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Home Page: Our most surprising discovery ever in our opinion!
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2024 A.D.: Manna is Falling in Angola, Africa At An Isolated Church For Decades Now?
2024 A.D.: Physics: Earth's Yearly Orbital Distance Points At the Great Journey of God's People! And They Are Numerically Related!
2024 A.D.: Israel's Oct 7th, 2023 Losses Are Proportionally Greater Than America's 9-11 or Pearl Harbor Losses!
1.) 2023 A.D.: Cursing 'Israel supporters' and Israel Brings A Deadly Curse Upon A Turkish MP?
1 a.) March 31, 2020 A.D.: A Cup of Trembling Is Announced?
1.a.a.) 2017 A.D.: Sale of Leonardo Da Vinci's 'Salvator Mundi' Shatters Auction Records!
1b) 2016 A.D.: New York's Empire State Building Struck As US Democrats Convene
1c) 2014 A.D.: Physics: The Axial Tilts of the Sun, Moon, and Earth link to the Bible!?!
1d) 2013 A.D.: Do all but 1 U.S. President descend from King John of England?
3) 2012 A.D.: God Bless the Queen!
3a) 2012 A.D.: An Athlete Pleases God?
5) 2010 A.D.: God Shows France His Power To Save!
6) 2010 A.D.: Soldier Glenn Hockton Drops His Rosary
7) 2009 A.D.: The Spirit Has Descended and China Burns
8) 2008 A.D. : A Fake Purim Gift Explodes In Hands of Israeli Boy Ami Ortiz
9) 2008 A.D. - The Evolution Bus
10) 2007 A.D. - Famous Jewish Rabbi Decodes Messiah's Name
11) 2007 A.D.: God Moderates An American Presidential Candidates Debate?
12) 2003 A.D.: Creation Testifies: Bush Signs Law, Yahweh's Sun Rejoices?
13) 2000 A.D.: A Bhuddist Monk Comes Back To Life After Three Days...Proclaiming Christ?
2001 A.D.: The 9-11 Attack, A Biblical Re-Enactment?
14) 1999 A.D.: Israeli Savings Time
15) 1999 A.D.: February 28 A Roaring Wind In A Baffin Island Church
16) 1994 A.D.: Bill Gates Buys the Codex Leicester For $30.8 Million Dollars
16a.) 1988 A.D.: Loving Your Neighbor: Nicholas Winton Receives A T.V. Ambush!
16b) 1986 A.D.: May 16, Wyoming, USA - the Cokeville Miracle.
17) 1981 A.D.: Ronald Reagan Is Spared By God?
18) 1973 A.D.: Zvika Force - An Israeli Tank Battles Syria
19) 1973 A.D.: A Nation's Peril, A Father's Love, A Mother's Voice, and A President's Moment To Shine
20) 1969 A.D.: Man Walks On God's Moon!
21) 1960's: The Peace Child Concept Helps Missionaries Teach Christ
21a) 1955 A.D.: US President Eisenhower Signs H.R 619...'In God We Trust' On U.S. Money!
22) 1954: A.A.Allen, An Evangelist, Has A Vision
23) 1951 A.D. Ronnie Coyne's Plastic Eye / 1950 A.D. - Everyone's Late For Choir
24) 1948 A.D. - Restored Israel
24a.) 1945 A.D.: January 27 (1/27) 1945: The Soviets Fight Their Way Into Auschwitz Ending the Slaughter There.
25) 1945 A.D. Aug 16: Japan Surrenders (Numbers and Nagasaki)
26) 1945 A.D. Aug 6th: Hiroshima Jesuits 'Passed Over' By Radiation!
26a.) 1945 A.D.: Kokura, Japan too cloudy to bomb...but why?
27) 1945 A.D. - King Cyrus Is Reborn As Harry Truman?
27a) June 6, 1944: God's Weather: the D-Day Invasion!
27b.) June 6, 1944: The D-Day Victory Sign From God? Many Thought So!
28) 1944 A.D. - General Patton's Prayer
29) 1942 A.D. - Malta: Catholics At the Mosta Dome Have A Blessed Day
29a.) 1942: War Strained Britain Receives Record Breaking Harvests Just When Needed!
30) 1941 - Sept 18: A Blood Red American Sky
31) 1940 A.D. : God's Weather: The Evacuation of Dunkirk
32) 1935 A.D.: God's Weather: Not Early. Not Late. Dust In Time!
32a.) 1922 A.D.: Savage Wrangell Island Kills Everyone Big Enough To Die...Except Ada Blackjack!
33) 1918 A.D.: The White Cavalry of Bethune
35) 1914 A.D.: The Christmas Truce of World War I
34) 1916 A.D.: The Battle of Verdon and the Arc de' Triomphe!
