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2015 A.D.:  Geo Prophecy?  A Shadowy Image Of A Giant Left Hand Emerges From Beneath Japan?





  The image above is a screenshot taken from Google Maps in the satellite mode.

  God, the word God, refers in English and some related languages to the Father Almighty, Yahweh to the Jewish people, whom Christians and some other faiths believe to be the Maker of All Things, including us!  This is the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel and Moses, David, Solomon, and this is the Father of Jesus who is mankind's only possible savior from the fate we have earned for ourselves through our wrong doings.  In fact, God spoke out loud from the heavens during Jesus' ministry on Earth, from the heavens, to express His delight in His son Jesus:  Matthew 3:17 "And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."  " NIV Translation Bible

  Zilla is by chance a Hebrew word used as a girl's name; it means Shadow according to some sources explaining the original meaning of names.  As for that word's sound when spoken - its phonetic equivalent in Japanese - having any meaning in Japanese, I do not know, and when I researched it, I found no words that were a perfect match phonetically.  But perhaps it does.  I'll hopefully get a chance to consult a fluent Japanese speaker before long, then I should know!

  Why bring all of this up?  Because there, in the ocean floor extending southwest from Japan and ending close to Palau, is an ocean bed feature, a massive one like no other on Earth in many ways, that could be taken because of its peculiar shape to be the shadowy imprint of a left hand about 1,000 miles long.  A very large left hand indeed.  And it is pretty detailed actually, having quite a number of specific 'hand' features.  It has a thumb with a very good thumbnail on the end.  It has joint wrinkles on the thumb where a thumb joint would be.  There are 'meta-carpal' type bone ridges on the back of the hand in the places that they ought to be.  The knuckles of the 'fist' are all pretty reasonably placed, though the one at the base of the little finger is almost out of sight with the way these left-hand lays clenched.  It has quite a number of the features a person would expect to see on a likeness of a hand.   

  If God did place it there with the intent that we would one day see it as a 'hand' shape, was it to be seen as His hand?  Is it a 'Shadow' of the 'Hand of God', in a land that fears (in the cinema at least) a terrifying sea creature called Godzilla (God's-Zilah?) which, by hybridizing the English and the Hebrew, could almost mean 'God Shadow'?  Of course, that is hybridizing the two languages and may not be fair play.   And would it be the hand of God the Father, or of the Son Jesus, if indeed it was meant to be seen as a hand of God?  Here is perhaps the strangest piece of related data concerning this hand:  if it were the hand of Christ, we might perhaps expect to see a nail hole on the hand - some evidence of something like a deep nail hole.  Well, by chance or design, the deepest hole yet discovered on planet Earth is in the Pacific Ocean, and it in what is called the Marianas Trench.  It is over 36,000 feet deep.  Where is this hole located, you might ask?  It is on the edge of the back of this gigantic hand shape.  And a marine park has been established at a certain spot in the trench.  Where?  On the top, right up against the place where the small carpal bones in the base of the hand would be, if this shape really were a hand.  The world's deepest hole has a dot-like (because of the scale of it all) marine animal park established at a certain spot along its length, along the back of this feature that looks like the world's largest 'hand', a 'hand' that may have been created by the Father of us all to actually depict the hand of His Son Jesus, for all we know.  Fathom that!  Protection for created entities.  What Jesus did was for the protection (salvation) of the creation, for humankind, but the Creation has also been groaning in anguish/expectation says the scripture, waiting for salvation to come. 


  But is there any more evidence or suggestive evidence that might associate this hand with Christ?  Well, the Japanese word for Christ begins with a symbol called the 'Ki' in both the Katakana and the Naragana styles of Japanese writing.  The 'Ki' looks like a cross with two cross bars instead of one, as crosses in the Orthodox Christian churches are often depicted.  Why does that matter?  There seems to be pretty good likeness (not perfect, but pretty fair) of a Ki symbol built up into the ocean bed just above this 'hand'.  Yet I can perceive nothing else nearby that resembles any other Japanese alphabetical symbol.  Only this one, that looks like a cross, and begins the Japanese written name of Christ. 

