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       July, 2021:  Be Aware That We May Presently Be In the Foretold "Age of Deceit"!


     Be aware, people, seekers, Christians, that we may be in the "Age of Deceit" that we were warned of.  

     We are without doubt in an age where the liberal free press has been largely compromised - they are politically polarized to the point that they have become a mouthpiece for the views and agendas of those who control them.  For this reason it will be extremely hard to know how much of what we are told through official channels can be believed.  And yet, even still, some of their broadcasted information will be true and some other fraction will be mostly true.  This is because it is necessary to keep at least an air of journalistic integrity in order to retain the credibility required to mislead people to the required degree at the required crucial times on the most necessary issues.  And this is what we are seeing.  

  The liberal news and commentary stations have shown an unwillingness to host healthy vigorous debate on a small host of important current is as if they already know the correct viewpoint to adopt, and whenever they ever even do pretend to voice some distorted version of the opposing group's viewpoint and rationale it immediately turns into a feigned eye-rolling, head shaking pity party for those dimly enlightened fellow humans who could hold a view so very very wrong and off course, a view so different than their own liberal-elite views on the issue.  And yet, it the idea that all things and all behaviors are allowable and should be tolerated...has never been successful anywhere.  Liberalism is like black pepper shaken out on a meal; it can add accents to the tastes of food when used in small amounts, accents which many people are accepting of...but there is no one anywhere who eats black pepper as a main course.  In similar fashion liberalism can sometimes gain popularity when it attempts to portray itself as a rallying point for those who would oppose "narrow-minded oppression" of people's desire to engage in non-orthodox behaviors.  But, liberalism has the unfortunate track record of having corrupted and destroyed every society where it has managed to gain a large following.  In short, the old ways, the time-tested and proven rights and wrongs, can build a healthy society.  Liberalism has never done so and in fact does not even have it as one of their goals.  

  Liberalism is, in truth, a giving of the finger in the direction of Almighty God and His rules for human behavior by those who feel rebellious towards His restrictions and would rather engage in that which brings immediate sensual pleasure or gratification of their/our forbidden and sometimes illegal desires.  And we all have this rebel streak in us, heeded and surrendered to in varying degrees.  We all actually need structure and guidance, and even fear of being guilty of evildoing.  Yes, we need to fear being counted as an evil doer.  We need to understand that there will come an accounting for our behavior in front of a God that we could never fool or lie to.  We need to understand an ancient truth:  there is a Heaven and a Horrible Place of Fire.   God is no fable...His rules are no joke...His punishments cannot be avoided, and the judgement for our souls to reside in Heaven or Hell is everlasting.  In other words we must look into the matter and accept a truth that we were born into:  all of everything is about God the Father, the Son the Father begot, and the Holy Spirit that proceeds forth from the Father.  We are in a terrarium for a time.  We are being sifted and evaluated by our free-will choices.  God is no myth, and there is not a buffet of religions to choose from...not really.  Our choices are a very serious matter pertaining to the welfare of our soul.  Yet even if we choose our options pretty well throughout our whole life, in the end we are accepted only through choosing Jesus as our Lord and following Him.     

  Liberalism is in essence the tearing down of such structure and guidance as would steer us away from sin and wrong-doing in cases where the guidance being torn down is actually wholesome, righteous, and God approved.  I do not say that it is Liberalism to oppose a wicked form of government.  That is a form of rebellion, but against evil and tyranny.  It is sensible to always resist evil and important distinction!  

     Liberalism is essentially Satanism in that it says we should all do as we see fit, allowing others to do the same, even to the point where our society is so befouled with sickening misbehavior that it is no longer fit for man nor beast.  This is the sort of Godless swamp which Satan would like to produce here on Earth, a proof to all looking down from Heaven that he has the power to corrupt God's human children to the point that they are too odious to be acceptable in Heaven by Heaven's standards and rules.  And he has often succeeded in far too many ways, including in my own life at far too many times.  I myself believe that only undeserved mercy and grace can allow me to enter Heaven, and this I seek through Christ while trying to remain active in the battle against what is obviously sin in myself and the world around me.  And so, I am unquestionably unworthy of Christ, but believe that I am urged by the teachings of the Bible to continue as a wounded, embarrassing and derelict soldier to seek victories for the Kingdom of Jesus our Lord, Savior, and the Son of the Almighty Father that He defers to.        