36) 1904 A.D.: God's Great Welsh Revival
36a.) 01/01/1900: God Launches Chiune Sugihara
37) 1889 A.D.: To Live and Die On Molokai
37a.) 1878 A.D.: A father brings home a rubber band powered air plane and Jerusalem is saved!
38) 1878 A.D.: Nine Days of Prayer At Loretto Chapel
38a) 1876 A.D.: Ira Sankey Sings On Christmas Eve
38b) 1870's A.D.: Explorers Find Bashan's Giant-Sized Stone Homes Quite Intact and Livable!
38c) 1873 A.D.: An ancient rediscovered writing called the Didache of the Apostles may clear up certain confusions!
1860's A.D.: Bigfoots, Yetis, etc.? Was one of them captive for decades, reproducing with humans in the 1870's?
40) 1865 A.D.: God's Weather: Lincoln's 2nd Inaugeral Speech.
41) 1864 A.D.: Andersonville Prison - God's Seen Enough
41a) Physics Constants: 1864 A.D.: Scientist and Christian James Maxwell helps fulfill Numbers 2:9 prophecy about light?
42) 1862 A.D.: Abraham Lincoln Makes A Deal With God
43) 1857 A.D.: The Great New York City Prayer Revival Begins
44) 1857 A.D.: A Bird Rescues S.S. Central America Passengers
1856 A.D.: A Mormon Mother Won't Believe God Would Lie, Returns For Her Dead Frozen Daughter.
45) 1856 A.D.: God Reveals A Secret Place In the Pennsylvania Woods
46) 1850 A.D. - The early Mormon Church
47b) 1844 A.D.: The Edict of Toleration, and more. A wild wild year in the kingdom of God?
47) 1847 A.D.: Semmelweis is 'crucified' by his peers, as thousands of mothers die!
48) 1835 A.D. : The First Attempted U.S. Presidential Assassination Fails
49) 1828 A.D. - Ko Thay-Byu Is Chosen
50) 1826 A.D. July 4th: Adams and Jefferson Depart
51) 1820 A.D. - Missionaries Find Circumstance And A Little Known Prophesy Has Prepared Hawaiians
52) 1814 A.D.: God's Weather: The British Burn Washington D.C., and God 'Tornadoes' the British!
53) 1813 A.D.: A Living Stone Is Born In Scotland!
54) 1803 A.D. : Australia Sentences Joseph Samuel To Hang For Murder
55) 1790: God Sifts Through The Bounty's Mutineers
56) 1789 A.D.: A Mutiny On the Bounty
57) 1780 A.D.: No Greater Love: Hannah Handy Takes On 300 Raiders!
58) 1778 A.D.: God's Ironies: Voltaire Dies
58a.) 1776 A.D.: The Spirit of '76.....the Spirit of Freedom!
58 b.) 1775 A.D.: Is the Leviathan Spoken of In the Bible A Nation? Are flags the clue?
59) 1774 A.D.: The American Continental Congress's First Prayed Commencement
60) 1773 A.D.: No Greater Love: Wolraad Woltemade and Horse Love Their Neighbor!
60 a.) 1773 A.D.: Physics : The M-51 Galaxy: Pointing to Jesus ...Linked To the Bible?
61) 1767 A.D. - Junipero Serra Helps Found the California Missions
62) 1755 A.D.: American Indians Claim They Battled A Bullet Proof White Man!
63) 1746 A.D.: God Shields New England From French Naval Vengeance!
64) 1742 A.D.: The "Ale Preacher" Is Chosen As Host
65) 1732 A.D. - Moravian's Receive the Holy Spirit and Take To the Field
65a.) 1725 A.D.: Harpooned...Literally! The Wild Life of Sailor John Newton
66) 1694 A.D.: Paul of the Cross Begins His Amazing Walk On Earth!
66a.) Physics: July 5th, 1687: Isaac Newton Publishes Gravitational Findings
66b) 1665 A.D.: God Plagues London, Heart of the Reigning World Empire!
67) 1630 A.D.: Giuseppe (Joseph) of Cupertino Flies Before Large Crowds...Repeatedly!
68) 1620 A.D. - The Pilgrims Land On A Ravaged Coast
1617 A.D.: The first Saint born in the Americas dies, and roses fall!
68 a.) 1611 A.D.: Do Multiple Scriptures Prophetically Point Out the Coming of the King James Bible?
69) 1588 A.D. - God's Weather: The Spanish Armada Invades England
70) 1569 A.D.: No Greater Love: Dirk Willems Loves His Enemy
71) 1542 A.D.: Go Kansas! The First Martyr In the USA?
72) 1528 A.D. - Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca
73) 1517 A.D.: 95 Theses and Acts 9:5?
74) 1509 A.D. - Signs the Aztecs Saw of Their Coming Destruction
75) 1505 A.D. - The Luder's Boy, Martin, Wastes His Law School Education
1492 A.D.: The Expelled Jews of Spain Find An Unlikely Haven!
76) 1492 A.D.: God's Eerie Guidance of Christopher Columbus!
