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2024 A.D.: The USA almost always gets smitten by God when we play 'false friend' or 'frenemy' to our ally Israel in their times of need! 


     First, here are some websites listing and discussing the fairly numerous and startling instances of how, when the USA takes a hand in meddling with Israeli politics or when we try to get Israel to give up their land to their enemies, the USA seems to get struck by very damaging and high profile natural disasters or political disasters, sometimes almost immediately.  This seems suspiciously like punishments for meddling in Israeli politics at the expense of Israel's best interests.  If you look at these correlations it is quite possible that you will also become a believer that God sends these wake-up calls, because there are a lot of them!

  So, please start by exploring these websites.  They give you a pretty lengthy and thorough list of such events :

     This first site has an extensive list of such events, listed chronologically.  You might get the most the quickest if you just visit it and spend 10 minutes reading.  You have to scroll down a bit to find the part where they start listing specific correlating incidents. 

      Secondly, the site mentioned below has information on the subject, but it belongs to a person who has reportedly written an excellent book on the subject. 

     (On this site, look at the portions labeled "eye to eye" to read about these events showing how bad things happen in the USA when we treat Israel badly by some measures or metrics.)

     The man who has this second site, Bill Koenig, has a book called Eye to Eye:  Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel which is easy to purchase on line and which lists a great many such correlations.  The first website noted that it drew from Mr. Koenig's book to some degree.

     You can scroll down towards the end of this article and read a list of some of the specific events below, though.

     When we in the USA mess with and try to manipulate Israeli politics instead of just being their loyal ally (when they are acting justly, which they seem to always aim to do) we seem to often be punished.  We seem to be struck with fairly huge national disasters at just about the moment when we act like a frenemy instead of a friend to Israel.  It is a strange claim, but the instances of the USA experiencing such disasters of various sorts just at the moment when we do Israel an especially bad turn are numerous now, they've been accumulating.  Instances and examples have been occurring from time to time every few years since Israel became a nation in 1948.  If you take a serious look at the chronological correlations of our great national calamities in the United States with our various attempts to play puppet-master with Israel, it becomes obvious that something very supernatural is probably occurring.  I personally belief Israel - the Jews - are off course in not accepting Jesus, but that they are still God's chosen people, and I think the Christian-embraced scriptures make it obvious that the Jews, many at least, will accept Jesus as their Messiah in the latter days; and it appears that we are somewhere in the midst of the latter years before Christ comes to destroy and defeat His enemies and then reign on Earth as our planetary king beneath the Holy Father and with the Holy Father's approval.

      As mentioned, up above are some websites that do a very good job of enumerating instances of how, at times when the USA would be a bad friend and ally to Israel, we were almost immediately punished on a large scale.  America exists at God's allowance, and our allegiance to Jesus, our rightful Lord, King and Savior, is inextricably linked with our continued prosperity and success.  Our national blessings all came through the allowance of the Lord, and will disappear like a vapor if He so wishes.  God raised our nation up to an unusual extent though we are intrinsically no better than other peoples around the world, but God can destroy us partially or totally any time He wishes.  All of our blessings flow from God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  Ultimately all of our protections come from Him also.  One of our jobs is to spread the Word about Jesus being the Son of God who came in the flesh to teach us and be a sacrifice for our sins.  Another of our jobs is to live Christian lives pleasing to Jesus as we build and maintain a Christian nation to serve our neighbor and be pleasing to God by serving Him in various ways.  One of those ways might be so that other nations can see the bounties and blessings of having Jesus as your Lord, though trials come too.  Finally, another of our jobs, the jobs of the USA's citizens and government, is to use any worldly power we are given to act justly, to oppose evil, and to watch over our allies making all nations allies when and where possible, especially our highly favored little brother Israel, who is surrounded by hostile neighbors and often afflicted unjustly by other nations.  Israel isn't flawless, but they are a pretty good nation.  Israel is not right about Jesus yet, but the Holy Father identified them as His chosen people anyway.  It is simply not a negotiable issue.  Woe to the Christian nation that lets Israel come to harm while it sits idly by.  It is like saying to the Holy Father,"We don't care what your will for Israel is.  We will treat them how we see fit!"  No, Uzzah, you do not lay hands on what is holy to God, lay your unrequested requested hands on His Holy Ark, even with good intentions.  No, USA, you do not casually lay unclean hands on little Israel, you do not scheme and engineer and officiate and apply pressure on her concerning the parceling out of her lands to her enemies, her God given lands, even if your intentions are partly good.  If wise, the USA will interact with Israel as almost a Holy Thing greatly loved and watched over with unblinking attention by God the Father Himself.  Christians only have the good fortune of knowing about Jesus through the work of those first Apostles, who were Israelite Jews.  Though many of their fellow Jews were blinded to the reality of who Jesus really was, it is none the less true that the gentiles found Jesus through the Jews losing Jesus for a time as they were made spiritually blind because of their largely rejecting attitude towards their Messiah's message when He tried to share it with them about 2,000 years ago.   


