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     Israel is once again being painted with the New World Order's (Satan's) brush...



     Israel never seems to get fair press reporting.  Their very existence stirs up Satanically related spirits, spirits that blanket and pervade entire groups and categories of powers and persons.  So when there is a chance to bash them, a chance to bad mouth them, a chance to protest against them, a chance to twist the news reporting against them, a chance for nations to collude against them, those spirits go absolutely crazy with hate.  They relish such opportunities.  Israel mostly keeps to itself and minds its own business, always working to build up its nation into an ever better and more successful nation.  It's relatively small and nestled among perennial enemies.  It can't afford to be beaten in war even once, because it is so small that it could be easily occupied and assimilated, erased from the map, by any of its neighbors who vanquished it in a war.  But, even so, it attempts to be a good neighbor.  It would be nice if all nations held that general philosophy. 

     Israel wages those wars which are forced upon them with very serious intent.  It is their only chance to survive.  They make grave errors sometimes in these wars that they did not wish upon themselves, but not habitually.  They attempt to be just in their wars, from what I have seen, though war is always carnage and always regrettable.  But the USA...all nations I think...have bullets and missiles that land where they should not when they wage war, and good people, well meaning people, non-combatant people die or are injured unjustly.  It is part of the inherent evil of war.  That's why all good nations ought to try extremely hard to avoid war.  But think about the larger picture...will the Holy Maker of the Universe allow it to be said that He cannot cause His nation of 'chosen people' to persevere through every trial?  (and in the Bible they are indeed identified as a specially selected people that he chose to manage as His own, so that other nations could see the difference between belonging to Him and not, and they were also chosen in order to keep promises He had made to their ancestors, and also for reasons such as only He may know) But won't God the Father make sure that they persevere and survive through every trial?  When you fight Israel you fight against God.  Were you to ever fully crush them in war, it would show God unwilling to keep His promises.  He punished the wandering Jews, His stated chosen people, for around 1,878 years because that's how long He chose to punish them, showing all nations that His discipline can be severe.  And it was a blessing to the gentile world, to put it truthfully.  People from all over the world poured in to the New Covenant agreement that the Holy Father had allowed between His Son Jesus and those who would follow Jesus; there was a way for the souls of men to be saved then, the Bible says.  Then using human political instruments of His choosing, He brought the Jews back to historical Israel, the same land they were long ago driven from, and He returned it to them. 

     So buy a clue, take a hint, whatever it takes...when you fight against Israel you literally are fighting against a people placed upon a high-visibility stage by God for the whole world to see.  They are a people placed there, right where they are, to show the protective and nurturing might of the God who chose them as an emblem of His might for all nations to see, so that all of His children in all nations can know that He is the true God and that they should come to Him and worship Him and not worship artfully crafted statues or the wind or spirits that are His enemies, but Him.  So the wise nation sees Israel's existence as a chance to honor God by honoring Israel's place among the nations and not meddling against them.  After all, they are small, and they work hard, and they stay in their spot in this world... so how much grief is that sort of behavior actually ever causing anyone.  It is all about stirred up spirits, hating a God they cannot directly oppose, and so troubling His small nation Israel instead through the hands and talk and thinking and armies of those people that such spirits can influence to join in their cause.          