76a) 1452 A.D.: Leonardo DiVinci, (a Prophet?) is Born
77) 1415 A.D. - John Huss: A Cooked Goose Predicts An Uncookable Swan
77a.). 1300's A.D.: Missionary Vincent Ferrer Famously Speaks In Tongues To Myriad Language Groups For Years!
78) 1382 A.D. - John Wycliff Translates First English Bible
78a.) 1360 A.D.: England's King Edward III Attacks the French In Opposition To God's Will
78b) 1305 A.D.: Nicolas of Tolentino, Great Worker of God's Wonders, Departs.
78 c.) 1291 A.D.: Jesus Boyhood Home Miraculously Appears In Loretto, Italy?
79) 1280's A.D.: Marco Polo Discusses the Catching and Eating of Very Large Reptiles!!
80) 1244 A.D.: Saracens Meet Their Match - the Prayer of Clare!
81) 1226 A.D. - Francis of Assissi - First Stigmata Recipient - Dies
1219 A.D.: The Danish Flag Falls From the Heavens During A Battle
83) 1180 A.D.- The Waldensians Take To The Alps
82) 1195 A.D.: Portugal's Anthony of Paddua is Born!
84) 1170 A.D.: Spain's Humble But Powerful Saint Dominic Guzman!
84 b.) 1150 A.D.: Belgian Woman Christina the Astonishing (the Zombie Saint!) Is Born
85) 1054 A.D., July 4th: The Chinese Record A Guest Star! Rome Soon Declares Independence!
86) 1040's A.D.: The Cavemen of the Ukraine
87) Approx. 1020 A.D.: Iceland's Bjorn Asbrandsson (the 4th Quetzalcoatle?)
88) 1009 A.D. - Bruno of Querfurt's Happy Valentine
89) 969 A.D.: The prophetic founding of Cairo?
90) 968 A.D. - Viking King Olaf Trygvasson of Norway
946 A.D.: A Young and Still Pagan Saint Olga of Kiev Redefines 'Woman You Don't Want To Mess With"!
91) Approx 960 A.D. - Danish King Harald Blue Tooth Sees and Believes
92) 871 A.D. - England's King Alfred the Great / 563 A.D. - Columba Comes To Scotland
93) 793 A.D.: The Gospel Returned By the Sea!
94) 723 A.D. : The Thor's Oak Incident
95) 707 A.D. - John Maron, The Maronites' Patriarch, Dies
96) 679 A.D.: Enter in, these Holy bones!
98) 616 A.D. - Ethelbert Overcomes Wimbledon Loss With A Big Bertha Assist
97) Approx 620 A.D.: Bishop Mellitus of Canterbury Prays Out A Runaway Blaze
99) 550's A.D. - Petrock Meets Dinosaur
100) 500's A.D. - Gwen of the British Celts
100 a.) 500 A.D.'s: The 'Rule' of Living For Monks! Wow!
102) 496 A.D. - King Clovis Believes.....His Wife!
103) 484 A.D. - No Tongue? No Problem! Arians Can't Silence Trinity Believers
101) 496 A.D.: The Baptism Ceremony of King Clovis the King of the Franks
103a.) 451 A.D. - The Prayer of Genevieve Turns the Huns...Saves Paris?
104) 440 A.D.?: An alleged description of Paul's vision of the 3rd heaven!
105) 432 A.D. - St. Patrick (Maewn Succat) of Ireland
106) 430 A.D.: Britons Battle Germanic Invaders With Only A Holy Shout...And Win!!
107) 429 A.D.: Miracle Working Heresy Fighters Travel To England, According To Venerable Bede!
108) 300's A.D.: 4th Century Algerian Bishop Augustine Recounts Miracles of His Time!
109) 363 A.D. - Emperor Julian Perturbs God
110) 351 A.D. - A Giant Cross of Light Appears Over Jerusalem
110 a.) Approx 325 A.D.: Eusebius' Early Church History Speaks of Many Events Mostly Unknown Today.
111) 320 A.D.: The 40 Frozen Martyrs of Sebaste
112) 320 A.D. - Georgian Iberians Led To Christ By Slave Girl
113) 312 A.D. - Emperor Constantine of Rome and Constantinople
114) 301 A.D. - Armenia: About As Amazing As True Stories Get
115) 286 A.D. - The Thebian Legion Stands Firm
116) 259 A.D. : Polyeuctus of the Thundering Legion
116 a.) 258 A.D.: Roman Deacon Lawrence Gets Grilled
117) 209 A.D.: Britain's First Known Martyr - St. Alban - Meets A Spectacular Death
118) 192 A.D. - Haralambos Becomes 'The Man They Could Not Kill'
118 a) 180 A.D.: God's Girl Friday Shows the Romans
119) 172 A.D. - The 'Thundering Legion' Incident
120) 95 A.D.: the Apostle John Is Forced To Bathe In Boiling Oil In Rome!
