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 Thoughts And Facts Arranged In No Particular Order Concerning Their Worth






January 23, 2025


    1.)  Venus has the odd property of not only rotating in reverse on its axis compared to the direction that the other planets rotate, but also it has a day (one rotation around its axis takes 243 Earth days) which takes longer than its year (One orbit around the sun takes 224.7 Earth days.  It does circle the sun in the counter-clockwise direction, when seen from far above the sun's north Pole, looking down, like the other planets do.)  This makes Venus a sort of mystery in a way, which is in keeping with its thick cloud cover!  On Venus, for anyone living on its surface, the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, though again the cloud cover would make it probably couldn't see it very well.  And you wouldn't get many sunrises with only about one day every 8 months happening.  Ground temperature on Venus is about 860 F., whereas modern space suits can handle only about 250 F.  Not an overly welcoming environment! 


    2.) I feel like this is an important personal discovery about weight gain that I need to share.  It may not seem true at first, but it is true.  When you are eating, food that is on one side of your mouth doesn't end up causing you to gain weight like food on the other side does.  I have run this experiment cover and over, and no matter how unlikely it sounds it turns out that the evidence is irrefutable.  The food on the outside of my mouth never causes me to gain weight.    



January 7, 2025


     Our bodies have around 30 trillion cells, and their chromosomes all contain a section defining our gender.  Changing your gender puts you at odds with 30 trillion pieces of evidence (your cells!) that suggest that you are choosing to change in defiance of hard, cold, unbiased facts.  Pretty dissuasive odds!


December 31, 2024


     1.)  Microaggressions have been a big thing these last years.  Little, tiny aggressions, I guess.  Here is a definition that I found:  " a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group."  I am not going to say that these are not a real thing.  In fact, I believe they are.  But, since they leave no real trace they can be claimed by anyone who wants to be recognized as a victim.  And we certainly have a great number of those people in our country today.  What we call 'the Left' in the United State is totally teeming with people aching with every fiber of their being to be identified as a victim.  Some of them see it as glamorous.  They imagine they will be seen as someone bravely fighting an almost invisible battle against oppression and/or unfairness of some sort.  And in the absence of actual regular sized aggressions that you can justifiably complain about because there were witnesses and some sort of calculable damage was done, you can always claim that you have suffered a microaggression (who can really refute your claim?) and then you can complain about it.  This is very convenient and highly useful - a big draw - for a fraction of the perpetually wounded American Left who genuinely identify with the idea of being wounded but have precious little to hang their hat on.

     A proper Christian response to microaggressions can be hard.  First, we are wrong to knowingly take microaggressive actions against anyone.  That is just being a provocateur, or unloving, or perhaps even cruel.  And it is probably right to lend some genuine sympathy and reassurance whenever we sense that the 'victims' really do feel they have received some small wounding that was legitimate.  But if it honestly appears to a Christian that the victim is sort of making it up to try to gain membership to the Liberal Left's 'Perpetually Wounded Club' then maybe it is best if we extend micro-sympathies or extend micro-apologies, commensurate with the real or perceived wounding of the micro-victim of the micro-aggression in question.  It is sort of a modern day equivalent of the olden days parental admonition to 'rub some dirt on it and get over it!' that parents used when their children were being ridiculously wimpy.  Or sometimes parents would say "It's a long way from the heart.  I think you'll live."  There was even the somewhat disdainful "Do you want to cry for no reason?  Then come over here and I'll give you something real to cry about!"  As a kid growing up I recall actually adjusting my mental evaluation of the extent of my woundedness because my parents let me know I was over-dramatizing, in their view.

     If we minimalize an actual wounding, that is wronging someone who might need some comfort and some reassurance that they should not have been treated that way.  But if we feed the flames of someone's hugely hyper-dramatized psycho-trauma over a largely fallacious injury by helping them make a big deal out of it, we genuinely aren't helping them at all in the long term.  We're all like a big herd of cows running along in the same direction together.  The occasional poke from the tip of a horn, accidental or even purposeful, is deserving of only so much of our attention because there are much bigger issues in life to be dealt with.  And if one of the cattle is always trying to get a bit of a poke in on his neighbors he'll become known by the whole herd soon enough as a trouble maker you don't want to run beside. 