     We Christians can be sure that Jesus is completely in line with the will of His Father whom He readily acknowledges as being greater than Himself.  Our better place is probably to tell Israel and the whole world that we in the USA stand ready at all times to be a true friend and ally to Israel in times of peace or times of conflict.  There is no more prestigious role for the USA to play than friend, advocate and protector-on-call to the 'Apple of God's Eye', which is Jewish Israel.  Israel is not perfect, but God raises her or lowers her as He alone sees fit.  We in the USA show fear and respect to the Father Almighty and Jesus if we love Israel as our younger and more favored little brother who is, for a time, ignorant that Jesus really was the Messiah they had been told would come.                    


      It is wise for all US citizens to understand that since the nation of Israel was reformed in 1948 A.D. the USA has been Israel's ally.  But with the increasingly public and invasive rise of the New World Order and their infiltration into the US government (among many others) the USA has sometimes been more of a frenemy (combination friend/enemy) than an ally to Israel, even in her most dire times when she really needed the USA to be a strong ally.  Little Israel has almost no closer ally.  We have been a good ally in both word and deed at times, but yes, we have played coy, or even colluded with or sort of taken the side of Israel's enemies at times also.  The Arab Muslim nations around Israel are often her openly declared enemies.  The United Nations is honestly no particular friend of Israel, and sometimes an outright enemy to her.  The Palestinian enclaves within Israel's borders have called for Israel to be destroyed, even wiped off the map.  So they are very short of friends, though they are fairly good to all other nations.  They therefore need for us to be a genuine ally, not a frenemy.  And the self declared 'Christian USA' needs to do that.  It shows God the Father that we understand His power and would not at all wish to offend Him.  It shows God the Father that we fear Him, and will look after Israel like Joseph would look after his little Benjamin, his younger brother by the same mother.  We in the USA must lend our Christian good will to every nation whenever it's possible, but maybe 'five times more' to Israel than to anyone else, as Joseph gave to Benjamin in front of his other brothers.  Genesis 43: 32-34  

     Joseph was both a son of Jacob/Israel and also a son of Egypt.  And America...the USA...seems to be that very same sort of thing also.  Egypt was a real nation but also representative of the pagan world outside of Israel.  Joseph was the favored son of Israel who was prophesied to end up with almost obscenely over-abundant amounts of blessing and wealth from God.  And the USA currently fits that bill better than any other nation in the world does or ever has I believe.  (There are some very rich middle eastern nations, granted!)  I also believe that we in the USA are literally somehow 'Joseph', part of the descendants of  'Joseph' anyway, along with the British and their former colonies probably (we are not the entirety of Joseph's descendants, but a great portion.  And I believe that Judah is sprinkled among us all, often in leadership positions.) and that the current nation of Israel is associated with Benjamin (though part of Japan is somehow also, I think.)  You might think that Israel would be related more to Judah than other nations, and only God knows the truth, but Judah was prophecised to be spread out among other Israelites, though they would be 'leaders' of their brother tribes where ever it was that they would be planted.  Jews apparently believe that Joseph is the most abundantly blessed but should defer to Judah in matters of leadership authority.  And Judah does hold the leadership role over his brothers, but should defer to Levi who was exclusively assigned the Holy Priesthood and therefore the closest Earthly relationship to God Almighty.  But Joseph and Benjamin both had Rachael as their mother, and Rachael only had these two others, while Levi and Judah had Leah for their mother and had 4 other brothers from their same mother Leah besides each other.  So for Joseph (the USA?) it is Benjamin (Israel?) that he has an especially close loyalty to.  They share both a mother and a father.   




