose as His own and as His human life-lesson to the rest of the world, and being an ally to Israel where and when they need or want one or we see one is needed, shows a well advised fear and respect for the Father Almighty.  Top Democrats subtly pander to the hatred of Israel, daring not go too far for fear of losing the Christian vote.  But they put out signals that they can relate to the hatred of Israel.  Is it a rant to discuss Israel when speaking of American elections?  Democrats are not so friendly towards Israel, they take a sort of frenemy stance towards them at best, and Israel is still totally on God's radar, always.  If we don't protect them like a brother then God may stand to do so, and then it's 'Katy, bar the door!' time as they used to say.  As scriptures say, He who watches over Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers.  Christians are on the only path to salvation, but the Jews, even according to Biblical prophets who were Jewish, will become believers in Jesus also in future times when they see Him come in power with the angels to gather His flock and then return afterwards to attack and destroy his rebellious enemies on Earth, whoever won't repent and turn to Him during the ferociously deadly end times.)              

     Everything below is all just personal opinion.  Ignore it if you wish.  Almost all human politics falls way short of the behavior Jesus asked us to incorporate into our character.  But here comes the next round of political decision making in the USA.  It's mid July of 2024 and in early November we citizens of the United States will once again go to vote for our various government leaders including the US President (And by the way, former President Trump was shot in the ear between when I started this and when I finished it!)   We have two major parties in the USA, but it looks like we will have a pretty strong 3rd party candidate this year as well. (Update:  Well, maybe not concerning the 3rd party candidate!)


***09/18/2024:  Another planned assassination attempt on Donald Trump was thwarted on a golf course it appears.  A near total avoidance of tough press interviews so far by the Democrat candidates, who honestly dare not hold up their past record of accomplishments, nor their previously stated future policy objectives for scrutiny by the American voter.  If you count the American Constitution and our Christian identity as a nation as the core of American beliefs then some of the 2024 Democrat Presidential candidates' goals and aspirations are extremely un-American.  Is it time to get rid of portions of our Constitution?  They seem dedicated to the idea, but do not dare to speak of it openly if they wish to be elected.  Will they sleep-walk the American people into handing them the reins for four more years so that they can continue the assault on and erosion of these Constitutional freedoms?  Open borders?  Without borders      there essentially is no national identity.  It's like crossing from California into Arizona or New York into New Jersey.  It's a border crossing in name only.  Is it time for that somehow?  Because Democrats have been all but undisguisedly waving in strangers by the hundreds of thousands and then millions into a country, our precious nation, a greatly blessed nation of a type that those strangers were unable to build back where they came from, and which only the intervention and guidance of God ever allowed us to build in the first place.  Top Democrats see these strangers as future votes that they desperately need to stay relevant.  It's is not an easy matter to press ever more evil and deranged policies upon a Christian voting populace that is more or less on to your Satanic plans.  Democrats are trying to usher in people who are going to be desperate to support any political party that will feed them money and resources while they try to figure out how to make a go of it in America.  The Democrats have carefully and loudly identified themselves as being that political party.  Now they just need to surreptitiously assist these illegal strangers in somehow voting Democrat when it is actually against our laws.  But they will make it happen if they can.  There are already Democrat efforts underway to grant them some voting power in some cities.  It sounds like Democrats should have no chance...that they have sniffed out and the game is up for them.  But far from it!  Most arms of the news media are firmly in the tank for the Democrats.  American voters of a Liberal or Democratic predilection are being purposely starved by the Liberal media of the factual information they need to make a rational choice at the voting booth.  The news outlets the Liberal Left voter has come to prefer are no longer in the business of providing their users with the truthful information that would startle them to wakefulness about the dire direction their nation is heading. 

     Even the most passionate animal lover might kill a snake that has crawled into their baby's crib.  Even the most died in the wool Leftist Liberal voters might steer the car towards the center of the lane...even if reluctantly...if they saw clearly that they had drifted so far over into the barrow pit that there was about to be a deadly crash.  But the Liberal news media, well positioned to understand that America simply cannot survive on its current trajectory to the Left, insanely to the Left, Satanically to the Left, are apparently of the mind that it is better for the nation as it was founded to perish than it is to inform their watchers and readers and listeners that there really is such a thing as veering fatally to the Left. 