     On Oct 7, 2023 Israel Was Attacked And Sustained Losses Proportionally Much Greater Than the USA Sustained On 9-11 or the Pearl Harbor Attack in 1941.  Yet, Israel Must Once Again Play the Villain For the World's Satanically Influenced Mouth Pieces!  The "Nations" Know How War Ought To Be Conducted, At Least Whenever Israel Is Involved!  Israel, How Dare You Continue To Defend Yourselves Against Future Attacks Once Your Enemy Runs To Hide Among Its Own Civilians After It Strikes Your Vulnerable Israeli Civilians Without Hesitation!!!  You're So Unethical, Israel!!  You're So Bad!!  Now Cease Firing So Hamas Can Recover and Do This Same Sort Of Thing To You Again Some Day.  Can't You See That It's What All Of Us Countries That Weren't Attacked Want You To Do?  After All, Little Israel, It's Your Blood That Will Spill Yet Again Some Day...Not Ours.  Once Your Enemy Burrows In Among Its Own Civilians, Using Them As Human Shielding, the Conflict Must End.  It's the Bad Optics Of It All, Don't You See?  And It Allows All of Us In "the Nations" That Weren't Attacked By Hamas To Pose As Limitless Reservoirs of All-Knowing Compassion and As Inner-City Armed Conflict Experts; And That Is A Role We Relish Beyond Our Ability To Express.  We Can Make It Seem, Little Israel, Like You, and Not Hamas, Are the True Instigators of the Conflict.  And Please Know That We Will , Little Israel, Yes We Will.  For We Are the Liberal Press and Liberal Politicians.  Only A Couple Of Years Ago It Leaked Out That There Was Hardly A Single Member of the White House Press Corp That Was A Registered Republican (i.e. - a Conservative) In A Nation That Is About 50% Republican.  So When You Dare To Fight Back Against Your Attackers, Israel, Know That Liberalism Is the Political Predilection of Those Who Will Frame the Description of What Is Going On In Your Armed Conflict; Journalists In the USA Are Generally Liberals...Not Truly Well Disposed Toward the God of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus and Not Well Disposed Towards You, Israel.  Anything You Do Wrong You Can Bet Liberals and the New World Order Crowd Is Going To Fan Those Flames Hard, Loud, and Long!    





       Baghdad while being shelled by Allied forces (in reprisal for the 9/11/2001 attack on New York City and the Pentagon which caused about 3,000 deaths) during the subsequent Desert Storm conflict.  Notice how the lights are still on?  Do you think there were any civilian casualties?  But let Israel attack an enemy purposefully holed up among that very enemy's civilians and ...oh my gosh!  What true inter-galactic outlaw villains of the universe those Israelis genuinely are!  Why...we would have never done anything like that!  Not the USA or any of our allies.  Never!!  Our ethics would never allow such a thing!  Pinky swear!   But guess what:  Hamas' Oct 7th, 2023 attack on Israel, killing about 1,150 Israeli's, killed a way larger percentage of Israel's population than the 9/11 attack's 3,000 dead Americans represented of the USA's population.  It's equivalent to if the USA, with 333 million people, would have lost slightly in excess of 39,000 people on 9/11/2001 instead of the 3,000 persons that were actually sadly lost.  Israel lost more than 13 times the percentage of their nation's population on Oct 7th, 2023 as the USA did on 9/11/2001.  In fact, on Oct 7, 2023 Israel lost about a 6.68 times larger percentage of their population than the US did on Dec 7, 1941 when 2,403 Americans died from the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor at a time when the US population was 134.86 million.  And that Pearl Harbor attack was our given cause for entering WWII, which included such events as bombing the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the purposeful and methodical fire bombing of Dresden, Germany. 

     But let's get this straight...Israel is apparently some sort of monster nation if it goes after Hamas as Hamas purposefully hides among its own Palestinian civilians?  By all means, prevent Palestinian civilians deaths and injuries and starvation, and other terrible experiences.  But isn't Israel going after its enemy and not focusing their attacks on Palestinian civilians?  And aren't those civilians effectively harboring Israel's Hamas enemies anyway?  You don't see Palestinians revolting against Hamas and turning over the terrorists or their hideout locations to Israel to show that they're not complicit in the Hamas attack.  Not often, anyway.  You don't see the Palestinian civilians objecting strenuously to the attack having ever happened to Israel in the first place.  Not many of them, anyway.  There is no mourning in Palestine for the terrible loss of life in Israel.  Are the Palestinian civilians all helpless hostages of a sort to Hamas, and not to be much blamed if they fear to oppose Hamas?  Then that makes Israel 'liberators' of a sort when they fight to destroy Hamas. 