121) 90 A.D.: Josephus Tells the World Where They Are From
123) 80 A.D.: Monumental Knowledge
124) Apostle's Ends - A Tough Job With An Unbeatable Retirement Package
125) The Mary Mystery: Just Who Was Who?
126) 71 A.D.: Roman General Titus Sees the Sabbatic River
127) 70 A.D.: Aug 5th...There it burns!!! Again!!!
128) 70 A.D. - The Bizarre Signs Jerusalem Saw Portending Its Destruction
129) 68 A.D.: The Odd Call of the Watchmen On the Wall
130) 66 A.D. - The Christians Flee the Wrath To Come
131) 47 A.D.: Lazarus Becomes A Bishop?
132) 44 A.D.: The First Martyred Apostle, Though Far From the First Martyr!!
133) 39 A.D.?: Pontius Pilate Is Buried Where?
134) Approx 32 A.D. - Saul
135) 30 A.D.: The Actual Physical Appearance of Jesus
135 a.) Historical evidence for three hours of night time level darkness while Jesus crucified?
137) Jesus Teaches More
136) The Apostles
138) Jesus Teaches on the Sabbath
138 a.) 29 A.D.?: Jesus Dictates A Reply Letter To Seriously Ill King Abgar V?
139) Jesus Teaches the People
140 a.) 28 A.D.? The beheading of John the Baptist: Salome's end?
140) Why Is Jesus Called 'The Son of Man'?
141) 26 A.D. - Deeds of Jesus Ministry Begin
142) Approx. 1 A.D. - Jesus Comes As Man Child, Messiah, and Savior
143) approx 1 A.D.: John the Baptist and Jesus the Savior Live Together For Three Months
143a.) 1 B.C.?: Horrible Deaths That Certain Royal Offenders of God Received
144) 15 B.C - Herodian Empire Learns To Fear God /175 B.C. - Angels Publicly Whip A King's Minister
145) 160's B.C.: The Secret Sin of a Few Maccabean Soldiers Is Exposed by God
147a) 520 B.C.: A 'Darius' Reconquers Wicked Babylon, Which Killed Its Own Women As Siege Prep!
146) 332 B.C - Alexander The Great Meets the God of Israel
147) 530's B.C.: Daniel and the Dinosaur
149) 535 B.C. - The Empire of the Meads Learns God's Power
148) 535 B.C. - Persia Feels God's Hand and Releases the Jews To Rebuild
150) 539 B.C. - Mighty Babylon Feels God's Hand - and Watches It Write
150 a.) 539 B.C.: Who is this great Cyrus who conquered Babylon? The answer is surprising!
151) Approx. 600 B.C. - The Unknown God is Appeased
152) 700's B.C.: 'Isaiah' Prefigures Protestant Bible's Structure
152a) Biblical Physics Constants: 700's B.C. : Gravity Accelerates Jonah Downwards Towards the Bottom of the Sea!
153) 726 B.C. - God Battles For Jerusalem
154) The Prophet Elisha
155) Mighty Assyria feels God's hand
157) 1030 B.C. David Kills Goliath
158) approx 1100 B.C. - The Captured Ark: One of the Bible's Most Beautiful Stories
156) 980 BC: Solomon Speaks of the Very First Idols
159) Samson: How Strong Can God Make A Man?
160) 1200 B.C.'s : The Etruscans (Philistines?) Find Italy
161) 1300's B.C.: Gideon's 300 - Like Christians Praying?
162) 1400's B.C. : I Will Be Honored
163) 1400's B.C.?: The Cities of Refuge Are Established
164) 1400's B.C.?: Joshua's Prophecy
165) 1460's B.C.?: Israelites Build Tabernacle Per Design Specifications God Gives Them
166) The Parting of the Red Sea
167) The Plagues: Egypt Gets KO'd In The 10th
168) Moses - The Humble Servant of God
169) Approx 1890 B.C..?: The Mandrake Swap!!
170) Ishmael and Isaac
172) Sodom and Gomorrah
171) God Tests Abraham
173) Abraham and Sarah
174) The Division of Language
175) Approx. 2200 B.C.: Cush, Nimrod, and Semiramis Reintroduce False Worship
176) Approx 2350 B.C.: The 'Great Birthday Present'!
178) Approx. 3000 B.C.: One of the Earliest Prophecies About Jesus?
177) Approx 2350 B.C.: The Great Flood
179) Approx 3900 B.C.: Creation
180) 2012 A.D.: Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's 40!!
181) The Seed of Adam and the Egg of Eve
182) The Fly's Place
183a) 2013 A.D.: "This is going to change everything that we thought we knew about....."
184) 2013 A.D.: A Deep Mystery Concerning Women!?!
