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2021 A.D.:  Examples of the Creation Actually Verifying Jesus is the Messiah and Christ!




  As you read these remarkable instances of how God's Word seems to be acknowledged by the Universe, by the Creation round us, keep in mind the Christian (and Biblically grounded) beliefs that:

  Jesus is called 'the Word' in Scripture, but the Bible is also called the Word (and it is in some mysterious spiritual sense a living writing that literally embodies Jesus in certain ways) and that same scripture says that the Creation was created by God the Father through Jesus His Son.  Christian scripture says that the Creation is held together by the Word (therefore by Jesus, since He is the embodiment of the Word).  And we believe that people once spoke one language until about 4,000 years ago, but God Himself divided the one language into many because mankind was uniting as a group to defy His instructions to them to spread out and form colonies after the Great Flood.  They were uniting in building the Tower of Babel under the first post-flood dictator whose name was Nimrod.  So God is the master of languages...all languages. 

  And Christian scripture informs us that we humans are built in the 'image of God'.

  Without further ado let's look at ways that the Created world attests that its author is Yahweh who worked through His Son Jesus to build this Creation for us to dwell in, and then created us to dwell in it!:


  How about the moon?  It has some qualities that can call Jesus to mind!  The biggest brightest thing in the night sky?  Of course it would!  The moon circle's the Earth like a shepherd, just as Jesus watches over mankind, the people of the Earth, like a shepherd, hoping all will turn to Him but knowing that most won't.  Jesus is called the 'light that lights the darkness' in scripture.  This is what the moon does also.  Jesus said He spoke the words His Father gave Him to speak to us.  The moon shines the light - reflects the light - that the sun shines upon it.  The moon does not emit its own light, it reflects light.   

  1.) The silvery light of the moon takes 1.3 seconds to reach the Earth.  Genesis 1.3 says "Let there be light!".  

  2.) The moon's distance varies slightly as it circles, but is commonly cited as 30 Earth diameters from the Earth.  Jesus was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver that the priests paid to the Apostle named Judas.  Because of that betrayal he does not presently dwell with us...He was betrayed by humans and then crucified.  So, He is 'at a distance from us' because of an event involving the number 30. 

  3.) The moon is greatly 'marred'.  It has impact craters all over its surface.  And oddly, the word 'mar' is an old word for ocean.  Or 'Mare'.  Same meaning.  The word 'maritime' derives from this.  The vast smoother patches on the moons surface were called 'mars' (referring to the ancient belief they might be dried up oceans.)  Even today, vast stretches of the moons surface are named mar this and mar that. Mare Cognitus...Mare Frigoris are examples. That's how those geographical regions are identified and differentiated.  So the moon is 'marred' in that sense also.  The countenance of Jesus was greatly 'marred' by the savage beating he took at the hands of many on the night before he was crucified.  Jewish priests and Roman soldiers both took their turn on Him, which He endured in silence.  He knew that He must be physically sacrificed, killed in the flesh, to be the atonement for the sins of such humans as would claim it.

  4.) The moon's axis is tilted at an angle of 6.68 degrees.  If you go to the Bible's 6th book (Joshua) and 6th chapter and read the verses surrounding the 8th verse you find the Israelites under their powerful war leader Joshua (a name almost indistinguishable from Jesus in the ancient no-vowels Hebrew language) circling and circling and circling the city of Jericho, similar to the ways the moon circles the Earth in some ways.  They will blow a trumpet at a certain point in those passages of scripture, and the walls of that city will mysteriously collapse, and the Israelites will rush in and conquer and destroy that wicked Canaanite city as God had commanded them to do (all except the family of the woman named Rahab, who has aided and then made a pact with the spies that Joshua sent into the city earlier.)  It is prophesied that Jesus will one day come to Earth with powerful angels and pluck away His few faithful, then wage war on the wicked of the Earth.