     But whether those thoughts are right or wrong, there is no denying this:  if the USA wants to avoid being punished and maybe even destroyed by God, we absolutely need to quit being a 'frenemy' to little little Israel.  Because, the track record of us being smashed by a natural disaster or a political disaster whenever we do Israel a dirty turn...whenever we behave as a frenemy and not an ally...disasters that start or else hit us at just about the exact time that we commit such offenses against just crazy!  And it's not just a case of hunting around for some little storm or earthquake to try to link with incidents of us doing wrong to Israel.  We're talking about some of the greatest national disasters in our nation's history.  And not just once or twice, but time after time after time.  Consider the following events.  Maybe you will agree that it is quite a lot - too much by far, really - to ask of random chance!: 



       I'm starting Oct 18, 2024 to add examples of incidents of America being seemingly punished when we play the 'bad friend' or maybe a somewhat unfaithful ally to Israel.  I will be adding steadily, God willing, until I get most of the correspondences of this type that people have taken note of.

     1.)  On Oct 7, 2023 Israel was attacked by Hamas forces striking from Palestine and the assault was bloody and effective, taking many lives, more lives proportionally than the USA lost in Pearl Harbor or the 9-11-2001 attacks.  As I write this in Oct 2024 the fighting continues.  Israel has been fully capable for decades of ridding itself of the organization called Hamas that partially dwells among the Palestinians who dwell within Israel's borders like a deadly attached twin.  But the USA and other nations have been working strenuously to force Israel to keep its hands off this openly declared enemy people who have literally said that the nation of Israel with its Jews should be wiped off the map. 

      The USA under President Biden has certainly sent military and other support to Israel, and publicly announced America's support.  This is good!  But the USA under Biden has also been playing politics, trying to use the military aid that congress approved as a carrot and a stick to get Israel to accept terms of compromise with the Hamas operatives that would leave Israel vulnerable to future attacks of the same sort and which would grant stronger international blessings to the frequently enemy-like Palestinians living within Israel.  Also, in a double blow to Israel by the USA, the USA has been tacitly allowing Iran to get in the game even deeper such that they can use Iranian resources to wage a proxy war of intended full scale destruction upon Israel, something Iran has long wished for.  So as of September and October of 2024 A.D. the USA has been kind of playing coy with our support of Israel, smiling benevolently upon the notion that Palestine should have ever greater rights within a separate nation, really...trying to get Israel to bend to our (the nations) wishes that she become two states instead of one, despite that God Himself has returned Israel's Jews back to the land He long ago gave them.  Is America so wise that we can override God's judgement on such matters?  And we are allowing Israel's enemies to increase their rain of destruction upon Israel. 

     Just as this is taking place the USA in September and October of 2024 is reeling from a terrible double blow of Hurricanes Helene and Hurricane Milton striking with great force and destruction within days of each other from our Caribbean Gulf Coast, slamming deep inland, taking many lives and producing enormous destruction of property.  Also, the Democrats have been waving in an entirely separate flood of foreign peoples through our southern border, verbally pretending that they had not, while the Democrats are also working surreptitiously but steadily to drive God out of our Christian national consciousness in so very many other ways.  Top Democrat politicians can be seen going to church, which is good, but it seems for show only in many ways as they repeatedly take actions against Christianity's influence, the acknowledgement and practice of Christ teachings, within our nation.  And also, just for emphasis, try to find film or video of today's top Democrats making any unrestrained recent public profession of the depth of their Christian faith, of their devotion to and gratitude towards Jesus.  Democrats need Christian voters, but seem to have little devotion to the teachings of Christ in this Christian dedicated nation.  So, Christian America has a committed and deadly enemy within its borders in the form of the Democrat Party, just as the Israeli's are saddled with the powerful hatred of the Palestinians and Hamas.  And we in the USA had our land struck and damaged in waves just as we sat back and allowed Israel to be struck and deeply damaged by Hamas and now Iran's proxies.  The USA took action to help Israel, but it was purposely somewhat weak, politically polluted action and aid as doled out by the Democrat Biden Administration; it was given in many instances with attempts to manipulate Israel's actions if they wanted the aid. 


