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What Good Can Come From the 2024 US Republican Political Victories?



     So, the elections are over, the emotions have settled down some, and it's almost time to see what sort of good things can come from an election cycle that brought a lot of Republican victories, which is billed as being a victory for getting our nation onto a track God could bless rather than condemn, a track which wisdom need not wince at.  What type of great things, healthy things, needed things, what repairs can be accomplished with this latest election?  Any?  There are certainly some things we can be sure we should  focus on.


     Christianity:  There are many Christian nations, but history has shown that we Christian nations all sadly seem to wax and wane concerning our level of zeal, effort and focus.  We are sometimes useful servants of the Lord Jesus, even when the cost is high!  But then, somehow, we let ourselves drift towards being servants much more to our selfish vanities and and pleasures.  We American Christians have been starting to return to having more passion for Jesus, but such good changes can be derailed.  We need to pull together and remember the goodness of our Lord, and recall how truly often he has shown His power and authority to be genuine through the mighty deeds he has done, and the rescues He has performed for oh so many needy souls.

     It is a very very good time to remind each other and the whole world that we know who is our Lord, we know who we owe everything to, and that He is the true and living Son of God, sent to be our Savior and Ruler.  We Christians need to firm up in our faithfulness to Jesus and in our love and care for our fellow man, and we need to let our governments know that we are insistent that they represent our values because those are the values that are attracting people from all over the world to come and try to join our Christian nations, for the Christian culture, and yes, often for the worldly and spiritual bounties Christ has provided our various Christian nations.  Why should we be sheepish about making sure the whole world knows about Jesus' message, and about how thoroughly He proved Himself to be God our Maker's genuine Son who became the only path for the salvation of a man's soul, coming when we had ruined our chances by our own hand through the wrongs we have always engaged in, to the mighty disappointment and offense of our God.  But the Father is Almighty and Jesus was and is full of zeal and righteous and true.  So through an Earthly ministry and then an unspeakable day of mistreatment, Jesus forged a new path, though a narrow one, to attain salvation for those wise enough to reach for it.  But we must keep in mind that Jesus warned us that His new covenant is a narrow path, not a broad one.  So, if we proceed under the allusion that Christianity can be anything that we dream up that we want it to be...well, that would be describing that Christianity is a broad path.  We've been specifically cautioned by the Son of God that His way is a narrow one, a defined way that few of us will actually find and successfully travel.  Jesus put it this way in Matthew 7:12,14                  


 13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."  End Quote


     So if our favored version of the Bible is also translated this way, then we probably don't want to show up for our day of judgement and have to settle for saying, "Lord, I may not have obeyed your teachings but I did wear a crucifix sometimes."  We American Christians better not be indulgent, supportive or imitative of views and practices that we know will likely land a human soul in hot water with our common Maker.  Doesn't it seem like being sent to Hell is irreversible and permanent when you read the Gospels and all the rest of the New Testament?  It does to me.  So as hard as it can be to be seen as 'too Christian' by non-believers among friends, family, or co-workers, even so we had better let Jesus' teachings be our guide concerning how Christian to be.  And Jesus gave us some clues about the level of commitment He expects of us:


     "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life."  Matthew 19:20


     " Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”  "  Luke 9:62 


     21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’   Matthew 7:21


          We Christians have to 'work out our salvation with fear and trembling' as scripture tells us.  We do not get a free pass according to such scriptures as these.  We have to be obedient to the Lord's Jesus' teachings...because He was given authority over our souls by God the Father.  Since we have largely, most of us, watched hundreds of 2 hour movies it certainly behooves us to put in the 2 or 3 hours it takes to read each Gospel, to put in the 30 or 40 hours it takes to read the rest of the New Testament books.  That's where we can learn about the teachings and rules that Christians must follow to stay on that narrow path Jesus spoke of.  And we better not 'improve upon' or widen the scope of what Jesus and the Father taught were allowable behaviors.  That might cost us our salvation, and that might cost those we influence their souls as well.  Wherever we need to speak about whether a thing is right or wrong we are extremely well advised to pass on the opinion of our God...not our own more permissive opinion.  It is for Jesus to stretch the reach and limits of His mercy, not for us.




    Corruption:  These United States are a nation.  We are a Christian nation despite that so many claim it isn't true lately.  Nations have borders and allow people to enter under conditions that their patriotic citizens and wise (hopefully!) elected representative heads get to stipulate.  We have to realize that having respected borders is a life or death survival issue for any nation, especially because the world largely perceives America as a big basket of relative safety and bountiful goodies, ripe and easy for the taking once you make your way into the land by hook or crook.  Make it constantly more effortless to invade it, as the Democrats and certain Republicans have done, and you invite your own land to be looted of all the various blessing that God has allotted to you.  And God and Jesus certainly have blessed us immensely.  But they have provided these blessings beginning with our pronouncement that we were a people loyal to Jesus.  Flooding this country with people who feel otherwise towards Jesus and Christianity, or who mainly came only for the free goodies is an insanity devised by those who want a quasi-Socialist (but not really!  Autocratic Satanism is a better description of their real intent) world government.  Drab and ever corrupted Socialisms and Communisms cannot succeed in the bonfire's glow of a bright shining Democratic Republic of America or elsewhere.  America has issues, but 'wow!' its style of government provides great cultural advantages and opportunities compared to so, so many of the world's nations!  It's hard to sell jerky when there is delicious smelling barbecue readily available.  It's hard to sell a corrupted and disappointing and oppressive Socialism when America and other Christian Republics look and sound so much better.  

