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Isn't Our Gender Unavoidably Baked Into The Cake?



     We are a society that very well might sue a canine obedience school that secretly trained our dogs to act like cats, yet might silently allow our children's schools to be secretly supportive of our children deciding they wish to be treated as belonging to the opposite gender.  We also might sue that canine obedience school if they independently decided to spade or neuter our pet without asking us while it was there to be trained.  And yet there are United States schools which are programmatically supportive of our sons transitioning to become girls, perhaps rendering them far less likely to ever have progeny of their own, and many American parents imagine it broad mindedness on their part to allow it.  Such parents apparently believe they are showing the world how inclusive their thinking is; yet their adolescent or teen pays the long term price.  This defies explanation even for Liberals or Democrats, and identifies us as a nation that has lost its moral compass to an astounding extent.  The New World Order needs a weakened and compliant America and they understand that corrupting and warping the minds of our children needs to be an essential part of their strategy.  Kill the roots and the tree will fall.   




     Science is always changing certain numbers that they once taught us as fact, and sometimes I understand that and totally accept it.  If you learn you were wrong about something, what better reaction can you exhibit than to admit the need for a change, publicly acknowledge that new findings have led to new conclusions, and then start teaching the new "fact or figure" as the most reliably ascertained fact or figure presently known to exist.  That's fair play.  That's honest dealing.


     I have previously looked up the answer to the question,"How many cells are in the human body?"  And I was aware that I would be getting a best estimate sort of answer.  But the new range that's being put out on search engine results is generally around 30 trillion cells.  Big people have more than little people, etc.  But apparently 30 trillion cells make up our body, more of less.


     Transgender people should also have that many cells in their body, of course.  So it makes sense that if you are going to consider or discuss the whole topic of transgenderism, then it should be taken into account that each one of our human cells that has a human chromosome inside of it has a section of the information sequence of that chromosome which identifies the person it belongs to as either a male or a female.


     So, deciding to claim you are a girl when your chromosomes, the chromosomes in all of your cells...30 trillion cells...all say that you are a boy, is fighting a war in which your notions or your feelings are at odds with around 30 trillion pieces of evidence to the contrary, in most cases.


     There are many more factors that could be discussed, but it would be realistic and sensible to keep that '30 trillion cells' issue in mind when having such discussions about gender.  Also, many of the people yearning for a gender change or feeling driven to a gender change are quite young.  It is common in the extreme...unspeakably common...for young people, such as adolescents or teenagers, to hold affections for notions that they later disavow as a bad idea or at least an idea whose charm has faded with time.  If that means wearing bell bottom jeans and shoes with 4" thick heels because it's the 1970's then you can just quit wearing bell bottom jeans and shoes with 4" thick soles if you change your mind.  Easy in, easy out...except for those condemning 70's photos that may dog you all of your life.  But if you cut off or modify body parts and that comes, one fine day in the future, to seem to you like a misguided decision made at a poorly informed stage of your life, it is a quite different matter than being the person who once decided that bell bottom jeans and thick soled shoes were awesome, but then grew out of that phase of their thinking.


     Both genders are a good and necessary part of human existence.  God made it that way.  God is good.  And Jesus Is His Son and our rightful Lord, King, and Savior.  So Jesus concurs, I imagine.  If we lived in a less sinfully twisted world it would seem really good and satisfying to be either gender, I believe.  What kid doesn't think that having a really great mom and a really great dad is pretty ideal?  The two human genders are both truly excellent and usefully suited in particular ways to numerous situations.  It's better if dad handles certain situations, and better if mom handles certain others.  And for many situations both mom or dad will meet the need quite sufficiently.  


     And if you are naturally born with the physical equipment of both genders, as occasionally happens, you have arrived upon the scene perfectly as you were apparently expected to be, and you have made it through a natural selection process of the human body - one that involves miscarriages when the woman's body identifies some error in the fabrication of a healthy baby - it is a process that was brilliantly designed by God himself.  You made it here like we all did if you were born with both male and female body parts.  Welcome to life!  So, what God has wrought, what man can or should try to gainsay it?  God designed our bodies and sometimes human bodies produce children of mixed gender.  Even if this is because humans sinned that original sin and somehow introduced changes into God's original designs, which might be the case, it is unarguably a reality in our day.  It's just one more way in which our bodies can vary from the usual at birth.  