185) 2013 A.D.: Alzheimer's Incidence Increasing In the USA
186) 2013 A.D.: How a traditional Jewish wedding acts out the events and promises of Christ
187) 2013 A.D.: Jesus of Nazareth, A Light That Shines Into the Minds of Men!
188) 2013 A.D.: God's Humor?: Our DNA chemicals
189) 2009 A.D.: Name It and Claim It
189a) 2013 A.D.: Treating gay marriage like the it sensible?
190) 2012 A.D.: Letting the Government Love Our Neighbor!
191 a.) 2017 A.D.: A Bible Tidbit: The first number 27!
192) 2012 A.D.: A Land of Chariots and Idols
193) 2012 A.D.: Do Clothes Make the Man? God May Be Saying 'Yes!'
194) 2012 A.D.: The Deadly Deception of Wealth!!
195) 2009 A.D.: The Butterfly
196) 2009 A.D.: Gay Clergy?
197) 2009 A.D.: June 1, The State of the Union
199) 2009 A.D.: The 'John, Then Jesus' Pattern
201) 2012 A.D.: Don't Population Growth Rates Prove A Young Earth?
202) 2009 A.D.: The Pro-Evil Christian Vote
203) 2009 A.D.: Christian Pay-triots?
205) 2012 A.D.: Women's Healthcare...Let's Give Our Virgins Some Financial Oil For Their Lamps!
204) 2008 A.D. : Consider Rummel's Law
206) 2010 A.D.: A Bear In The Bedroom
207) 2013 A.D.: Evolution Theory Cannot Begin To Survive Scientific Method of Investigation!
208) 2013 A.D.: The U.S. flag and God's promise to Abraham?
209) 2010 A.D.: The Two State Solution
210) 2012 A.D.: The 30th Olympic Games....Not So Lucky Of A Number In The Year 2012 A.D.!
211) 2010 A.D.: A Platform Comparison
212) 2010 A.D.: Global TakeOver!. oops Warming! oops! Climate Disruption! There, that might sell.
213) 2010 A.D.: 777 Beats 666 Any Day
214) 2010: Car v.s. Cell
216) 2010 A.D.: Hey Millionaires and Billionaires! Read This!!
217) 2010 A.D.: Blood Defies All Notion of Accidental Development
220) 2011 A.D.: Real Hate Speech Is Bad, But........
219) 2012 A.D.: Jacob's dying sons' last words to their children?
221) 2011 A.D.: Antioch....A Very Big Deal!
222) 2012 A.D.: Green!?! What's it mean?
223) 2012 A.D.: Cows, Barns, and Stolen Dust!
224) 2012 A.D.: Our 'Soul Phones'
225) 2011 A.D.: American Exceptionalism?
226) 2012 A.D.: Name by name from you to Adam? No problem!!
227) 2011 A.D.: Satan Is Losing His Grip On Teachers' Cooperation
228) 2011 A.D.: The Kids' Artwork On the Refrigerator
229) 2011 A.D.: Warning - In the Bible, Demons Scream A Lot When Evicted!!
230) 2011 A.D.: The Unlikely Helper
231) 2011 A.D.: President Obama Instructs Israel On Where Their Borders Ought To Lay? Yep!!
231 a.) 2016 A.D.: Ann Coulter.....Daniel Hannan: Two bright lights in our day?
232) 2012 A.D.: The 52est Biblical Passage?
233) 2011 A.D.: A CELL ABSOLUTELY NEEDS A DESIGNER!!!...Doesn't It?
234) 2012 A.D.: A Bible Nugget: Vengeance v.s. Forgiveness - The Rule of 7's
235) 2012 A.D.: Symbolically Important Animals Have Symbolic Numbers Of Chromosome Pairs!
236) 2011 A.D.: A Small Bit of Bible Trivia To Ponder!
237) 2011 A.D.: A Bible Nugget To Ponder
238) 2012 A.D.: A Bible Nugget: The Son of Man is 'Bread' from heaven. And Manna is also!
238 a.) 2020 A.D.: A Bible Nugget: The Name of Jerusalem in Joshua's Time
239) 2011 A.D.: Why Won't Democrat Candidates Appear In Impacting Commercials?
240) 2011 A.D.: Physics: How Jesus Relates To Actual Light!
241) 2011 A.D.: God Creates the First Marriage!
241 a.) When God's Faithful Women Are Imperiled He Has Literally Cursed Nations To Save Them
242) 2011 A.D.: California Christians Will Pay For 'Homosexual Appreciation' Curriculum In Schools
243) 2011 A.D.: The Financial Duping Of Our Elderly By Our Government
245) 2011 A.D.: A Truly Intrigueing Pattern!
248) 2011 A.D.: Hey Chemists! The Periodic Table and the Lord?
247) 2011 A.D.: Jesus' Relationship To God...Scripture That Every Christian Should Know?