     Here is an ultimately fundamental problem with the Liberal Left:  they have a good hand for tearing down but a poor hand for building.   It's just a personality type thing.  Once in power, the main go-to moves for a wildly Liberal and Left-leaning government when it comes to solving problems solving problems is two fold: 

     1.)  They compromise with groups challenging them from within their own nation, meeting them 'half way' to end the conflict, even if the halfway point is ridiculously precarious and ultimately not sustainable.  (Picture of one group wants to build the house on the west side of the road and the other party wants to build it on the east side of the road, so they build it in the middle of the road.  Ludicrously unworkable compromise merely for the sake of ending conflict. 

     2.)  They are quick to funnel other people's money towards any external problem to try to purchase cooperation from outside nations acting up or facing America with outrageous demands.  Bad guys around the globe (and internally) almost instantly sniff this out and begin to con and manipulate Liberal Left governments.  This leads very soon to mammoth amounts of overspending and corruption within the government, and to a disillusioned and rioting poverty stricken populace.  Things collapse so greatly that the 'governing class' senses imminent failure, seizes as much of their collapsing nation's wealth as they can, and they flee the country while the getting is still good.  The people left behind in the dumpster fire of a disaster that was created by the Liberal Left governing class now have to find a strong-man and a savior to make sense of the pandemonium.  One of those always sniffs out the opportunity, rises with a mouth full of promises and sympathy for his beleaguered fellow citizen's plight, he takes the wheel, and quickly enough turns into a totalitarian dictator who is either evil themselves or soon enough has a successor that is.

     Go to far left...end up bereft!                          


***09/10/2024:  The Presidential debate, held on a monumentally Dem-leaning channel, is now completed.  Time to begin the pre-rehearsed pro-Democrat fawn-a thon over the Democrat candidate's performance by all of the Democrat controlled fake news outlets working in concert.  They will praise, with the intensity of a thousand suns, every aspect of their New World Order candidate's performance, while deriding with fake pity the faltering and insufficient words of the Republican candidate.  They will Satanic spew and spew and spew ever more gushing tributes for the candidate they've been ordered to shill for.  Satan's cause is on the line, and his soldiers must toe the line and do everything to support the most genuinely evil political party Am we've erica has ever been eaten away and attacked by.  The goal at this point must likely be to keep the public convinced by any means possible that the race is actually close so that election night shenanigans can make it look like the Democrats won.  Will lazy and or hypocritical Christian voters force another loss upon Jesus, the Savior they pretend to follow?  Will they vote in the party of abortion, sex changes, sexual perversions, fraud, New World Order objectives, and destruction from within of the nation that bills itself as 'One Nation Under God'?  Will the nation that makes the claim "In God We Trust' even on their money once again show itself to be in majority revolt against the Son of God and his teachings on what is right and wrong? 

     Will Christian preachers and pastors and reverends and ministers and priests once again remain mum and in complete terror that there might be fewer dollars in the collection plate and fewer bottoms in the chairs if they were to stand up front and identify evil as evil and wrongness as wrongness, and call Christians to reject these top Democrats, these Satanic servants who would destroy their own Christian nation from within? 