     2.)  I love the English language so much because there are always little gems.  I saw a football commentary show for a minute today where they were posting a list of some team's "Notable Injuries."  These were injuries that were bad enough that that those player wouldn't be able to play for a while.  Then I noticed that "Notable" used all of the same letters as "Not Able".  Not a real belly buster as far as humor nuggets go, but I did smile when I realized it.


     3.)  Earth never experiences days and nights.  Earthlings do.  The Earth itself is always lit on the 'towards the sun side' and always dark on the 'away from the sun' side.  Not so with the Moon.  It is often dark on the 'away from the sun' side, but the shadow of the Earth makes it dark on the 'normally lit side' to some degree for 27 days out of every 28 days, essentially.  Sometimes it is completely dark, as on the New Moon day.  Then there are eclipses, but they are pretty rare.  So to whatever extent the Sun warms a celestial body the Moon has received a lot less of that warmth over the ages than the Earth has.  The Moon has only ever shaded the Earth a little bit, but the Earth has shaded the Moon far more.  So, if you knew enough about the numerous variables of atmospheric shielding then you might be able to find a mineral or compound that is common on both the Earth and the Moon, and which undergoes changes at a steady rated based on impacts from the Sun's radiant light, and develop an age for the Moon and the Earth based on the difference between the effect this sunlight has had on those two samples vice upon some third sample of the mineral taken from a deep enough depth that the soil has shielded it from the Sun's radiative effects.  Maybe using just the Moon's soil would work better.  Exposed side Moon's soil's change compared to the same mineral on the shielded unexposed side, weighed against some known and determined rate of deterioration of that mineral from the radiation it would, on the average, receive from the Sun when the Sun shines upon it at the calculated intensity.   Could a good way to determine the age of planetary bodies like the Earth be derived from this?  Has this already been done using soil samples from the Earth or the Moon?            





December 26, 2024


     1.)  "The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for..."  Ernest Hemingway.   


     We have brought sin and death into the world, but it is a marvelous work of God even still.  Every single generation can have a healthy and caring regard for this planet that the Father made with the Son beside Him.  Our governments may be different, nation to nation, but this knowledge that we share a fine planet that we should appreciate can be one of the great uniting forces for humanity.  Global Climate Disruption is a huge, evil "scam calamity" being used by the New World Order baddies to try to stealthily and deceptively take power, but good healthy regard for our environment on all local levels is just good wisdom on the part of all people.         


December 20, 2024 


     1.)  Adam may have been the first to note that ribs can be ridiculously expensive.         



December 13, 2024


     1.)  When Ukraine engages in war against Russia there is new history being laid down.  But there is some old history there also, some old animosity, quite a lot of very deep seated animosity, in fact.  The Soviet Union starved around 3.8 million Ukrainians to death in 1932 and 1933 (many estimates are higher.)  Ukraine was a gigantic grain growing area, lots of dark, rich soil.  Joseph Stalin judged Ukraine to be dangerously unwilling to be forcefully incorporated into the socialist collectivist empire he was forming.  They had nationalist feelings as Ukrainians.  They felt separate from the Russians.  Stalin used the many methods available to a Socialist or Communist type government to box the Ukrainians in, make sure that no unfiltered news could get out to the world at large, then laws were enacted to ensure that Ukrainian grain was shipped out to other parts of Russia and it was actually illegal for Ukrainians to have any of their own Ukrainian-grown grain in their possession as food unless Russian officials had allotted it to them as food, at one point.  Many Ukrainian fathers, in desperation, tried going to neighboring countries to get work and food to feed their families with, but Stalin made this illegal also.  Then he ruthlessly and relentlessly had the Ukraine slowly starved to death... men, women, and children.  This was referred to as the Holodomor (holod = hunger and mor = starvation...death inflicted by starvation.)  It was a planned and purposeful display of absolute brutal power and dominance such as can occur ever so much more easily in a Socialist, Communist or Autocratic type government structure.  These types of governments seem to always be seized up on and subverted from their originally intended form by the cruelest and most power hungry personality types, and it becomes a matter of keeping your head down and going along with whatever their latest insane plans are if you want to even stay alive.


     A brief outline of the Holodomor can be found here.  There are many other sites as well.  