  There were women named Mary at the foot of Jesus as He was there crucified and on display to heaven and Earth.  At least three different Mary's the scripture says.  And here, in the case of this 'hand', there are the Marianas Islands right there on the back of the 'hand'.  Those are 15 islands including Guam in the far south of the arc. 

  Jesus was crucified between two men.  Some sources say they were thieves, or that at least one of them was a thief.  So is there a thief association with this hand?  The Marianas islands were originally named 'the Thief Islands' in Spanish.  The Ladrone Islands.  When the Spanish first came in close with their ship the locals came out in their small watercraft and scrambled aboard to investigate the visitors.  They weren't exactly hostile, but they stole a great deal of items, and then when they left they even took the ships little rowboat.  This prompted a Spanish counter response of getting to the beach, finding the villages of the thieves, burning down dwellings in the village, and even killing some of them!  But they called the islands the Thief Islands because of this, before they were renamed after the very pious Catholic Habsburg Queen Maria II of Spain (but originally of Austria.)  But, to make a long story short, there are some interesting possible Christian associations with Christ's crucifixion where this giant 'hand' lays submerged!



  Is it Geo Prophecy?  Is there such a thing?  Geo Prophecy supposes that since God made the world with Jesus beside Him as He did so (as it says is true in the first verses of the Bible's Gospel of John) and since this same Holy Father foresaw all things that would unfold in the course of time through the evils of mankind, the evils of the fallen angels, and the Holy efforts of His own Son Jesus and of the Holy Spirit, then if we see something built into the geography of the Earth that looks like a sign, then there is at least some small chance that it really is one.  There is a chance it was put there by God and was meant to one day be seen.... from an airplane, from a satellite, from a mountain top, from an orbiting space craft, or perhaps from some ship mapping the ocean floor.  

  Oh, it's a thought that opens the door wide open to wild and perhaps deluded speculations, wrong guesses, distorted discernments, even the politicizing of nations and peoples perhaps.  It could be very much like seeing shapes in clouds in that respect.  It could take you anywhere your imagination wants to go.  The shapes might be reflections of or projections of the mind of the observer.  For that reason, the whole idea of Geo Prophecy must be considered alongside of a healthy dose of skepticism.  Yet...there are some of the most amazing coincidences between these shapes (especially the 'hand with a pointing finger' type shapes that exist in various places around the Earth) and the story of God and His various peoples. 

  Here is another thing to ponder:  there is a certain very significant people of the Earth, the amazing Japanese, who have made an impact upon this planet far above and beyond what might have been predicted for them based upon the size and isolation of their land.  And concerning the statement that these hand shapes that I believe exist seem to show up near the important activities of the people of God...there is some small amount of historical data which I think forms evidence of limited scope yet still quite compelling evidence that there were people from a tribe, or some of the tribes of Israel who once took up residence there in Japan and have now probably become a small part - though perhaps only a very small part - of the present day Japanese peoples. 

  The early Shinto religion as it is practiced in some localities of Japan has a few amazing similarities to the ancient Jewish religion.  There is, for instance, a mountain named Mt. Moriah (Moriya-san in the Japanese) in Nagano, and a nearby Shinto Shrine did, until the recent past, have a ceremony annually on April 15th where they would re-enact what seemed to be a dramatized reenactment of what the Jews would instantly recognize as Isaac being used as a human sacrifice by Abraham his father, and in this Japanese Shinto ceremony a messenger would rush out and stop it at the last minute, just as happened to Abraham in Genesis as he was about to plunge the knife into his son Isaac at God's command.  And there are several other strong Jewish associations, such as the flower with 16 petals, Herod's Gate, is also seen in several ancient high-profile locations in Japan.  And there is a lot more still, but to read more about the matter of the possible Japanese - Israelite connection just search it or go to and there is content there discussing it.  But it appears there was quite probably some ancient connection between the two cultures.  Yet I've read that today's Japanese have almost no inherent DNA links suggesting commonality with the Jewish peoples, so I don't mean to suggest any proportionally large Israelite migration to Japan in the past.  Just that there seems to be strong evidence that there was some in some locations of Japan.       

  But back to the giant hand in the ocean:  if it is a hand-like shape placed there by God there is no real way of knowing what it means or which nearby nation it might pertain to if it has a meaning.  Perhaps it relates to nations nearer to the 'thumb tip' rather than the 'wrist'?  