  5.)  The moon has the material composition of the Earth.  This surprised science when it was first discovered.  Theories had to be reconsidered.  Jesus, likewise, is of the spiritual form and substance of His Father, but came to dwell among us in flesh such as we dwell in.  He was born with a human mother...Mary...but no human male parent.  He was created into a baby by God the Father inside of the womb of Mary, who remained a virgin until after Jesus' birth.  This had been prophesied for the Messiah's birth at an earlier time, a thing which cannot be.  But it came true as predicted.  When the Father speaks through a real prophet the thing always occurs.

  6.)  The Bible speaks about the end times on Earth as being so terrible to try to live in. Barely survivable at all!  Terrible punishments will fall upon the Earth.  Yet there will be signs and wonders from heaven as well.  A chance for non-believers to change their opinion.  Yet most won't apparently.  Then, at an unannounced time that catches all by surprise, Jesus will come and take those that belong to Him, raising even the dead people who were His and giving them new bodies, and He will take them away from the Earth to the heavens and it will be a very great sign and wonder in its own right, of course, to those who are left on Earth.  Then, with His own human followers safely removed, He returns and destroys His enemies on this Earth with an unprecedented fury.  

  The Moon orbits the Earth on the average every 27.3 days.  Notice the number...27.3  If you go to Exodus (the Bible's 'Book number 2')  and go to chapter 7 and read the part surrounding verse 3 you will discover that it is speaking of a smaller scale and earlier reenactment (pre-enactment?) of essentially the same scenario.  It is about God telling Moses and Aaron to deliver the message from God to Pharaoh to release God's followers the Israelites, to let them leave Egypt.  But God assures Moses and Aaron that He will harden Pharoah's heart and Pharaoh won't listen despite multiple powerful signs and God tells Moses that He will then, in the midst of these terrible trials that will afflict Egypt, bring out His people through His own power.  And the Egyptians will see and know that God Almighty is the true Lord.  Do you agree this bears resemblance to how Jesus is prophesied to come for His Christians in the midst of their terrible trials and oppressions?  So maybe here again the Creation testifies to God being its architect and to the Bible being His Holy Word.   


 One of the Bible's Truly Amazing Passages


  New topic:  Did God place hints in the Old Testament that were for us, far in the future, to show us that He created all that we see and intimately knew its physics and mathematical properties, as well as showing us that He foresaw history?  Consider this:

  The first 5 books of the Bible are called the Books of Moses because it was in Moses' day they were placed into writing.  That would be not so far from the 1400's B.C. though the exact years are contested.  In the Book of Numbers, chapter 2 verse 9, God tells the tribes how they will array themselves as they march around in the Sinai Desert from time to time.  It ended up being a 40 year period of well more than a million people 'camping in the barren wilderness of the Sinai'!  Sometimes God told them to pack up and march to a new spot in the Sinai.  When they did, they were to march in a very particular formation.  (From the air it would have looked like a cross.)

  So, in Numbers 2 verse 9 God is telling them which 3 tribes would march on the East side of the group when they mobilized to relocate.  It would be Judah, Issachar, and Zebulon (It was from the tribe of Judah that Mary, the mother of Jesus, would descend.  Her husband Joseph was from Judah also, for that matter.  And remember...Jesus is the Light of the World, the light that dispels the darkness of mankind's ignorance and wicked nature.). So God said that the three tribes on the east wing would march under the banner of the tribe of Judah, and then it is mentioned that those three tribes numbered 186,400 men at that time.

  So why is that amazing?  Because of this:  Light...the sun...rises in the East each morning.  The sun is also a 'light that dispels the darkness'.  Light travels at almost exactly and precisely 186,400 miles per hour.  It may even be true that that is the precise and actual speed it travels at.  After all, science presently likes the number 186,280 miles per second, but they know that it is a very close number, but still an estimate.  The difference is less than 1 part in 1000.  But...

