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2019 A.D.:  It Appears That the Serpent Was the First Symbol of Sin In the Bible.  There Are Allegedly About 35,000 U.S Cities and Towns and Over 500,000 Cities and Towns In the World.  So What Are the Odds That God Placed the World's Most 'Rainbow-ish', or Most 'Colorful' Snakes (Granted, It's Subjective!) Around What Is Perhaps the World's Most 'Rainbow-ish' City:  San Francisco?  It Seems Ironic At the Very Least.  Some Listings Have San Francisco At Or Near the Top For Having the Largest Percentage of Citizens Living An Alternative Sexual Lifestyle.











Above, two specimens of the California Red Sided Garter Snake, listed as the world's most beautifully colored snake on some lists.  These are beautifully made creatures. 



A San Francisco Garter Snake. A Species That Is Also A Good Candidate For Most Colorful Snake.



Another San Francisco Garter Snake.  Look Them Up...Their Coloring Varies Pretty Widely.  Again, These Are Amazing Little Creations.


  In the above examples, can you find most of the colors of the rainbow?  Is that yellow under the first one's jaw?  Green may be absent, to be fair, though shades of green can perhaps be found.  And you can search and see that there are more examples of these species with slightly different coloring, so that most of the rainbow's colors are to be found on at least one example or another of these two species.  

  God the Father made the world through Jesus His Son despite being able to see the future.  He could and can see the end of all things from the beginning of all things.  He knew which actions and behaviors were pleasing to Him, and could see the many displeasing paths that mankind (and at certain times the angels as well) would take.  Despite seeing the sorrows that would come through creating us and giving us free will, He created us anyway.  For the sake of those among us, whoever they are, that would try to please Him, the ones that He foresaw that He would ultimately accept through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus, He made us all.

  But we are sinners.  We are all pathetic sinners.  Some in large ways and some in smaller ways perhaps, but we are all sinners and God does not like sin...He hates it.  If you've lied, you are fairly labeled a liar, are you not?  If you've stolen a small thing you are heir to the same sinful urge as the one who steals a large thing.  We are all unable to make it to Heaven through our own purity and merits it says in the scriptures of the Bible.

  I think, from reading the Bible, that the one unforgivable sin is 'mocking the Holy Spirit'.  That is actually specified as the only unforgivable sin.  But many sins are very serious.  The Bible seems to say that the next worst sin, this is only my opinion gathered from reading the Bible, is forsaking our true Father and God.  At times He wiped out nations and empires for this sin!  It must be hurtful when Your children betray You and refute You as their Father, right?  It is when our human children do it to us, as some can testify.    

  But there are other great sins, such as murder, profanity and especially when using God's holy name, bearing false witness against others, etc.  And then there is our sexual sin.  We know that the Dead Sea plains cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped out for such things, but also for idolatry.  The citizens there in Sodom were even trying to kidnap the angels that God sent as spies in order to forcibly have sex with them because they were physically beautiful.    

  Today, on modern day Earth, we have a great number of people engaging in what the Bible identifies as sexual sin.  And most are open and defiant about it; defiant towards God, that is.  They mostly know of God, but choose not to follow Him and obey His teachings concerning these behaviors.  Some of this group are believers in God and Jesus, and many aren't.  They sometimes refer to themselves as a 'RAINBOW COALITION'.  That term ropes in many particular types of sexual activity from male gay to female gay to bi-sexual and a host of others.  Hence the word 'Rainbow'.  Many different shades of alternative sexual activity and behavior, a 'RAINBOW' of such behaviors, right?   They are usually Biblically taboo behaviors but well established as common in our time.  And it is a co-opted symbol, this RAINBOW.  It was already a holy sort of symbol special to God because He placed it in the sky after the Great Flood as a reminder to men that He would never again destroy the world using water.  It is a symbol, and a reminder of a covenant He gave to Noah in Genesis chapter 9.  

  In the Bible's pages the SNAKE became the first true symbol of sin.  The serpent (snake?) tempted Eve to sin and she did, partaking of the one and only forbidden fruit in all of the Garden of Eden.  Then Adam did as well.  So the SNAKE is an anciently established symbol of SIN.  But the Rainbow is a recently misappropriated symbol for alternative sexual behaviors with few real boundaries - often behaviors that the Bible specifically defines as sinful.  

  So, now...the ironic part.  Which large city - measured by percentage of its citizens - is rated as the most 'alternative'; the large city which holds the highest percentage of people practicing some sort of alternative lifestyle or another, such as gay, lesbian, etc.?  By percentage, if you look it up, you may find San Francisco at the top of the list.  San Francisco, California, USA.   It is at or near the top in the lists I saw when I searched it. 

  So,  how odd that this area - the San Francisco area - contains a variety of snake...two varieties actually...which may be the most colorful, the most 'RAINBOW-like' of all snakes in the world.  And perhaps the most beautiful really.  They are a beautifully adorned creature by almost any measure.  It is considered by many to be the most colorful snake of them all.  Some of them have, or almost have, every color of the rainbow artfully arrayed along their length.  They are the San Francisco Garter Snake and the California Red Sided Garter Snake.  Between the different specimens, varying as they do within their own species, you will probably find nearly all of the colors of the rainbow.  What are the odds that God would combine the oldest known symbol of sin with the color pattern most closely matching a rainbow in the area, the city, that would become widely known for a particular type of sexual sin that, as the unfolding of history has brought about, would be associated with the word rainbow, as in 'RAINBOW COALITION'?

  Is this chance, or perhaps an example of God's irony, showing us that He may not like it, but He foresaw it all from the most ancient of times?      



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