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2024 A.D.:  6th Day Series accounts:  Do human legs relate to or represent the Christian Church's history?  (Besides being rather handy anatomical appendages, I mean!)



 A slim and shapely pair of human legs!  Do they display 'Biblical' design?




Do the Patella/Knee Cap, the Crab Nebula, and a Crab Shell look a bit alike?  Maybe they are supposed to!


     The 6th Day Series accounts stem from thinking about a combination of fairly agreed upon ideas and concepts, and extrapolating on them in a speculative way:  how the scriptures say that we humans are made in the image of God, how the Book of Colossians identifies Jesus as being the image of God, how the Church is called the body of Christ, and how the 6th century B.C. prophet Daniel told Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar that the large and frightening metallic COLOSSUS in the king's nightmare was a representation of the present and coming empires of the world.  A colossus is a large human shaped statue.  The top of the colossus in Nebuchadnezzar's frightening dream was gold - the head and shoulders - Daniel said.  It represented the glorious Babylonian Empire that Nebuchadnezzar was then ruler of, right at that moment (about 600 B.C.) when Daniel recounted his dream to him without being told by anyone (except God!) and then interpreted it for him through the power of the God of Abraham whom the young captive Jewish man Daniel worshiped.  

     Below that golden head and shoulders, the silver chest of the colossus in the dream represented a kingdom that would succeed Babylon, sometime in the future, though it would not have the glory of Babylon just as silver does not have the worth or glory of gold, Daniel told him.  This turned out to be the Medo-Persian Empire, as time unfolded.  It followed the Babylonian Empire beginning in about 539 B.C.

     Below that, on the stomach area, the colossus was made of bronze, and this was the empire that would succeed the silver empire. It turned out to be the Greek Empire, as time unfolded.  They defeated the Persians in the mid 330's B.C., and became the most powerful empire in the region.

     Below that the colossus was made of iron, and as Daniel explained to Nebuchadnezzar it would be a very strong empire that would chew up other empires and be very terrible and mighty.  This turned out to be the Roman Empire.  The Romans defeated the Greeks in the mid 140's B.C. to become the new most powerful empire.  The Roman Empire still ruled powerfully during the time that Jesus was crucified, during the time that the Christian church was founded, and was the military power which crushed Israel and destroyed, just really decimated, Jerusalem in 70 A.D.  Those Jews sheltering in Jerusalem when its walls were breached, those not killed off by the Roman exultant Roman soldiers,  were nearly all sold off as slaves to various peoples or even taken back to Rome and other parts of Italy to serve as slaves there.

     The colossus Nebuchadnezzar had seen in his dream remained iron all the way down the legs to the feet.  The feet were made of both iron and clay, though.  And it was areas of iron and areas of clay, rather than some homogeneous blend.  The two were bound up together to form the feet, but could not mix.

     The conclusion of Nebuchadnezzar's nightmare came when a large stone, not cut by human hands, fell from above and landed upon the feet of the colossus, smashing those feet of iron and clay.  The entire colossus began cracking and crumbling and then falling down like dust because of the blow it received from the stone until it was all a pile of dust.  Then a great wind blew the dust away.  And the stone began to grow and grow and grow until it filled the entire Earth!  This was Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the colossus.  And Daniel's interpretation of the colossus as a sort of calendar showing the future empires of their region using the shape of a human body allowed it to be a possibility that our human shape and design, aside from being a miraculously created machine for us to live our Earthly lives in, might also represent 'Biblical things'.  And as we look from the head of a man, a normal flesh and blood man like you and I, slowly downward towards his toes, the passage of time might be represented in the architecture of our body, in full or in part.  Among other things, the succession of empires might be represented in our human body just as it was in the design of the colossus.  And where the body ends, at the feet, might represent the end of time. 