  Hebrews did not use the mile or the second did they?  Perhaps not, but knowledge of what an hour and a second would be seems to be encoded into that number 186,400!!  There are exactly 86,400 seconds in a 24 hour day.  Exactly that many.  

  And there are exactly 640 acres in a square of land that is 1 mile on each side.  Exactly 640.  The number 186,400 contains that numeral also!!  And so, there is a sort of inferred definition of a mile built into the number 186,400.

  And, the dual nature of light (both wave of energy and particle of 'matter' at times as it travels) is sort of like the dual nature of Jesus.

  This strange and unexpected quality of light was discovered by a very Christian Scottish scientist named James Clerk Maxwell in 1864 A.D.   He first exposited his findings to a small group of friends in 1864 A.D. near the end of the year before telling the wider scientific world in 1865 A.D.  The number 1864 just so happens to be built into the number 186,400 as well.

  Light, in our solar system, comes mainly from the sun.  The sun is 400 times as far from the Earth as the moon is.  But it is 400 times larger.  It is not perfectly exact, but it is so close that it has long been mentioned this way as a thumb rule in the scientific textbooks.  The number 186,400 contains the number 400, as you see. 

  And the Israelites were beginning a journey of exactly 40 years from the time they left Egypt until they crossed the Jordan into the 'Promised Land', 40 years to the very day scripture says.  And the number 40 is also in the number 186,400 if perhaps that was meant by the Father to be noticed.  So, for whatever reason, it is a fabulously loaded number.

  So, did God the Father, in the 15th century B.C., around 3,500 years ago, let us know that:

  a.) He knew the exact speed of light as measured in the English speaking world, using the English system of units of measurements that would not be in use for more than 30 centuries?

  b.) He fore knew the exact number of seconds that man would decide were in a 24 hour day? 

  c.) He fore knew the exact number of acres that the English speaking people would say were in a square mile and therefore the exact length of a mile and the exact size of an acre?

  d.) That He knew the exact length of a year, and knew that in 1864 A.D., a timekeeping method predicated on the future appearance of His Son Jesus upon the Earth, He would allow a human named James Clerk Maxwell to discover the widely sought secret of the nature of light?

  e.) That He showed us that He knew we would discover the ratio of distance between the Earth's distance from the moon and the Earth's distance from the sun?  

  Certainly this is a lot of coincidences pertaining to time and astronomy and astrophysics to find buried in one casual passage in the Old Testament of the Bible, isn't it?  One simple number held so very many treasures through chance or design, didn't it?  

  Science...scientists...would make so very much more progress if they would look upon the Bible as the great truth of the universe instead of as a crutch for their intellectual lessers.  Science is actually in great part a study of the tools God formed and used in making His wonderful Creation.  Scientists make themselves a deadly enemy to the souls of men by vainly thinking to write God out of His own epic saga.   They should repent and practice science alone, and quit thinking to use science to falsely rewrite the history of God's work among men and of God's Creation.  Then through Jesus they too could seek to please their Father and avoid the endless agonies of eternal damnation.  Does that sound narrow-mindedly Christian?  Jesus said that we must follow Him if we wish to be saved, and He said that the way was narrow...and that few would find it.  So unless scientists are rebuked and warned their souls are lost, and no Christian believers want that for them.  We dare not even be complacent about our own souls or salvation, and we are believers in God's Son.  But we must be not just believers, but followers and servants to Him even if the cost is high here on Earth.


Will mountains bow down to the Lord?



