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       Our human Sternum, Trachea, and Clavicles Call To Mind Crucified Jesus?  The Sternum area with part of its connecting Ribs and Clavicles is our anatomical 'breastplate', after all.  And it's amazing how much our thyroid cartilage structural area looks like a king's head wearing a crown in some pictures of it that you can find on line...I'm talking about medical anatomical depictions.  Check for yourself.  Search 'human thyroid cartilage structure' and the like, select' images', and peruse some.   And one of the titles given to Jesus in scripture is that He is our 'Breastplate of Righteousness'!!




     As some visitors to this site know, I think that our human anatomical design contains all sorts of 'pictures' of important events and concepts from the Bible.  Many of the pictures have to do with Jesus and the work Jesus did.  I have labeled most of those articles that delve into specific examples of this as part of the 6th Day Series, because in Genesis chapter one we learn that man was made (created) on the 6th Day.  There are around two dozen articles on this subject, I believe, on the Deeds of God website. 



     I think it is a great 'proof of the God of the Bible being the true Creator'.  And it certainly supports Jesus being the Son of God, since all humans across the globe have these Jesus-related 'pictures' designed into our human anatomy.  Amazingly, these pictures exist in great numbers yet are utilized in our bodies in quite functional ways.  It constitutes a masterclass in design and engineering.  The Holy Father's work always does.  But, see below, for yourself, how our Clavicles, Sternum, and Thyroid combine to form what looks quite a lot like an image of a Crucified King on our breastplate.  Our vocal cords are inside the structure that looks like the king's head, so when we speak the gospel it actually emanates from a structure that looks like the head of Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, and all humanity's only possible Savior from eternal judgement, and the Mighty Coming King.  See an example of the idea below:





Compare the artist's picture above to these anatomical images, used under the fair use policy for educational purposes only.   I think that the comparison between our anatomical design as it exists and the designer's intent to display coming Christian history, in advance and from the outset, can be fairly and rationally made, and not just in this case, but in many others throughout the human body. 












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