     And yet again we have electronic voting machines being used in our American elections, and for a reason you may be sure.  Haven't our major banks been hacked?  It was made public in many instances.  You know that some of our major banks have been hacked, despite how much money they spent to try to prevent it!  Haven't some of our major government agencies, our credit bureaus and many other institutions been hacked even though they spent a lot of money to try to prevent it?  You know they have.  Many cases have been publicly admitted to.  Haven't the hacks  been made public in many instances?  You know they have.  Electronic voting machines aren't magically impervious to hackers.  Who is going to monitor the integrity of these voting machines  programming?  You know and I know that the integrity of our American government's various organizations, the ones that could guard us, have been breached and corrupted.  We've seen proof of it during testimony given before congressional investigators.  Are those organizations fixed and all better now?  No!  How can you, the plumber, the trucker, the schoil teacher, the can you tell?  You are so far from Washington D.C. and not an insider.  How can you tell?  Like this:  If these top deep state infiltrated agencies and bureaus were fixed and all better, then such things as electronic voting would have been done away with, EVEN IF ONLY TO RESTORE PUBLIC CONFIDENCE IN THE INTEGRITY OF OUR VOTING SYSTEM.  So, even if the electronic systems actually were safe and reliable, any honest government, believing they were voted in to serve the best interests of the people, would have eliminated electronic voting machines just because they are perceive by many as a deep state tool for election cheating.  Of course our electronic voting can quite conceivably be hacked.  (And maybe it was!  Maybe it wasn't.  Doesn't matter because it obviously could be.)  The very agencies and bureaus staffed with the type of top shelf technically savvy people who could prevent electronic voter fraud have definitely been shown, in at least some very important instances, to be infiltrated at the top by morally compromised deep state at least some instances we have been shown the truth of this by such sources as Wikileaks and Congressional oversight investigations.  Some key agencies and bureaus have been purposefully staffed in their top ranks by these electronic voting machines can be cheated far more invisibly than if you had to try to engage in hundreds of acts of fraud at hundreds of polling stations while handling bulky and cumbersome paper ballots under the watching eyes of all parties, Democrats and Republicans and Independents.  These are paper ballots which people can go back and second check.  There are easier ways at least to trace whether cheating occurred with paper, especially if the voting occurred on voting day.  Especially if valid identification must be presented.  With purposeful mishandling of paper ballots there is a much greater chance that you will be caught and perhaps sent to prison...the risk definitely exists! 

     No honest American from any political party should ever want a vulnerable electronic voting system that you can hack almost invisibly in the darkness of night, perhaps misdirecting tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of votes from a safe distance with the stroke of a few keys on a keyboard.  Yet top Democrats have shown contempt filled, even hostile resistance to the idea of corruption-proofing and truing up the voting process.  Cleaning up the voter rolls has often needed to be imposed upon Democrat controlled areas by law suits.  That's FREQUENTLY been necessary, yet it has always been every precinct's job to continually keep cleaning up their voter rolls.  They are supposed to WANT TO DO IT SO THAT THE ELECTIONS ARE LEGAL AND FAIR.  Even if they did not want to do it, IT'S THEIR JOB TO DO IT.  They seem to hysterically and passionately hate the idea of ensuring fair elections in all regards and oppose it with every trick in the book.  How could any voter from any party not understand what that resistance means?   They want the fix to be in!  They want to be able to obtain a win by any means if they can't obtain a win by honest means.  To top New World Order Democrats I believe a win is simply a win.  They are absolutely and completely willing to thwart the will of the American voter using the taxpayer funded bureaus and agencies and also the backroom dirty dealing tricks in the middle of the night on election day.  In short, this is a sort of organized crime endeavor.  Maybe, as a sports fan, you want one team to win over another, and you are passionate about it.  But, if you love the sport, you don't want crooked referees to be able to move into action and decide the outcome of any close game.  That's all you're doing if you demand fair elections.  You are saying you want voters, not sneaky underhanded interceding cheaters, to decide the outcome.