     But what strange, strange times!  We are entering a situation where the hand of a strong and forceful leader will be required to take charge and restore 'sanity', and we may all well believe that there are many who have studied what happens after the pillars of a major civilization crack, crumble, and collapse.  There are people who understand how to produce such a societal collapse, and how to posture themselves  as the answer to the pain, fear, violence and confusion which arises from such a collapse.  But in order for such groups to usher in a wholesale change of the prevailing form of government - one that will serve them well - the present forms of government must be destroyed or convincingly portrayed as unworkable.  I believe that this is what we are presently seeing; we are experiencing a subversive assault on the underpinnings of representative democracy and quasi-capitalism.  In a God fearing society those forms of government, in the hands of uncorrupted elected Representatives, work awfully well on many levels.  And so such forms of governance as we presently are fortunate enough to enjoy cannot be allowed, in the minds of those dedicated to Evil and Oppression, to continue....or else where lies the need for a change of the governance framework if the present form has exceeded all past efforts in what it has attained?  

     Put simply, in order to emplace a government that only works for the elites the government presently in place must be shamed, smeared, and eliminated.  And this appears to be an actively ongoing process now, today, in our present day and time.  It is a fierce attack on the sort of nation that Christians around the globe have gravitated towards and have decided to adopt...Representative Democracies with a citizen-centered constitution which ensures that certain human rights are unquestioned and unassailable, and with citizens who are steeped in the morals and ethics of the one true God and His Son Jesus, as well as their national laws and individual rights.    

     And non-Christians from around the world have flocked to the Christian particular the nations which acknowledge God on their money or the nations which portray the cross of Jesus on their national flags, the nations which openly acknowledge their reliance on Christ - to enjoy the fruits of our enormous blessings of peace and material sufficiency (though too seldom do the new-comers wish to engage with us in the worship of the One True God, though thankfully some do.)  Such governments as those which presently enjoy the most prominence in the world fall far short of the perfection that Jesus' own kingship will one day bring to our world, but they do, in the meantime, hold much evil at bay depending on the degree to which they are actually practiced as envisioned.  And such Christian-adopted-governments allow for the spreading of the gospel.  No matter how quaint and ignorantly superstitious the notion is portrayed to be in our science-based society of self-crowned intellectual geniuses, we are presently in what I assume are the very last years of the opportunities to freely share the Gospel of God the Father Almighty through His Son Jesus of Nazareth to the last unreached peoples this planet.         

     Today in 2021 we face the COVID virus among other issues, and there are suspicions because we do know that official channels have, at times, purposely misled their electorate.  That cannot be denied any longer.  This much is unfortunately true.  And we know there are a lot of fairly powerful people intent on establishing a planetary central government because they believe it is inevitable and they believe it will serve them best, and they believe the Earth's human population needs to be drastically less.  And many poor but well-intentioned people like the idea of world government also because they imagine that an idealistic and benevolent group of world leaders will form there and do not only what is best for humanity, but also what is best for the planet as a whole.  That will DEFINATELY not happen.  The personality types that would be most strongly drawn to the job of "One of the Kings of the Earth" are not other-centered personalities   They are not benevolent.  They are not altruistic.  They are not tree huggers.  And they would definitely not have the interests of the poor in mind.  Their group already has a term for such people among us the are both poor and needy, and that term is "useless eaters".  So even if you had that sort of government at the very its would very soon become peopled by hyper-aggressive, intelligent, smooth, politically savvy and voraciously self-serving type AA personality types.  Monsters among us.  They do exist, and the top of the top is the very place they aspire to rise to.  People equally adept at being charming or vicious.  It can't be helped, it has always been true.  Power corrupts and total power corrupts totally (thank you Joseph Conrad and C. Whiteside. )  Humans cannot deal with possessing extreme power.  Name a person who has behaved righteously for a long period of time while possessing almost unchecked and uncheckable power!  It seems there are none among us with that capability.  History shows the truth.  Unless you are Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the Living God, you cannot possess unlimited power and remain just and righteous.  If somehow you did accomplish it, your successor would likely succumb.  It is only a matter of time before someone with a thirst for unassailable power obtained the top spot and began to dismantle the governmental tools which. had been put in place to make their job position a temporary one, a replaceable one.    