     Israel is up against a foe with a whole different set of ethics and rules of engagement.  How would our various countries have dealt with such an attack?  How great of a loss would it have represented in our various countries had it happened to us?  Let's look at what 1,050 killed citizens would represent in a few of the countries passing judgement as it were on Israel's attempt to stop Hamas.  Israel lost about 1,050 people, or .000119 of their population, to the Hamas attack on Oct 7th:      



The United States' population is about 333.3 million and we would have lost 333.3 x .000119 = equivalent to 39,663 dead from the Hamas attack, around 13 times the US losses from the 9/11 terrorist attacks that led to the Gulf Wars.  

The United Kingdom's population is about 66.97 million and they would have lost  66.97 million x .000119 = equiv. to 7,969 UK citizens dead from the Hamas attack, which is about 2.6 times the losses from the 9/11 attacks, to a much smaller population. 

Canada's population is about 38.93 million.  They'd have lost 38.93 million x .000119 = equiv. to 4,632 Canadian citizens dead from the Hamas attack.  This is more than 1.5 times the USA's 9/11 attacks losses, to a population around 9 times smaller than the USA's. 

Australia's population is about 26.6 million.  They'd have lost 3,165 people in this attack.  Literally more than the USA lost on 9/11, with a population more than 12 times smaller than the USA.

Germany's population is about 83.8 million.  They'd have lost 9,972 people in the Hamas attack.  That's around 3.3 times the literal losses of life on 9/11, but then consider that their population is about 1/4 as large.  Would the German people have felt justified in punishing those who attacked them like this, even if the attackers hide among their own citizens?

Belgium's population is Egypt's population is about 111.0 million, and they'd have lost 13,209 people.  Their population is about 1/3 that of the USA, yet they would have literally lost more than 4 times as many people as the USA lost on 9/11/2001.  Do you think they would have been determined to eradicate their military attackers, even if those attackers hide among their own citizens to escape reprisal?

Iran's population is 88.55 million.  They'd have lost 10,537 people in the equivalent Hamas attack were it upon Iranians.  About 3.5 times the US loss of life from the 9/11 attacks.  Their population is only about 1/4 as large as the population of the USA, magnifying the scale of the atrocity.

Turkey's population is about 85 million.  They'd have lost 10,115 people in such an attack.  More than 3 times the USA's 9/11 losses, their population additionally being about 25% that of the USA.  They'd have probably been hot until vindicated!! 

Russia's population is about 144.2 million.  They'd have lost 17,160 people to the terrorist attack.  That's more than 5.6 times the USA's losses on 9/11.  Their population is about 43% as large as the USA's population.  It is my guess that they would have gone straight in and tried to save all the innocents they could as they immediately went about the business of ending the life of every terrorist that they could find.  Russia is not famous for tolerating terrorists.

China's population is about 1.412 billion people.  They would have lost 168,028 people in an equivalent Hamas terrorist attack.  And they would not have tolerated that for a moment, I don't believe.

India's population is about 1.417 billion people.  They'd have lost 168,623 people.  Would they have gone after their enemy if their enemy hid among its own civilian population, taunting India to pursue them at the cost of bad press releases over civilian casualties?  

Belgium's population is about 11.69 million.  They'd have lost 1,391 people, which is more than Israel lost from Oct 7, 2023.  Would they have wavered to take on such terrorists as might have done this much damage to their countrymen because the terrorists made the sly calculation that Belgium's resolve would crumble if taking on the terrorists meant harming civilians that were allowing terrorists to hide among them?  I don't know what Belgium would do, I admit.  But they sure weren't afraid to take on the Nazis who decided to travel through their country without asking back in World War II.  The Director of the UN Office in Brussels is the UN Secretary General's representative to the EU.  So they might as well consider the magnitude of the attack Israel sustained on 7 October, 2023.  It would have been very similarly sized in their own nation. 

Japan's population is about 125.1 million and they'd have lost 14,887 of their countrymen.  How would Japan have felt?  How would they feel justified in responding if their enemy, the terrorists, hid among civilians from their own native country to avoid reprisals, banking on the combined agonized outcries of the world's press outlets and political representatives to shame Japan into cringing back in shame if they took the fight to the terrorists at the very place the terrorists chose to hide?

Switzerland has 8.776 million so their losses would have been about 8,776,000 x .000119 = 1,044 peaceful Swiss citizens.  Only a few less than Israel.  How would the Swiss public opinion have reacted to that?  Perhaps as a nation deeply wronged?