     Christians are taught by their Lord that honesty and fairness and dependable principled service to our fellow humans are not optional, they are mandatory.  We are also told to 'honor the king' so to speak, being told that it is God who decides which authorities will ultimately be placed over us, and it is our Christian job, concerning these God-emplaced world authorities, to honor our various authorities and render to them what is due.  And so, obeying the laws concerning the maintaining of fair elections and upholding those laws at the citizen level, and every Christian effecting level above that as well, is one of our mandates as Christians.  Officially, our government authorities tell us that we are still a nation of laws.  It is therefore officially every Christian's job to oppose crime and corruption and lawlessness.  It is therefore every preacher and church leader's job to remind their Christian flock of this duty to vote for honesty and to oppose corruption of our laws and encourage them to pursue Godly-aimed voting with vigor in any instance where our American laws do not try to supersede our obligation to the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  We Christians are mandated, as commanded followers of the law, to vigorously oppose attempts to subvert our American laws, because resisting attacks on our laws is compliance with our presently existing laws that were put in place by our God-provided authorities.  Christians can't be complicit in a large scale attempt to subvert and break and cheat our American laws and any Christian church leader who doesn't remind people of that loudly and clearly might be in personal defiance of the Christian command to obey our lawfully provided Earthly authorities.  It's not politics to preach against attacks on our Godly and righteous American laws, it is part of practicing Christianity.  It is part of our God commanded Christian vigilance for looking after the interests of our Lord Jesus here on this Earth.  For preachers to ask their flock to oppose lawlessness and evil at the voting box is not is Christianity.  If we, in this majority Christian land, vote in evil people and evil laws, we may end up being pressured to obey those laws.  And because we self-proclaimed Christians comprise the majority of American voters, if we vote in de-facto Satanists to power, under their various guises, then we have literally voted for the forces of Hell to rule over us.  Literally.  And why would God not step back, then, and allow it?   Are we once again crying out."We have no king but Caesar!" like the majority of the gathered Jews apparently cried out to Pontius Pilate 2,000 years ago when they wanted Jesus to be crucified?  I would say we are.  And our church leaders are remaining front and center, with their silence, to being complicit in ushering in the reign of anti-Christian evil upon our land.                                      


***09/07/2024:  Well, things changed fast!**  Biden out, Kennedy on Trump's side, Kamala Harris magically transitioned to being the most electrifying and promising candidate that the wholly corrupted liberal leftist US media has ever seen.  And...who could have predicted she'd be 'hiding in the basement' concerning giving interviews so that voters could become familiar with what they'd be getting if they voted Democrat?  Democrats, be warned:  there are countries where they drive on the left side of the road, but they are wise enough to avoid driving in the barrow pit on the left side of the road.  When they see their car beginning to drift into the barrow pit they steer towards the right long enough to save the vehicle from crashing.  Should you consider doing the same with your vote this year?  It's no easy matter to uncrash a car.    

     We had a concerning number of alleged voting irregularities last time we had a US Presidential election, some proven but more small scale, and more that were alleged but never proven, or in some cases such allegations were disproven.  A great portion of America now worries about surreptitious meddling in our elections by evil Democrat-friendly forces, bureaus and agencies and party operatives.  The party that overall won the last election, the Democrats, showed huge disinterest in trying to make sure that the next elections (these 2024 elections coming up) would have less opportunity for fraud or the appearance of fraud.  They studiously avoided making the sort of wide spread reforms that would comfort voters.  I worry that this bodes very, very poorly for this coming 2024 election if it appears to be a close contest to the Democrats.  I perceive top Democrats as being corrupt to a depth that's almost unimaginable.           

     In the United States we probably don't have any political parties composed SOLELY of honest people of integrity, but we do have many God respecting and quite patriotic politicians, which is a blessing.  We citizens are also sinful, never the less there are still many of us that will go to the mat for a fair and uncorrupted election process. my opinion...our Democrat Party has become hideously rotten during my lifetime.  Nearly all of its more controversial 'treasured causes' are straight up from Hell and Satan if you closely consider the things they are endorsing.  They support causes that in some particular cases are so utterly horrific and revoltingly debased that such causes have all been given sanitized fairy tale names so that the people supporting them won't be immediately labeled as monsters.  They love the 'kill the developing baby and sell its organs' idea.  They refer to it as 'Women's Healthcare' as if half the slaughtered humans were not female.  They cry out. "My body, my choice!" because it sounds so bursting with female empowerment. 

     But if bodies have inherent rights to choices then why do they and/or the father deny all rights and choices to the body growing inside of the womb?  Reproductive rights?  Choose, of course, exercise your right to choose!  Reproduce or don't reproduce.  No one is denying people the right to reproduce.  But once you have reproduced...once a human is inside of you developing and growing just as we all did at that stage of our lives...don't murder it.  If you make a human die, a living and viable human, then how does it go from living to dead if it was not killed in some manner?  Of course abortion involves killing a baby...killing a little human designed by the same God who designed you.  It can seem overwhelming to discover you have an unexpected child coming.  But you can do it, you can handle it.  If it seems that you cannot, then pray to Jesus for the strength you need and the open doors you will need.  Then make your plans and do what is best...accept that you are now a parent in the making.               