249) 2011 A.D.: The Church's Greatest Present Day Failure?
250) 2012 A.D.: There are multiple 'Cities of the Seven Hills'!
251) 2012 A.D.: Bible - a word that speaks of its meaning?
254) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Faith, Hearing, and the Human Ear
253) 2011 A.D.: Children Are Being Kidnapped For Their Blood?
256) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: The Face of Man - Does It Display Christ Crucified?
257) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Human Teeth 2
255) 2012 A.D.: 6th Day Series: The Dove of the Holy Spirit In the Human Ear?
258) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Extra Faces On Our Skull?
259) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Brain Scan Images
260) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Brain and Reproductive Images
261) 2010 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Did God Make the Head of Man To Reflect His Throne Area?
262) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Correlating Numbers In the Head of Man and the Throne Room of God
263) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: A Way To See Three Crosses On the Face
263 a.) 2013 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Female and Spiritual Reproduction?
264) 2010 A.D.: 6th Day Series: 24 Elders Before the Throne
264 a) 2017 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Symbols of God Built into our Brain Structure?
265) 2012 A.D.: 6th Day Series: The Elements of Communion Built Into Our Countenances?
266) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: The Figure On the Bottom of the Brain
267) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: The Human Skull
268) 2010 A.D.: 6th Day Series: The Crown-Like Larynx Cartilage!
269) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Jesus, Our Breastplate of Righteousness
270) 2010 A.D.: 6th Day Series: The Wicked Human Heart
271) 2010 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Imprinting the Lord's Image Upon Man
272) 2010 A.D.: 6th Day Series: The Lord's Plan In the Design of Our Ribs?
273) 2010 A.D.: 6th Day Series: The Lord's Plan and Our Ribs
274) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: The Tree of Life Depicted Inside of Us?
271 a.) 2012 A.D.: 6th Say Series: A Bride From The Side?
276) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: The 'Worshiped' Human Aorta?
278) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Praying Hands....Pretty Biblical
280) 2010 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Feet, Pretty Biblical
277) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: The Roman Empire and the Human Pelvis?
279) 2012 A.D.: 6th Day Series: A Dove In the Human Ear?
281a.) 2020 A.D.: 6th Day Series: A Cross On Our Upper Back? Chance Or Intended Christian Design?
281) 2012 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Lower Legs and End Times Witnesses?
282) 2010 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Imprinting The Image Of The Lord Upon Us
283) 2010 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Ark and Final Sacrifice?
284) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Esther and Reproduction
285) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Milk, Mountains, Mothers and Brides
286 a) 2017 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Freshly Fertilized Human Eggs! Interesting!
286 b) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Human Pro-Creation...A Sacred Re-Enactment?
287) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: The Large Intestine...Curiously Snake-Like!
288) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: The Human Skin!
289) 2011 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Is Man's Body A Chronometer of Sorts?
290) 2012 A.D.: 6th Day Series: The Horse and Rider of the Heart!
291) 2012 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas, Spleen commemorate the covenants?
292) 2012 A.D.: 6th Day Series: the Thymus...Like a Seminary School!
293) 2012 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Men's and Women's Roles Towards God?
294) 2012 A.D.: 6th Day Series: A Bride From The Side!
294 a.) 2020 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Is the Placenta Meant Ta Be A 'Tree of Life'?
295) 2012 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Design of Man, of the Americas, and of Heaven, Church, and Chosen.
296) 2012 A.D.: 6th Day Series: The Number of Our Adult Bones....206!!
297 a) 2012 A.D.: The Creation Testifies: Quail and Pharoah Food!
297) 2012 A.D.: The Creation Testifies: The Cobra Shows the Signs?
297 b) 2016 A.D.: The Creation Testifies: The 'Flower of the Holy Spirit'
297 c) 2017 A.D.: The Creation Testifies: All Men Are Like Grass! And Vice Versa!
298) 2013 A.D.: The Creation Testifies: The Lion Shows the Signs?
298a) 2013 A.D.: The Creation Testifies: The Donkey's Cross!
298b) 2019 A.D.: The Creation Testifies: The World's Most Rainbow-like Snake In the Most Rainbow-ish City?
299) 2010 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: The Shape of Africa - A Skull?
300) 2012 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Sulewasi and the Komodo Dragon, Vanuatu and the Jerusalem Law!
301) 2012 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Does Cyprus Point At Antioch?
302) 2012 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Is Michigan State the TURTLE and the HARE?
304) 2012 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Denmark and the Snapping Dragon!
303) 2013 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Lake Huron and the Wolverine?
306) 2012 A.D.: GeoProphecy? Is Israel Shaped Like An Ancient Ceremonial Knife?
305) 2013 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Is the Jutland Peninsula Like A Kneeling Praying Knight?
307) 2012 A.D.: GeoProphecy? Is Africa A Staring Skull?