     The New World Order is a real thing, an actual concerted political effort which in truth has nothing good to offer anyone.  They infiltrate, destroy, and insert their already tried and failed doomed philosophies into whichever nation and people they can.  They do this everywhere.  They work in secret...they have to.  What they really intend to bring to the table would be summarily rejected by any reasonable people if the truths about their plans were laid out for examination by their intended victims/hostages.  How do I know?  You don't have to work deceitfully if what you bring to the table would be welcomed at the table.  They have no good to offer to anyone, nor have they ever had any intent of governing for the good of the common people were they to reach their goal of ruling the planet.  They are a Pandora's Box of nightmares eagerly waiting for their moment in what would then become a dying sun. They embrace corruption, degradation of values, and lies to an extent that may never have been equaled by so large and involved of a group.  Their most powerful tools are cinema, television, control of the schools (and therefore the children's minds),  infiltration of government structures, using the work place rules to convince a formerly wise population that God's rules have no place in the work place or society, and beyond that they promote opposition to the work of the Christian Church which is tasked with promoting Jesus' teachings and will.  They oppose Christ in other words.  You don't have to hide a good and healthy agenda, yet the New World Order group is always deceitful about their plans and efforts...that should be a huge clue to us all.  The New World Order is de-facto Satanic, they are 'anti-God of Abraham', and they despoil all that they manage to touch.  And, above all, they lie and lie and lie.  Yet they do it stealthily, working to make their broken philosophies seep in like a poisonous tea to all ages and stages of the developing human mind.  Parents are shamed into not instilling knowledge of God's virtues and God's laws, and parents are bullied into not instilling the discipline and good morals God instructed all parents to build into their maturing children's minds.  Secular government schools are tasked with getting the young to accept perversions as normalities and to spread the idea that wicked teachings are actually enlightened ones.  Out secular schools teach the children to reject that God is their true Maker.  Adults are relentlessly battered into lowering and lowering and lowering their standards through the pollution that is purposely added to the TV shows and movies we are fed and willingly consume, to our discredit.  They seem to NEARLY ALWAYS force viewers to tolerate things God has identified as completely wrong, sinful, and damaging.  Some channels widely subscribed to in America seem to be on a determined campaign, a genuine mission, to normalize what Christianity holds to be truly God despised behaviors.  We Christians, asleep at the wheel I guess, pay such television channels to feed us that exact diet by continuing to not protest and unsubscribe.  They would almost certainly change the content if the 70% of America identifying as Christian complained and unsubscribed, wouldn't they?  Look, if we had a grain storage bin full of clean, wonderful grain and then rats started to get in we would have the good sense to evict the rats and plug the holes, wouldn't we?  In our extremely fortunate position as a Christian majority nation it is an imminently achievable goal to quit enriching our Lord's adversaries.  A healthy Christian nation is not the shameful dumpster fire that liberals proclaim it to be.  It can be much more like a shining city on a hill, in fact.     

     Why shouldn't we do better?  America has the political will, for the moment, to parse and pare, to eliminate the ridiculous and the harmful and the criminal, to rid our land of a lot of evil and non-sense and corruption and bribe taking and bribe takers.  And the voters chose that course for the coming few years, in the general sense, when they voted Conservative and Republican, essentially Christian.  Now it is time for developing the details for carrying out the voters' will.  What about the Liberals?  They too will live in a better land.  Their parents and children will live in a better land.  Reforming is a constantly necessary job because Satan is as ambitious as can be imagined.  He goes after anything good and Godly with a vengeance.  As the Serpent convinced Eve that the off-limits fruit was only off limits because God wanted to cheat the first two humans out of the great enjoyments and benefits that come with partaking of what was forbidden, so it is still today with all of Satan's present efforts to entice people into offending their God.  Liberals are possessed of this same "Spirit of Eve".  They sometimes mean well but are almost too easily deluded into thinking it is unfairness on God's part to deny them of anything which the Devil has convinced them they ought rightly possess and understandably yearn for. 

     Many Liberals become more Conservative as they absorb life's lessons, as they begin to perceive what it is that Liberalism actually leads to.  Many Liberals merely want to be nice and to be fair to all (which is wonderful sounding in theory, of course) but they don't take a really close hard look at the true effects of many of the causes they've been convinced to support.  Some of those who do come to realize the woes of Liberalism just remain there anyway because it's awkward, sometimes bordering on reputational suicide, to change teams.  Conservatives, especially Christians, should be welcoming and helpful  to those trying to make the switch to living in a Godly Christian way.  It isn't easy to make the leap and disappoint your friends and associates and family.  But America is all the better as a more dedicated Christian nation.  It doesn't mean that you break down the front doors of Americans that are living in disobedience to God within the walls of their residences in order to force them to comply with a faith they have decided to reject.  It just means that you make it clear and obvious that your nation's standards are pleasing to the Maker of All Things who is Author, Perfector, and Judge of our souls.  And so...we vote Christian, we live Christian, we share the faith with the willing, we behave lovingly where and with who we are able, and we keep trying to maintain, even improve, this nation which even our currency proclaims is a nation that trusts in God, God who is comprised of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, with the excellent Spirit of Wisdom working cheerfully in Their service for any of us sinful humans who will repent of our sin and listen to her.  But, weeding out corruption is so very much worth our time and energy and expense, as it helps pave the way for the next aspiration we can hope to fulfill or at least improve on after this latest US election, which is...


Fill the Land, the Whole World, With Knowledge of God:  Jesus brought it (He is "the Word'.)  The Bible stores it so that each new generation can receive it, uncompromised and unsullied, from the previous.  And since our God created all men, it is the Christian's job to let all people know this so that they too can learn it and accept it for their life if they will.  America has a good window right now after this election, hopefully, to help everyone everywhere achieve this; we can work to help all of the world become filled with knowledge of the Lord if they so desire.  It is one of our expected and greatly owed services to the Lord who died for our salvation.


     Habukkuk 2:14  "For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea."  End Quote 














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