    2.)  In April and May of 2024 our US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, was conveying pressure from the US to Israel that Israel should end their war with Hamas, and engage in talks with Hamas about a 2 state solution.   (after Israel had been 'surprise attacked' by Hamas on Oct 7, 2023 and had, proportionally to their population, lost more people than the US did on either 9-11 or Pearl Harbor.  It was a huge and costly blow to Israel.)  And the Biden administration was 'slow releasing' military hardware that had been allocated for Israel...pretending to want to help Israel but being purposefully slow about it per some news reports.  So, we were pressuring Israel to trade land for peace with a deadly declared enemy who had sneaky attacked them.

     In April and May of 2024 in the USA, as we pressured Israel to give land to Hamas and to divide the land of their nation with their enemies, we were reaping the whirlwind you might say.  There were over 900 severe weather events and around 300 tornadoes in April, the 2nd most ever for the month of April.  Were we being a frenemy and reaping the price?       


     3.)  On August 23, 2005, Israel force-evacuated its own citizens from their farms and houses in Gaza and the West Bank as part of a deal brokered through the US and through pressure from then President George Bush, who felt he saw the need for Israel to trade away Israeli land to the Palestinians in exchange for promised peace from those Palestinians.  Ultimately it did not succeed in obtaining this peace.  It did succeed in carving away at land that God had given Israel and transferring it to the Palestinians, who had sworn to annihilate Israel. 

     On August 23, 2005 a tropical depression called Tropical Depression 12 formed out in the ocean and within about a week it would become category 4 Hurricane Katrina and strike in the area of New Orleans.  Perhaps the worst natural disaster in modern US history, hurricane Katrina smashed into the U.S. Gulf Coast in late August of 2005 destroying on a level not previously seen in recent times.  Many Gulf residents were force evacuated.  Texas, President Bush' home state, received about 250,000 of those evacuated by/fleeing from Katrina.  The USA's 'punishment' is oddly reflective of the situation we helped pressure Israel into.  The timing, as you can see, is almost exact. 



   4.)  The following is a tragic consequence the USA suffered from manipulating and pressuring Israel, but some sources report that the news reports of this travesty were censored to a significant degree so that most of the USA would not learn of it:  In 1986 Israel tried and convicted a captured terrorist who had detonated an explosive on an Israeli bus.  They imprisoned him.  His name was Mohammed Atta.  In 1993 the Oslo, Norway Israeli peace talks were underway (the Clinton Administration, working with Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat and the Israeli Prime Minister) eventually reaching agreement that the Palestinian Liberation Organization or PLO would be the authority allowed by Israel to govern the Palestinians in parts of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in Israel.  This more or less legitimized the PLO.  Israel was greatly pressured into accepting these agreements by the USA though the PLO had been and later again was Israel's avowed mortal enemy, and these agreements would go on to cause Israel to suffer many large and small terrorist attacks because they had an enemy living essentially protected and legitimized within their national borders.  As part of the agreement Israel was also pressured to release Palestinian 'political prisoners' though these included literal terrorists in some cases.  Israel balked at this in part, however, not wishing to release those Palestinian prisoners that had actually shed Israeli blood.  The Clinton administration  pressured them however, and so Israel eventually relented.  One of these sort of prisoners who was there by released was Mohammed Atta.  Mohammad Atta later flew an airplane into Tower 1 of the World Trade Center towers on 9-11-2001.  We had forced Israel to release terrorists that might attack them again.  And one of them, ironically through our meddling, helped attack us in the USA with quite tragic success.           



     5.)  Jan 17th, 1998 (Drudge Report) and January 21st, 1998 (Washington Post) the President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky sex scandal broke out as news.  The Clinton Administration was very deeply involved in trying to finalize agreement on a land for peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians, wanting Israel to surrender part of their West Bank land to the Palestinians in return for peace.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Pa.)lestinian leader Yasser Arafat were actually both in Washington to speak with Clinton and his reps when the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke.  They were on the very verge of being pressured into making an agreement on this matter.  Once news of the affair broke out Clinton was swiftly embroiled in controversy and then impeachment, losing much of both his foreign and domestic clout, and he never did get to finalize or take credit for negotiating this Middle East agreement as it did not happen; Clinton had effectively lost too much prestige at home and abroad and was propelled into a fierce political fight to save his presidency.    