308) 2012 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Spiritual Battleground Indonesia?
309) 2012 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Do the Americas Resemble An Aztec Legend?
310) 2012 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Is China Shaped Like A Chicken?
311) 2012 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Is Long Island New York Shaped Like A Fish?
312) 2012 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Does the Delmarva Peninsula Point?
313) 2013 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Does Lake Superior Point At Something?
314) 2012 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: The UK...A Dragon Protects A Parrot?
315) 2012A.D.: GeoProphecy?: The Russian Bear?
315 a) 2013 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Is the Sea of Azov like a pointing hand?
315b) 2017 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Does A Great Finger Point Out Rochester, New York, USA?
316) 2012 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Every U.S. Capitol Is In Line With At Least Two Others? Every one??
317) 2013 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Canada Lakes' Fitting Shapes!
318) 2015 A.D.: Geoprophecy?: Godzilla? God's Zilah? A Giant Left Hand Beneath Japan?
318 a.) 2015 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: The Number 117 Off Alaska's Aleautians, Russia, and Japan
318 b.) 2016 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Olympia Washington USA and the Dragon's Fiery Breath
318 c.) 2016 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Corsica / Sardinia: Does God Point Out Liguria, Italy?
318 d.) 2016 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: the Apostle Paul kicks against the goads!
318 e.). 2019 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Turkey Holds All Seven Churches Jesus Sent Messages To In Revelation 1:11!
318 f.) 2020 A.D.: GeoProphecy?: Is Central America Intriguingly Designed and Named?
319) 7 Pillars of Wisdom?: First Pillar: The Book of Job
319a) 2013 A.D.: The 7 Pillars of Wisdom?: Pillar 2: The Book of Psalms
320) 7 Pillars of Wisdom?: Third Pillar: The Book of Proverbs
321) 2014 A.D.: The Seven Pillars of Wisdom?: Fourth Pillar? The Song of Songs
322) 2017 A.D.: A Fifth Pillar of Wisdom?: The Wisdom of Solomon
323) 2017 A.D.: A 6th Pillar of Wisdom?: The Wisdom of Sirach
324) 2017 A.D.: The Seven Pillars of Wisdom? 7th Pillar? Ecclesiastes?
325.) 2018 A.D.: The Cure For The C-14 Dating Problem?
326.) 2019: Does the Layout Of the Solar System Tell A Story?
327) 2019: Christian Heresies About Modern Jews?
328.) Moses arms and staff must be held up to win the battle!
2019 A.D.: Can Our American Money Be Used To Testify?
Physics: July 5th, 1687: The Englishman Sir Isaac Newton Publishes Gravitational Findings
2019 A.D.: Time to find the skull of Adam?
Art Concerning the Strange and Mysterious World We Live In
2019 A.D.: Does Climate Change Anxiety Claim More Victims Than 'Climate Change' Itself ?
2019 A.D.: Homo Gargantua!!
2020 A.D.: Geo Prophecy: The Mountains Bow Down To The Lord
183) God's Numbers
191) 2012 A.D.: The Number 23 On A Biblical Note
190 a.) 2016 A.D.: God's numbers: Amazing number 66
198) 2020 A.D. : A Year To Look Out For?
198 a). 2020: Actual Known Descendants Of Abraham?
2020 A.D.: The Number of Verses In the King James Bible Is 31,102?
2020 A.D.: The Corona Virus Disease, or it Biblical?
2020 A.D.: The Name Carpenter's Son for Jesus? True, But Also A Code??
2020 A.D.: God's Physics: And the Whole World Will Go After Him! Earth's Orbital Speed Speaks of the Anti-Christ? The Moon's Speaks of Jesus?
2021 A.D.: What If A Town of 3500 People Has A Fatal Case of Covid-19?
2021 A.D.: Easy To Share Examples of the Creation Pointing To Jesus!
2021 A.D.: A Holy Secret In the Ratio of New v.s. Old Testament Books In the Bible?
2020 A.D.: Do Food Crop Production Charts Show Terrifying Global Warming Effects?
2021 A.D.: The Cutting of Samson's 7 Braids - Bye, Bye USA?
2021 A.D.: The Sodium Trail the Moon Sometimes Bathes the Earth In!
2021 A.D.: Russia's New Siberia Islands and South Africa's Karroo (or Karoo) Fossil Beds
2021 A.D.: Physics: The Exact Temperature of 'Outer Darkness'
JULY 2021: Deceit?!?!
2021 A.D.: Eating Manna! Note the Method!
2021 A.D.: Death Stocks As Death Stalks
Sept 2021: Remembering Israel's 40 Year Camping Trip!
2021 A.D.: Did Jesus, the Word, Enact and Exemplify the Coming Bible's Structure When He Died?
2022 A.D.: Choosing the Right Rectangle
October, 2022 A.D.: Physics: Is the Mysterious "Fine Structure Constant" Related To Genesis 3:7?
