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Oceans Show the Earth To Be Young?





     Secular science has much to lose (much 'face' to lose) if the Earth were shown to be young, such as the 6,000 years the Bible would indicate it to be.  Still, they have much to gain if the true Earth's age becomes well established, and it turns out that our's is a young planet...they could recalibrate other scientific conjectures that were based upon the notion of a billions of years old Earth.  If they somehow were to become convinced that the Earth was young it would obviously lead to many very great discoveries not realized before because of erroneous assumptions...provided that the Earth really truly is a young planet, of course.


     Here are some links to sites, specific articles, (and you can find many many more such sites and articles) that declare the Earth to be 'young' based upon the oceans, yet they also believe that it is the true scientific evidence itself which supports their claims.  People with an open mind might do well to give such articles a fair shot at earning their buy in to the concept, a concept so automatically and categorically maligned by secular science as to draw suspicion that they would be resistant to the extreme in acknowledging it even if the preponderance of the evidence were to eventually indicate a young Earth.  If you are a young scientist or even someone long involved with science, why not challenge yourself to give the Jesus that the Christians call Lord a fair-minded chance to win you over to their side?  After all, if Christians happen to be on the right path when they count the Bible as containing the very words and teachings of our Maker, it is sobering to know that their scriptures say that you cannot avoid eternity in Hell except through accepting and following Jesus (if I understand them correctly!  And I have at least studied them at great length and am a believer in Jesus myself.)  Maybe that sounds wrong or unfair to you to hear that, but it certainly is what the scriptures say...and they contain a great many prophecies of the future which have not,even in a single case, proven false.  Who but God could know exactly how the future would turn out?  And God's Word tells us that the Earth is around 6,000 years old right now.  So if that is true, which scientist would choose to teach otherwise and mislead people away from having trust in their true God?  So if your secular college education was worthy of years of your life, isn't it prudent to put at least a few weeks into really truly researching whether the Bible holds the truth?:








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