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Do the backs, the carapace, the top shells of some crab species like blue crab sometimes show a 'scene' of sorts?  Is there something oddly like a seated man reading from a book?  Revelation 20:11-12 says the following:


few"11 Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books."

End Quote

     And God has once allowed Himself to be seen in a backdrop of blue, in Exodus 24 when the 70 Elders of Israel, Moses, and 3 others were allowed to climb Mt Sinai and see God with their eyes without dying.  They talked about Lapis Lazuli :

"9 Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and the seventy elders of Israel went up 10 and saw the God of Israel. Under his feet was something like a pavement made of lapis lazuli, as bright blue as the sky."  

End Quote




 Lapis Lazuli is a very pretty and intense color of blue gemstone, a slight bit like a blue crab's colors.  But the better picture of the 'seated man' is below this a few lines.  Enlarge the images to see it better.


     We are told that the creation testifies of its author, and we're told that Jesus was there with the Father during the Creation.  The Apostle Paul said men are without excuse if they don't believe in God, as 'what has been made' testifies and provides evidence.  And it seems that there are curious evidences all throughout nature of 'the Word', the Bible, and Jesus the Holy Son of God depicted as a holy being, also.  If such evidence is built into nature, and honest seekers trying to make their personal decision about whether they can believe in Jesus should think they agree that they can also see it, it may help them to believe.


     Below is the back, the top shell, of one specimen of one species of crab.  Beside it and below is what I think the raised 'image' on the back of the crab seems to show if you look at it.  (Zoom in, it helps!  And you can click on and then cursor left and right on some of the larger images on the is site)  I wish I had this crab's shell.  I'd like to put ink on it and gently lay a paper over it and see if the notion continues to hold water.  Perhaps someone knows a fisherman or a crabber or a restaurant owner, etc., who could take a better look.  Call 812-564-9421 if you want.  It might still be my number.






 Click on drawings and cursor left and right to see whole drawings.



          For the Jews under Mosaic Law the crab is off-limits for food.  But in 1054 A.D. Rome excommunicated Constantinople so Constantinople excommunicated them right back, and the Christian Church had a divorce of sorts.  During the travels to Constantinople by the Roman Emissary, on July 4th, 1054 A.D., a bright 'star' that is now called the Crab Nebula suddenly appeared very prominently in the sky, so bright that it was seen even in the daytime for a fairly long while.  Many think it was a holy sign showing that God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit were very aware of these events and that they were momentous events.  The Chinese wrote of it, and it may be that a few certain petroglyphs in the Americas (just look up Crab Nebula petroglyphs to see pictures of 3 or 4) depict it, though I don't feel so sure about it.  But some of the petroglyph experts label them that way. Other world cultures noted the new star also. 


      Church unity seems preferable, but God knows the best plan.  So anyway, in a sense, the CRAB has been used as a holy sign before in Christian history.  Strangely, the crab has two arms and claws that emanate from and are supposed to serve the same creature (the CRAB!) yet they almost seem to point at each other...oppose each other.  Had the 'divided church' of 1054 A.D. become like that?  Did the Eastern and Western parts of the Christian Church sort of oppose each other, even though they were both attached to and both supposed to serve Jesus their Lord? 

     As for the image on the CRAB backs looking like a seated man reading a book, God may have meant nothing of the sort.  Maybe this crab is just a crab, and the raised features on its back mean nothing that is Biblically related.   But I have found other things in nature that, to my eye, surely seem to point to Jesus.  Perhaps this is another one of those.  Maybe one day we will see that every creature has some sort of proof of manufacture by the Holy Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  I am almost sure of it, in fact.   

     There are other Deeds of God accounts you could read titled 'The Creation Testifies' that touch on other examples of nature providing evidence of Jesus.  There is always the laminin protein that connects human tissue, and each laminin protein structure looks very much like a cross.  It is everywhere throughout our human body.  The scripture says that 'Jesus' holds all things together, so...  Here is a depiction of laminin from the New Life Exchange website for you to consider.  Maybe visit their site.:








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