  Again, the reason I mention this unusual geological structure is that there seems to me to be a lot of features on the Earth that look like hands...mostly hands with pointing index fingers...which turn out to be pointing at very significant Judeo-Christian events.  Most of those that I know of are listed on the Deeds of God website as Geo Prophecy articles.  And so now there is also this one!  Other people surely knew about it being there and looking like a hand for a long time, but I just discovered it while coasting around on Google Maps.  I was very surprised to run across it.  I searched the internet to see who else might have discussed it and didn't find anyone.  But there, in the sea off Japan and stretching towards the southwest, built into the ocean floor, is this odd feature that looks a great deal like a left hand, in sort of a fist, with its thumb stuck out.  And the thumb has a thumb nail type feature.  And there is a sort of a scratch-like pattern at the end of the 'thumb', in the sea floor.  I've seen nothing like it - nothing so amazing - in the whole of the Earth's ocean floor.  Google Maps in its satellite mode is an excellent way to see it, and as mentioned this picture above is a screen shot taken from that excellent mapping site.

  As for its possible Biblical meaning if God did build a hand there?  I do not know, and it is all subjective anyway.  The left hand is probably related to the Israelite Tribe of Benjamin as much as anything else in the Bible is concerned.  Some Bible scholars feel that the Normans of Northern Europe descended from that tribe, but even if so the tribe could have split and gone different directions centuries ago.  Also, from Judges 3::15, an early hero-deliverer of the Israelites was named Ehud, son of Gera the Benjamite, and he was also pointedly described as a left-handed man.  He buried his sword deep into the fat belly of Eglon King of Moab, assassinating him.  Eglon and the Moabites were suppressing Israel in those days.  This assassination allowed Israel to battle the confused Moabites successfully, throwing off their yoke.  The Benjamites preferred weapon of war appears to have been the sling according to the Bible, and this is the shape your left hand would likely take if you were holding the straps of a sling I would guess.   Is there a Japanese connection?  None that I definitely know of!  But how interesting that some believe the tribe of Joseph might have been settlers of Britain, as Angles, and Joseph's only brother Benjamin may have been early settlers of an island at the exact other end of the European/Asian land mass!  And both sets of Island were powerful far beyond what might have been expected based on their size!  And both were materially blessed with economic prosperity...great blessings from God as prophesied by a dying Moses for Joseph...and a wolf's portion for Benjamin?  Maybe.

  The Benjamites (people of the Israelite tribe of Benjamin) are referred to as left-handed, sling shot wielding warriors in parts of scripture.  Here is Judges 20: 15 - 17

From the cities on that day the sons of Benjamin were numbered, 26,000 men who draw the sword, besides the inhabitants of Gibeah who were numbered, 700 choice men. 16Out of all these people 700 choice men were left-handed; each one could sling a stone at a hair and not miss. 17Then the men of Israel besides Benjamin were numbered, 400,000 men who draw the sword; all these were men of war.

End Quote  Credit to Bible Gateway website for passage excerpted.

But if it is meant to be an image of a hand, only God can reveal to us what it fully means.  One thing is for sure to the Christian way of thinking...He knows it's there, because I and millions of others believe God put it there - that He placed all such things where they are just as scripture says occurred in the opening passages of the Book of Genesis.  But that still doesn't mean that it was meant to be perceived as a hand.  Yet when I look at it, I surely do think I see an intentionally created hand! 

  And by the way...isn't it completely odd that there is this cinema tradition in Japan of the mighty and powerful entity that emerges from beneath the ocean waters to scare, yet protect Japan?  Doubly strange then, in light of all the surrounding details, that they should have this extremely other-worldly feature emerging from beneath their islands.  No one is more powerful...or more able to terrify...than almighty God.  The great people that are the Japanese are not Christians for the most part.  Only a very small percentage of them have accepted Christ.  Perhaps this is there to help them believe.  Only a very mighty God - a God who was there at the creation of the world's sea beds, could do this.  And in many other places in the world where Geo Prophecy seems - in my opinion - to exist it definitely seems to point out important Jewish and Christian events.  It is certainly something to think about.  May God bless the Japanese who are His created children like all other humans, or so we Christians believe.    





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