     For the Christian, the end of time represents the yet unknown future day when Jesus comes back as a savior, conqueror, and ruler.  And so, we believe that the rock, the stone spoken of in Daniel's dream is probably symbolizing Jesus returning, representing Jesus totally destroying the human power structures that have served us so poorly, and then taking over the whole Earth as He extends His rule.  Jesus is referred to as a stone of sorts in several places in scripture; a 'stone that the builders rejected which ends up becoming the cornerstone' is one instance.  Also, throughout various places in the Old Testament it was specified that the only acceptable way to build a stone alter for sacrificing to the God of Abraham was by piling up or stacking stones that were in their natural state, unshaped by human hands.  Then you could put the wood and the sacrificed animal upon that and burn it.  So a stone not shaped by the hand of man had an unexplained 'acceptable holiness' in the eyes of God, just as Jesus does.  (Beginning in the time of Moses and the portable tabernacle, then hundreds of years later, when Solomon built the great temple in Jerusalem, God allowed a hand shaped and hand made alter to be crafted for His sacrifices, even specifying things about the design.  These were holy sacrificial alters made of metal and sometimes with wood and metal, however, not of stone.)

     So, if this highly speculative idea was to work, if part of the design of the human body, when looked at starting at the head and moving to the feet, was a record of the passage of time, then the distance between the pelvis and the feet would most likely represent the 'Church Age'.  Our legs would stretch between the end of the Roman Empire, through the Holy Roman Empire, and through more modern times to the end times when the two great prophets come and teach and preach, trying to reach the very last of the willing souls.  They will have extreme powers given to them from Heaven so that people will understand that they speak for God, and the times they preach in will be epic...horrific...deadly!

     Is this a foolish notion?  Could this be true?  It MIGHT be a foolish notion that is not true.  God knows, and I am not one that hears the literal voice of God.  But there is some odd evidence that seems to me to support a lot of the 6th Day Accounts, which speculate about our human bodies being imbued with this 'prophetic function' in its design.  For example, the feet have 52 bones and 66 joints.  The two longest books among the prophetic books of the Bible are Jeremiah with 52 chapters, and Isaiah with 66 chapters.  And they were both 'last chance' prophets sent to a fallen and sinful people (Isaiah to the 10 northern tribes in the 8th century and over 100 years later Jeremiah to Judah and Benjamin.  In both cases their people would not listen, and so God sent destruction upon them.)  For another example there are 10 toes at the end of our feet, and there will be 10 end times kings that will give their power to the anti-Christ for one hour at the end of time. 

     What about the legs themselves?  Oddly, about half way down our legs is our knee, where the leg bends, where the knee cap is, and where it changes from one leg bone to two.  Did a major church event happen about half way between the crucifixion of Jesus and our time?  Yes.  The Great Schism.  The Western Church was a companion of sorts with the Eastern Church.  But frictions began to grow and increase over which church should be the boss of the other.  Eventually the Western Church had a breakup with the Eastern Church in 1054 A.D.  The Pope in Rome in the West (Leo IX) sent a legate to tell the Eastern church in Constantinople to shape up and fall in line.  The Eastern Church took this poorly and refused.  The legate sent from the Pope then officially excommunicated them from the Christian Church at large, by the claimed authority of the Pope.  So the Eastern church excommunicated the Western church back in return.  And they've never been that close of friends since then.  From that time on, the Church in Constantinople proceeded onward with its companion church, the church of Antioch.  And the Western Church in Rome continued on with its companion church in Alexandria.  Those were the major power centers initially.  And if you don't think this 'divorce' between parts of the Christian church was not a big deal to the watching eyes of heaven, well...the very bright and noticeable Crab Nebulae sprang into existence in our night sky during this very time frame when the legate was sent from Rome.  The crab:  a creature with two large opposing claws, one stronger, one more adept, yet they are supposed to serve the same creature.  That's kind of what the Christian Church had all of a sudden, after 1054 A.D.: Two opposing branches that were supposed to both be serving their Lord, not fighting with each other.  But of course that's all interpretation.  It is a fact, however, that below the femur is the knee with the 'prayer bone' or patella, and below that knee we have two bones on one leg and two corresponding bones on the other leg:  our tibia and fibula bones.  But how about this:  Is there a resemblance in shape between a crabs shell, the Crab Nebula, and the Patella bone?