  So, consider the following worries of our present day...things that cause a person to pause.  Then consider the necessity of being a Godly people (i.e.:  a people trained in the truth that we humans were made by God to be children to Him and servants to Him and loving friends to each other, but creatures who must not seek power, or allow other humans to have great and unchecked power over us because, while some humans are genuinely drawn to possess such power, it is something that almost no human can handle, and it is a position reserved to God almighty Himself to have the position of master over the humans.  We indeed do need people who will act in careful measured governance over such affairs as it benefits us to let others among us handle.  But where ever such human instruments are found necessary or expedient to our needs they must be very carefully constrained in the limit of their power, and cannot be given editorial power over the verbiage of those constraints.  But consider the following genuine dangers of our day:


     1.) It is possible in our day and age to manipulate the genetic structure of viruses.  We can make them either much more deadly, or only a little bit more deadly, for instance, though it is not yet a perfected skill.   

     2.) People say COVID-19 MAY HAVE BEEN manipulated in order to make it SLIGHTLY more deadly so that the God-less portion of the governments, with the help of the corrupted and compromised media, can induce people to believe that they must part with their rights and freedoms temporarily for what they are told is the necessary good of the population as a whole - i.e.: they must sacrifice a few important God given liberties, at least temporarily, because the survival of many people is at stake.  Can such restrictions be a genuine necessity or nearly so in the case of a proven grave threat such as the Black Plague once posed? was more reasonable under such circumstances as those because sometimes half of the people of a city or town would perish from the Black Plague.  But nothing with so low a death rate as COVID-19 has produced has ever been allowed to shut down even a county or state in modern times...let alone a planet.  It is not the COVID-19 virus which is unprecedented, the COVID-19 death rates are unimpressive among known pandemics to say the very is the response to it.  The Godless type governments have beaten the drum with strained-faced fury and have given their all to produce fears in the people despite all of the evidence that this COVID-19 outbreak is truly a yawner when compared side by side with the mightier known plagues of history. 

     3.) Once this message of 'accept our assigned COVID-19 remedies or be labeled a villain' is popularly embraced by the purposely misinformed citizenry, the people who still object to 'vaccination by force of law' can then be portrayed as dastardly neighbor haters, again so framed by the God-less portion of our government and the corrupted media.

     4.) The COVID variants we are told about might be naturally occurring.  Still, they might not be, given the state of our technical skills in the arena of producing purposeful mutations/variants in viruses.    Slightly more deadly variants, purposely created in labs, could indeed be incrementally released in secret into the population so that the threat of dying from COVID-19 could be increased in a planned and controlled manner to prevent an actual runaway killer of an outbreak and yet can purposefully ramp up social pressure on vaccine hold-outs to conform to mandatory vaccination for the good of their neighbors and other words, additional villainization of the disobedient.  

     Is such a thing happening?  The common man cannot really know, and any nefarious governance structure committed to establishing world-wide obedience to a central temporal power would never tell.  So, you have to judge it all as best you can from the cheap seats, and one thing I personally know is that if a sickness called COVID-19 kills 1 person in about every 3,000 people on Earth, and the average age of that dying person is around 70 years old, and that average 70 year old person was typically suffering greatly from and in many cases already dying from pneumonia, high blood pressure, or diabetes then that, my friends, has an extremely hard time qualifying as a terrifying world pandemic in my mind.  No other pandemic so statistically anemic in its deadliness has ever been promoted with such furious intensity by the God-hating New Work Order folk.  It's as if this is their if they think that this is their ticket and their ride to the finish line.  And if that doesn't seem concerning to the God fearing world I truly don't know what ought to be.  No matter which direction you sniff it from it stinks to the high high heavens; if you look at who is pushing it, it is the least trustworthy of the high profile power seekers bunch.  If you look at who profits from it, it is again a group with a reputation for 'duplicity by any means in order to obtain their objectives'.  If you look at the numbers to see if it really is deadly to the degree its hyped up to be...well, it just isn't.  In its present form, July 2021, COVID-19 is no planet killer by a very very long ways.  Yet the variants, each one ever so slightly more deadly than the last, just keep coming right as if they are rolled out on a schedule of some sort.  No runaway killer plague allowed!  Just a slow controlled ramp up, a slight deadliness increase, whenever the fear begins to fade.  

