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The USA Was Officially Dedicated to God from Its Foundation.   That's Being Dismantled and Will End Horrifically. 


   When God chose the Israelites, downtrodden Egyptian slaves at the time, to officially be His peculiar people, He showed the whole world what it means to be a people shepherded by God.  Powerful Egypt was all but destroyed by the 10 devastating plagues.  The Red Sea parted for God's escaping people, but closed in and drowned the pursuing Egyptian army.  Yet only a short time later God grew so angry at His nation of Israelites for not obeying Him and seizing immediately upon the promised land that as punishment He had them wander in the Sinai Peninsula for 40 long years until all but Joshua and Caleb were dead from among all of those original Israelite men.  Joshua and Caleb were the two young spies who, alone among them all, had pushed for immediate seizure of the promised land as God had commanded. 

  God loves and guards His chosen peoples.  But He is a very strict and demanding 'parent' at times.  Very strict.  And when he was upset with the wickedness and disobedience of humankind before the great flood, He erased almost all life upon the Earth.  God doesn't mess around.  When He acts upon His anger there is nothing He cannot do.  There is no one He cannot punish.  The Bible is replete with examples of His generosity, of His protection, but also of His discipline and punishment to His very own chosen people when He has been sufficiently displeased with their behavior.

  The USA is a nation of His chosen people, in a way.  To the extent that we follow Jesus, to that same extent we are a chosen people granted His favor and often His protection.  To the extent that we follow Jesus...

  It can now, unfortunately, no longer be very accurately said that we are a nation that tries hard to follow Jesus.  It can no longer be truthfully stated that we honor God the Father by doing the work that was given to man to do in this present age of the New Covenant:  follow and believe in Jesus, the one God sent...Jesus, who is truly His actual Son, appointed our Lord, Commander, Savior, and still the Jews unaccepted Messiah.  

  Our children's schools have been purposely cleansed of acknowledgement of the supremacy of Yahweh the Father, Christ the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

  Our churches have been identified as bad places where gathering together to worship God could cause dread (but unspeakably over-hyped) Covid to spread.  To gather together in a church is to be labeled a villain by the Satanics masquerading as Dems and Libs and rational men and women of science.

  And so, consider the Bible's Samson, a Judge of the Israelites from the tribe of Dan, the strongest man in history most likely, who could not be beaten in battle until he unwisely allowed his connection to God to be severed.   His hair was that connection.  His hair had never been cut since he was born.  It was the symbol that he was dedicated to God since birth.  He wore it in seven braids.

  America is typified by Uncle Sam.  (Samson...Sam...Samson...Sam???  Is there a connection?  I think probably so.)  Samson allowed Delilah, his consort, to cut his hair while he slept.  He wouldn't have given her permission, but he let her stay in intimate proximity to his person despite multiple proofs that she was untrustworthy and only had his worst interests in mind.  She cast a spell on him in a way.  Or maybe he let the wrong instincts do the thinking.  Whatever the case, he allowed her to be in charge of his head area as he slept, (like when Democrats and Liberals are in charge of our national 'head'...i.e.:  Washington DC and our government) and so wicked Delilah cut off Samson's seven braids while he slept, and then he was easily captured by his enemies the Philistines.  

  This is America right now, it truly is.  Our strength is our God's care and protection.  It always has been.  Our Delilah, at least in part, is clearly the Democrat Party and the Liberal Movement along with its openly declared and also its undeclared slimy tentacles.  They work stealthily but determinedly to separate us from the care and protection of our God. What God is for, they are against.  They have labored to have it be viewed as hate and narrow-mindedness to declare that any sort of filthy and God condemned behavior is wrong and to be avoided.  They want worship and devotion to God to either be eradicated or at least ridiculously diluted to the point that all things welcome in this growingly deranged world are also welcome in the Christian Churches.  

  One of our last remaining public tributes to God is our money, strangely.  On our money it says, "In God We Trust".  And it ought to say that, just as the American people ought to say it.  It is true.  God fully deserves it.  And whether we do or don't acknowledge it we are wholly dependent on God for our food, our water, our air, our name it, and He provides it.

  So what about digital currency?  It might sound wild eyed and crazy to put forth the idea that it will further separate us from God to transition to digital currency, will allow one of our last remaining public tributes to our wonderful God to be quietly, and almost as if 'incidentally', eliminated.  Digital currency does not honor or even speak of God.  Credit cards do not have to say "In God We Trust" on them, and nearly all do not.   Yet how often do we handle our bills and coins and see this reminder that we are a people dedicated to and dependent upon God Almighty not only now but in essence since our inception as a nation.

  I think we should enact a law that credit cards issued in the United States of America to Americans must carry that motto - In God We Trust - prominently displayed, just as the law says that our other sorts of money must do.  I think we should regrow Samson's hair.  A statement like that is the least of all the praise and acknowledgement that our God deserves, yet it is one instance, and every instance is important.  If the banks don't like it, then why are they so willing to store money that says the same thing?  If Americans think it sounds bad, then why do they so willingly hold out their hand for American money?  And I think that all US transactions involving digital currency should be required by law to carry an acknowledgement that we, in the USA, trust in God Almighty.  

  Let's make sure that God receives this small victory from His children.  Let's continually acknowledge Him in all possible ways...after all, look at all of the accomplishments our nation has achieved since this has been our official motto.  We have a prominent and undeserved place among the nations, and it is not us, but our God, who is exceptional.  We are as dependent as newborn babies upon his providence, but since He never withdraws it, or even withholds it for a while, we ungratefully forget.

  Contact your state and national representatives, and you credit card companies.  Be proactive.  Demand that all types of money, new and old, retain or are fitted with this powerful national declaration of our faith in Yahweh, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.   Stand up for the God who has always stood up for ever unworthy us!  

  God could crush America in an instant, or just stand back and let the Satanics that we have so continually caved in to do the job for Him if He prefers.  Let's turn this tide, or at least take action to.  Take a fine point permanent marker and on all of your credit cards find a space and write "In God We Trust'.   Come on, all of you 250,000,000 American Christians, don't you think that if we all do this that some bank will very quickly start offering it as an option on their cards in order to be more pleasing to us than their competitors?  We've all heard of 'working to please your customers', right?  And so God will gain a little bit more fully deserved stature among His errant children in this wicked and decaying world.  Search your heart; doesn't your Holy Father deserve at least that much?  And if you do it, show and tell others.



©2017 Daniel Curry & 'Deeds of God' Website