     It should be a red flag of the bloodiest color to have a political party in the United States whose top tier ringleaders seem to all desire to move our nation towards Socialism, towards this brutal and controlling form of government, pretending that it is for the good of the people that they wish it.  No!  Those are fairly educated people.  They know where such governments seem to always lead, history has made it pretty plain at this point, and yet they would prefer to be big wigs in that sort of government rather than the type we presently have in the USA.  The present crop of top Democrats are simply terrifying.  They are not unaware, yet they are in it to win it for subverting the American government into a form wherein they could never be dislodged from their evil doings by a dissatisfied electorate.  It's like America has two family dogs, and one of them already has signs of incurable rabies, and the other must always be watched for signs.  But we can at least vote the one that already has rabies into oblivion.  A new party would arise then, and it would also aim to gain the vote of today's Democrats and Liberals, but for a time it would have the good sense to avoid the sorts of genuinely insane positions openly supported by the Democrats of the 2024 era.  That old Democrat party and those old evil powerful faces cannot simply be rolled over into the newly renamed third party, though.  They have to be lopped off like a gangrenous leg in order for any new third party to arise and thrive.  And even I, a conservative and an America lover (though not above the goals of Jesus!) would not want a one party system (Republicans) for too long because as they say, "Power corrupts and total power corrupts totally."  I wish there could somehow be only two or three American parties that were all both Christian and Conservative in their values, vying for our vote each election, all of them pushing for a more righteous, sensible, kind and loving America and world.  But the Devil is a very hard worker.  And the Christian Church tends to grow lazy and liberal and permissive in ways that Jesus would never wish for when it is living in times that are too easy and unchallenging.  The Devil, by contrast, does evil, promotes evil, invites evil, inflicts evil upon all humans everywhere whenever he can, using what ever or who ever he can.  The Devil doesn't do easy and lazy.  So the Christian Church has the tools to create the world Jesus asked us to create.  But so far we have never had the sustained will and determination to do so.  Are we the napping woman in the Psalm of Solomon?                  







December 12, 2024


     1.)  The mind is a bowl that you eat from for all of your life, but never get to wash.  Be careful what you put in the bowl!


     2.)  They are presently saying that in the USA, concerning married couples in which the woman has a college degree, that it is this wife with the degree that chooses to get the divorce...this college educated wife who is the one in the marriage who files for the divorce...9 times out of every 10 times that a divorce is filed for in such a marriage.  And they are saying that among all divorces in the USA, regardless of education levels, it is the woman who files for the divorce 2 times out of every 3.  It seems like these should be startling and deeply concerning statistics for any society wishing well for itself.  When it comes to the things that you almost have to have in order for life to seem good and to make sense, it seems that having wholesome, stable, and intact families is among the most important of them all.  Divorce obviously comes close to destroying any chance of that.  Intact families provide tremendous advantages for producing psychologically healthy, emotionally intact human beings.  Satan would know that fact.  Destroying our family units is probably high on his agenda.  We probably need to look deeply into this problem and find out why women are too easily deciding to divorce compared to women of 75 years ago, or what men are doing to drive them to it more than previous generations of men 75 years ago did.  Could it be possible that it should be made more difficult to divorce?  Should couples with children be forced to go through perhaps 20 marital counseling sessions if they have children prior to being allowed to divorce, at least when there is no especially compelling reason for the divorce, such as in cases where they have just drifted apart or the marriage has become stale for a while?  This gender difference seems to point at women being more susceptible to wanting to give up on their marriages, but maybe there's something else behind it.  It's a pretty big deal, and it would be great if women across the country began to form groups to try to help figure it out and fix it, even if it turns out that men are the greater cause.  Because it would appear that women might be the gateway to the solution, and no man has the power to compel women to tackle this issue.  It kind of needs to come from their camp I think.  But it would be a mighty accomplishment if women, working nation-wide on this endemic problem, figured it out and made America's marriages a healthier and safer place for our American children again.  Even if the solution turns out to be that it is the men who need to change, we should still at least take the necessary steps to identify the problem that has led to the increase.  I personally think that women like having options in all areas of life, and are simply geared to see readily available divorce ( America has this 'no fault divorce' option now, and has for many decades) as simply being another one of their options, much like any other.  I don't think women view it as a 'nuclear option'...a last recourse action like their great, great grandmothers might have viewed it.  I think men see it more that way than women do.  But again, it probably needs to be figured out and fixed with our women leading the charge.  Someone needs to fix it, because few issues cause more havoc in American and Christian society.   Few things cause more pain in our American children. 


     3.)  Proverbs Chapter 19 gems:

14 Houses and wealth are inherited from parents,
    but a prudent wife is from the Lord.

15 Laziness brings on deep sleep,
    and the shiftless go hungry.

16 Whoever keeps commandments keeps their life,
    but whoever shows contempt for their ways will die.

17 Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord,
    and he will reward them for what they have done.