The losses of Denmark?  About 5,903,000 x .000119 = 702 Danes murdered.  Or Sweden?  About 10,490,000 x .000119 = 1,248 contemplative Swedes erased from existence.  Or Norway?  About 5,457,000 x .000119 = 649 tough Norwegians deprived of the right to live their life.  Or Finland?  5,556,000 x .000119 = 661 people removed from the land of 1,000 lakes.  These Scandinavian countries are sometimes characterized as especially self controlled and community minded thinkers, but they might actually feel like they had received a rather major blow in such a case.  If their enemy still lurked within their borders and still publicly declared that these Swedes, Danes, Norwegians and Finns needed to eventually be wiped off of the map (a sentiment that Hamas has publicly expressed about Israel numerous times) would these often peaceful Scandinavian countries perhaps feel galvanized to end this existential threat once and for all? 


     On October 7th, 2023 the terrorist organization named Hamas launched an attack on various Israeli targets killing approximately 1,150 people, mostly civilians.  Note:  It was a surprise attack on Israel.  Those killed were mostly civilians.  And of course Israel attacked back, where upon Hamas burrowed into the midst of their own largely innocent Palestinian non-combatant citizens who couldn't do a thing about it without risking their lives, which they were very predominantly not willing to do.  They could have stood up and rid themselves of all Hamas operatives, or could have at least tried.  But this is not their disposition as a Hamas dominated and, quite frankly, Hamas indoctrinated populace.  Also, the Palestinian civilians are largely unarmed. 

     As for Hamas, they hide amidst the innocent.  It is their long standing policy in those areas of Israel where they dwell and operate.  So, if you want to fight Hamas, or have to fight Hamas, you have to wage that war in the midst of an urban setting where most people are civilian non-combatants.  Hamas knows this.  Hamas wants it that way.  They are happy enough to kill civilians, especially Israeli civilians, and they care little if at all when their military attacks on Israel eventually result in the death of their fellow Palestinians that are civilians.  But their Hamas brains recognize that other countries, Israel at least, are reluctant to see harm to foreign Hamas affiliated civilians as they wage retaliatory war against Hamas.  So using their own non-combatant citizens as a human shield simply sounds like good strategy to Hamas.  They know that when Palestinian citizens are accidentally killed by Israeli soldiers trying to hunt down the actual Palestinian Hamas militants who conducted the terrorist attack that the Satanically influenced Compassionattis that man the press desks and various political positions around the world will begin to howl like piteously beaten dogs so that the world can see how deep and profound their feelings of right, wrong, and justice truly run (so long as they get to scream and howl against anything Godly or non-Satanic, that is to say!  And a nation chosen by God long ago to be His peculiar people, whether the rest of the world likes it or not, is certainly such a target.)  For most of the world's politicians and most of the world's journalists there are two sets of moral standards when judging the rights of other nations to defend for Israel and one for everyone else in the world.    

     So, here's a valid question:  is it OK to fight to defend your nation when your nation is attacked?  And if your nation's enemy attackers retreat and hide among their own civilian populace after they attack you, are they the bad guys for hiding there or are you the bad guys for going after them anyway, even though they are hiding there?  Is it OK to attack them at the location they chose to race away and hide in?  After all, it is they, and not you, who started the latest armed conflict and then raced away to hide there, right?

     Let's take a look at the US situation from Sept 11, 2001 when terrorist flew planes into the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon, with yet another hi-jacked plane intentionally crashed by its patriotic occupants before it could be used as a weapon.  The dead numbered approximately 3,000.  The wars which directly followed caused around 100,000 deaths, some sources offer, counting both sides, with many US caused deaths being civilian as we shelled cities, for instance.   

     Yet there are US journalists and politicians pretending to be aghast that civilian deaths occur during warfare, or who pretend to be moral oracles concerning how many civilian deaths are far too many in light of past door to door wars in urban areas.  It is at least the duty of fair-minded people to consider that Israel did not ask Hamas to attack them and kill hundreds upon hundreds of their Israeli citizens.  And also consider, Israel's population is about 9.6 million people, and they lost 1150 of those citizens.   Using those numbers, Israel lost .000119 of their population to the Hamas attack.  

