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Astounding 'Images' Planted Into Our Brain Structure By God!     



      Scroll down and look at actual 'color enhanced CT scan images' of someone's physical human brain and see how there seems to be purposefully placed genuine images of our God's identity / the Crucially Important Roles Jesus Plays For Us (I.e.:  All Knowing God, A Sacrifice For the Sins of Man, Our Heaven-Sent High Priest, and Child Born of A Virgin In A Manger While Being Acclaimed By Angels) that were literally designed into the architecture of our brain.  I am not sure I have ever seen anything more spectacular, or ever viewed more powerful evidence that we were created by the Father for His Son Jesus to lead and rule over!   



     I have placed several hundred accounts on this site.  In my view many of them revisit true events that are quite literally amazing.  But this account contains the single most mind blowing discovery that I have ever found and I think, personally, that it is just about the most amazing thing God left behind on all of the Earth as a proof of His authorship of humanity, as well as evidence that Jesus is His Son and our Savior.  There should be a mad rush by every type of media to share this with the whole world.  No expense should be spared.  And I literally do mean that.  It is a relic and a gift left behind by Yahweh and Jesus to be noticed when the time was right.  Yet this account has been viewed very few times compared to many other accounts on this site.  It has been met, effectively speaking, with a yawn.  Yet I believe that a film producer could do almost nothing so worthy as to masterfully present the whole 6th day series subject matter and especially this part here, to humanity.  It is such mind boggling work by our Father and His Son.  

     People just aren't getting this one, yet it is the greatest thing among this site's 6th Day Series accounts and possibly the greatest of all Judeo-Christian treasures anywhere and the most remarkable incidentally discovered art on the planet.  Unrealized and unrecognized by nearly all who gaze at it for some reason, these particular specially sculpted structures of our anatomy are among the most awe inspiring thing that human eyes have available to look upon.  I feel deeply that nothing physical that we have been given to gaze upon really exceeds it or has richer, deeper implications.  Unspeakably great is our God!!!     




  Above is a Color Enhanced CT Scan of an actual human brain, some real person's brain from a medical brain scan which was taken.  I think it looks like a 'High Priest' image is embedded in it.  Is there an image or images implanted into the human brain by our least in this particular person, whoever they were?  Christ came to fulfill several roles that great Biblical prophets had foretold:  He became our great High Priest, he  became a Baby Born of a Virgin, he became a Suitable Sacrifice for the Atonement of Mankind's Sins (something the Jews accomplished by sacrificing RAMS and GOATS and BULLS prior to Christ's arrival), and he came and taught as a form of All Knowing God.  Wildly, all of these prophetic offices Jesus came and fulfilled seem to be depicted here and below, literally and physically, in various imaging slices of the actual human brain.  See some more below.   

Doesn't the image in the actual (though color enhanced) human brain at the top of the page resemble the above High Priest sketch? It's eerie, to be honest.  So many small details match.  Imagine, next time you speak face to face with someone, that this image may be there, behind their face, regarding you.  And behind your face, perhaps such an image regards them.  Do we all have such an image inside of our brain structure?


  Who would argue that Jesus fulfilled many roles and still does today?  He is our great High Priest, replacing the succession of Jewish High Priests forever nearly 2,000 years ago the Christians believe.  In Mosaic law, given by Yahweh to the Israelites' first leader, Moses, the High Priest, along with other Priests from the Israelite tribe of Levi, presented the assigned sacrifices that could atone for the sins of men.  The High Priest wore clothing specified in design by God the Father (Yahweh) himself.  He was a powerful and imposing figure. 

  How wildly improbable it is that the human brain, sliced in the way that a CT scan does its imaging, includes a slice which shows a 'picture' that looks very much like a High Priest in his ceremonial clothing, arms raised and hands held out towards us.  It is like a picture of one of the fulfillments of Jesus, formed into our brain....perhaps since the 6th day of Yahweh's formation of the Creation.  Wild!  Unthinkable almost.  Yet here it is.  Look at the figure above.  Can you see his bare belly and his belly button?  That's what it looks like to me, anyway.  Can you see the apron hanging down below that?  Can you see the vest he wears?  Are there rows of double stitching on it? 

  See the long robe he wears, with its wide hems?  Can you see his head dress, and below it, a white beard and a white moustache?  The 'head' of this High Priest image is the part that protrudes upward into the center of the red colored area that is actually the brain in this CT image. The area of the eyes and face is left empty it appears, but the rest is there in so very much detail!  There are even images that look like the joints of fingers in the 'fists' that point towards us.  Eerie!  And the scripture speaks so often of how we should have the mind of Christ...have Jesus in our mind, etc.  And here is this image, evocative of Jesus role as our High Priest, right there in our mind. But there are more amazing images in our brain...