18 Discipline your children, for in that there is hope;
    do not be a willing party to their death.

19 A hot-tempered person must pay the penalty;
    rescue them, and you will have to do it again.

20 Listen to advice and accept discipline,
    and at the end you will be counted among the wise.



November 30, 2024


     1.)  Saw this about the downside of 'progress' :  'The constant increase in useful products and inventions produces a constant increase in the fraction of people who lack useful skills.'


     2.)  You can learn a great deal from the Books of Wisdom even if you don't consider yourself too academic.  If you haven't read them and gone over them with your children and grandchildren, then who will be their teacher?  The schools don't do it and the churches do it more incidentally than purposefully.  Teach from Psalms and Proverbs and Job and Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes and Wisdom of Solomon and Wisdom of Sirach.  Those are seven 'pillars of wisdom' that have a great deal to offer.  But greater wisdom is to be found in the New Testament.  So teach that also, and let them know that Jesus is wiser than any man who ever lived; Jesus let people know that He had a greater wisdom than King Solomon, who had previously been the wisest human born of regular man and woman.  

     God hates bribing, accepting bribes, and corruption.  He hates false or purposely corrupted weights and measures.  He likes those with power, public trust, and influence to behave honorably, respectfully and responsibly.  He does not like to see the guilty acquitted.  A court should not favor the rich over the poor nor the poor over the rich.  He likes justice to be applied evenly.  He does not like to see the innocent cheated out of justice, nor the innocent wrongly accused.  You learn such great truths as these from these wisdom books.  What powerful humans you can help form and guide when you fill them with God's teachings as children, but even adults can gain so much from them!


     3.)  The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.


     4.)   Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.


     5.)  If you go somewhere new and rise too fast or burn too brightly you will cause deep malicious envy in some people.  You can decide to lay back and perhaps rise slowly enough to avoid it.  That might work.  Or you can try to just accept it and try harder than ever to achieve.   But don't be surprised by their reaction.  You may not be wired to be especially prone to envy, but some people feel it irrationally and with the deepest sort of intensity.  But they were made to be who they are, and you are made to be who you are.  So just give yourself a thorough heart check to make sure you aren't being boastful or conceited and if you think you're not, then give everything the best you've got.  The people who try harder reach their goals more often as a rule.


     6,)  In a group setting hard workers tend to get worked hard by bosses who are not such hard workers as them but are skilled at politics.  So be aware of this and take politics into account as you plan your career or work your plans for your life.        



November 27, 2024


     Strange English, a spiritually engineered language?  Maybe they all are. :  The circumference of Earth, of the world, is 24,901 miles at the equator they are lately saying.  The Earth spins around an imaginary 'pole' once a day, in 24 hours as we know.  All of Earth's events, the events of the world, of the 'whirled', take place around this important 'pole, this axis, which passes through the Earth.  That means people are traveling in a circle, being whirled, at 1,037.5 miles per hour, 17.29 miles per hour at the equator.  It decreases to 0 mph at the poles.  When I hear the 1985 song "We Are the World"  I think about how we also are all being 'whirled' around our axis, our pole.  See the number 17.29 miles per hour?  If you go to book 1 (Genesis) chapter 7, verses 2 thru 9 the setting is that the enemy of God's people, the fallen angels, have caused the world to be too wicked for God to want to tolerate, and God's people are almost ruined; but one man on all the Earth, a man named Noah, has pleased God, and God has decided to save and spare him.  In these verses God is getting ready to destroy all of the world (and all of the whirled) except what and who he specifies for the Ark of Noah to save:

"7 The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth. Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.”

And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him.

Noah was six hundred years old when the floodwaters came on the earth. And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood. Pairs of clean and unclean animals, of birds and of all creatures that move along the ground, male and female, came to Noah and entered the ark, as God had commanded Noah. 10 And after the seven days the floodwaters came on the earth."  End Quote 

     So the whole Earth, spinning on it axis, spinning on its "pole", is about to be destroyed.  The Devil had his plans almost come to fruition, but then God flipped the script.  God killed those who belonged to the devil, but God's chosen lived on!


