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The Amazing Sodium Trail That the Sun's Light Blows Off Of the Moon and Onto the Earth!




     Just this week I read about there being a Sodium Trail of (let's see, is 'boiled off atoms' a good phrase?) atoms that the force of the sun's light constantly blows off of the moon and out towards the direction that is directly away from the sun from the moon.  At certain times in each month, during the New Moon period, this trail of Sodium atoms can be blown off of the moon by the 'constant blast' of the sun's emitted light and then onto the Earth as the Sodium plume passes on outward, away from the sun and the moon.  So, we on Earth are sometimes unknowingly inundated by a stream of Sodium atoms.  We apparently always have been.  Picture placing a very dusty basketball or soccer ball in the middle of the table, then turning on a portable cooling fan that is precisely on the other side of the dusty ball, but pointed directly at you. You will get blasted by a stream of dust because the fan blows it off of the ball.  The article seemed to describe something pretty much like that, only it is a stream of light, not air, which propels the plume of Sodium dust.  

  Well, apparently this Sodium streaming phenomenon, though known of for some time, has now been observed by telescopic means from space.  And it is pretty interesting looking.  I guess that one of the thought provoking parts of it all, for me, is that I had never heard about it before even in this, our modern age.

  But if you believe that God created all things, like I do...if you believe that God was even very familiar with how man would (and eventually did) design the 'Periodic Table of the Elements' that hangs on the wall in so many Chemistry classrooms, then is there perhaps some intentional 'holy symbolism' to be found here in this Sodium stream?  God foresaw that we would one day know how many protons and neutrons were in a Sodium atom, right?  So maybe there is some meaning in the fact that it is sodium in particular.  Maybe!  There just might be!  God created all things through Jesus, the Holy Word says, and God knows, not I, so maybe maybe not.  Scripture says that the stars we see in the heavens were created for 'signs and markers of times'. (Genesis 1:14), among their other purposes.  Were other celestial bodies also made for this and other like-type communications from the Almighty to mankind?  

  Here is a possibility...

  The Earth is like a beautiful bride in this starkly bare and sterile solar system; it is very full of life and water and colors.  It is beautiful, like a bride is all decked out to be gorgeous for her wedding.  (Ephesians chapter 5 is one place this relationship is discussed.). And humanity, that portion that will try to claim Jesus' atonement, believe and follow His teachings, and try to follow and serve Him, is the Church, and the Church is described in scripture as the 'Bride of Christ'.  Humanity...even the Christian very misbehaved, errant, even shamefully evil in many ways.  Even the portion of humanity that declares itself Christian falls very short of the mark.  Yet Jesus came to teach and then die to save our souls anyway, if we will respond by choosing Him as our King, our Shepherd, our Master, our Christ. If we will follow and obey.  So, we are 'the bride'.  

  How might this relate to Sodium? 



  Well, for one thing, Sodium has 11 protons and the type of sodium with an atomic mass of 23 is the only stable isotopic element of Sodium.  And both 11 and 23 are important Bible numbers.  Relevant numbers to the relationship Jesus has with the 'people of God'.  When Jacob's son Joseph was sold by his brothers, they were down one son from the original 12.  They were down from 12 to 11, and it was due to a tragedy and a betrayal.  It was a time of great hardship and suffering for Jacob and Joseph's remaining brothers.  A terrible famine occurred which threatened to kill them all.  And it became a time of great crisis for the broader world also...for Egypt and their surrounding neighbors who also experienced this famine.  But God the Father used this time of tragic desperation to work a great salvation for His people.  Through their betrayal of Joseph, God raised Joseph to a position of great prominence and allowed Joseph to be a savior to both His brothers and family, but also Egypt and their neighbors as well.  And God's people got to go and dwell with Joseph during the terrible famine. And, importantly, there was a supper prepared for them when Joseph first revealed himself to them.  He had been in Egypt for long enough, and his appearance had changed enough that they had not even recognized their brother Joseph in his Egyptian 'disguise'.