     If you are a newborn baby in that condition at your emergence from your mother then some decisions will be made at that time, hopefully by caring parents; hopefully they'll discuss the matter with well informed advisors about whether it's better to pare you back to one gender or the other or better to wait.  Parents have responsibilities to give unexpected situations their wisest and best consideration for the welfare of their child.  Maybe they should take action or maybe they should leave things be.  I think this is a good time for Christian parents to pray to Jesus about what the wise course should be!  A parental selection might then be made by them, or perhaps they wait a while to decide for you, or perhaps they let you grow and develop until you, the baby thus born, become a person old enough and wise enough to make your own best decision based on who you have come to believe yourself to be.  Maybe you'll want to be surgically assigned to one gender or the other, or maybe you will decide to stay as is.  (Honestly, I think it would be smart to have a great round-table discussion or poll or survey that would query the thoughts of thousands of adults who were born with the body parts of both genders and then had to live with the course of life that became their reality.  That would be a great body of concerned opinion, experience and wisdom to compile information from and draw from.  What do such adults wish would have happened?  How satisfied are they with the course of action or inaction that they have ended up living their life with.  This is a tough, weighty, complicated decision for parents to make at their child's birth and will certainly effect their child to at the least some small degree but more probably to a fairly large degree.) 


     There is no guilt or shame to be found in being born different than the vast majority.  You will probably have a harder path to walk in various ways, which may sadly feel difficult and perhaps contain some unfairly painful or awkward experiences.  But Christianity doesn't hold any such person to be bad in any way at all because of being born with both types of sex organs.  You're still equally 'made by God'.  God is unfathomably wise; that is what Christians believe.  


     But to surgically reverse your birth gender when you are born with a quite definitive physical gender really is to act in defiance of 30 trillion of your own body's cells that will always know otherwise.  Those are horrifically steep and daunting odds!


     Who would cross a busy street when the odds of surviving are known to be 30 trillion to one?  Who would have their child try to cross such a street? Not a good idea, right, if you are not forced at gunpoint to try it?  What if your child is sure they want to try crossing the street anyway?  Can you simply say, at your criminal negligence trial, that your child really, truly wanted to try crossing the street?  You are the parent.  You are wiser about life and the world, and you are more experienced concerning what sort of things lead to good or bad outcomes.  Sometimes parents override the expressed desires of their children.  That has always been true for parenting, and for a reason!  Toddlers and children and adolescents and teens all have need of the boundaries set by parents, though the need is hopefully decreasing as they near adulthood.  But no person is going to look back on a situation where their parents let them have a gender reassignment on a whim, because of a passing fancy or fad, and say their parents hit it out of the park in the parenting department.  They would at best say, "How could they have let me make such an important decision at such a young age?"  And at worst they may spend the rest of their life saying something like," How could you have let me do this to myself?  I was too young to understand, but you weren't!  This ruined my life!! "


     Neither parental consent nor school or hospital cooperation with gender reassignments for confused young people will be seen as rational choice making by sometime in the pretty near future.  It is genuine madness really.  It seems to be a passing Satanic attack on decency and God's designed order for the Creation He made.  Just as drug companies are sued for medications that later proved harmful, the gates are also wide open for hospitals and schools and parents that decided to be a part of such madness, permanently causing a painful change in a confused young persons life, as will often turn out to be the case I think.  Numerous altered adults living in regret and emotional pain...schools and hospitals being sued to smithereens in court.  It's probably coming.  A huge wave of such cases is probably coming.  How hard will it be to show a jury that there is ample proof available that young people aren't up to making great decisions in every case?  They could just show bell bottom pants and thick soled shoes pictures from the 70's, for instance.  And other decades had similar ideas...but they weren't permanent.  Permanent things are harder to laugh about if you decide that you got it wrong.          
















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