       And if you use that same number 17.29 miles per minute rotation speed at the equator, and go to a Protestant Bible's 17th book (Book of Esther) chapter 2, verse 9, there you find that the a woman named Esther is  being chosen to replace a Queen that would not dance, that would not obey her king.  It's almost similar to how Christians, who would obey God through Jesus, replaced the Jewish Sanhedren of 2,000 years ago, who would not obey the Holy Father and Moses' Law.  This last minute substitution, this substitute Queen, a Jew named  named Esther, would turn out to be a woman that risked everything, even her life, to save her people.  The devil, using a wicked man named Haman, a descendant of Esau, and of Amalek who was Esau's grandson, a powerful coutier in the court of Esther's king, had almost brought to fruition yet another devilish plot to derail God's plan, to destroy God's people the Jews from the world.  But again, God flipped the script.  And when scheming Haman had put up a sharpened 50 foot pole for Esther's protector and leader Mordecai to be impaled upon, God arranges things so that it is Haman that is impaled upon it instead.  The Jews 2,000 years ago from our present time had it in mind to use a 'pole' to derail God's plan:  the pole our Lord Jesus was hung on, the cross of Jesus.  But instead the errant Jews fulfilled God's plan.  And, the Jews thought they were manipulating mighty Rome to kill Jesus on that cross, but instead mighty Rome destroyed these Jews who had gone wicked against God at that time.  Rome destroyed nearly all of Jewish Israel about 40 years after Jesus crucifixion.  But though angry and punishing the  Jews of that generation and birthing a new faith called Christianity to replace the Jewish leadership of Jesus' time, the 'Queen who would not dance', God the Father still did not destroy the Jews completely.  He guides them still to this day, in our day, because He chose them long ago.  And if a Father, for a time period of His choosing, justly punishes His own well beloved children who have acted wickedly, that is His prerogative.  The other children's job is to obey and continue pleasing their Father.  Children are not the ones with the wisdom and perspective to punish justly...their Father is.  In fact, they should probably be praying that their brother's punishment can end with the Father's forgiveness and that their brother can be restored in good standing to their midst.  And this will be true of the Jews, of the Israelites, we know.  Restoration is their destiny, isn't it?  We see a great deal of it completed even today in 2024 A.D.  Restoration.


     Why is Haman's pole 50 feet high?  Maybe because 50 years is a Jubilee period, an important Jewish cycle of years, and there is a release from servitude and a great restoration of what was lost at the end of a Jubilee period.  Maybe it's related to that.         








November 26, 2024


     1.)  We Christians are only to ask God for the answers to mysteries we are curious about...we are not to go to fortune tellers or soothsayers, or take part in seances, use Ouija Boards,  etc..  Even if they somehow give amazing answers, by what spirit is the answer given?  Spirits familiar with our lives can be dark spirits.  Maybe they tell us a couple of true things so that they can mislead us on some third or fourth thing.  So we plainly address any such questions we might have in prayer only to Jesus, the Holy Spirit, or God the Father.  And besides, Leonardo Da Vinci for instance lived in a time when the efficacy of palm reading was sometimes discussed, and his take on it was interesting.  He said that sometimes in a brutal military battle a great many men might lay dead on the battle field, all having met their fate and ended their lives in the same manner at the same time, yet all of their palms are different.  How then can your palm tell your fate? (end Leonardo's observation.)  

     And as for the stars you were born under, how can the people of the southern hemisphere be affected by constellations seen only in the northern hemisphere?  And what of people who are born so far north or south that there is perpetual daylight for months in some parts of the year?  Do they even know which constellation they were born under? 

     And as far as those people with spirits who know the future or know peculiar things about the lives of others, why does history not record a great many of them becoming very wealthy by knowing what to enterprises to invest in?  Why haven't despotic rulers taken them captive and forcibly made them use their gift to help plan their strategies?  Even the Bible mentions people with spirits inside of them that can tell people certain predictions about their lives that come true, yet the spirits allowing them to do that are not good spirits, even if they mention God.  Acts 16:16  In the Book of Acts Paul rebuked a woman with such a spirit inside of her, and it left her.  She lost her predictive powers.  But she had been following Paul, praising Paul's mission and abilities as having come from God.  But she wouldn't quit doing it, so he eventually turned around and drove the spirit out of her using the Holy Spirit's authority.   Bad spirits know about God, and some may even acknowledge God's power.  And they know things about people.  But yet, they are misled spirits.  So Christians pray for their answers from the true God:  the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit of God.