  Later, around 1800 years later, Jesus came to Earth to teach and preach, and then to die as our atonement for the great sins of mankind.  He had 12 Apostles, but the one named Judas betrayed Him to His crucifiers.  And then Judas committed suicide, so there was 11 where there had formerly been 12.  And this happened at the time of a wonderful dinner that Jesus had with His Apostles...just after the dinner, actually.  The Passover that He ate with them.  But anyway, through this great betrayal of Jesus a great salvation was worked by God the Father.  So powerful and treasured was the spilled blood of His Son that He allowed it to be sufficient atonement for those sinful men and women who would follow Jesus.  The acceptable followers of His Son could have salvation!  A great salvation came from this great betrayal. So, to me, the number 11 reminds a person of a great and terrible betrayal with a huge silver lining.  It was a betrayal, foreseen by both the Father and the Son, yet willingly endured by both, that allowed some of mankind to be saved, united with Jesus as a bride is united with her husband. 

  The moon circles the Earth like a shepherd circles their flock.  The moon is battered and beaten by meteors and such as Jesus was battered and beaten by Romans and Jews.  The Earth is beautiful, though full of evil, while the encircling moon is barren looking, without physical beauty, just as Jesus was after the beating He took during His last night.  The moon circles at 30 Earth diameters distance just as Jesus is currently at a distance from mankind right at this moment because He was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver.  And there are more such correlations.

  In other words, there is a lot about the relationship between the moon and the Earth that reminds one of the relationship between Jesus and His errant bride.  

  So, the number 11 in the Biblical accounts mentioned above could be viewed as symbolic of a tragic thing that led to a blessed thing.  

  And the number 23 could be viewed as evocative or emblematic of the concept of a woman or of a bride.  After all, in the human chromosome, it is number 23 that determines our gender, that allows for the female and the male.  And, also, the first mention of a female in the Bible was when Eve, who was called the suitable helper for Adam, was taken and formed from the side of Adam, by God's hand, as Adam rested or slept, perhaps slightly similar to how blood and water poured from the side of Jesus as He 'slept' on the cross, allowing for 'the Church', the bride of Christ, to be created as the suitable helper of Jesus.  The precious blood of Jesus atones, the water - symbolic of the Holy Spirit - makes life possible, cleanses, enlivens, makes people alive in the Spirit.  It is in Genesis verse 23 (see the number 23?) of the 2nd chapter that Adam claims Eve as His wife and names her 'woman'.  So the number 23 can here again be associated with the woman, with the bride perhaps, among other possible associations.

  But the word Sodium itself is supposedly associated with and derived from an Arabic word...some sources style the word as 'suda' though it would have been in Arabic characters, of course.  And listen to this:  it apparently stems from their Arabic word for 'head ache'.  They apparently used some of the naturally occurring local sodium salts medicinally for headache relief.  Has a wife, a bride, ever jokingly been referred to as a 'headache' by her husband?  Has Earth (humanity...mankind...the Church) ever been a great headache for Jesus and the Father?  Holy irony, perhaps, that a trail of Sodium blows over us.  But the chemical symbol currently in use is Na, right?  This stems from the word Natrum, a mineral salt that ancient Egyptians used to preserve the dead for their afterlife (or so the Egyptians believed!)  It was used in mummification.  It's kind of ironic then that the moon, which could be seen as having certain qualities associated with Jesus, sends out a stream of Sodium, which was styled with the symbol Na after a substance which could reputedly preserve the dead for everlasting life.  Isn't that the very thing that Jesus accomplished?  Didn't He die to offer a path to preserve His bride (humanity, those among humanity who would accept Jesus as their Lord, anyway) who was dead in her sins.  Jesus is a fragrance of life for His bride.  The sun sometimes blows a 'fragrance of life' of sorts (the symbolic aspects of Na / Sodium), the fragrance of a powerful preservative, off of the moon and onto us Earthlings.  

  It's kind of cool, if you think about it.  Did God intend that it be looked at in this way?  That I certainly do not know, I just respectfully offer it for consideration.  But I personally think that the notion of it being intentional does honor God the Father and Jesus.    





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