           Do you see any resemblance in the three pictures above of a human patella bone (knee cap), the Crab Nebula, and a crab shell?  The human femur bones proceed downward from the pelvis on each of our legs, but then at a place where God put a bone (our patella, or kneecap) that looks quite a lot like a crab shell there is a leg joint and a division of sorts; below that we have two bones (the tibia and fibula) which continue down to our feet.  This occurs about halfway down our leg from our pelvis to our feet.  In similar fashion the Christian Church suffered a division (the Great Schism, as they call it) about halfway between the founding of the Christian Church and our own present time.  And a great sign in the sky, in the heavens, appeared just when the two branches of the church, east and west, excommunicated each other.  The great Crab Nebula appeared, so called because it had the shape and perhaps color of a crab shell.  It was very bright at first, visible by day, and was noted by cultures throughout the world.  Had a great omen appeared in the heavens? How appropriate that a crab is a creature with two arms or hands (claws) which belong to the same creature, yet seem to oppose each other.  One claw is more powerful, one has more dexterity.  And a crab's witnesses (its eyes) are up on little poles, just as Christian witnesses have often been crucified up on poles throughout history.




      Is this a reasonable guess as to the 'prophetic meaning' of the design of our legs?  (If there even is a meaning!)  Roman Christians and Greek Christians?  Well, maybe or maybe not.  But consider this, and don't worry...,I'll explain how it applies!:  The number 300 seems to correlate to something along the lines of 'the chosen warriors of God', or even to 'Christians'.  Christians were legalized in Rome by Constantine in 301 A.D., but there was no "0" A.D. , the A.D. years began with a 1 A.D. which was the year immediately after 1 B.C.  They didn't do the 'zero' thing yet.  So this was the 300th year of the A.D. epoch when Constantine validated the Christians in the great city of Rome.  Separately, when Gideon had to lead the Israelites and go up against the vast army of the Midianites he had to reduce the size of his army.  He reduced it to only 300...against the teeming tens of thousands of Midian.  God wanted everyone to know that it was He who granted Israel the victory.  He didn't want them to be proud and bragging about their own military might when they won.  And so Gideon was told to choose those 300 men by the way they drank water from the brook when they were thirsty.  The men who knelt down and lapped the water like a dog were rejected.  But the men who knelt down and reached down and cupped the water in their hands and brought their cupped hands up tho their mouth to drink, those were the ones Gideon got to keep in his army.  It seems an unlikely selection process.  But if you think about it, that is the way that Christians pray.  They kneel and bring their hands up tho their face.  Other faiths also believe in the same God of Abraham that the Christians do, but they put their face to the floor when they pray.  Perhaps there is a prophetic connection?  (This was about 1200 years before Jesus walked and taught, so there were no Christians yet.)

     Well, the front bone of our lower leg is the 'tibia', also called the 'shin bone'.  Shin also happens to be the name of one of the letters in the Hebrew alphabet.  It also stands for the number 300 in Hebrew.  Tau is the letter which stands for 300 in the Greek language.  It looks something like a cross.  In fact, if you look up the origin of the letter Tau you may find this: 

"Tau was derived from the Phoenician letter taw (𐤕)." 

     You have to admit, the Phoenician version looks very much like a cross!  In both languages, the respective alphabetical character also stands for the number 300, which has a few connections, admittedly subjective connections, but connections none the less, to the word Christian or to Christianity, which of course has a connection to the Christian Church.  So, the identity of our very functional and handy fleshly human legs as perhaps also being symbolic representations of the Christian Church may be slightly strengthened by that odd and unlikely detail.  It is a possibility, especially when you consider that these many connections of the anatomy and architecture of the human body to things spoken of in the Bible occur in such profusion as to be far beyond the probabilities of random chance.  Such connections are everywhere in our body from top to bottom, front and back.  In my view, we humans are definitely a Christian Creature, our design is meant to depict and predict and evoke thoughts of God, Jesus, and things spoken of in the Bible, at least to the best of my ability to discern it.  What do you think?  Maybe you would like the other 6th Day Series articles on the Deeds of God website.  Place 6th Day Series in the search box on the Deeds of God website home page to see them, or cursor down the list of accounts about 80% of the way .  I think that taken as a whole they really make the case for our human bodies being made "in the image of God", which is a mighty and miraculous thing.  

     Below are the Hebrew letter Shin and the Greek letter Tau which are the respective symbols for 300.





     Above is the Hebrew Shin symbol.


    The Greek Tau is in the 3rd column, 3rd down.







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