     Winter children and Summer children and Spring born children and Fall born children have certain qualities?  There is the whole issue of the southern hemisphere verses the north to consider, but what about the equatorial children, who are born in a place that really doesn't have that sort of seasonal change?

     In short, it is God who knows the future in full, and God alone that we consult.  Only God.  We also won't always get an answer about the future, for reasons God knows. 


     2.)  English:  Ice fishermen cut holes in the ice to fish through.  Sometimes it is ocean ice.  Are they using a sea saw?


     3.)  In the Book of Daniel written in the 6th century B.C. the young Hebrew prophet Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's nightmare about a giant metallic man shaped colossus (man shaped figure) in this way:  He said that the different metals from the top of the colossus to the bottom represented different future kingdoms.  The golden head was their present time.  The feet of iron and clay were a far future time.  In the nightmare a rock not cut by human hands (we now know that this was a symbol of Jesus) fell from above and crashed onto the colossus' feet, shattering them and the whole colossus to dust.  Then a wind blew the dust away, and the rock grew to fill the whole world.  We know that the feet getting hit by the rock represented the end times, events which still haven't come, even in November 2024 as I write this, because Jesus still hasn't come for the second time yet.  Separately, in the Book of Revelation, two great prophets will preach in the end times trying to save all of the souls they can before the end of the very last chance for salvation arrives.  So the two great prophets are to be found at the feet of the colossus, time wise.  In the Bible the two longest prophetic books are Jeremiah with 52 chapters and Isaiah with 66 chapters.  In the human body, our feet have a combined 52 bones and 66 joints.  What are the odds?  Yet we are told that we are created in the image of God.  In Colossians it says Jesus is the image of God.  So we are made in Jesus' image.  One of Jesus names is 'the Word'.  The Bible is also a form of the Word.  And as shown above, there are ways that our fleshly bodies are literally designed to complement and reflect the Bible's words and teachings and prophecies.  We are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made, as the Bible words it. 


     4.)  English is a spiritually engineered language?:  We all have our good and bad tendencies.  But we're all responsible for ridding ourselves of our bad tendencies once we can see they are bad, right?  Bad tendencies, sinful tendencies...they should be exorcised, not exercised.


     5.)  I am not deriding going to Mars or other planets.  But people who might end up living there are sure going to look through their telescopes and wish they lived here.  Arid desolation versus abundant, bountiful, beautiful, flourishing life.  It's a no brainer choice for most types of people.  Maybe once the terra-forming is complete it could be alright, though. 


     6.)  The language of the Old Testament Bible seems clear, to me right now anyway, that end times Christians that still remain or end times Christians which have arisen will literally travel to emigrate to Israel on a physical road or pathway or highway that God will construct or will have constructed for the purpose of their travels.  And it sounds like it will be a road that is very flat and level and easy to travel on no matter what terrain it passes through.  Perhaps God will even make the weather good for travel?  In the United States, within the present USA borders anyway, I would guess that Highway 66 might be an important part of it.  And maybe Hawaiians might be heading north to the Aleutians on exposed or raised sea bed or by water craft and then would possibly go east, based on underwater geography leading north out of Hawaii, so it wouldn't be surprising to me if all of the USA emigrants to Israel were routed north to Alaska then east across Asia also. (God could just make new roads where he wanted them, of course) I think that maybe Jacob's return to his homeland with his large group and his meeting subsequent meeting with Esau in the Book of Genesis possibly presages the Christians' arrival to Israel.  And I think the Israeli citizens will be kind and generous to the returning Christians as Esau was to Jacob, actually welcoming us, and will try to find a place for us at that point.  There may not be all that many Christians left to make the trip!  And I think maybe we will be united in our beliefs about Jesus at that time, with the Jews accepting that He is God's Son, our Savior and theirs, and their Messiah.  But Jesus, ever a loyal Son, will at some point turn around and give all territory and peoples and powers and principalities that He holds to the Father, so the Father will then be all in all as is fitting, like it says in 1 Corinthians 15.  This is all total conjecture on my part.                








November 25, 2024


     1.)  If you divide 1 by 6 you get your 1 back with all the 6's you could ever want.  So it's worth it!    0.166666666..........


     2.)  I feel like God guided the English language into being.  There are so many funny connections. :  The world is made of atoms?  They are the beginning of everything?  Humanity is composed of Adams.  His progeny.  We're all a chip off the old block.  With the first atom the work was begun.  With the last atom it was completed.  With the first Adam humanity was begun.  With the 'last Adam' (Jesus) we will be completed.