     So, are we enveloped in a far reaching deceit?  Is it a plan-demic as some claim?  Will we be seeing more and more 'variants' that are - each in succession - slightly more deadly than the last?  Will these supposedly naturally occurring 'variants' be used to slowly and in a controlled manner ramp up the effects of the disease in a way that is great for provoking fear and great for making it seem logical that people must give up more and more of their former freedoms for the good of the herd, but yet 'variants' which are purposely designed to be weak enough that they will not get out-of-hand, break free and kill those who orchestrated the virus' origins?

     The occasional arsonist has been burnt to death in the fire they themselves started, right?  An arsonist doesn't want that.

     Our official information channels point out that hospitals are over run, but of course they would be.  Hospitals are pretty full during normal times.  They must stay fairly near to capacity to stay in business, right?  So when any sort of serious sickness sweeps through they are over run.  COVID-19, whatever its source, has serious effects on certain age groups already battling health problems, and every city has a generous number of us that fall within that category.  Some who are pretty young and healthy have also died from COVID-19.  Their loss was painful to those who loved them most.  Most losses in young or old groups produced a much missed absence in a family picture.  

     But again, as a common man I can only try to look at the unfolding scenario with that small bit of discernment which Almighty God has granted any common man.  Is this a real and dangerous disease of natural origin?  Every ounce of instinct that I have says that there is no way on God's green Earth that it is, is a disease that is now among us from whatever source it truly did spring from, and as the 'variants' become steadily and incrementally stronger I may certainly be one who contracts it and dies.  I am in my 60th year.  Yet, I trust God and God told us of an age of deceit that would come upon the Earth.  If those that seem to me to be the deceivers are eager to have me embrace something, then I know that I must not.  In fact, there is an end times prophecy in the Bible which speaks of a mark on the front of your head or on your right hand that a coming world leader will try to get all people to accept if they wish to buy and sell things.  And Christians are warned that to purposely accept that mark is to forfeit salvation.  What is that mark?  Could it be some mark proving that you are not a medical threat to people inside of the store?  I do not personally believe that this mark was the masks we were told o wear because there was no co-equal 'mark' upon our right hand that would work just as well.  But...there is a chance I am wrong and there is a chance that things will evolve to the point that some COVID-19 variant really does become quite deadly...a legitimate killer of the healthy and even the young...and then the rules might be stiffened to the point that one truly cannot shop for food and necessities unless you are certified "safe".  Again, the Christian is told to be watchful and the Christian is never to take 'the mark', whatever it turns out to actually be.  If you cannot buy or sell and you die, if you and your spouse and your children starve and die, then like all accepted followers of Jesus you will one day be raised from the dead and allowed into the Kingdom of the Almighty God.  But our Bible speaks plainly on this matter, as in Revelation 13 and then Revelation 14:



14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

End Quote from Rev 13.

Now from Rev 14:

And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

End quote.

  So, nothing will ever make it OK to receive the Mark of the Beast.  It must be avoided, rejected.  Is it related to COVID-19 or any other disease?  Who knows?  I can't see that it is at present.  But perhaps circumstances will shift and suddenly we will be legally forbidden to risk infecting each other...perhaps we will have to show some mark on face or hand to shop, or even to sell our potentially germ laden wares at the market.  And perhaps some great worker of miracles will be a large figure on the scene just then and we will 'worship' him, or be told to worship him because of the mighty miracle-emulating signs that he works.  Or, perhaps all of this will not happen in our lifetimes.  Perhaps this present COVID confusion is just another case of Satan stirring the pot, trying to get people to forget who their Maker is, and to quit worshiping His Son Jesus.  

  We are being told that it is medically irresponsible to attend church, aren't we?  Yet in the Bible it tells us not to forsake gathering together.  This present situation hurts both us and God.  Christians, we MUST vote out the embracers of God-defiance if we wish to keep our nations.  If it takes no more than voting to accomplish it, then why are we not accomplishing it?  We must accomplish it if we can!  How weak and unworthy to not even care if Jesus and the Holy Father remain the acknowledged true heads of our lands and nations.  Yet...the Bible says that at some point in the future Jesus will have to quit placing hope in us, His professed servants, and just come take His kingdom on His own by the might and authority that the Father of us all has granted Jesus, who is His beloved Son and our given Lord.  Never the less, let's exercise our presently still retained rights and make sure that it doesn't have to happen on our watch!  We need to vote out Godlessness, even if the other side is giving away money, money that isn't theirs and never was meant to be used as bribes for votes, to buy that vote for their own God-hating selves.

