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January 20, 2025:  Donald Trump Takes Office For the Second Time, Now As the 47th US President.



     We inaugurated President Trump today and may God's favor and guidance be constantly upon him and all of our 'local through national, old and new leaders' for the good of the Kingdom of Heaven, then America, and then the wider world wherever possible.  May God find Himself willing and able (considering he allowed us free will) to keep our whole nation humble and focused on honoring and obeying Him and loving our neighbor as Jesus taught us.  We have a great opportunity to rid ourselves of massive amounts of corruption and New World Order influence right now.  I pray we have the tools and determined will to do it, because the corrupticons will go down hard and nasty and trying every trick in the book to win back their power, I would predict.    

     May our leaders listen for and hear God's voice and then heed it, so they may receive God's favor and the salvation of their own souls, as well as doing what is for our national benefit.  May our leaders be servants to the governed and even more so to Jesus.  May our leaders start each day by reminding themselves that the various teachers and priests and political authorities among God's people are held to stricter and higher standards by God than others are, and also that it is wrong for any man or woman to think too much of themselves because we humans are all made of dust, and are all fallen sinners beneath the eyes of God.  And may all leaders remember that Satan tries the hardest to take over those who hold the most power, since much harm can be done through such people as rise to hold power and who come to wield above average sized influence over various numbers of their neighbors.  To have power over those humans who hold power is a very great victory for Satan, and Satan is real.  Yet Satan is not allowed to forcefully take over the unwilling soul.  He can lure you off the path, but he isn't allowed to drag you off the path.  So he works to fill people with pridefulness and envy of others and with overinflated opinions of themselves, and a desire for empire and for ever greater importance.  It is a temptation presented to all of the most powerful human figures, I believe, but to us other ordinary figures as well in our compact-sized lives!  Yet to the 'ruler' of a major super-power in this high tech day and age it will be a human achievement of great note to serve God commendably and go no further than Jesus' leadings clearly indicate.  Inviting the willing cooperation of other nations in any endeavor may be fine...God knows, I don't.  But coercion of other nations by America may be an act of defiance against the plans of God, because other nations have their guidance and discernment from Jesus also, and it quite certainly may be better discernment than our nation has at any particular moment, for all we know.  Whenever power is used to coerce or bully we take an extremely high risk of stepping away from the will of God.  So it is important that we pray for God's guidance of our selves and our leaders for the greatest benefit of the Kingdom of Heaven, and then our national welfare, and then for the good of the rest of the world also. 

     It is not smugness to say that the spread of Jesus' teachings is what is best for all of the world.  Jesus has shown Himself to be the real deal, the genuine article...the Son of God sent to be our Savior and Ruler beneath the Father Almighty.  Faithfully practiced Christianity is a blessing for all who walk the Earth, a fountain of goodness, kindness, and blessings to all mankind.  There is not a single thing wrong with wishing Christianity upon all the world.  Christianity is an open door and an extended hand to all people from all places...while they live here on this world, while they can still choose.  It is, after all, not a religion invented by Christians, but the teachings of someone Who participated in the creation of every man and woman and of all of the Creation in its entirety, in fact.  Christianity is the Holy Father's intended course for us, as is attested by oh so many great miracles throughout the centuries, miracles such as other so called 'gods' were never able to perform.  Pagan nation after pagan nation saw this and changed their course to join with others under Jesus' reign.  Every great leader should work not to make a mighty name for themselves, but rather to further enhance the name and glory of the mighty Son of God, and Jesus will one day come into ruling possession of it all, only to turn and give it all to His Father, so that His Father will be all in all. (1 Corinthians 15:24)

     Christians pray for their 'rulers and authorities', and we obey our rulers and authorities where ever it does not cause us to conflict with following Jesus (Jesus must always be our first Lord, we must be obedient to him no matter what the cost.)  But we Christians, and we Americans in fact, never worship our leaders.  They are just humans.  They will do a great job if they try hard and seek advice and wisdom and pray for wisdom and guidance, and if we, the governed, help them and pray for them.  But they are human and prone to error and God can remove any one of them from the stage in an instant.  Note what it tells us in Proverbs 11:7  :

     "Hopes placed in mortals die with them;  all the promise of[a] their power comes to nothing."  End quote  

     So probably one of the best prayers we can say for any new 'ruler' is that they will discharge their duties and responsibilities well, as God defines 'well', and with a humble and conscientious spirit, with zeal to please Jesus, so that at the end of their 'reign' they can receive God's favor and present themselves before God one day with a clear conscience, having done their best to please Jesus in the governance of their assigned portion of His flock. 









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