     3.)  Strange English:  A shedding dog on a road trip is a car pet that is hard on the carpet.


     4.)  A meat cutting table is a "shelf" to put "flesh" on.  Same letters. Dad was a butcher for a while. 


'     5.)  God had the nation of Israel be shaped like a flint knife, and it frequently 'divides' the world through no fault of its own.


     6.)  Scientists:  The people most well situated for seeing that even a simple cell is monumentally too complex to have accidentally thrown itself together are perhaps the group most averse to admitting this as truth, and perhaps the most committed to not discussing the fact. 


     7.)  Some like to ride a 'horse' on the 'shore'.  Same letters.


     8.)  Light weighs nothing or almost nothing.  It is light. 


     9.)  Lasers can start flames.  'Light' can 'light' fires. 


     10.)  Odd English?  Heaven is the best haven we can have.   We have our greatest   haven in heaven.  Maybe that's why 'haven' uses only letters found in 'heaven', while 'have' uses only letters found in 'heaven' and 'haven'.  So shouldn't we make every effort to have our haven in heaven?   


     11.)  English:  The serpent will strike our 'heel' to kill us.  Our Lord can 'heal' us though, if we look to Him for salvation.


     12.)  Fish live in water with a tiny bit of air.  Humans live in air with a tiny bit of water.


     13.)  English:  In a way, a dermatologist is a healer of leather.  Skin is our covering.  Human skin renews itself every 27 days.  Jesus is the WORD, and the New Testament has 27 books.  The Bible calls Jesus our 'covering of righteousness' among other things.  Jesus is also our great 'healer'.  Oddly, you can arrange the letters in the word healer a certain way, then add a letter 't', which looks like a cross, and you have 'leather'.  See, it's all there...kind of.


     14.)  Hands have 27 bones and 27 joints each, and the New Testament has 27 books and it's our job to extend it to the world...with our hands.  And it's also our job to lend our neighbor a show them Jesus' love on His behalf, the sort of love that He showed us, so that they can know that love also.


     15.)  English:  Some women can be successful managers.  And some women can be successful man agers.


     16.)  English:  Women have to be careful.  Some men act sincere, but really they are 'players'.  Yes, some guys wear a guise.


     17.)  English:  Drivers that are vigilant are 'I see you!' drivers.  Drivers that are not vigilant are ICU drivers.  (Intensive Care Unit)


     18.)  English:  We hit the brake so things don't break.


     19.)  In the last place in the Bible where God specifies how long the lifespan of a human shall be (Psalm 90:10) it says '70' years, 80 years if you are strong, it says.  And the world-wide average life expectancy of men/males is said to currently be 69.6 years, which rounds to 70.  So the expected age of a man, a human male, really is about 70 years.   Jesus walks with us through our 'time of trial' on this Earth for 70 years then, I suppose.  On a related topic, many people agree that the number that signifies Jesus is the number 8, for a variety of Biblical reasons.  Look it up...there are quite a lot of reasons!  And the classic duration of a 'time of trial' in the Bible is 40, as in 40 days or 40 years.  So, we have '8' (Jesus) giving us a '40' (time of trial) for 70 years.  An 8 and a 40.  An 8 + 40?  An 840 of sorts?  It so happens that 70 years times 12 months per year is 840 months.  Coincidence?


     20.)  English:  Christians are told that one day we will judge certain matters...even judge angels one day.  And we are told to judge disputes we have with each other 'among ourselves', not making a spectacle for non-believers to see, I suppose. 

     This is from 1 Corinthians 6:   "If any of you has a dispute with another, do you dare to take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the Lord’s people? Or do you not know that the Lord’s people will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!"   End quote.   

     One symbol of the Christian is the fish.  And separately, one fairly universal symbol of judging things is the scale.  You will see a blind folded figure holding a scale sometimes, for instance, representing a just, fair and unbiased judge.  Appropriate then that in English we say that fish (the aquatic creature) are covered with scales.  And in Moses' Law it says that fish without scales are unacceptable for God's people to eat, that they are unclean.  And in 1 Corinthians 6 and other scripture it says God's people must have judgement or discernment, that they must be able to rightly judge matters.  We must have 'scales'?  And we are signified by the fish?  Mainly I think the fish symbol for Christians is because Jesus' disciples were told by Jesus to 'be fishers of men'.  But maybe there are other meanings also.                 







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