       6.)  Aug 23, 1992:  The ill omened Madrid Peace Talks Conference, discussed just below, was reconvened but in Washington D.C. this time.  As this happened the United States, beginning in south Florida, was struck by Hurricane Andrew which was at that time so devastatingly damaging to property that it became the worst natural disaster in US history...the hurricane of hurricanes!  


     7.)  Oct 30, 1991:  President George Bush Sr. tries his hand at dividing Israel's land between Israel and its deadly enemies.  He takes part in what was called the Madrid Conference where one of the discussion topics is about how Israel could trade away part of its land in exchange for peace.  So, in a severe twist of irony, an Atlantic storm developed at that same time that became so huge that they made a movie about it...The Perfect Storm.  It traveled an uncommon direction, moving from east to west, and after migrating many hundreds of miles, building monstrous strength as it did so, it crashed into the US east coast, including Kennebunkport, Maine, where the same President George Bush Sr. had a home which was struck by waves in excess of 30 feet tall...record setting waves!


     8.)  On Oct 6, 1973 Israel was invaded by surprise by Egypt and Syria.  The sneak attack was a very successful one and they thrust far into Israel's borders quickly, seizing much Israeli military hardware easily because it was an Israeli holiday, Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, and many Israeli soldiers had gone home, leaving their bases and defensive positions lightly manned.  Israel was in a pickle as they had much less weaponry to fight with and everyone was scurrying back to their units from their homes, with much confusion as to what was and wasn't in the hands of the enemy already.  Golda Meir , their Prime Minister asked the US for desperately needed resupply of weaponry.  President Richard Nixon was writing letters of reassurance to Israel by Oct 21, 1973.  (Nixon and America had already had a rough year.  We had to withdraw the US troops from Viet Nam in March 29th of 1973 already.  Some saw it as an admission of our military defeat by the Vietnamese.  It was seen as an embarrassment for the US by many around the world and at home.) 

     Privately, Henry Kissinger the Secretary of State advised US President Richard Nixon to take it slow in helping Israel against its enemies because Israel had been somewhat hard to deal with, Kissinger is reported to have thought, and it is said that he felt Israel would eventually kick out the invaders, but in the meantime it would teach them a lesson about how much they needed the USA so they would act more grateful and cooperative in the future.  Kissinger reportedly advised. 'Let them bleed for a little while.'  At first Nixon listened to Kissinger and others in his cabinet who agreed with Kissinger, and Israel was almost lost it seemed.  The Israeli Generals were telling their Prime Minister that the enemies were so far into Israel and had seized so much Israeli equipment already that there seemed little hope of Israel surviving.  It was reported that Golda Meir ordered poison pills so that if she was captured she could end her own life.  Some of the Israeli Generals advised her to consider asking for terms of peace.  It was a dark and frightening time for Israel. 

     A highly stressed out and burdened President Richard Nixon reportedly had an odd event happen when a desperate Golda Meir called late one night, patched through by the White House switchboard operator, to say Israel was horribly, hopelessly, critically in need of military help.  One of Nixon's staff is reported to have related in a book he wrote about the Nixon years that Nixon talked to Golda on his bedside White House phone, but heard his deceased mother's voice tones instead of Golda's familiar voice as Golda talked to him on the phone.  Again, this is according to a book that one of Nixon's staff wrote later.  Nixon rose from bed and tasked his Chiefs of Staff (reportedly hollering at them to make no excuses and just get it done!) he tasked them to begin shipping massive quantities of military hardware as quickly as possible to Israel, whatever they said they needed, in what became known as Operation Nickel Grass, the largest shipment of such arms ever at that time.  These shipments began on Oct 13, 1974.  A mortally endangered Israel turned the war around pretty quickly once they received those supplies, driving their enemies from their land.  

     Nixon, who had let Israel sweat it out for so long prior to sending help, was being impeached during this time period for the Watergate Hotel break-in cover up, finally resigning in August 9, 1974 and Nixon became the first President to ever resign due to a pending bad impeachment outcome.  It was a cataclysmic political event, and a horrible couple of years for the United States of America.  Some of our nation's lowest couple of years ever, many have felt.            

©2017 Daniel Curry & 'Deeds of God' Website