Physics: 1836 : 1 Is The (Biblically Relatable?) Mass of A Proton To An Electron.
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Christians believe that the entire Creation was brought to being by the Holy Father with Jesus there beside Him. The Spirit of Wisdom was there rejoicing and taking delight also. And the Holy Spirit was involved. It was an amazing time. But one of the takeaways from believing this is that we consider God to have complete knowledge of the future (pre-knowledge of all that the unfolding of time would reveal in human history, for instance) even then at the very beginning, and complete knowledge of all the smallest and largest material details of the Creation.
Hydrogen is the most basic element. 1 electron orbiting a nucleus composed of 1 proton. Science believes that they have determined the mass ratio of an electron and a proton as 1 : 1836. It would take 1,836 electrons to equal the mass of a proton. So it is an extremely fundamental ratio...the 1836 is a very fundamental numeral in the building of the universe. it a Biblical number? Is the significance of that number built into the scriptures of the Holy Bible or built into Biblical history? Is it 'memorialized' in the Word of God as we are finding that so many Physics fundamentals seem to be? Maybe!
There is the year 1836 B.C. for instance. Some Biblical timelines say that Jacob (who God later renamed Israel) was born that year. Other timelines give other years, and I do not personally know which timeline is best. But several timelines gave the year 1836 B.C And that is interesting because Jacob became the dad of his 12 famous sons who became the founders of the 12 tribes of Israel. They followed their father Jacob around, working as a family and herding livestock. I feel like he sort of pre-figures Jesus dwelling among His 12 Apostles after His crucifixion. (After all, Jacob's father Isaac was literally almost killed as a sacrifice by his own father Abraham, but God Almighty would have it actually occur and stopped it. It was a gut-check, a test of Abraham's faith and Isaac's obedience. So Isaac would seem to represent Jesus during His years walking the Earth.) When some people tried to kill Jesus, the Holy Father would not fully allow it. Jesus arose from the dead after their attempt. Then He led His 12 as they spread His teaching of honoring God with all of your might and loving your neighbor as much as yourself all across the face of the Earth. He let his disciples be harmed and even killed in cases, but their souls He guarded and saved for all of eternity.
And so Jacob...the one who was to lead 'the 12'...reminds me of Jesus leading His 12 Apostles as they went about their various missions as they embodied the primordial Church, the Bride of Christ, and caused it to grow into thousands and later millions and now finally billions of professed believers in our day. They are 'the Christian church'. And Jesus watches over His flock like a shepherd circles his sheep, like an electron circles its natural counterpart...the the centuries pass from one to the other, even until now which appears to be very close to His time of return.
So, the number 1836, so very fundamental to all of Creation, may have a Biblical connection to Jesus and to Jacob/Israel, who are both very fundamental for God's plan for human kind (Jesus being far greater, of course!)
Is the makeup of Hydrogen, this most basic element, supposed to bring Jesus to mind? Is it supposed to call to mind Jesus who told the people of His day to follow him and not the 70 Jewish leaders of the Sanhedrin (who had become very wicked and worldly in Jesus' time)? The mass of Hydrogen is given as 1.00794 If you look at the number 1.00794 and go to the remainder portion...the 794...and then go to the Bible's 7th Book (judges) ninth chapter, and 4th verse you find there a man who convinces his people to quit following the '70' and to follow him instead. And just as Jesus wasn't accepted by the Jewish 'cream of the social crop' of His day, so this man also accepted as his followers those who were considered unacceptable. Sort of odd, right...sort of unlikely to arrive at such an apt analogy exactly where the numbers might lead you. And see how he addresses 'his mother's clan'? Mary was Jesus' flesh mother, but Joseph was not Jesus' flesh dad. So this makes an odd little additional detail, possibly a supportive one. And also, the name Abimilek means "My Father Is King". Jesus' Father certainly is King! Also, Abimelek becomes 'king' at the base of a great tree. Jesus became our king when he was crucified 'on a tree' as scripture sometimes puts it. So portions of this passage might be meant to pre-sage Jesus in some respects. And this most fundamental of necessary things (what Jesus did for us on the cross) may be foreshadowed in the structure of these most basic and necessary of elements...Hydrogen! Even the number 70 in the passages below can be compared or possibly related to the first 70 disciples that Jesus sent out to reach out to others with the good news of the Gospel. From Judges (the Bible's 7th book) Chapter 9:
9 Abimelek son of Jerub-Baal went to his mother’s brothers in Shechem and said to them and to all his mother’s clan, 2 “Ask all the citizens of Shechem, ‘Which is better for you: to have all seventy of Jerub-Baal’s sons rule over you, or just one man?’ Remember, I am your flesh and blood.”