    We read the scripture and find interesting things written about the mountains sometimes.  They will melt one day before the Lord as he strides the Earth.  They will bow down to the Lord it says in places.  Can a mountain really bow down...literally?  Yes, of course!!  The one Who made the Creation can make the Creation do as He wishes.  And the Father made the Creation through Jesus we are told in the 1st chapter of the Gospel of John.  But 'bowing down' is a form of paying homage, is it not?  Perhaps the mountains already pay homage to the Father and His Son!  And once again it is the word of God that is the key to this possible homage.  The word of God is ever and always intimately connected to the Creation.  Consider the following:

  Mount Zion is the worlds most holy mountain I would say.  The Jews, Christians, and Muslims all count it as being very holy.  And the Jewish and Christian scriptures say that God chose that mountain as His dwelling place.  And He even directed that His Holy Temple be constructed on that mountain.  So King David gathered the supplies to build it.  And King Solomon, David's son and chosen successor, had it built.  Wow!  The chosen mountain of God.  If any mountain would pay homage to God you might guess it would be that one.  Well guess what...maybe it does.  

  The height of Mount Zion is supposed to be 2,474 feet above sea level.  Note those numbers.  So if you go to the Bible, the Holy word of God, and go to the 24th book of a Protestant Bible, which is Jeremiah, and the 7th chapter of Jeremiah, and read the verses around the 4th verse, what does it say?  It says the following, from Jeremiah 7 in the King James Version:



The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying,

Stand in the gate of the Lord's house, and proclaim there this word, and say, Hear the word of the Lord, all ye of Judah, that enter in at these gates to worship the Lord.

Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, Amend your ways and your doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place.

Trust ye not in lying words, saying, The temple of the Lord, The temple of the Lord, The temple of the Lord, are these.

For if ye throughly amend your ways and your doings; if ye throughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbour;

If ye oppress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood in this place, neither walk after other gods to your hurt:

Then will I cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers, for ever and ever.

End Quote 


   So, on the only mountain in the world that God specifically claimed as an Earthly residence, on the only mountain in the world where God directed His temple be built, the listed height of that mountain in feet happens to correspond in the Bible to the phrase... "The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord..."???  That is the only place in the entire Bible where you will find those words repeated 3 times like that, also.  What are the odds of that being chance?  Well, to the willful unbeliever there can never be enough evidence.  Even among the Jews who watched Jesus perform amazing and unprecedented miracles of healing there were many who decided to attribute them to demons so that they did not have to feel compelled to take note of Jesus' teachings and follow them.  But to a person willing to give the Lord a chance to win and save their soul surely it must at least be considered yet another possible connection between the Creation and the Word of God in the Bible.  And why would there be so many such connections (and there are a great many!) if the one were not part and parcel of the other? 

  There are a number of other mountains on Earth, principal mountains because of their height or in some cases because of what took place upon them according to the Bible, which also have this correlation between their height and Bible passages that are pertinent to the height or history of that mountain.

  But, what about the names?  Everest is a great example.  Is it fair to play with English as we look for these Bible connections to the natural world or vice versa?  I say that it could be, in certain cases, because God almighty is master of all languages.  But about Everest...its peak pokes higher up into the air than any other mountain on Earth, so it has pre-eminence.  In scripture it says that Jesus shall have the pre-eminence in all things (though obviously that doesn't pertain to evil things, for instance.)  So, Mt. Everest may have some connection to Jesus, a person might speculate.  Well, does it seem to have one?  I only speculate, but consider this.  The first bride was Eve.  She was the proto-type of all female brides, and so the name Eve is symbolic in some ways of all future brides.  And in scripture it likens the Christian church to being a bride to Jesus erring and imperfect bride by all means, but we are Jesus true love, and He is ours.  And so, the greatest of all kings to ever walk among us came to teach and die for the sake of His bride (for the sake of those who would believe and follow Him.)  His misled, often persecuted, hassled and harried, lazy and sinful bride...the church.  He came to give it hope and rest.  Noah...the name Noah...happens to mean Hope and or Rest, by the way.  And Noah saved humanity in a way somewhat similar to how Jesus did later, though in a far lesser way.  But anyway, the greatest of all kings came to give His bride Hope and Rest.  So, if the greatest and most elevated of kings in Jesus, and the greatest and most elevated of mountains is Everest, isn't it odd that the name of that mountain is Eve + Rest ?  Eve-rest.  Mt. Everest.  Is that a silly thing to consider?  I don't know really.