  Another issue is that, as we've all been informed, the world is about to crack open and die because of the horrific effects of Global Warming we are told.  As tax payers, we are even paying for these groups of Scientists to drive us into a state of grave alarm over the issue.  Now, July 2021, we are being informed that 'thousands of Scientists are saying so.'  Excuse me while I yawn.  And I do mean a very very big yawn.

  Let's say that Scientists are always right when they predict the future (and they certainly haven't shown that ability at all to be truthful!  No one has back-tracked on or re-written their own proclamations more often or more extensively than Scientists!) So, remember this when you hear such statements as 'thousands of Scientists say that the planet is at a tipping point!!!!!!':  If there are let's say 20 million Scientists all together and 10,000 Scientists are screaming at the top of their lungs that we are all going to die unless we let some central world governing body tell us how to save ourselves by giving away our rights so that they can imperiously command us to perform the necessary planet saving actions, then calm down!  Here's why:  10,000 out of 20,000,000 is the same as 1 out of 2,000.  Same ratio.  So let's say you walk by a large city park on a clear sunny day and 2,000 Scientists were out in the grassy park having a convention, and they were all doing Scientist stuff and having Scientist conversations except for one single guy.  And let's say that the one single guy was jumping up and down, eyes rolling around all wild in his head, and he was trying with all of his might to be taken as a mighty prophet of the future and he was screaming that everyone was about to be killed by the lightening of the terrible storm above us, and yet when you looked up there was no storm, no clouds, and in fact a clear blue sky would you race off to your attorney to get your affairs in order?  Or would you take note that the other 1,999 Scientists, subject to the same weather as any other person in the area, were going about their business completely unconcerned?

  Look, in order to get the entire population of the planet to give up their rights and submit to a central world authority with nearly unchecked powers, the population of the Earth needs to be filled with fear and dread at what is about to happen to them unless they submit to such governance.  Voices of dissent and derision must be silenced, and right now there are many of those.  The skeptical and the resisting portion of the population must be successfully portrayed as misleaders of their fellow citizens (the very thing that those behind the attempted coupe are actually doing with a fury and a vengeance.)  Sources of official information must be purchased, co-opted, or otherwise controlled.  And the means to overthrow a rogue government gone wicked must be removed from the hands of the people.  We are seeing all of this in our day; we are seeing these exact actions being taken in this present age of deceit.  And they are not slowing down a bit, in fact they are becoming bolder.  The wicked are closing the ends and edges of the net around the school of fish they wish to take captive, and they are becoming very excited by the success they are having.

  In the United States the Democrat Party is opposing every move being taken to ensure a fair election where only qualified eligible voters take part and no fraud is possible.  They are portraying a push for fair elections as a a dirty and suspicious move, to be decried and opposed.  And against all reason they are succeeding in convincing some people that moves to remove fraud from our elections are a sneaky trap.  Democrats are truly the hand of Satan in our nation right now.  Their party has been taken over from inside by people who have a genuine hatred for both Christianity and righteous standards for behavior.  The last thing they want, the one thing that they could not survive, would be a fair election with eligible voters and accurately counted votes.  They will scream the thousand lies of Satan at the top of their lungs to create the impression that no rational nation would want uncorrupted elections.  And other nations throughout the world face the same group in different guises.  These groups simply have to be opposed now (and vigorously) at a fair and uncorrupted ballot box because there is no other place remaining to meet them in a bloodless battle.  Once they win, they will never allow another fair election.  They dare not.  Their actual plans for the electorate, once people see those plans being played out in the real world before their eyes, will cause any electorate to want to be rid of them as quickly as humanly possible.    They cannot afford to leave such a system as fair elections in place, and you may be certain that they will not.  They cannot, and they will not.

  This is the age of deceit I believe.  It has all of the trappings anyway.  Yet with fair elections and an informed electorate there are still bloodless possible ways to escape the closing trap.  Can we?  Will we?  It takes actions, not sentiments, on the part of those who wish to keep the land devoted to God and Jesus.  It remains to be seen if we still possess such resolve as a people.         








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