  What about this color enhanced CT scan?  Jesus came as a human baby, born in a manger to a virgin, and angels proclaimed that birth to shepherds keeping watch over their flocks in their fields at night.

  Now look at the image above, once again an actual CT scan of a real human brain.  Does it not look like it just might be a depiction of two angelic spiritual beings, each with a raised arm?  And between them doesn't it look like there might be a baby laying on its back in some sort of cradle, a humble and simple cradle made of woven sticks perhaps, and lined with two rolled up towels or cloths, formed into U-shapes into which the baby is tucked away securely?  Doesn't the round shape at the top of the cradle seem to have a mouth and two eyes?  Don't the heads of the two angelic beings seem to be seen in profile, with one eye, their nose, and an open singing mouth visible as they look down upon this amazing sight of Jesus, the Son of God, the Holy One of God, born as a baby into the flesh of mankind?  Indeed, as scripture says, we are fearfully and wonderfully made! 


  Does the drawing above look like the CT scan above it? 


  Here is a color enhanced CT scan showing a horizontal slice.  The features sticking out on the sides are a cross section of this patient's ears, for example.  Jesus came as the 'final sacrifice'.  The previous sacrifices had been bulls, goats, and sheep, among other animals.  Perhaps millions of innocent animal sacrifices were made to atone for the sins of us endlessly wicked humans over all of the years from the giving of Mosaic law until the coming of Jesus.  But Jesus came and taught, and then allowed himself to be tortured and then killed for our sins.  It was a once and final sacrifice.  His blood was so precious to the Father that it is counted as sufficient to atone for all the sins of all the men and women that avail themselves of its power to atone, in keeping with the new covenant stipulations that Jesus brought with Him from the Holy Father to offer to mankind. 



  Jesus was the sacrifice to end all sacrifices.  He was the bull of bulls.  The sheep of all sheep.  The goat of all goats, so to speak.  So how amazing that this likeness of a horned animal exists in the human brain.  You can even see its nostrils, and indentations where its eyes should be.  And even something that looks like the bone plates of a skull all grown together.  And the horns look amazingly like horns ought to look.  It oddly is shaped almost like a cross between a goat skull and cow skull.  Isn't it a little too much to ask of chance that so many of the symbols of Jesus exist, so perfectly formed, inside of the head of a human?  And they are all Judeo Christian symbols.  They are not the symbols of any other faith really.  Just the Jewish, and the Christian.  But because of the 'baby acclaimed by angels' image, they are even more tailored to the Christian.  At least that is what I believe.  What does your own personal discernment suggest to you?  


  All of these amazing images built into the human mind suggest that a mighty and all-knowing God designed us.  Do you suppose that there is an image of a mighty fiery eyed all-knowing God in our mind somewhere?  If you guessed yes, you may be pleased to note that the image below is also to be found in our human brain!  Does it not look like an image of an extremely cerebral all-knowing being with fiery eyes?  And imagine that all of this exists in the actual physical brain structure of at least some humans, maybe most, maybe all!



       An omniscient wise and all knowing figure?  It's wearing a turban, has large red eyes, has a robe on maybe, has hands raised up near the sides of the head?  Again, this is a genuine color enhanced CT scan of an actual human brain! 


  Where do we get our ideas of how a wise all-knowing figure should look?  From posters of circus 'fortune tellers' perhaps.  Or from television comedians perhaps.  Here is a recurrent Johnny Carson character named 'Carnak the Magnificent' who could purportedly divine and discern the answers to unknown questions in a sealed envelope.  This popular American show was seen by perhaps 100 million Americans or more.  Did God arrange for such visual associations in the minds of the people of our time....people who would be able to see the color enhanced CT brain image just above this picture.  It certainly may be an erroneous conjecture.  But then again, where does the intelligence of our Maker, and his bona fide ability to foresee the end from the beginning, ever truly end.  He is literally all knowing.  He knew I would write this from the beginning.  And He knows if I am off base or if the Holy Spirit allowed me to notice a wonderful thing...yet another amazing deed of God among uncountable billions of such deeds and accomplishments, most of which we may never find on our own.

  We were created by a mighty and all-capable God to be His servants and children if we will only turn away from wickedness, confess our sins, be baptized, and follow Jesus, His Son that He sent as our teacher, our atoner, our king, and our Savior beneath but beside the Almighty Father.  And our job for now?  Obey and follow while teaching others about what we have learned and are trying to live up to! 







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