3 When the brothers repeated all this to the citizens of Shechem, they were inclined to follow Abimelek, for they said, “He is related to us.” 4 They gave him seventy shekels[a] of silver from the temple of Baal-Berith, and Abimelek used it to hire reckless scoundrels, who became his followers. 5 He went to his father’s home in Ophrah and on one stone murdered his seventy brothers, the sons of Jerub-Baal. But Jotham, the youngest son of Jerub-Baal, escaped by hiding. 6 Then all the citizens of Shechem and Beth Millo gathered beside the great tree at the pillar in Shechem to crown Abimelek king.
End quote.
Kind of interesting, right?
But there is one other strange thing (numerically speaking) about the ratio of an ELECTRON to a PROTON. If you reverse the fraction and divide the mass of an electron (call it '1') by the mass of the proton (which appears to have been scientifically established as 1,836 times the electron's mass) then you have the fraction 1 / 1,836. This equals .0005446623
So, if you decide to numerically break it apart into Biblically relatable or highly symbolic numbers (which admittedly is a subjective exercise) you could decide to divide it into 5 then 44 then 66 then 23. The 5 might remind a person of how the Jews wandered the promised land in 4 groups of tribes (3 tribes in each cardinal direction as they marched) with the Levites (including their high priest Aaron and their leader Moses and all of the Levites as a separate 5th group always marching separately in their center, as they learned unsuccessfully to try to follow Moses' Law. So, 5 is a number that could be representative as God moving along with His chosen people, training them and caring for them. The number 44 is said to be how long it took to build the Jewish Holy Temple. Some sources give this as the number. The number 66 is a number that seems to associate (to a flabbergasting degree) with occasions within the Bible and without, where God saves His people from disaster, in the nick of time...a disaster that often destroys their enemies at the same time. Being believers in the 66 book Protestant Bible may be one good example. The Puritans took 66 days to cross the ocean in search of their religious freedom is another example. They are a lot of examples! The Christians fled the Temple of God and Jerusalem, for instance, in A.D. 66 and were therefore not destroyed by the Roman siege that began destroying the city then and fully succeeded in A.D. 70. The Jews from all of the Jewish tribes who had become Christians survived. Those who stayed with the organized Jewish faith that had rejected Jesus...were largely destroyed by the Romans. Old writers said that no Christians died in that siege. They all thought they were seeing the signs they were told to watch for, and when the Romans briefly and unexpectedly broke the siege in A.D. 66 the Christians recognized their opportunity and fled the destruction they saw coming. And the number 23 is the number of The Bride! We humans are a creature with 23 chromosome pairs, and it is the 23rd which determines our gender. It is through use of the 23rd chromosome that God has provided all male humans with their female brides. But it is THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, composed of all of us sinful but redeemed humans who chose to follow Jesus as our Lord and to do His teachings, that group is Jesus' bride, the scriptures tell us.
So this very fundamental ratio can be numerically expressed as: God/Jesus dwells with His chosen people (5). Then they try to live under the many rules of Moses' Law, getting to practice their faith in His Temple...but they largely fail and most even reject their Messiah (44). But Jesus saves those who recognized and chose Him, leading them out of the unbearable weight of a form of worship that had so many rules that no man seemed able to follow it. Jesus saved them just in time. And Jesus brought His chosen ones out of danger just in time to be with Him. (66) And they became His bride, who has since born Him many children...many new Christian believers. (23)
.0005446623 .000 5 44 66 23
That is no more than a symbolic story I made up using some common and Biblically relatable numbers, in the order they occur in, that are found when you divide the mass of an electron by the mass of a proton (using the numbers apparently accepted by science at this time, and ignoring the zero's) but it is a story that is as important, as fundamental, as crucial as any true human story there is, one could argue. Truthfully, only God knows if He meant to hint at anything when He determined what the mass ratio would be between an electron and a proton. I am unlikely to have read it right unless the Holy Spirit guided me, which I do not know to be the case though I always pray for it when I write things. And the numbers do relate well and fairly enough to the telling of the story, the story of Jesus' redemption of His people, the people the Father granted Him, a group of people which He will one day offer back to the Father, returning all that is under His authority so that the Father can be all in all, as it seems to plainly tell us will happen in 1 Corinthians chapter 15.
God made the Creation. Scripture tells us that what we see in the Creation itself should be able to inform us plainly that the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob is the Creator who made it all. So, maybe in a great many ways the Creation truly does testify. This may or may not be one such way.
Romans 1:20 :
20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
Psalm 19:1 :
“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.”