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Leonardo DiVinci, great artist, sculptor, inventor....and a prophet of sorts also?




Leonardo DiVinci is a well known figure for his many talents, but not everyone has learned that he wrote as well.  I could not say that he extolled Christ, which is all important regarding our soul, but he acknowledged God in various works and writings.  And in a diary-type writing (Thoughts on Art and Life) that he added to regularly over the course of many years there is a section 128 where he makes a few predictions about the future that are interesting given that the times in which he wrote were still pretty low tech by our present standards.  

  Without further ado here are his .....thoughts?..... on certain future accomplishments of mankind:


  1.  Men will communicate with each other from the most distant countries, and reply.

  2.  Many will abandon their own habitations and take with them their own goods, and go inhabit other countries.

  3.  Men will pursue the thing which they most greatly fear, that is to say, they will be miserable to avoid falling into misery.

  4.  Men standing in separate hemispheres will converse with each other, embrace each other, and understand each other's language. 


  While some of these remain unfulfilled, we obviously have achieved some of them already.  Was it lucky guessing by Leonardo, a visionary imagination, perhaps, such as with the great writer Jules Verne who foresaw so many technical developments in his science fiction writing, or did God share a glimpse of the future with our Italian friend? 

  I just found it interesting to come across this, and thought you might too, as I had never heard that Leonardo had 'prophesied'.  Of course he may not have considered it prophecy, and it may not rightly be anything like that at all.  Probably just speculation.  But he seems to have seen the future pretty clearly concerning certain of these particular points, right?  Well, he also believed that the creation was a remarkable thing, and felt it had lessons to teach and taught them better and more truly than any other teacher.  I did not run across a place in his writing where he praised Jesus by name, which made me sad.  The Catholic Church was reigning powerfully in Leonardo's day, and its corruption issues at that time had cast a pall on many people's view of Jesus I believe. 

For instance, in entry 106 of Thoughts on Art and Life he says:  "Pharisees, - that is to say, holy friars."  He seems a bit jaded towards them, right?

 But Leonardo seemed to have great certainty in a Creator, and saw His hand all around himself.  So, I find it pleasing that to a mind widely acknowledged as a very great one, the existence of a brilliant Creator seemed obvious.

  Here he speaks of God in part 2, Thoughts of Art, entry 21:  "Thou sayest that science increases in nobility in proportion as the subjects with which it deals are more elevated, and, for this reason, a false rendering of the being of God is better than the portrayal of a less worthy subject; and on this account we will say that painting, which deals alone with the works of God, is worth more than poetry, which deals solely with the lying imaginings of human devices."

  Leonardo did acknowledge God, and rightly.  Perhaps in some writing I missed or haven't read yet he speaks of Jesus, but he at least had the good sense to recognize the Holy Father in all that was around him. 








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