      There are around 192 nations in the world I believe.  I mercifully didn't list every one.  But here's the point:  Israel sustained an attack statistically more severe than 9/11 was on the USA.  Statistically more severe than Pearl Harbor, which ushered the USA into World War II.  And Israel wants to wipe out the terrorist combatants and leaders involved.  Not too shocking of a reaction.  Their enemies hid among the civilian population of Palestine, who allowed them to do just that very thing...hide in their midst.  Wouldn't any military expert tell us that if this strategy is allowed to deter an effective counter attack then this strategy will be used again and again by an ever growing list of first strike terrorists?  So if Israel was wantonly killing every Palestinian civilians they came across, then that is genocide, and to be opposed.  But if Israel is taking the fight to a foe that is hiding among their own friends and relatives and using them as a human shield...shouldn't those friends and relatives be deciding to look after their own interests?  Shouldn't they be either evicting Hamas or pointing out their hiding places to the Israelis?  That would show some innocence.  That would show that they weren't essentially complicit.  But they are choosing not to do that very much.  So the Palestinian civilians are opting out of a promising path to shorten this conflict immensely and increase their own safety and well being at the same time.  They could say, "Israel, we have been trained since birth to resent, even hate you.  But the truth is...these guys are getting us killed, and we didn't get to vote on whether this Oct 7th attack was a good idea, all things considered.  So, here's where you can find them hiding!" 

     Israel, if they are trying to avoid killing civilians as they hunt down Hamas, is doing what nearly every 'virtuous' nation decrying Israel's battle tactics would have seriously considered doing if they found themselves in Israel's place.  Israel is trying to not let Hamas' callous, cold and heartless concealment tactics prove successful. 

     Below is a picture of Hiroshima after being bombarded by America, and you can be certain the city was not deserted.  Israel is not taking this attitude, you have to at least admit that much!  So why is the current American political position towards Israel one of regretful and tepid frenemy level support of an ally that we're implying...much as we hate to say way out of line concerning how far it will go in its pursuit of Hamas?

     Jesus says 'blessed are the peacemakers', and that effort should occur.  But Hamas is dedicated to the notion that Israel should not even exist; they have publicly expressed that sentiment, at least.  So Israel seeks to destroy this enemy that keeps striking them again and again.  Haven't we, the USA, gone a heck of a lot further in our own wrathful vengeance when struck unexpectedly?  We have gone directly after large groups of civilians, justifying it as necessary or a way of shortening the war.  And all of the other countries pretending they'd do no such thing, and that Israel is the new standard for being criminally unmindful of civilians...if that's true about your country, then good job!  But in the case of many nations we know it is not true, and so what a double standard to say the least, and what a purposefully false portrayal of Israel by "the nations", who quite honestly are almost never willing to portray Israel fairly.  Hamas lives in and fights from tunnels underground and therefore gets very little news coverage.  But their philosophies of war may actually be far more ruthless than Israel's, who has often shown mercy to a beaten foe during its short recent history as a regathered nation.  And any news outlet could easily do a review of the great number of times a victorious modern Israel has shown mercy and restraint.  But the news outlets are mostly Liberal and they'd just about strangle to death on the words if they actually tried to report about that quite verifiable truth. 




       Hiroshima, Japan as it looked after the atomic bombing largely of civilian Japanese.  Maybe this ultimately saved a greater number of lives, or maybe it was unnecessary because Japan was close to surrendering.  Other people were in the hot seat and made that wartime call.  I was not.  But the Israelis are not harming or targeting Palestinian civilians in any way that even remotely resembles this as they hunt down and battle Hamas militants in a tough urban theater of war.  Let the spectating nations judge and comment and even influence with a little appreciation and perspective for the magnitude of Israel's losses from the initial Hamas strike.  And let's remember what it is to purposely dole out wholesale destruction upon civilian populations.  That's not what Israel is doing.  In Hamas they are engaged with and fighting an enemy with very few scruples concerning what is fair in war.  











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