  The Deeds of God website has an account about mountains bowing down to the Lord which lists other examples of mountains paying homage to the Lord in ways similar to this.  


  Another topic: 


The Runaway Intended Bride, Chasing Foolishly After the Anti-Christ When He Comes?


In the Book of Revelation chapter 12 we learn a sad thing; we are informed that when the Anti-Christ comes, the man whose number is 666 (or some ancient texts say '616') he will have power to perform some certain signs and wonders that will appear to be supernatural.  And we are told that most of the world will be misled by these quasi-miracles, whatever they are, and will 'go after him', foolishly following him as their leader. Mankind, Jesus' intended bride, will for the most part be fooled into following Jesus' worst enemy...Satan's spirit dwelling in the body of some man that scripture calls 'the anti-Christ'.  Will you or I be one of these?  Or will we keep. our spirits focused on Jesus and be knowledgeable of the Word of God so that we cannot be easily fooled?

  But how interesting that some Bible translations say that 'the whole world will go after him'.  Because the actual world, our planet Earth, can't really go after someone.  It is a planet.  The only really obvious 'traveling' that it ever does is the fairly circular trip it makes around the sun once per orbits, and the movement that Earth makes around that orbital path is the only way in which our planet really 'goes after' anything.  And what's that got to do with anything?  Well, it is interesting that if you look up the Earth's orbital speed around the sun the most common orbital speed given is 66,616 miles per hour.  And for whatever reason, that number contains both 666 and 616, the two possible number the correspond to the Beast...the anti-Christ...that terrible Man of Sin that the Book of Revelation says that the whole world will foolishly go after.  Is this yet another case of God designing proof into the Creation that will let us now that He has known the details of the unfolding of the whole story from the beginning?  That way we might realize that He truly is our God, perhaps?  That way we might realize that He truly did fashion and author the mighty work around us and within us that we know as the Creation?  We might realize that He is our Maker, and turn and follow His Son Jesus that He sent to save the souls of as many as would commit their lives to following Jesus as their king and Lord?  Perhaps, right?  Perhaps!


Does 'the Word' hold all things together?  Does Jesus hold all things together?  Or is it gravity that does so?   




 Isaac Newton is famous for his work in discovering details about the force of gravity.  Today everyone thinks they have a fair understanding f gravity, and perhaps we do.  But in Christian scripture you can find places where it says that all things are held to gather by Jesus, or 'the Word'.  Well, which is it?  Is it Jesus, as Christians believe, or is it gravity as scientists like to inform us?

  Well, interestingly, there is a number called the 'gravitational constant' or 'the constant of gravity'.  Like most constants, it helps reconcile the units used for the various factors of the equation.  There have been adjustments in the magnitude of this number over the years, even a couple of times in the last 20 years.  But, oddly, one of the often used numbers is 6.673 (it has gone in and out of fashion several times since the 1950's but has even been the chief number used in more recent times such as the 90's, though it is once gain currently out of favor.) Why might that be interesting?  Because the Bible has 66 books...if it is a Protestant Bible.  But it will have 77 books if it is a Catholic Bible.  66 or 73.  The two Bibles serve almost 2 billion Christians....the vast majority of Christians on Earth.  And the mathematical constant that describes what holds all things together is, once again, 6.673 sometimes. You have both the 66 and the 73 within that number. And that is quite interesting.  You can almost picture God winking over the shoulder of proud scientists who have conclusively shown that it is the force of gravity, and not the Word, that holds all things together.  Below is a table that was posted on Wikipedia pertaining to the Constant of Gravity generally in use during various years.  You can see the during some years 6.673 has been the preferred value.  So, since it has not always been the preferred value I will just show it to you as a point of interest.   










  Ending here for the moment!  





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