1912 A.D.: Piltdown Man Is Discovered in East Sussex, England, Illustrating Evolution's Validity.
The Creation Testifies: Crotalaria Cunninghammii, the Green Bird Flower!
2023 A.D.: Quick and Easy DNA Proofs of God!
2023 A.D.: Historical Instances Of The Miraculous Multiplication of Food
2023 A.D.: A Bible Nugget: 430 Years/Days: Ezekiel Lays On His Side!
2023 A.D.: The Human Talent For Art Can Sometimes Capture Humanity, Good and Bad!
2023 A.D.: Circumcision...The Fleshly Sacrifice Only A Son Can Make?
2023 A.D.: Physics: A Bible Nugget: Moon to Earth: 13 Days, 13 Apostles
2023 A.D.: Physics: A Bible Nugget: The Earth's Equator and the Death of Abner? Maybe!
2023 A.D.: Physics: Christmas linked with Spring time? Even the Calendar Hints of Jesus!
2023 A.D.: The Untenable Notion of 500,000 Year Old 'Modern Man'.
2024 AD: One World Governance: Already Renounced By God Until It's Jesus At the Helm?
2024 A.D.: The United States Southern Border...An Unmistakable NWO Attempt To Collapse A Nation Into Desperate Dependency!
2023 A.D.: A Strange Occurrence On Pope Francis' Birthday!
Is the Strange Ipuwar Papyrus Describing the 10 Plagues of Egypt?
2024 A.D': Does the Bible Tell Us Exactly Who the Coming World Leader Is?
2024 A.D.: The Rule of 40 Says 'Look Out For 2041 A.D.' ?
2024 A.D.:) Who Is Melchizadek, What Do Ancient Writings Say?
2024 A.D.: Reproductive Rights
2024 A.D.: Horri-spondents...when horribly biased news reporters become political tools
2024 A.D.: Bible Nugget: The Ark of Noah. The first emergency vehicle? The first 911 response?
2024 A.D: A Very Strange Wealth Disparity Example To Ponder
2024 A.D.: The Hindu Connection With Ham! Pretty Interesting.
2024 A.D.: Here Comes the Next U.S. Election!
2024 A.D.: GeoProphecy? Is the "Sword of Saint Michael" A Genuine Creation of God?
2024 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Our human hands...very Biblical!
1350 B.C.: Terrified Canaanite Rulers, Under Siege By 'Apiru / Habiru' People, Write To Pharaoh For Rescue!
2024 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Human Legs and the Church?
2024 A.D.: The Creation Testifies: Do some crab shells perhaps show a seated Jesus reading from a book?
2024 A.D.: Divorce In the USA
2024 A.D.: Physics: Water and the Word
2024 A.D.: Does Food Prove A 6,000 Year Old Earth Better Than Almost Anything Else?
2024 A.D.: The Chosen and the Willing But Unchosen...Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen!
2024 A.D.: Physics: Do the Sun (like the Father?) and the Moon (like the Son Jesus?) Have Almost Identical Rotation Times?
2024 A.D.: Getting people dirtied up. A powerful Satanic strategy? Not really.
2024 A.D.: Huge U.S. natural or political disasters occur almost precisely when we betray Israel's trust!
Useful or Interesting Facts or Thoughts
2024 A.D.: Republicans Won the Election For US President. Now What?
2024 A.D.: The Serpent's First Sales Pitch: God's Goal Is To Cheat You Out of Desirable Things!
2024 A.D.: Do Features Of Our Oceans Indicate A Quite Young Earth?
2025 A.D.: Considering Changing Your Gender? Are You Outvoted 30 Trillion To 1
2025 A.D.: God Mocked With Apparent Crowd Approval At 2025 Golden Globes?
2025 A.D.: Jan 20th: Donald Trump Takes Office Again As the 47th U.S. President.
1902 A.D: Julia, Who Saw the Future Through Permanently Crossed Eyes!
2025 A.D.: Physics: 1836...the Ratio of Hydrogen Nucleus to Electron Mass Is Pretty Biblical!
2025 A.D.: The Latest DOGE Report (Department of Government Efficiency) Shows Some Crazy Levels of Corruption In the US Government!
96 A.D.: Pope Clement I Describes the Phoenix As A Unique But Genuine Bird Species Created To Presage Jesus.
2025 A.D.: An Idea For Handling Christian Church Charity In A Christian Way!
2025 A.D.: Physics: The Golden Ratio Is Precisely Relatable To Salvation and the Bible!
1500's B.C.: Young Moses Leads Egyptian Army, Defeats Ethiopia-Cush?
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Articles View Hits
2010 A.D.: 6th Day Series: Throne of God, Head of Man, Made In His Image
Hits: 9308
2010 A.D.: Did God Make The Human Head To Somewhat Reflect God's Throne In Heaven?
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