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The Department of Government Efficiency ...DOGE...Is Tasked To Look For Financial Corruption and Wrongful Spending, and It Has Hit the Mother Load Here In the USA's Halls of Government!



     There are times in the life of a nation (if they are lucky!) when someone gains control of the government and decides that a great 'house cleaning' must take place.  Dishonest officials are an ancient problem, after all.  Several ancient Biblical king of Israel were famous for being great reformers of their backslidden people, the Israelites.  Honest and high minded people often seek positions in government because they consider it an honorable way to serve their people.  But crooked people are also drawn to positions of power and to wealth...drawn very strongly, in fact.  We mostly all agree that both things are true.  

     There is an ancient example, from the writings of Herodotus, for instance, of a king, Cambyses II of Persia who was the son of King Cyrus the Great (530 to 522 B.C.), finding out that one of his nation's judges named Sisamnes had taken a bribe in return for rendering a crooked judgement.  The king, knowing the necessity of having righteous and honest courts to a healthy and stable kingdom, had Sisamnes arrested and skinned alive as a punishment and an example, and then he had human leather made from this man's skin.   Then he had a craftsman cover the seat of a judge's chair with this leather.  Then he decreed that the son of the man who had been skinned alive would be the next judge, and would sit upon that very chair each day as he judged cases for the kingdom.  So, each day that younger judge, the son of disgraced Sisamnes, would take a seat upon the skin of his very own father, a man who had been found unworthy to be a judge, and that younger judge would be reminded of the fate that befalls a crooked judge.  That is recorded as the true story of how one ancient king dealt with corruption.  Cambyses II was, by the way, the son of the same King Cyrus who defeated mighty Babylon, met the prophet Daniel (from the Biblical book of Daniel) and then later freed the captive Jews.  This is how one ancient king dealt with one certain instance of corruption.  A fairly strict response to a corrupted official, but one can guess that the son of Sisamnes had many, many hundreds of moments when he gave thought to the leather of the chair he sat upon.

     In such a strict environment as mentioned above officials, good and bad, would know it was wise to avoid corruption.  But where corruption pays well, is pretty easy to hide, and is wide spread anyway, you could expect many to engage in it.  There are laws and punishments because there is sin and temptation in the human heart!  Which person is totally innocent of these faults?  We genuinely have to have punishments for crime or else crime will become common place and accepted as just the way the world is.  But, if just laws are enacted and strict punishments meted out crime is much more rare and the people of that land are a far more wholesome people and God might more easily bless that nation.  Good things flow from just and righteous and God fearing laws that are strongly and fairly enforced.  They are a blessing to the whole land.  

     So we have this newly created DOGE department established in the United States and to the extent they shine their search light fairly and fully in all directions, it can only be a great blessing to the American people...a chance for us as a nation claiming to trust in God to clean house and fire, maybe jail, the crooked perpetrators found to be involved in the financial malfeasance.  We can greatly curtail the horrible waste of money.

     If this DOGE investigation is done thoroughly and well the people on that team, and all who formed the team, and all who fully cooperated with the team are truly owed the gratitude of our nation.  But just as demons will only be cast out protesting and screaming as if enduring mistreatment, it is the same with large numbers of corrupted officials.  They want to survive this storm.  They don't want to be exposed.  They don't want to lose their crooked gains or undeserved prestige, they are loathe to be shamed in front of their friends and family.  But it is best for the nation if they are sent packing. 

     There is nothing but good to be had in trying to root out the corruption and begin again with restored, or better yet...higher!... ideals and expectations.  It is a never ending war, but a war where the 'good guys' simply have to win some big important battles from time to time or the nation is lost and despoiled by criminals forever.  Once any nation's levers of power are all controlled by corrupted criminal conspirators there is no way to restore that situation, no way to reform that nation.  The US is close to that point of no return and we simply have to eliminate the grift and thievery and sloppy money handling as thoroughly as we can for both ourselves and out of respect to our Lord Jesus.  Should any Christian nation be a den of iniquity?   And here before us is a beautiful opportunity for national self improvement.  It seems almost Heaven sent.  Every US citizen of whichever political leaning will benefit if this house cleaning is done fairly and thoroughly.  And other nations May see and decide to do the same within their borders.  May Jesus Himself guide the people making the effort.  They are heroes in theory...may they be heroes in fact and deed!  God smiles upon what God knows to be justice, and those who administer genuine justice may possibly receive the privilege of knowing His great favor!


     We all sin, but that doesn't mean sin is OK.  It means we are all not OK.  We all desperately need Jesus so we can get right with God.  But even as we must have some level of compassion for the sinner, we also have to root out the sin so it doesn't rot us out as a people and cause us to be odious to our Maker.  We have to teach all of our people from our youngest days to do what is right and pleasing to God, and to treat wrongdoing as unacceptable.  A good parent, seeing their child act wickedly or be disobedient, may understand that that is part of how humans are.  But they still have to correct the child and teach them to do better.  It's similar with establishing and maintaining justice in a nation, with weeding out corruption in your government.  It has to be done.  It's a healthy process, and all political parties in the US, all voters, all citizens of the US should be delighted to see it, despite that the process is not easy or painless.  Every loss for corruption is a loss for Satan and a win for God, and vice versa. 

     We humans deliver far too few victories for our God, to our shame.  But here, in the USA in the year 2025 A.D., is an opportunity to deliver one to Him.  And we should act with force and purpose.  When He has to stand to attain His own victories because we are half-hearted sluggards who only play at making things right, whenever He has become tired of watching us pretend to try, then He acts directly if He so chooses, taking matters into His own hands and then woe to humanity as great and terrible but fully deserved judgements are meted out upon humanity. 


     Proverbs 10:26  "As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him.


     Wise children will do all they ought to in order to the necessity for God to rise and remedy the situation himself!   Our God is just and merciful, but only the foolish dare push Him too far.  His patience has limits.  Simply put, Noah and Lot had a better, fresher perspective on why you don't anger God with wicked behavior than we probably do today, but that's because we're ignoring the lessons learned and handed down to us by those who have angered God the Father Almighty and seen His wrath first hand.  He has destroyed almost all life on our planet before...remember?  There are a lot of accounts about God's power here on the Deeds of God website.  Far better accounts still in the Bible.  And God has had a lot to say to us about how He views corruption verses righteousness.  Below is only a small sampling from His word:       


Proverbs 14:34   "Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people."

Proverbs 29:12   "If a ruler listens to lies, all his officials become wicked."

Proverbs 29:4     "By justice a king gives a country stability, but those who are greedy for bribes tear it down."

Proverbs 15:27   "The greedy bring ruin to their households, but the one who hates bribes will live."

Proverbs 10:2     "Treasures gained by wickedness do not profit, but righteousness delivers from death."

Proverbs 17:23   "The wicked accept bribes in secret to pervert the course of justice." 







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