     Democrats think it fine to chop off and/or surgically alter the sexual organs of developing young teens or even adolescents, those who have the notion that they were born into the wrong gender, so that they can pretend to be the opposite gender.  They may have about 30 trillion body cells that all, each and every one, contain proof of their gender, but they have a teenage notion in their skull that they are the other gender.  So they want to make a choice that will deeply effect their lives for however long their lives last.    Democrats and Liberals in the US cheer them on in this disastrous delusion, some hospitals and some medical professionals make a killing from it, make genuinely great money from it, and many troubled and/or confused and disaffected youngsters actually get this transition surgery the results of which they will have to deal with for perhaps their entire life.  Some recent studies have found that over half of these young transitionees later regret their youthful decision. 

     What God identifies as sinful sexual behavior our US Democrats and Liberals celebrate and try to pressure others to celebrate.  If you began to enumerate, loudly and in detail, the exact sexual acts engaged in by the L's and G's and B's and T's and other camouflaging letters, out loud and in public near a passing crowd, you would probably be jailed for public indecency, yet the Democrats and Liberals in the USA try to induce us all to declare such behaviors to be a good and healthy thing for our nation.  How crazy for so large a segment of a Christian nation to support these un-Christian behaviors, these God-angering behaviors as the Bible displays them to be.  Why bring God's curses or punishments down upon our heads?  The history of God's people in the Bible makes it clear that our Maker will tolerate only so much, and for only so long, even from His own people.  Why would any nation wish to test the limits of His patience?  His power is LITERALLY unlimited.  Once a decision is made about your soul, there is no higher court to appeal to.  


     And another great concern is this throwing open of our U.S. southern border.  Can this be anything but a purposeful attempt to damage or at least forcefully but surreptitiously transform America?  Just now, as the election nears, the Democrats are pretending that they only recently noticed the magnitude of the illegal migration problem and are working to take strong and high profile action on it now that it just recently appeared on their radar.  But that is a farce of the highest order.  Their first move after the 2020 election was to relax the newly emplaced barriers that had made it a tighter border under the last President.  For some reason the Democrats are purposely trying to reshape the national and racial character of our nation into some blend of the old and known with a large uncontrolled infusion of the unknown and needy, largely southern Latino.  It was by no means accidental, and it certainly hadn't gone unnoticed by the Democrats until 2024.  For over 3 years they had denied it and downplayed it constantly as it occurred with the complicity of the Democrat controlled media.  It's a mystery to many of us why the Democrats are doing it, and it's some sort of dark mystery, not a well intended  one!  Uncontrolled immigration into any nation is a hugely unsettling thing, and unmistakably meant to be harmful to the American status quo.  Perhaps it will work to the benefit of God's plans in some manner, but with the Democrats being behind it we can be sure that it wasn't meant to.  The Democrat leadership class are such an evil and secretive bunch, such a corrupt and collusional bunch and they never try to promote the honoring and worshiping of Jesus in this land.  In fact, they seem to constantly work and with a purpose to reduce His influence.  They'll attend a Christian church, and that's good.  But what Bible are they reading from that would allow the worst of the things that Democrats so obviously promote in our land?                       

     Some of the things that Democrats and Liberals believe in are OK, but the other parts of their belief system are the equivalent of 'deadly poison' to any nation hoping to please Jesus.  In short, Democrats and Liberals are the naked face of Satan in our nation now days.  Their perennial opponents, the Republicans, fall short sometimes, but the Democrats embrace evil on a level that's so passionate it's simply terrifying.  They are New World Order through and through, and no nation could long survive them in their present form.  They hold to such views as would be the ruin of any God fearing nation.  Their evil specialty is taking over various corporations and branches of government and our schools and bending them to their use as political tools to further their shamefully evil agenda, to influence elections and national policy to what would certainly be the liking of Satan.  To pursue an anti-God agenda is to, by default, pursue a pro-Satanic agenda.  You don't have to proclaim it out loud.  A Christian populace should be able to make the mental connection.    

