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2023 A.D.:  How Spring Time Speaks of Jesus!


     Indicators of Jesus are everywhere in the Creation, but also 'just everywhere!'  Period!  Everywhere!


     Take Christmas, for instance:  The Earth was designed by God to travel its orbital path around the sun in what we refer to as a year, though there is, in truth, more than one way to measure that trip.  But we have our yearly calendar.  We traditionally celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25th each year.  It is the 359 day of the year in the calendars we Western nations and many other nations use, except on leap year, when Christmas is the 360th day.  I have heard many' people claim that this day and this celebration is pagan in origin and should not be a holiday...that we also really aren't sure which day Jesus was born on.  I more or less agree with part of that.  But there are some who say it is a good thing to take back a pagan celebration day and give it to Jesus, to whom all days much more rightly belong than to the celebration of any pagan deity or event.  That thought has merits also, for certain!   But whether you are in the one camp or the other, or favor some third way of thinking of it, there is an interesting fact about the 25th of December!  It is the 359th day of the year (or 360th) but it is the day that we say Jesus, the atonement of our sins, our Savior, the Jews largely unrecognized Messiah, the author of a new chance of life for a sinner, was born (we believe and say.)  But wasn't He alive in the womb of His mother Mary for the normal length of time (so far as we know) before the day of His birth? 

     Some sources claim that the average amount of days of a pregnancy are 280 days.  So that fertilization of Mary's egg by the Holy Spirit could have been 280 days before Christmas, 280 days before December 25th each year when we traditionally celebrate the birth event, all things being equal.  And what day was that?  That would be March 20th using our present-day calendar.  And that is one of the days that can be called the official first day of Spring.  Spring, this time of 'New Life Beginning" commences on the 19th, 20th, or 21st day of March each year in the Northern hemisphere, the particular day depending from year to year.  So the moment of the egg that would be Earthly fleshly Jesus being fertilized (our hope for new life!) may have occurred on the day when each year the Northern half of the planet counts the time of new life as beginning.  And Bethlehem of Judea in Israel, the location where Jesus was born, is located on the North half of the planet, so that is perhaps an appropriate day indeed.  And we are talking about Jesus the true son of God made into flesh for us, whose New Covenant allowed for New Life for those of us dead in our sins who would turn gratefully and accept His new offer to mankind:  believe, confess, be baptized, and follow Me, your new job in life being to avoid sin, honor God with your thoughts, prayers and deeds, and to love your neighbor in the same ways, love them even above yourself. 

     It may or may not be true that December 25th is the correct day of Jesus' birth, but it certainly is a date that holds some powerful potential for Heavenly symbolism via its position on our calendar.

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