     Our liberal news outlets are beginning to drop the mask and become full scale Democrat cheer leaders.  It's election time and that's what they do.  Just lately they are trying to get foreign leaders on record concerning which candidate they would prefer, after making certain that the answer would be 'the Democrat candidate'.  Our Presidents are tasked with looking out for the people of the USA first and foremost.  After that they can see what sort of friendly relations we can keep or develop with our brother nations.  Our news outlets were taken over and compromised long ago I think.  Surely the news commentators and reporters and camera men and make-up people, etc., don't want to live and raise their families in a smoking Satanic dumpster fire of a nation, yet they are so pro-Democrat, pro-Liberal, pro-International, pro-New World Order that they may as well wear large letter 'D's on their shirts as they pretend to impartially disseminate the news.   I honestly do believe that they will want no part of living their lives out in the world they are working so hard to promote.  They have become shills for horrible policies and political objectives, for deeply deluded and extremely evil puppet masters. 

     Right now as I'm writing this, July 11, 2024, the media outlets that worked so hard to deceive us about the depth and extent of our current Democrat President's age related deterioration have now turned on him in near lock step to attempt to force him unceremoniously out of the Presidential race so they can toss in a more promising champion and protector of their evil plans, one who might have a better chance of being elected, so that their march towards making America an insane hell on Earth can continue uninterrupted.  It's not apparent yet if they'll successfully force him out of the race.  He doesn't want to go right now.  

     It's a wild thing, if you think about it, that these increasingly concerning mental glitches seen in our Democrat President didn't bother the Democrats when the results were that the American people might not have a President capable of serving them cogently.  But when the possible results were that their axis of evil might lose its grip on Presidential power then all of a sudden they had the deepest possible level of concern.  A threat to their hold on power woke the Democrats up instantly.  But watching the President being unable to think clearly on the American people's behalf for years was of no particular interest to them at all. 

     U.S. elections have become a sad reminder of what happens when a Christian nation quits defending and promoting their Lord's interests.  We pro-Christian voters and citizens may not have many chances to turn the tide against these evil seekers living among us.  In fact, if we can even manage to vote out the Democrats and the Liberals, we need to start shining a similarly critical light on the Republican Party goals to make sure that they reflect our desire to have a wholesome, safe, healthy, loving and God pleasing nation that can be, will aim to be, a credible Christian example to the world.  But for the immediate future, I think Christians need to each take their own measure of what they see going on in the USA and vote accordingly.  If we all ask Jesus to give us the ability to vote as He would have us vote, then however it turns out ought to be the better outcome in His view, because we are still a 'majority Christian nation.' 

     I feel bad about even mentioning politics on the Deeds of God website.  The scriptures make it clear that when Jesus comes He will destroy all of the old existing governmental structures and take the reins.  At least that's how I read and understand it.  America is one of the many world power structures that will apparently be crushed and swept aside so that our Lord can reign with an actually righteous government starting from an all new foundation.  But until He comes in power to take possession of His kingdom and reign we would be well advised, all humans are well advised, to press for a world that reflects His values and follows His teachings.  It is probably the most defensible use of our worldly influence as Christian believers where worldly political power is concerned.  The Biblical scriptures pretty much assure us that our efforts will fall short, but in the mean time we better make the effort in the best manner we're able to perceive.  America can probably do at least some good in the world if it is governed by people with the Lord Jesus' service in mind.  But God help us if we can't or won't even do that.  Not many nations in all the world have the opportunity to serve Jesus that America does, in some respects.  We have been given a national opportunity as a temporarily influential country to show a willingness to serve Jesus Christ, and it would be so shameful of us to waste it.  National prominence comes and goes.  We should value our moment in the sun to try to shine as a Christian nation.       


©2017 Daniel Curry & 'Deeds of God' Website